User Guide
© 2008 Landmark Graphics Corporation
© 2008 Landmark Graphics Corporation
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3DFS, 3D Surveillance, 3DView, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, ADC,
Advanced Data Transfer, ARIES, ARIES DecisionSuite, AssetConnect, Asset Decision Solutions, Asset Development Center,
AssetDirector, Asset Journal, AssetLink, AssetLink Advisor, AssetLink Director, AssetLink Observer, AssetObserver, AssetObserver
Advisor, Asset Performance, AssetPlanner, AssetSolver, AssetSolver Online, AssetView, BLITZPAK, CasingLife, CasingSeat,
COMPASS, Corporate Data Archiver, Corporate Data Store, Data Analyzer, DataManager, DataStar, DBPlot, Decision Management
System, DecisionSpace, DecisionsSpace 3D Drill View KM, DecisionSpace AssetLink, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner, DecisionSpace
AssetSolver, DecisionSpace AssetView 2D, DecisionSpace AssetView 3D, DecisionSpace Atomic Meshing, DecisionSpace Decision
Management Systems(DMS), DecisionSpace for Production, DecisionSpace Infrastructure, DecisionSpace Nexus, DecisionSpace
PowerModel, DecisionSpace PrecisionTarget, DecisionSpace Reservoir, DecisionSpace TracPlanner, DecisionSpace Well Seismic
Fusion, DecisionSpace WellSolver, DecisionSuite, DepthTeam, Depth Team, DepthTeam Explorer, Depth Team Explorer, DepthTeam
Express, Depth Team Express, DepthTeam Extreme, Depth Team Extreme, DepthTeam Interpreter, Depth Team Interpreter, Desktop
Navigator, DESKTOP-PVT, DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, DIMS, Discovery, Discovery Asset, Discovery FrameBuilder, DMS, Drillability Suite,
Drilling Desktop, DrillModel, Drill-to-the-Earth Model, Drillworks, Drillworks ConnectML, DSS, Dynamic Reservoir Management,
Dynamic Surveillance System, EarthCube, EDM, EDT, eLandmark, Engineer’s Data Model, Engineer's Desktop, Engineer’s Link,
ESP, Event Similarity Prediction, ezFault, ezModel, ezSurface, ezTracker, FastTrack, FG+, FieldPlan, Field Scenario Planner, FZAP!,
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Landmark DESKTOP-PVT™ User Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About This Manual
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Mouse Buttons (Interactive Graphics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Mouse Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Key Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Keyboard Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
Cursor Movement Control Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
F2 Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
F5 Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
For More Information... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
Chapter 1
Program Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21
Hardware/Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23
Chapter 2
Getting Started
Starting DESKTOP-PVT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Main Screen Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Menu Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Data Entry Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
Pop-Up Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
File Box Popup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
Text Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Single Item Selection Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
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Chapter 3
Input Data File
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
Last Run - Recall Data From Backup File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
Open - Load Batch File Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
New - Initialize Data To Default Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Save - Save Data Into Batch Data File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Load Database - Load Data From Database File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Save Database - Save Data To Database File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Exit - Terminate DESKTOP-PVT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
Chapter 4
Setup Simulation Environment
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-43
System Info - Add Descriptive Text For Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44
EOS - Equation-of-State Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44
Binary Coeff - Binary Interaction Coefficients Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44
Test Type - Laboratory Tests Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-45
Regression - Automatic Parameter Adjustment Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-47
Pseudoization - Pseudoization Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-47
Thermal - Thermal Application Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48
Water-In-Oil - Water in Oil Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-49
Heavy - Heavy Fraction Characterization Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-49
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Chapter 5
Equation-of-State Properties
Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51
System - Select Component From System Default Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51
User - Make User-Defined Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52
Volatile - Define Volatile Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53
Composition - Global Reference Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53
Load EOS - Load Component From File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-54
Append EOS - Append Component From File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-54
Fluid Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-55
Property - EOS Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56
Temperature & Pressure Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56
Property Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56
Volume Shift Parameters (D & E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58
Binary Coeff - Binary Interaction Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58
Gas Enthalpy - Ideal Gas State Enthalpy Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59
LBC Visc - Lohrenz-Bray-Clark Viscosity Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-61
Pedersen Visc - Pedersen Viscosity Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-62
K-Value Correl - Component K-Value Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-64
CO2TAB Correl-Correlation of CO2 Saturated Water Properties . . . . . . . . . 5-64
Chapter 6
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-69
Heavy - Heavy Fraction Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-70
Parameter - Input For Heavy Fraction Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-70
Calculate - Activate Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-76
Graphics - Graphic Results of Extended Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-77
Review - Tabular Results of Pseudo-Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-77
Save EOS - Save EOS Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-77
Append EOS - Add Heavy Fraction Components to System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-77
Replace EOS - Load Heavy Fraction Components to System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-77
Pseudo - Pseudoization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-78
Pseudo Name - Assign Pseudo-Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-78
Parameter - Input for Pseudoization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-78
Calculate - Activate Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-80
Review - Tabular Results of Pseudoization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-80
Save EOS - Save EOS Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-80
Replace EOS - Load Pseudo Components To System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-80
Append EOS - Add Pseudo Components To System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-81
Regres - Automatic Parameter Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-82
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Chapter 7
Input Data for Laboratory Procedures
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-93
Common Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-94
Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-94
Laboratory Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-95
Temperature Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-95
Pressure Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-95
Density Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-96
Gas-Oil Ratio Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-96
Enthalpy Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-97
Saturation Pressure Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-97
Weight Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-97
Input Data for Laboratory Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-98
Z-Factor: Gas Compressibility Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-99
Density: Liquid Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-101
Vapor Pressure: Pure Component Vapor Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-103
Sat Pressure: Mixture Dew/Bubblepoint Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-105
Viscosity: Liquid/Vapor Viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-107
Cnst Composition: Constant Composition Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-108
Cnst Volume: Constant Volume Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-111
Swelling: Swelling Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-117
Differential: Differential Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-118
Multi-Contact: Multiple Contact Vaporization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-122
Phas Envlop/Psat: Dew/Bubblepoint Phase Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-124
Gas Enthalpy: Gas Enthalpy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-127
Liquid Enthalpy: Liquid Enthalpy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-129
Water Property: Liquid Water Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-131
Sat Pressure/H2O: Bubblepoint Pressure of Mixture With Water . . . . . . . . 7-132
Distillation: Distillation Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-134
Distillation Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-136
Molecular Weight Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-137
Residue API Gravity Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-138
Distillate Property Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-138
Blend API Gravity Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-141
Viscosity Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-142
Steam Distillatn: Steam Distillation Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-146
Separator/No Reg: Multistage Separators Without Regression . . . . . . . . . . . 7-149
Separator/Reg: Laboratory Separator Test With Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-151
Phas Envlop/Full: Complete Phase Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-154
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Chapter 8
Calculation of Laboratory Procedures
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-175
Activate Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-176
Selection of Calculation Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-176
Control Parameters for Saturation Pressure Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-177
Control Parameters for Flash Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-178
Control Parameters for Expansion Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-179
Debug Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-180
Chapter 9
Report - Calculation Results
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-181
Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-182
Selecting Test Procedure for Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-182
Interactive Graphic Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-185
ZOOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-186
VALUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-188
L_TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-188
COLOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-188
TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-189
PRINTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-190
REDRAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-191
HIGHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-191
GraTitle - Running Title for Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-192
SavGraph - Save Graphic Report to File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-192
GetGraph - Get Graphic Report from File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-193
Table - Review Tabular Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-193
PrtTable - Print Tabular Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-193
SavTable - Save Tabular Report to File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-193
GetTable - Get Tabular Report from File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-194
SaveEOS - Save PVT (EOS) Properties to File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-194
SaveKval - Save K-value Tables to File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-194
R5000.0.1 ix
DESKTOP-PVT™ User Guide Landmark
Chapter 10
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-197
Heavy Ends Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-197
Default Fluid Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-199
Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-203
Component Pseudoization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-205
Regression After Pseudoization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-208
Regression on Viscosity Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-210
Chapter A
Subject Index
x R5000.0.1
List of Figures
Table of Contents
List of Figures xi
About This Manual
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Getting Started
Figure 2-1: An Example of Rectangular Push Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Figure 2-2: An Example of Square Toggle Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Chapter 3
Input Data File
Chapter 4
Setup Simulation Environment
Figure 4-3: EOS Item Selection Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44
Figure 4-4: Test Type Selection Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-45
Figure 4-5: Composition Sor List Entry Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48
Figure 4-6: Run Sequence Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-50
Chapter 5
Equation-of-State Properties
Figure 4-7: System-Defined Component Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52
Figure 4-8: User Defined Fluid Component Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53
Figure 4-9: Volatile Component Selection Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53
Chapter 6
Figure 6-23: Parameter Options Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-71
Figure 6-24: Pseudoization Parameter Options Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-79
Figure 6-25: Regression Variable Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-83
Figure 6-26: EOS Regression Variable Definition Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-83
Figure 6-27: Binary Coeff Regression Variable Definition Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-84
Figure 6-28: Composition Regression Variable Definition Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-84
Figure 6-29: k-Coefficient of Lohrenz-Bray-Clark Viscosity Correlation . . . . . . . . . 6-85
Figure 6-30: k-Coefficient of Pedersen Viscosity Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-85
Figure 6-31: Tc-Binary Interaction Coefficient of Pederson Viscosity Correlation . . 6-86
Figure 6-32: Component Coefficients of K-Value Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-86
Figure 6-33: Correlation Coefficients of Carbon Dioxide Saturated Water Properties . 6-
Figure 6-34: Correlation Coefficients of Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Pure Water 6-
Figure 6-35: Assigning Regression Variables to s0 and s1 Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . 6-89
Figure 6-36: Assigning Regression Variable to Coefficient d1 ..................... 6-89
Chapter 7
Input Data for Laboratory Procedures
Figure 7-39: Gas Z-Factor Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-99
Figure 7-40: Data Entry Table for Gas Z-Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-100
Figure 7-41: Liquid Density Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-101
Figure 7-42: Data Entry Table for Liquid Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-102
Figure 7-43: Vapor Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-103
Figure 7-44: Data Entry Table for Vapor Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-104
Figure 7-45: Saturation Pressure Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-105
Figure 7-46: Data Entry Table for Saturation Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-106
Figure 7-47: Viscosity Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-107
Figure 7-48: Data Entry Table for Viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-108
Figure 7-49: Constant Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-109
Figure 7-50: Data Entry Table for Constant Composition Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . 7-111
Figure 7-51: Constant Volume Depletion Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-112
Figure 7-52: Data Entry Table for Constant Volume Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-114
Figure 7-53: Black Oil Table Generation Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-115
Figure 7-54: Separator Definition for Black Oil Table Generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-115
Figure 7-55: Saturation Pressures at which black oil data is generated. . . . . . . . . . . 7-116
Figure 7-56: Pressure levels above the saturation pressure at which black oil data is gener-
ated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-116
Figure 7-57: Swelling Test Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-117
Figure 7-58: Data Entry Table for Swelling Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-118
Figure 7-59: Differential Expansion Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-119
Figure 7-60: Data Entry Table for Differential Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-120
Figure 7-61: Multiple Contact Vaporization Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-122
Figure 7-62: Data Entry Table for Multiple Contact Vaporization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-124
Figure 7-63: Phase Envelope Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-125
Figure 7-64: Gas Enthalpy Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-127
Figure 7-65: Data Entry Table for Gas Enthalpy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-128
Chapter 8
Calculation of Laboratory Procedures
Figure 8-105: Calculation Method Selection Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-176
Figure 8-106: Control Parameters for Saturation Pressure Calculation . . . . . . . . . . 8-177
Figure 8-107: Control Parameters for Flash Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-178
Figure 8-108: Control Parameters for Expansion Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-179
Figure 8-109: Debug Option Selection Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-180
Chapter 9
Report - Calculation Results
Figure 9-110: Selecting Test for Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-182
Figure 9-111: Example Plot with Graphic Menu Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-183
Figure 9-112: Example Plot with the Control Item Selected on the Graphic Menu Bar 9-
Figure 9-113: Example Plot with Zoom Control Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-186
Figure 9-114: Example Plot with Text Edit Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-189
Chapter 10
Chapter A
Subject Index
About This Manual
This manual describes the functions of DESKTOP-PVT™, a program designed to
simulate the behavior of hydrocarbon fluid mixtures. DESKTOP-PVT’s purpose
is to generate PVT properties or develop a mathematical model which can be used
in a compositional reservoir simulator such as VIP-COMP to analyze oil and gas
production characteristics.
This manual is intended to assist new and experienced users of DESKTOP-PVT
in the generation of PVT properties where laboratory data is limited, or the
development of a mathematical model that agrees with experimental data.
The information in this manual is arranged in a logical manner for maximum ease-
of-use. The following chapters are included:
■ Input Data File. An explanation of the procedures for creating, saving, and
retrieving data files.
This manual uses certain conventional methods to indicate the correct mouse
button and keyboard usage.
The buttons on the mouse are named MB1, MB2, MB3, etc. as shown in the
illustrations above. Button arrangement may be reversed for left-handed mouses
(e.g., MB1 on far right). Typical uses for each button are described below.
MB2 Used to clear the menu area so it will not appear on a screen
dump. Also redisplays menu area.
MB3 Used to toggle on and off a help message for the highlighted
item in the Graphics option. Also used to access Option Flag
MB4 Used to toggle on and off a help message for the highlighted
Mouse Operations
You can use the mouse by rolling it across the surface of the mouse pad or desk
(except on Sun). As you move the mouse, the pointer moves to a corresponding
location on the screen. The following terms are used to describe various mouse
Drag Hold down MB1 and move the mouse, then release when
pointer reaches desired location.
Set cursor Click in text at the location where you want to begin typing.
Key Combinations
Some keys such as the Control key and Alt key are used in combination with
others. For example, you can press Control-D by holding down the Control key
and pressing the D key. The same applies to combinations like Alt-F4, Meta-F4,
etc. Always hold down the first key before pressing the second.
Combining keys may also be used with mouse clicks. For example, Control-click
means to hold down the Control key and click MB1. Control-Shift-click means to
hold down the Control key and the Shift key before clicking once with MB1.
Keyboard Operation
The keys used to control cursor movement include the up, down, left, and right
arrow keys. If the cursor reaches the boundary of a multiple-page table, a further
arrow key movement in the same direction will make the table scroll in that
direction. In addition, the left and right arrow keys allow the user to move the
cursor in the data field to edit previously entered data.
F2 Key
Depending on the occasion, the F2 function key can serve one of two functions:
1. In composition entry tables, the F2 key will copy fluid compositions from
other sources. (see Section 7.2.1)
2. In the fluid property table, the F2 key will load default component properties,
i.e., either from system default tables or using interpolation calculations. (see
Section 7.2.1)
F5 Key
In a list entry panel, the F5 function key will either display a cascade table for
additional data entry, or a selection menu for the user to specify an option (see
Section 2.4.6). The user must first place the mouse cursor over the box cell for the
F5 function key work.
DESKTOP-PVT allows the user to enter data directly on screen or import data
from an existing batch-type input file. It is easy to assign fluid properties and
experimental conditions in DESKTOP-PVT. An extensive data bank of fluid
properties and default values for laboratory procedures is built into DESKTOP-
PVT. Only minimum data entry is required to complete a simulation. In addition,
DESKTOP-PVT provides tools to create, save, and retrieve files containing input
data and results interactively. The graphical and tabular simulation results can be
viewed interactively on screen or sent to hardcopy devices. DESKTOP-PVT also
provides a batch mode option which can be employed when interactive simulation
is not feasible.
The PVT properties of both vapors and liquids are predicted by DESKTOP-PVT
by a cubic equation of state. To completely define fluid properties it is only
The simulation data for DESKTOP-PVT is divided into six major parts:
2. Equation-of-state properties
3. Laboratory procedures
6. Pseudoization
In addition, optional input is available for selecting the calculation methods and
■ UNIX Workstations
❑ IBM RS/6000
Getting Started
1. At the command line prompt, type dtpvt and press the Enter key.
The program will display the main window known as the Display Window,
which contains the DESKTOP-PVT header. The user must enter all input data
through the menu process or import data from an existing data file. Refer to
Chapter 3 for details regarding the procedure for importing an existing file
through the File menu.
2. At the command line prompt, type dtpvt {file} and press the Enter key.
Here {file} is the name of a batch-type data file. Refer to Section 2.7 for a
detailed description of a batch-type data file. The data contained in the file
will be loaded into memory upon initialization and will be ready for editing
and calculation.
3. At the command line prompt, type dtpvt -b {file} and press the Enter key.
Again, {file} is the name of a batch-type data file. The command line option -
b will direct the program to execute in the batch mode and no further user
interaction will be necessary. With this option, the user loses the ability to
review the results in the interactive graphic mode and only the tabular report
given as dtpvt.out will be generated.
Menu Bar
Menu Name Description
File Open files; load last run; save data; loads and 3
saves database files
Menu Name Description
To select any menu option, just click on the desired menu and select the desired
option (or drag the mouse pointer to it). For example, to open a file, with MB1
click the word File on the Menu Bar, then click the word Open on the pull-down
menu. A pop-up window appears which displays a list of file names to be opened.
Some menu items may not be available for users to access if the items in the
Config menu are not adequately defined. For example, the Heavy menu will not
be accessible if the Heavy option in the Config menu is not turned on. This is
because the Menu Bar has been set up so that irrelevant menu items will not be
displayed and cannot be accessed. There are four optional menus: Heavy, Pseudo,
Regres, and Tests. The appearance of the first three menus are controlled by the
corresponding items in the Config menu using a yes/no flag, i.e., the flag will be
used to turn on/off the appropriate menu items. The Tests menu has a dynamic
arrangement, such that only the tests which have been selected in the Test Type
selection window in the Config menu will be highlighted. Refer to Chapter 4 for a
detailed description of the Config menu.
Although there is no strict rule for the order of data entry, a typical simulation will
follow a "left to right" sequence in DESKTOP-PVT. For example, a user may first
retrieve an input data file using Open in the File menu. The user can then
reconfigure the simulation environment by invoking the items in the Config
menu. Components may be added/deleted through the Component menu, or
component properties may be modified through the Fluid menu. The conditions of
laboratory procedures may be changed through the Tests menu. Once all changes
are completed, the user selects Go from the Run menu to start the calculation
process. Finally, the user may review the results by selecting Graphics from the
Report menu.
■ Numeric Data - The data displayed in the data entry field can be an integer or
a real number.
■ Cascade Table Entry - When the data entry box indicates more data is
available, the user can access it by pressing the F5 function key or clicking the
button with MB1 while the mouse cursor is on the desired box cell.
Menu Item
One example of rectangular list entry panel is the EOS component properties
table. The size of the component properties table is fixed once the equation of
state and the components are specified. The user cannot change the table size
inside the window.
Slider Bar
For certain rectangular data entry windows, the size of the table may be
dynamically varied inside the window. An example of these dynamic windows is
the table for entering laboratory measurements in the saturation pressure
calculations. In this table, the number of columns (for temperature stages) can be
increased by pressing the AddColAfter or AddColBefore button, and reduced by
pressing the DeleteCol button.
A batch data file can be created either through the Save process in DESKTOP-
PVT, i.e., by selecting Save from the File menu, or the editing process using an
operating system editor. The Save process will convert all input data in memory
into a proper keyword format. The data will be stored in a file with a name
specified by the user. On the other hand, the user may select Open from the File
menu to load data in a batch data file into memory.
A batch data file can be used for a direct batch process run as discussed in Section
Load Database and Save Database in the File menu are used to manipulate the
database files. With the exception of the target file extension, the basic functions
of the Load Database and Save Database are the same as the Open and Save
processes, respectively. The default file extension for the database files in
DESKTOP-PVT is ".dbf", which is also used as the default searching pattern
during the file listing step in the Load Database file process.
SavGraph and GetGraph in the Report menu work the same as Load Database and
Save Database, respectively. Both processes access a database file and prepare the
data for manipulating the results under an interactive graphics environment.
■ Pseudoization Process
■ Regular Run
DESKTOP-PVT also provides mechanisms to read EOS data file so that the EOS
data generated in the previous runs can be used as the initial input for the next run.
See Sections 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 for details of reading EOS data files.
Input Data File
3.1 Introduction
The File menu in the Menu Bar provides a means for creating, saving and
retrieving files containing simulation input data and results. There are seven
selection items in this menu:
■ Last Run
■ Open
■ New
■ Save
■ Load Database
■ Save Database
■ Exit
Setup Simulation Environment
4.1 Introduction
The major function of the Config menu is to define the global simulation
environment. Through the Config menu selections, the user dictates the required
input and the calculations DESKTOP-PVT will perform later. The simulation
details, however, are not required to input at this stage. For example, the
Regression entry in the Config menu is used to activate (or deactivate) the
DESKTOP-PVT nonlinear regression function which allows automatic
adjustment of the equation-of-state properties of individual components. When
the Regression option is on (activated), the corresponding menu for nonlinear
regression will be displayed on the Menu Bar entitled Regres. The Regres menu
requires the specification of regression parameters.
■ System Info
■ Binary Coeff
■ Test Type
■ Regression
■ Pseudoization
■ Thermal
■ Water-In-Oil
■ Heavy
■ Run-Time Compos
■ Composition Sor
■ Run Sequence
Two of the items, Composition Sor and Run Sequence, will be displayed only if
the Pseudoization and Run-Time Compos options are activated, respectively.
Because of their calculation features, the functions of Regression, Pseudoization
and Heavy are mutually exclusive, i.e., only one of the three functions can be
activated at a time.
Figure 4-3 shows the EOS selection panel. To make a selection, the user clicks the
diamond button next to the desired item, and then click the Ok button.
A triangular table under the Binary Coeff item of the Fluid menu is provided for
data entry if djk is read in explicitly. Otherwise, the binary interaction coefficients
are computed using the correlation
1⁄6 1 ⁄ 6 djkcor
2v cj ⋅ v ck
djk = 1 – ---------------------------
1⁄3 1⁄3
v cj + v ck
where vcj and vck are the critical volumes for component j and k, respectively, and
djkcor is an input exponent.
The numerical key 1 can be used to specify one run for a selected test procedure or
the user can click the name of the desired item and an asterisk will appear in the
cell box. The asterisk indicates that one test run has been defined. To specify
multiple runs for a test procedure, the numerical keys 2 to 9 are used to edit the
number of runs in the data entry field to the left of the test type name. Whenever
any data exists in the data entry field, click the test type name button to clear the
■ Phas Envlop/Psat. Phase envelope calculation (dew point and bubble point
calculation) (ENVELOPE)
Two special actions will be taken when this option is activated. First, a special
equation-of-state PVT properties file for VIP-THERM will be created. Second,
extra menus for binary interaction coefficients of H2O (water) and other fluid
components, both in regression variables (Regres menu) and fluid properties
(Fluid menu) assignments, will be displayed. These menus allow the user to
specify the binary interaction coefficients of H2O and other components even if
H2O is not specified as a component. Furthermore, DESKTOP-PVT will load
other H2O equation-of-state properties automatically for thermal applications.
These binary interaction coefficients and H2O properties are pertinent only to the
steam distillation test, multiple contact steam vaporization test and saturation
pressure calculation with water.
The laboratory tests for which this composition specification is available include
constant composition expansion, constant volume depletion, swelling, differential
expansion and composition variations with depth. The restriction for the
intermediate step composition specification is that the reference to the
composition from a type of test must pertain to the most recently entered test of
that type in the data stream.
The Run Sequence option, which will be displayed when the Run-Time Compos
option is activated, is used for the "referenced" composition specifications.
Figure 4-6 is an example of the Run Sequence window. In this window, the first
column lists the laboratory procedures (Test), and the second column displays the
run numbers (Run ID) for each laboratory procedure. Data may not be entered in
these columns. The third column (Intermed Comp) is used to specify if the
composition of a test calculation is from the Liquid, Vapor, or Overall
composition of some intermediate step in another test. The default is to enter
composition directly (No selection). Numerical numbers are entered in the Run
Sequence entries to specify the order of the test runs. A smaller number has a
higher priority in the run sequence. The user must pay special attention to the run
order, i.e., a test must be run before its liquid, vapor, or overall compositions can
be referenced by other tests.
Equation-of-State Properties
5.1 Component
The Component menu allows the user to define the components of the fluid
system used for phase behavior simulation. The component information is one of
the bases of the fluid system. Many input data in DESKTOP-PVT are dependent
upon components specification. Thus, components should be defined before
accessing other data screens. There are six items available in the Component
menu for defining fluid components:
■ System
■ User
■ Volatile
■ Composition
■ Load EOS
■ Append EOS
Upon selecting the System option, a multiple item selection panel (Figure 4-7)
will be displayed. The panel contains system-defined component names. Select
the options by clicking the square button next to the desired option. When
finished, click the OK button to return to the display window.
global composition is loaded with the composition of the first test. Figure 4-10 is
an example menu for entering global composition.
The Load EOS option works similarly to the Open option in the File menu, except
now an EOS data file is read and loaded into memory. The default EOS file
extension is ".eos", and by default these files are automatically listed on activating
Load EOS.
■ Property
■ Binary Coeff
■ Binary Exponent
■ Gas Enthalpy
■ LBC Visc
■ Pedersen Visc
■ K-Value Correl
■ CO2TAB Correl
These items can be accessed only if fluid components have been defined in the
Component menu, as described in Section 5.1. The following sections discuss the
options on this menu in more detail.
The first two items are used to define the temperature and pressure units for values
in the property table. To select the temperature or pressure unit, the user may
either type the options in directly or click the entry cell with MB3 to access an
option window. When the option window is accessed, click the diamond button
next to the desired item and click the OK button to return to the previous menu.
Property Table
The table entries are dependent upon the equation-of-state being selected in the
Config menu. When selected the Property Table will display a rectangular table
for entering critical properties. In general, there are eight entries for each table:
■ Omega A. Omega A.
■ Omega B. Omega B.
1⁄4 3
g ⋅ cm
■ Parachor. Parachor, --------------------------- .
s ⋅ mole
For a three-parameter EOS, there is one more table entry available:
The default values for system-defined components are loaded automatically while
they are defined as described in Section 5.1.1, yet the user can elect to override
those values in this table. For user-defined components, however, the user should
supply at least the molecular weights. The properties left as zero will be
considered as the default values, and the program will apply table look-up through
molecular weight to calculate these default properties while the user leaves the
property table. The program also provides a mechanism such that the user can
manually load up the default values for cursor-positioned component by pressing
the F2 function key. Figure 4-11 shows an example of the property table.
If the user selects a three-parameter EOS, two additional items, D and E, will be
shown on the property data window for editing. These parameters D and E are
used to compute volume shift parameter, s,
s = 1 – D ⋅ MW
where MW is component molecular weight.
The Binary Coeff option in the Fluid menu allows the user to edit djk data
explicitly. A window with a triangular djk data table will be displayed for editing
data. A list of component names defined in the Component menu will be
displayed at the top of the table, except for the last component. The first column
will display the component names without the first component. The F2 function
key can be used to load the default djk’s for the entire data row where the cursor
is positioned. The default djk between system-defined components will be
automatically loaded when they are selected in the Component menu. All binary
combinations between nonsystem-defined components will be assigned default
values of zero.
If the Thermal option is activated (Section 4.8), the H2O Binary Coef menu will
be displayed. This menu allows the user to specify the binary interaction
coefficients of H2O and other components even if H2O is not specified as a
component explicitly.
The Binary Exponent option in the Fluid menu provides another means for
defining djk values. In this option, all binary interaction coefficients are
computed using the correlation
1⁄6 1 ⁄ 6 djkcor
⎛ 2v cj ⋅ v ck ⎞
djk = 1 – ⎜ ---------------------------
⎝ v 1cj⁄ 3 + v 1ck⁄ 3 ⎠
where vcj and vck are the critical volumes for component j and k, respectively, and
djkcor is an input exponent. Selecting the Binary Exponent option will display a
data window for entering djkcor (Figure 4-13). The default value of djkcor is 1.0.
The pure component Passut-Danner ideal gas state enthalpy coefficients have
been internally coded. These values will be automatically loaded when the
corresponding component names are selected in the Component menu. For all
other components, default ideal gas state enthalpy coefficients are calculated
using the Kesler and Lee correlation. This correlation is not always applicable. It
fails if the component critical temperature is less than 60 °F. The correlation
requires component specific gravity. If the component is a gas at standard
conditions, then the density at the vapor pressure at standard temperature is used.
For the relatively heavy components commonly used in thermal reservoir
simulation, these shortcomings are not a problem. Any of the default values for
ideal gas state enthalpy coefficients may be overriden by the user. On selecting the
Gas Enthalpy option, a data entry window will be displayed (Figure 4-14), and the
user can edit the gas enthalpy coefficients, hin, for each component.
00 C1 = 0.1023
C2 = 0.023364
C3 = 0.058533
C4 = -0.040758
C5 = 0.0093324
The user may change these default coefficients by selecting the LBC Visc menu
item, and changing the value in the dialog box (Figure 5-9).
This correlation is useful for heavy oils where the Lohrenz-Bray-Clark correlation
fails to give a proper viscosity prediction for some cases. To invoke the Pedersen
et al. viscosity option, the VISPE option should be selected in the Calc Method
menu. The user has the option of specifying the k-coefficients, k1 to k7 (Figure 4-
16), for calculating the viscosity of the reference component and binary
interacting coefficients Xkj (Figure 4-17) for calculating the mixture pseudo-
critical temperature used in the viscosity correlation. The default values are zero
for all the interacting coefficients Xkj and the following values for the k-
k1 = 9.74602
k2 = 18.0834
k3 = 4126.66
k4 = 44.6055
k5 = 0.976544
k6 = 81.8134
k7 = 15649.9
Figure 4-19 shows the main data entry menu for entering correlation coefficients
of carbon dioxide saturated water properties. The selection items are for the
correlation of carbon dioxide solubility in pure water, the correlation to adjust the
effects of salinity on carbon dioxide solubility in water, and the correlation to
calculate density of carbon dioxide saturated water. The density correlation is
Figure 4-20 shows the data entry table for entering correlation coefficients of
solubility of carbon dioxide in pure water. The coefficients are a0 to a4, b0 to b4,
and c0 to c4 to be discussed next. Default values are available for all coefficients.
where 4
a = ∑
a i ⋅ ( 10 –3 ⋅ T )
b = ∑i=0
b i ( 104 –3 T ) and 0<b<1
c = i10
= 0– 3
⋅ ∑ c i ( 10 – 3 T )
o 2 i = 1sin ( b ) -–1 2
p = --- ⋅ -------------------------------------------
π 2 2
o c 1o – --- sin–31 ( b )
R sw = a ⋅ P ⋅ (π1 – b )
⎧ ⎛ π c ⋅ Po ⎞ π c ⋅ Po ⎛ c ⋅ Po ⎞ ⎫
m = a ⎨ 1 – b ⋅ sin ⎜ --- --------------------- -⎟ + --- ---------------------- ⋅ cos ⎜ π
--- ----------------------⎟ ⎬
⎩ ⎝ 2 c ⋅ P o + 1⎠ 2 c ⋅ P o + 1 ⎝ 2 c ⋅ P o + 1⎠ ⎭
with Rsw in scf of carbon dioxide per stb water, temperature (T) in degree
Fahrenheit, pressure (P) in psia and
This correlation matches the solubility data of Wiebe (1941)1 for liquid and
supercritical carbon dioxide in water within ±10 scf/stb for temperatures between
54 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit and pressures up to 10,000 psia.
The calculated solubility in pure water is further adjusted for the effects of salinity
to obtain the solubility of carbon dioxide in brine
R sb
log ⎛ --------⎞ = s o S T s1
⎝ R sw⎠
where S is salinity of brine in weight percent of solid, T is temperature in degree
Fahrenheit and
s0 = -0.028037
s1 = -0.12039
The measured data in NaCl Solutions from Malinin and Savelyeva (1972)2,
Malinin and Kurovskaya (1975)3, and McRee (1977)4 were used to obtain
parameters s0 and s1.
Figure 4-21 shows the data entry table for entering s0 and s1 coefficients for
adjusting the salinity effects on the carbon dioxide solubility in water.
The formation volume factor of carbon dioxide saturated water (or brine) is
calculated using
B w = ------ [ ρ w, sc + 0.02066 ⋅ R sb ]
ρ w = ρ w, atm + 0.001 ⋅ d 1 ⋅ R sb
Figure 4-22 shows the data entry table for entering coefficient d1 for calculating
carbon dioxide saturated water density. The default value is 5.8.
For pressures less than 5000 psia the water compressibility is calculated using the
correlation from Rowe and Chou (1970)5. For pressures greater than 5000 psia,
1- = -----------------
1 - + 7.033 ( P – 5000 )
Cw C w, 5000
where Cw,5000 is water compressibility at temperature and 5000 psia from Rowe
and Chou correlation in 1/psia. The above correlation is derived from the water
compressibility correlation by Osif (1988)8.
Water viscosity is calculated from Kestin et al. correlation (1978)9. The effects of
carbon dioxide solubility are ignored in both compressibility and viscosity
6.1 Introduction
The mechanisms for assigning equation-of-state components and their properties
for a fluid mixture are discussed in Chapter 5. In this chapter, we discuss three
functions that can be used to obtain or modify some of the component properties.
These functions are represented by three items in the main menu, i.e., Heavy,
Pseudo, and Regres.
The Heavy function is used for calculating heavy fraction characterization from
laboratory measured properties for the heavy fraction. Pseudo is used to reduce
the original fluid system into a pseudo system by specifying which of the original
components will be lumped into which pseudo component. Regres is a nonlinear
regression package that facilitates the adjustment of unknown or uncertain
parameters that affect fluid behavior. These menus are available only if their
corresponding option flags, Heavy, Pseudoization and Regression items in the
Config menu, are activated. Because of their distinctive calculation features, these
functions are mutually exclusive, i.e., only one of the three functions can be
activated at a time.
The gamma distribution function gives the mole fraction and molecular weight for
each single carbon number (SCN) of the extended fractions. The calculated mole
fraction and molecular weight of the last carbon number in the extended analysis
are adjusted so the computed mole fraction and molecular weight of the heavy
fraction are matched to the observed data. The gamma function can be calculated
using either a constant molecular weight interval or variable molecular weight
A constant Watson characterization factor is used for all carbon numbers in the
heavy fraction. If a Watson factor is entered, the input number is used to compute
the specific gravity of all carbon numbers. If a Watson factor is not entered, this
number is adjusted so the computed specific gravity of the heavy fraction is
matched to observed. Figure 6-23 is an example of the Parameter Options Form.
NOTE: To edit data indicated as <F5> on this form, either click MB1 over the button
next to the desired item or position the mouse cursor over the box cell for the
desired item to edit to make the F5 key accessible.
Any items that give you choice to make, move the mouse pointer over the
desired box cell and click MB3 to access a separate options window. Choose
the desired item and then click Ok to return to the previous window.
■ Specific Gravity. The specific gravity of the heavy fraction, measured at 14.7
psia and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This is required input.
■ Mole Fraction. The mole fraction of the total fluid sample contained in the
heavy fraction. This is required input.
The WEIGHT option requires the user to enter the weight fraction of the
heavy fraction in the total fluid sample as well as the mole fraction of the
heavy fraction. The MOLE/WEIGHT option controls whether mole or
weight fraction distillation data should be entered in the Distillation Data
■ Weight Fraction. The weight fraction of the total fluid sample contained in
the heavy fraction. Do not enter any number unless the WEIGHT option has
been selected. A number must be entered if the WEIGHT option has been
■ First Single Carbon No. The first single carbon number (FSCN) of the heavy
fraction to be considered in the extended analysis, i.e., for C7+ enter 7, for
C10+ enter 10. This number must be greater than 6. This is required input.
(Default is 7)
■ Last Single Carbon No. The carbon number of the last component to be
considered in the extended analysis for the heavy fraction. This is required
input. (Default is 45)
■ Bracket M.W. for Grouping. Bracket molecular weights for the purpose of
regrouping the extended fractions into pseudo-components. This table is
available only if the number of pseudo-components (Ng) for the extended
fractions are defined in the Pseudo-Component No. & Name entry. For a
specified value of Ng, Ng-1 molecular weight values must be entered. For
example, if Ng is 3, two values must be entered. All extended fractions with
molecular weight less than or equal to the first value will be lumped into
pseudo-component 1. All extended fractions with molecular weight less than
or equal to the second value, but greater than the first, will be lumped into
pseudo-component 2. All remaining fractions will be lumped into pseudo-
component 3. (Calculated by default)
■ Regression on ALPHA (Y/N). Text label that activates the option for
automatic ALPHA calculation. If this option is activated, the distillation data
must be entered before calculation begins.
❑ NO. The input ALPHA parameter is used without any adjustment for the
extended analysis. (Default)
14 × FSCN – 6
where FSCN is the default first single carbon number, 7, discussed above.
This is required input.
■ M.W. Interval Option. Text label specifying the type of molecular weight
interval used in calculating the extended analysis.
■ EOS Property Calc Method. Text label specifying the method of calculating
equation-of-state (EOS) parameters for critical temperature, critical pressure,
critical z-factor, and acentric factor for single carbon numbers of extended
■ EOS Property Data Source. Text label specifying whether the calculated or
experimental data of molecular weight, boiling point temperature, and
specific gravity, etc. are used to calculate EOS parameters for single carbon
numbers of extended fractions.
❑ NO. All EOS parameters are calculated from correlations and no further
adjustment is needed. (Default)
The pseudoization process is consistent with both the equation-of-state and the
viscosity correlation, in that the density and viscosity of the original fluid system
is preserved in the pseudo system. Experience has shown that the saturation
pressure of the pseudo-system may be slightly in error. This can easily be adjusted
through regression. The pseudoization process, however, cannot be performed
simultaneously with the regression process.
Since both the number and names of the pseudo-components are required in the
Parameter menu, they must be specified before entering other pseudoization data.
However, if a name is not given by the user, the program will provide a default
name for it automatically.
NOTE: To edit data indicated as <F5> on this form, either click MB1 over the button
next to the desired item or position the mouse cursor over the box cell for the
desired item to edit to make the F5 key accessible.
Any items that give you choice to make, move the mouse pointer over the
desired box cell and click MB3 to access a separate options window. Choose
the desired item and then click Ok to return to the previous window.
■ Sat Pressure Type. Alpha label specifying the saturation pressure type. This
is required input.
There are three options available in the Regress menu, Variable, Limits, and
Control. Variable is used for specifying the equation-of-state parameters to be
adjusted during nonlinear regression. Limits allows the user to specify the lower
and upper bounds of the regression parameters. Control is used for specifying
calculation tolerance and output quantity.
The parameters available for regression are categorized into ten types as shown in
Figure 6-25.
These are:
■ H2O Binary. Binary interaction coefficients for water (H2O) and all other
components. This menu is available only if Thermal in the Config menu has
been activated, and the H2O component has not been assigned as a fluid
■ VISP k-Coef. The k-coefficients (k1 to k7) for calculating the viscosity of the
reference component in the Pedersen et al. viscosity correlation (Figure 6-30).
B –Di
K i = A i + -----i + C i ⋅ P ⋅ EXP ⎛⎝ --------------⎞⎠ (6-2)
P T – Ei
Figure 6-33 shows the main data entry menu for assigning regression
variables to correlation coefficients of carbon dioxide saturated water
properties. The selection items are for the correlation of carbon dioxide
solubility in pure water, the correlation to adjust the effects of salinity on
carbon dioxide solubility in water, and the correlation to calculate density of
Figure 6-34 shows the data entry table for assigning regression variables to
correlation coefficients of solubility of carbon dioxide in pure water. The
coefficients are a0 to a4, b0 to b4, and c0 to c4 give in Section 5.2.7.
Figure 6-35 shows the data entry table for assigning regression variables to s0
and s1 coefficients for adjusting the salinity effects on the carbon dioxide
solubility in water.
Figure 6-36 shows the data entry table for assigning regression variable to
coefficient d1 for calculating carbon dioxide saturated water density.
Regression variables are used to alter the initial values of various EOS properties.
Most of the EOS properties are adjusted by multiplying their initial values with
regression variables. The exceptions are binary interaction coefficients,
composition and volume shift parameters, where subtraction is used instead of
multiplication. For this treatment of regression variables, using values equal to 1
for all regression variables is equivalent to using the unaltered EOS properties.
❑ Basic. Only the values of the objective function and the regression
variables at each regression iteration are printed.
■ Initial Search Vector Length. The initial value of the search vector length in
the regression calculation. This is required input. (Default is 0.2)
Input Data for Laboratory Procedures
7.1 Introduction
The Tests menu on the Menu Bar is used for entering data from laboratory
measurements. The Tests menu has a dynamic arrangement so only the tests
selected in the Test Type selection window in the Config menu will be
highlighted. The user must enter all required data for all selected tests, but may
enter data in any sequence.
The user can request the data entry menu for a test by clicking on the desired item
with MB1. If the test has multiple runs, an additional menu containing run
numbers will be displayed. The user must select a run before the data entry menu
can be accessed.
In Section 7.2, commonly used data for laboratory procedures are described. The
data set for each laboratory procedure is discussed in Section 7.3.
7.2.1 Composition
The fluid composition is required for most of the laboratory test procedures. As
discussed in Section 4.11, there are two ways to specify the fluid composition in
DESKTOP-PVT. The fluid composition for a test can be entered directly, or the
liquid, vapor, or overall composition of an intermediate step in another test can be
loaded. The latter method is referred to as an indirect composition specification.
For direct composition specification, the user must enter the numerical values of
the fluid composition in mole fraction. For indirect composition specification, the
user must specify the referenced test and its particular step. Both specifications
are completed through the Composition item in the data entry menus for
laboratory procedures.
For all tests, there is a Composition entry field. To access the composition entry
menu, the user should position the cursor on the field, and press the F5 function
key or click the field with MB1.
For direct composition specification, the entry menu has a two-column format for
most of the tests. The first column, which is not used for data entry, lists the
component names under the Component header. The second column, under the
Mole Fraction header, is used for entering fluid composition in mole fraction.
There are a few tests, for example swelling and multiple contact vaporization
tests, which require specification of both the fluid and the injected gas
compositions. A three-column composition menu is provided for these tests. The
fluid composition is entered in the second column with the Fluid Mixture header,
and the third column, with the Injected Gas header, is used for entering the
injected gas composition.
In a composition entry menu, the F2 function key can be used to copy a previously
entered fluid composition of other laboratory test procedures. A menu of
abbreviated test names will be displayed once the user presses the F2 function
key. By clicking the button next to the desired test and then click the Ok button,
the program is instructed to copy the fluid composition from that test. This copy
composition function can save data entry efforts for simulating several tests with
the same fluid composition.
The user must provide the run sequence of all laboratory procedures if the test
compositions are to be indirectly specified. In the Run Sequence menu the user
also specifies which tests will use indirect composition specification. DESKTOP-
PVT will process the user specifications in the Run Sequence menu, and list the
tests that can be referenced. The tests menu lists a subset of all the laboratory tests
specified in the Test Type selection window of the Config menu.
A second menu will be displayed once the user has selected a test in the
abbreviated test names menu. This menu lists the pressure stages for the selected
test. The user should position the cursor on the desired pressure stage and press
Enter to complete the indirect composition specification.
■ F. Degrees Fahrenheit
■ C. Degrees Centigrade
■ K. Degrees Kelvin
■ R. Degrees Rankin
To change the temperature units, the user can either enter one of the unit
identifiers (F, C, K or R) directly, or select the temperature units menu by clicking
MB3 in the temperature units specification field. A selection menu will be
displayed. Select the desired item by the diamond button next the that item and
then click Ok to return to the previous menu.
■ KPA. Kilo-Pascals
To change the pressure units, the user can either enter one of the unit identifiers
(PSIA, PSIG, KPA or KGCM2) directly, or select the pressure units menu by click
MB3 in the pressure units specification field. A selection menu will be displayed.
Select the desired item by the diamond button next the that item and then click OK
to return to the previous menu.
To change the density units, the user can either enter one of the unit identifiers
(LB/FT3 or GM/CC) directly, or select the density units menu by clicking MB3 in
the density units specification field. A selection menu will be displayed. Select the
desired item by the diamond button next the that item and then click OK to return
to the previous menu.
■ SCM/STCM. Metric units of standard cubic meter of gas per cubic meter of
stock tank oil
■ SCF/STB. Field units of standard cubic feet of gas per barrel of stock tank oil
To change the GOR units, the user can either enter one of the unit identifiers
(SCM/STCM or SCF/STB) directly, or select the GOR units menu by clicking
MB3 in the GOR units specification field. A selection menu will be displayed.
Select the desired item by the diamond button next the that item and then click OK
to return to the previous menu.
To change the enthalpy units, the user can either enter one of the unit identifiers
(KBTU/LBMOLE or J/KGMOLE) directly, or select the enthalpy units menu by
clicking MB3 in the enthalpy units specification field. A selection menu will be
displayed. Select the desired item by the diamond button next the that item and
then click OK to return to the previous menu.
To change the saturation pressure type, the user can either enter one of the unit
identifiers (DEWPT or BUBPT) directly, or select the saturation pressure type
menu by clicking MB3 in the saturation pressure type specification field. A
selection menu will be displayed. Select the desired item by the diamond button
next the that item and then click Ok to return to the previous menu.
■ Gas Z-Factor
■ Liquid Density
■ Vapor Pressure
■ Saturation Pressure
■ Viscosity
■ Swelling
■ Differential Expansion
■ Multi-Contact Vaporization
■ Phase Envelope/Psat
■ Gas Enthalpy
■ Liquid Enthalpy
■ Water Property
■ Saturating Pressure/H2O
■ Distillation
■ Steam Distillation
■ Separator/No Reg
■ Separator/Reg
■ Phase Envelope/Full
■ Composition Variations with Depth
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
Figure 7-40 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured data.
In this example the gas z-factors are measured at two pressure stages.
■ Pressure. The pressure stages at which data were measured. This is required
■ Gas Visc. The gas viscosities (cp) measured at the pressure stages.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
Figure 7-42 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured data.
Liquid densities are measured at two pressure stages in this example.
■ Pressure. The pressure stages at which data were measured. This is required
■ Liq Visc. The liquid viscosities (cp) measured at the pressure stages.
■ Composition. The fluid composition in mole fraction. The fluid can consist
of multiple components, but only one component can have a nonzero value
for mole fraction. This is required input.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
Figure 7-44 shows an example of the table for entering vapor pressure data. The
vapor pressures are measured at two temperature stages in this example.
■ Temp. The temperatures at which vapor pressures are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Vapor Pres. The measured vapor pressures at the temperature stages. This is
required input.
■ Density. The saturated fluid densities measured at the stage temperatures and
vapor pressures.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Saturation Pressure Type. Alpha label specifying the type of the measured
saturation pressures. This is required input. (Default is BUBPT)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
Figure 7-46 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured data.
The saturation pressures are measured at one temperature stage in this example.
■ Density. The saturated fluid densities measured at the stage temperatures and
saturation pressures.
■ Fluid Type. Alpha label specifying the fluid mixture type. This is required
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
Figure 7-48 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured data.
The viscosities are measured at two pressure stages in this example.
■ Pressure. The pressure stages at which data were measured. This is required
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The cell temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Liq Volume Fraction Type. Two options are available to define the reference
volume used for normalizing measured liquid volumes. This data is used to
select the reference volume and define the volume fraction of liquid. Volume
fraction of liquid is defined as the liquid volume measured at a pressure stage
divided by the reference volume. This is required input.
❑ MEAS PRES. The reference volume is the total cell volume at the
pressure stage at which the liquid volume is measured.
Figure 7-50 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured
CCEXP data.
■ Pressure. The pressure stages at which data were measured. This is required
■ Relative Vol. The total volume of the fluid mixture measured at the pressure
stages divided by the volume measured at the saturation pressure.
■ LVol Frac. The measured volume fraction of liquid at the pressure stages. See
Liq Volume Fraction Type above for the definition of volume fraction of
After each expansion, the PVT cell is equilibrated and returned to its original
volume by withdrawing vapor at a constant pressure.
Data measured and reported at each pressure level includes the composition of the
produced gas, the molecular weight of the heavy fraction (C7+) of the produced
gas, the gas z-factor, the cumulative production of gas as a fraction of the original
gas in the PVT cell, and the fraction of the cell volume occupied by the liquid
after returning to the original volume. Figure 7-51 shows the input menu for
simulating the CVDEP procedure.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The cell temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Black Oil Table Generation. The dialog window for generating black oil
table data.
Figure 7-52 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured
CVDEP data.
■ Pressure. The pressure stages at which data were measured. This is required
■ Gas M.W.+. The molecular weight of the heavy fraction of the produced gas.
■ Gas Z-Fac. The produced gas z-factors measured at the pressure stages.
■ Cum Gas Prod. The cumulative gas produced after returning the PVT cell to
its original volume at the pressure stages. This is expressed as a mole fraction
of the gas originally in the PVT cell.
■ Oil Vol Frac. The measured volume fractions of oil after returning the PVT
cell to its original volume at the pressure stages.
■ VISCg. The viscosities of the produced gas measured at the pressure stages,
in centipoise.
Figure 7-53 shows the dialog window used to enter black oil table generation
■ Algorithm. The user may select between NONE or WHITSON or COATS for
the method used to generate the black oil data table. If the NONE option is
selected, no table is generated. The WHITSON option generates the black oil
table by the algorithm described by Whitson and Torp 10. The COATS option
generates the black oil table by the algorithm described by Coats11.
shown in Figure 7-55. The program will ignore pressures above the saturation
pressure of the initial composition. It will extrapolate to pressures above the
initial saturation pressure by adding equilibrium gas to the initial composition.
■ Delta Pressure Table. The pressure levels above saturation pressure at which
undersaturated data is calculated. An example is shown in Figure 7-56.
Figure 7-56: Pressure levels above the saturation pressure at which black oil data is
■ Viscosity. The user can choose to output either experimental data, where
available, or computationally generated viscosity data. Viscosity data is often
more difficult to match than volumetric data, so the user may wish to retain
his original experimental viscosity values when they are available.
Data measured and reported at the end of each stage includes the saturation
pressure of the new mixture, the type of saturation pressure (dewpoint or
bubblepoint), and the volume of the saturated mixture relative to the saturated
volume of the original sample. Figure 7-57 shows the input menu for simulating
the SWELL procedure.
■ Composition. The composition of the fluid mixture and injected gas in mole
fraction. This is required input.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The cell temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
Figure 7-58 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured
SWELL data.
■ Inj Gas Frac. Moles of injected gas in the mixture divided by the total
number of moles in the mixture at the end of any stage. This is required
■ Sat Vol Frac. The volume of the saturated mixture at the end of any stage
divided by the saturated volume of the original mixture.
■ Sat Pressure. The measured saturation pressure of the mixture at the end of
any stage.
■ Sat Pres Type. Alpha label specifying the type of measured saturation
pressures. This is required input.
allowing the fluid to expand. After each expansion, the PVT cell is allowed to
equilibrate and all evolved gas is removed from the cell at the constant pressure.
Data measured and reported at each pressure level includes the solution gas-oil
ratio, relative oil volume, oil density, z-factor of the withdrawn gas, and gravity of
the withdrawn gas.
Figure 7-59 shows the input menu for simulating the DIFF procedure.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The cell temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIA)
■ Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) Unit. The units for all gas-oil ratio measurements.
This is required input. (Default is SCF/STB)
❑ SOLUTION. Standard volume of gas still in the oil at a pressure level per
volume of residual oil at standard temperature and pressure. (Default)
Figure 7-60 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured DIFF
■ Pressure. The pressure stages at which data were measured. This is required
■ Rel Oil Vol. The relative oil volumes (oil formation volume factor, Bo),
barrels of oil at a pressure level per barrel of residual oil at 60 °F.
■ GOR. The gas-oil ratio at a pressure level. See GOR Calculation Option
above for the definition of gas-oil ratio.
■ Gas Z-Fac. The z-factors of the produced gas measured at the pressure
■ VISCg. The viscosities of the produced gas measured at the pressure stages,
in centipoise.
Data measured and reported at each contact step includes moles of gas (or oil)
removed, gas (or oil) z-factor, and liquid volume fraction. In addition, the program
can construct a pseudo-ternary diagram if the user defines three pseudo-
components (light, intermediate and heavy).
Figure 7-61 shows the input menu for simulating the MCVAP procedure.
■ Composition. The composition of the fluid mixture and injected gas in mole
fraction. This is required input.
■ Type of Cycling Process. Alpha label specifying the type of cycling process,
This is required input.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The cell temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
Figure 7-62 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured
MCVAP data.
■ Moles Added. The number of moles of fluid (gas or oil) added at each contact
step. It is assumed the oil originally in the PVT cell is one mole. This is
required input.
■ Moles Removed. The number of moles of fluid (gas or oil) removed after
equilibration at each contact step.
■ Gas Z-Factor. The z-factors of the removed gas at each contact step.
■ Liq Vol Frac. The liquid volume fraction before gas removed at each contact
Figure 7-63 shows the input menu for simulating the dew/bubblepoint phase
envelope calculation.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Lowest Pres /Upper Envelope. The lowest pressure used to initialize the
saturation pressure calculation for the upper portion of the phase envelope.
This is required input. (Default is 2000)
■ Highest Pres /Upper Envelope. The highest pressure used to initialize the
saturation pressure calculation for the upper portion of the phase envelope.
This is required input. (Default is 6000)
■ Lowest Pres /Lower Envelope. The lowest pressure used to initialize the
saturation pressure calculation for the lower portion of the phase envelope.
This is required input. (Default is 100)
■ Highest Pres /Lower Envelope. The highest pressure used to initialize the
saturation pressure calculation for the lower portion of the phase envelope.
This is required input. (Default is 300)
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Enthalpy Unit. The enthalpy units which are the same for all enthalpy
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is KBTU/
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
Figure 7-65 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured gas
antelope data. The data are measured at two pressure stages in this example.
■ Pressure. The pressure stages at which data were measured. This is required
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Enthalpy Unit. The enthalpy units which are the same for all enthalpy
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is KBTU/
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
Figure 7-67 shows an example of the table for entering laboratory measured liquid
antelope data. The data are measured at two pressure stages in this example.
■ Pressure. The pressure stages at which data were measured. This is required
Figure 7-69 shows the input menu for calculating the bubblepoint pressure of oil
in the presence of water.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
Figure 7-70 also shows an example of the table for entering bubblepoint pressures
of oil in the presence of water. The bubblepoint pressures are measured at one
temperature stage in this example.
Figure 7-70: Data Entry Table for Bubblepoint Pressure of Mixture with H2O
■ Zwat. Overall water mole fraction in the water/oil system. This is required
■ Density. The saturated fluid densities measured at the stage temperatures and
bubblepoint pressures.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Distillate Fraction Option. Alpha label specifying the units of the distillate
fraction on the distillation curve. This is required input.
■ Crude API Gravity (APIc). The measured API gravity of original crude.
■ Blend Fraction Option. Alpha label specifying the units for which fractions
of the original crude, residue and distillate are mixed in preparing the blend.
This is required input.
■ Blend API Gravity Table. The measured API gravities of blends. The
detailed table entries are discussed later.
Distillation Curve
Figure 7-72 shows the menu for entering laboratory measured distillation data.
Figure 7-73 shows an example of the table for entering molecular weight data for
the heavy fraction.
Figure 7-73: Data Entry Table for Distillation Molecular Weight Measurements
■ M.W., Crude Heavy Frac (MWc). The molecular weight of the heavy
fraction of the original crude.
■ Weight Factor/ MWc. The regression weight factor for the measured
molecular weight of the heavy fraction of the original crude. (Default is 1)
■ M.W., Residue Heavy Fraction. This table is used for entering the measured
molecular weight of the heavy fraction of the residues. The entries are the
same as the above four items, except the data entry number on the distillation
curve may also be input.
■ Wt Frac, Crude Heavy Frac (Wt). The measured weight fraction of the
crude heavy fraction in the original crude.
■ Weight Factor/Wt. The regression weight factor for the measured weight
fraction of the crude heavy fraction in the original crude. (Default is 1)
Figure 7-74 shows the menu for entering residue API gravity data.
Figure 7-74: Data Entry Table for Distillation Residue API Gravity
■ Residue API. The measured API gravity of residue on the distillation curve.
■ Weight Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured API gravity of
residue. (Default is 1)
■ Dstl Curve No. The data entry number on the distillation curve.
There are four tables available for data entry (Figure 7-75):
A file contains computed distillate K-values will be generated, can be saved later.
The format of the file is syntactically correct for input into VIP-THERM.
Figure 7-76 shows the menu for entering distillate API gravity data.
Figure 7-76: Data Entry Table for Distillation Distillate API Gravity
■ Distillate API. The measured API gravity of distillate. The temperature range
of the distillate is specified by Start Curve No. and End Curve No.
■ Weight Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured API gravity of
the distillate. (Default is 1)
■ Start Curve No. The data entry number on the distillation curve which
defines the starting temperature of the distillate.
■ End Curve No. The data entry number on the distillation curve which defines
the ending temperature of the distillate.
Figure 7-77 shows the menu for entering component K-values of the distillate.
Figure 7-78 shows the menu for entering regression weight factors for the
measured component K-values. This weight factor is applied to the residuals of
equation-of-state computed K-values and measured K-values. To accommodate
the large variation in component K-values, the logarithm of the K-values are used
in computing the residuals.
There is another regression weight factor table for the measured K-values but is
applied only to the residuals of correlation computed K-values and measured K-
values (Figure 7-79). To accommodate the large variation in component K-values,
the logarithm of the K-values are used in computing the residuals. This weight
factor will not affect the adjustment of equation-of-state parameters in regression.
Figure 7-80 shows the menu for entering blend API gravity data.
Figure 7-80: Data Entry Table for Distillation Blend API Gravity
■ Crude Frac. The volume or weight fraction of the original crude in the blend.
■ DstCurve No. The data entry number on the distillation curve for the residue
used in the blend.
■ Resd Vol Fr or Resd Wt Fr. The volume or weight fraction of the residue
with the temperature specified by DstCurve No.
■ Distillate No. The data entry number of the distillate in the Distillate API
Gravity Table for the distillate used in the blend.
■ Dstl Vol Fr or Dstl Wt Fr. The Volume or weight fraction of the distillate
specified by Distillate No.
■ Wt Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured API gravity of the
blend. (Default is 1)
Viscosity Measurements
ln ( ln ( μ + 1 – v min ) ) = A + B ln ( T ) (7-3)
■ Crude Viscosity (cp). The data table for the measured viscosities of the
original crude.
■ Residue Viscosity (cp). The data table for the measured viscosities of the
■ Distillate Viscosity (cp). The data table for the measured viscosities of the
■ Blend Viscosity (cp). The data table for the measured viscosities of the
Figure 7-82 shows the data table for the original crude viscosity.
■ Temp. Temperature of the measured viscosity. The units are the same as those
specified in the main menu of the distillation test.
■ Pres. Pressure of the measured viscosity. The units are the same as those
specified in the main menu of the distillation test.
■ Wt Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured viscosity of the
original crude.
If one of the Twu viscosity correlations is selected, a viscosity data file will be
generated. This file will contain component viscosity data at the temperatures
specified in the crude viscosity table. The file can be saved later and used in VIP-
■ Temp. Temperature of the measured viscosity. The units are the same as those
specified in the main menu of the distillation test.
■ Pres. Pressure of the measured viscosity. The units are the same as those
specified in the main menu of the distillation test.
■ Wt Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured residue viscosity.
■ Temp. Temperature of the measured viscosity. The units are the same as those
specified in the main menu of the distillation test.
■ Pres. Pressure of the measured viscosity. The units are the same as those
specified in the main menu of the distillation test.
■ Wt Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured distillate viscosity.
■ Temp. Temperature of the measured viscosity. The units are the same as those
specified in the main menu of the distillation test.
■ Pres. Pressure of the measured viscosity. The units are the same as those
specified in the main menu of the distillation test.
■ Wt Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured blend viscosity.
Since DESKTOP-PVT will load the water component and its properties
automatically for this test, it is not necessary to input water (H2O) as a component
in the component assignment process. An additional input menu for the binary
coefficients of water and other components can be displayed by activating the
Thermal option in the Config menu.
Figure 7-86 shows the input menu for simulating the steam distillation test.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Injected Steam Rate. Injected steam rate, in gm/hr. This is required input.
■ Initial Oil Volume In Cell. The volume of crude oil initially injected into the
PVT cell, in cubic centimeters (cc). This is required input.
■ API Gravity, Initial Oil (APIo). The API gravity of the original crude. This
is required input.
■ Lab Measurements (Lab Data). The table for entering laboratory measured
data such as injected steam volume, steam distillation yield and density of the
distilled oil. The detailed table entries are discussed later.
■ Weight Factor/ Lab Data. The regression weight factors of the measured
data (Default is 1)
■ Time-Step Size. Time-Step size, in hours, used for simulating the steam
distillation process. This is required input.
Figure 7-87 shows the table for entering laboratory measured steam distillation
Figure 7-88 shows the input menu for simulating the multistage separators.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
Figure 7-89 also shows the table used for entering the separator conditions data.
For each stage, a maximum of two destinations can be assigned for each of the
two output streams (vapor and liquid). For example, the liquid stream leaving a
separator can be sent to the oil sales line, or a fraction of the liquid stream can be
sent to the oil sale line with the rest of the liquid stream sent to a downstream
separator. If the output streams are sent to two destinations, then two data cards,
one for each destination, are required for a complete description of the stage
conditions (type 1 and type 2 data cards). Otherwise, only one data card is needed
for each stage (type 1 card). Type 2 data cards, if required, must immediately
follow type 1 data cards for each stage.
■ Stage No. The separator stage number. Every separator must have an
(positive) integer stage number. The nonzero stage number indicates a type 1
data card. If a type 2 data card is required for a separator stage, enter 0 for the
Stage No. This is required input.
■ Vapor Frac. The fraction of the vapor stream leaving a separator stage is sent
to the destination indicated in Vapor Dest. Values must lie in the range of 0 to
1. If the value for a type 1 data card is less than one, a type 2 data card must be
provided for this stage. This is required input.
■ Vapor Dest. Defines the destination of the vapor stream leaving a separator
stage. Destinations include a downstream separator stage and the gas sales
line. Enter the alpha label GAS if the destination is the gas sales line,
otherwise enter a downstream separator stage number. This is required
■ Liquid Frac. The fraction of the liquid stream leaving a separator stage is
sent to the destination indicated in Liquid Dest. Values must lie in the range of
0 to 1. If the value for a type 1 data card is less than one, then a type 2 data
card must be provided for this stage. This is required input.
■ Liquid Dest. Defines the destination of the liquid stream leaving a separator
stage. Destinations include a downstream separator stage and the oil sales
line. Enter the alpha label OIL if the destination is the oil sales line, otherwise
enter a downstream separator stage number. This is required input.
Figure 7-90 shows the input menu for simulating the laboratory separators test.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIA)
■ Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) Unit. The units for all gas-oil ratio measurements.
This is required input. (Default is SCF/STB)
■ Density Unit. The density units which are the same for all density
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is LB/FT3)
■ Oil Density or Gas Z-Factor. Oil density (for bubblepoint fluid) or Gas Z-
factor (for dewpoint fluid) at reservoir temperature and saturation pressure.
■ Weight Factor/Bo or Bg. The regression weight factor of the oil or gas
formation volume factor. (Default is 1)
■ Stock Tank Oil API Gravity. The API gravity of stock tank oil at standard
■ Weight Factor/Oil API. The regression weight factor of the API gravity of
stock tank oil at standard conditions. (Default is 1)
■ Total Gas-Oil Ratio (TGOR). The total gas-oil ratio, in standard cubic feet
of gas per stock tank barrel of oil, calculated by separation through all stages
to surface conditions.
Figure 7-91 shows the table for entering laboratory measured separator data.
■ GOR/Stage P&T. Gas-oil ratio in cubic feet of gas at standard conditions per
barrel of oil at stage pressure and temperature.
■ GOR/Std P&T. Gas-oil ratio in cubic feet of gas at standard conditions per
barrel of stock tank oil at standard conditions.
■ Oil Vol Fact. Separator volume factor in barrels of oil at stage pressure and
temperature per barrel of stock tank oil at standard conditions.
Figure 7-92 shows the input menu for calculating phase envelope.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIA)
■ Liquid Fraction Type. Alpha label specifying either liquid mole fraction or
liquid volume fraction quality line. This is required input.
Figure 7-93 shows the input menu for calculating composition variations with
depth. The input data are reservoir temperature, pressure and hydrocarbon
composition at a reference depth.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIA)
■ Depth Unit. The depth units which are the same for all depth measurements.
This is required input. (Default is FT)
■ Option For Entering Depth. Two options are available to enter the depths
where compositions are calculated.
■ Optional Input. An item for activating the optional input menu for this test.
The detailed entries are discussed later.
Figure 7-94 shows the Optional Input menu for calculating composition variations
with depth.
■ Min Damping Factor. Convergence tolerance for the damping factor of the
pressure and composition changes between iterations. The composition
calculation will fail if the computed damping factor is less than the tolerance.
(Default is 0.001)
■ Min Depth Interval for Calc. The minimum depth interval allowed in the
composition calculation. If the computed depth interval is less than this
minimum value, the calculation will be reported as a failure. (Default is 1)
■ Max Depth Interval for Calc. The maximum depth interval allowed in the
composition calculation. If the user specified depth interval is greater than this
value, the compositions at additional intermediate depths will be performed
with this depth interval between the user specified depths. (Default is 100)
■ Depth Interval Reduction Scale. The factor for reducing the size of depth
interval when a composition calculation fails. If the composition calculation
which failed was of size of ΔD, the next intermediate composition calculation
will be of size ΔD times this factor. (Default is 0.2)
Figure 7-95 shows the input menu for calculating properties of carbon dioxide
saturated water.
■ Format of Data Table. Alpha label specifying the table format to enter
carbon dioxide saturated water properties. This is required input. (Default is
SATWAT) Only SATWAT option will generate enough data in “co2tab.log”
file to be used by VIP-COMP, and is explained in the documentation.
■ Salinity Units. The brine salinity units. There are two options
■ Temperature Units. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is F)
■ Pressure Units. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIA)
■ Laboratory Data. The laboratory measured data for SATWAT option include
salinity, temperature and properties of carbon dioxide saturated water.
Figure 7-96 shows the input menu for entering laboratory measured data for
SATWAT option.
■ Salinity (WT%). Salinity of the brine in the units shown in parentheses. This
is required input. (Default is 0)
■ Weight Factor. The regression weight factors for the measured data of carbon
dioxide saturated water. (Default is 1)
Figure 7-97 shows the input menu for entering measured data of carbon dioxide
saturated water.
■ Bw. Formation volume factor of carbon dioxide saturated water. The units are
rb/stb if the pressure units are psia and are cm/stcm if the pressure units are
■ Cw. Compressibility of carbon dioxide saturated water. The units are inverse
of pressure units.
A specified initial amount of oil and optionally a specified initial amount of water
are charged into the PVT cell. For each contact, a specified amount of steam (or
water) is injected into the PVT cell and the fluids are brought to equilibrium at a
temperature, pressure and cell volume such that a vapor phase is formed. A liquid
water phase may or may not be formed. The total cell volume, the amount of
vapor phase formed at equilibrium and the equilibrium gas, oil and water
saturations are measured. Then the vapor phase is completely removed from the
PVT cell and is flashed to standard conditions. The produced amounts of gas, oil
and water are measured.
The amounts of initial oil and water, the injected steam, and produced fluids may
be expressed in mass (default), volumetric or molar units. For the volumetric unit
option, the units are cubic centimeter (cc). The initial volume of oil, and the
produced volumes of gas, oil and water are measured at standard conditions. The
volumes of initial water and injected steam are expressed in terms of H2O cwe
(cold water equivalent). Only the vapor phase volume at equilibrium is measured
at PVT cell conditions. For cases in which the initial oil is saturated at standard
conditions, the volumetric unit option should not be used. This condition is not
checked by the program.
Optionally, oil viscosities of the initial oil (crude), and of the PVT cell oil and the
produced oil for any contact may also be calculated as predictions or through
regression to match experimental data. Care should be taken to insure that the
specified temperatures and pressures at which viscosities are to be calculated
correspond to undersaturated conditions for the relevant fluid composition. This is
not checked by the program.
The program utilizes rigorous three phase flash algorithms for equilibrium
calculations both in the PVT cell and the separator. For most heavy oils, the fluid
in the separator will be an undersaturated oil/water mixture (no produced gas). If
this condition is detected by calculation of the bubblepoint, the separator flash
calculation is of course bypassed. Water is allowed to partition into the oil phase
in all equilibrium/bubblepoint calculations if the water-in-oil option has been
selected. Normally, H2O should not be defined as a component by the user. H2O
is defined implicitly and is treated by the equation of state as a component in the
gas and (optionally) oil phase with fixed properties which are consistent with
those used in VIP-THERM. The only properties associated with H2O which may
be modified by the user are the binary interaction coefficients.
Figure 7-98 shows an example of the main input menu for simulating the
MCSVAP test.
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
temperature measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is F,
degree Fahrenheit.)
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIA)
■ Stream Unit. The stream units which are the same for all stream
measurements in this test, including the amounts of initial oil and water, the
injected steam, and produced fluids. This is required input. (Default is G,
■ API Gravity of Initial Oil (APIo). The API gravity of the initial oil. Use
only if initial oil is undersaturated.
■ Initial Quantity of Oil in Cell. Initial amount of oil in PVT cell in the units
specified by Stream Unit. This is required input. (Default is 100)
■ Initial Quantity of H2O in Cell. Initial amount of water in PVT cell in the
units specified by Stream Unit. (Default is 0)
Figure 7-99 shows an example of the data table for entering laboratory measured
MCSVAP data.
■ H2O Injected. Amount of H2O injected into PVT cell for each contact in the
units specified by Stream Unit. This is required input.
■ Cell Vol(cc). Total cell volume in cc for each contact at equilibrium after
injection of H2O.
■ Cell Vapor. Amount of equilibrium vapor formed for each contact and then
withdrawn in the units specified by Stream Unit.
■ Oil Satn. PVT cell oil saturation in fraction at equilibrium for each contact
before withdrawal of vapor.
■ Water Satn. PVT cell liquid water saturation in fraction at equilibrium for
each contact before withdrawal of vapor.
■ H2O M.F./Oil. Mole fraction of H2O in the PVT cell oil phase for each
contact before withdrawal of vapor. This number is calculated only if the
water-in-oil option is activated.
■ H2O M.F./GAS. Mole fraction of H2O in the PVT cell vapor phase for each
contact before withdrawal of vapor. This number is calculated only if the
water-in-oil option is activated.
■ Oil Prod. Amount of oil produced at standard conditions for each contact in
the units specified by Stream Unit.
■ GAS Prod. Amount of gas produced at standard conditions for each contact
in the units specified by Stream Unit.
■ Prod Oil API. API gravity of produced oil for each contact.
■ Minimum Viscosity (cp). The minimum value of viscosity used for plotting
viscosity vs. temperature data on logarithmic scale:
ln ( ln ( μ + 1 – μ min ) ) = A + B ln ( T )
where T is absolute temperature. The default value is 0.2. This value will be
internally reset to 0 if any input or calculated viscosity value is less than the
input value.
■ Initial Oil Viscosity(cp). The data table for the measured viscosity of the
initial oil.
■ Cell Oil Viscosity(c). The data table for the measured viscosity of the PVT
cell oil.
■ Produced Oil Viscosity(cp). The data table for the measured viscosity of the
produced oil.
Figure 7-101 shows the data table for entering the measured initial oil viscosity.
■ Temp. Temperature of the measured viscosity. The temperature units are the
same as those defined in the MCSVAP main menu.
■ Pres. Pressure of the measured viscosity. The temperature units are the same
as those defined in the MCSVAP main menu.
■ Wt Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured viscosity of the
initial oil.
Figure 7-102 shows the data table for entering the measured PVT cell oil
viscosity. The same data format is also used for produced oil viscosity.
■ Contact No. Contact number in the multiple contact steam injection test.
■ Temp. Temperature of the measured viscosity. The temperature units are the
same as those defined in the MCSVAP main menu.
■ Pres. Pressure of the measured viscosity. The temperature units are the same
as those defined in the MCSVAP main menu.
■ Wt Factor. The regression weight factor for the measured viscosity of the
PVT cell oil.
■ Successive substition
■ Newton-Raphson
■ Temperature Unit. The temperature units which are the same for all
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is °F)
■ Temperature. The cell temperature at which all data are measured in this test.
This is required input.
■ Pressure Unit. The pressure units which are the same for all pressure
measurements in this test. This is required input. (Default is PSIG)
■ LMol Frc. Liquid (oil) phase mole fraction at the pressure stages.
Calculation of Laboratory Procedures
8.1 Introduction
The Run menu contains items for activating laboratory test calculations, selecting
phase behavior calculation methods, and specifying control parameters for phase
behavior calculations. There are six items in the Run menu:
■ GO
■ Calc Method
■ Psat Tol
■ Flash Tol
■ Expansion Tol
■ Debug
Except for the GO item, a window for entering data will be displayed when an
item is selected. The GO entry is used to activate the phase behavior calculation.
The remaining menu items are used to select calculation parameters.
The default values for the phase behavior calculation parameters in DESKTOP-
PVT are adequate for most fluid systems. However, for difficult near-critical fluid
systems, some parameters in the saturation pressure and flash calculations may
need to be changed. DESKTOP-PVT allows the user to change any of these
parameters for any of the simulated tests. The changes in a test will effect only
that particular test. Each test may have its own set of parameters for phase
behavior calculations.
■ Max Dp. The maximum change in pressure (psia) for an iteration. (Default is
■ Tol Dp. Convergence tolerance for pressure (psia) change between iterations.
(Default is 0.01)
■ Tol Kval. Convergence tolerance for the heavy component K-value. The
saturation pressure calculation will fail if the heavy component K-value is
greater than 1.0 - tolerance. (Default is 0.00001)
■ Tol DampF. Convergence tolerance for the damping factor of the pressure
and composition changes between iterations. The saturation pressure
calculation will fail if the damping factor is less than the tolerance. (Default is
■ Max Dz. The maximum change in composition and liquid/vapor fraction for
an iteration. (Default is 0.05)
■ Max DLV. The maximum deviation in liquid/vapor fraction from the limiting
values of zero and one for an iteration. (Default is 0.01)
■ Tol Kval. Convergence tolerance for the heavy component K-value. The flash
calculation will fail if the heavy component K-value is greater than 1.0 -
tolerance. (Default is 0.00001)
■ Max Expn Dp. The maximum pressure interval allowed, in psia, in flash
calculation of the expansion tests. If the pressure drop in a expansion test
stage is greater than this interval, additional intermediate flashs will be
performed with this pressure decrement between the specified pressure stages.
(Default is 500)
■ Dp Factor. The factor for reducing the size of a pressure interval when an
intermediate flash fails. If the flash which failed was of size ΔP, the next
intermediate flash calculation will be of size ΔP times this factor. (Default is
■ Min Expn Dp. The minimum pressure interval, in psia, to be used in flash
calculation. If the pressure decrement is less than this interval, the calculation
will be reported as a failure. (Default is 0.001)
Report - Calculation Results
9.1 Introduction
Graphic and tabular reports for the calculated results are created from the Report
menu. At the termination of the phase behavior calculation, the program is ready
to proceed to the Graphics option in the Report menu, and the results are ready to
be examined. In addition, the user can generate reports by retrieving a database
file. See Sections 2.7, 3.6, and 3.7 for more information about database file
manipulation. There are fourteen options in the Report menu.
■ Graphics
■ GraTitle
■ SavGraph
■ GetGraph
■ Table
■ PrtTable
■ SavTable
■ GetTable
■ SaveEOS
■ SaveKval
■ SaveVisc
■ SaveZgrd
■ SavCO2T
■ SaveBOE
9.2 Graphics
The graphic module provides an environment for users to graphically display
calculated results and observation data. This is an interactive environment that
provides a wide range of control over the graphical presentation of calculated
results and observation data. The graphic module is activated by selecting
Graphics from the Report menu.
Point to the desired item by moving the mouse pointer until it is on the desired
item. On some devices, the item will be highlighted. Press MB1 to make the
If the cursor device has buttons in addition to MB1, the use of other buttons
will be context dependent. However, it is generally true that MB3 and MB4 (if
available) can be used to toggle on and off a help message for the highlighted
item. Pressing MB2 will clear away the menu area so it will not appear on a
screen dump. To redisplay the graphics selection menu area again press MB2.
Point to the desired item by using the left and right arrow keys, and press the
Enter key to select the item. The user may type the first few letters which are
unique enough to distinguish one item from another to make a selection.
Toggle the help message with the ? key.
The exact items of the Graphic Menu Bar are dependent on laboratory procedures.
Figure 9-111 is an example plot with the Graphic Menu Bar. Usually, the first
several items in the menu are the fluid properties available for review. A selection
of these items will immediately display the corresponding plot on the screen. The
solid curve with dots represents the calculated results. The dots indicate the
calculated points. The observation data points, if present on the same plot, will be
shown as cross marks. If there are too many menu items to fit in one row, >>
MORE will be displayed at both ends of the menu. The >> MORE item indicates
additional items are available for selection. The user can position the cursor on >>
MORE to display additional items for selection.
The last two items on the graphics selection menu are CONTRL and EXIT. The
EXIT item allows the user to quit the current graphic session for the selected
laboratory procedure, and return to the previous menu for selecting another
laboratory procedure for graphic reports. The CONTRL item provides a method
for users to manipulate graphic attributes interactively.
Figure 9-112: Example Plot with the Control Item Selected on the Graphic Menu Bar
The ZOOM option allows the user to select and display sections of the plot scene
for close detail observations. Several options (Figure 9-113) are provided to
■ IXscale. The IXscale option allows the user to specify the horizontal extent
(x-axis) to be zoomed interactively. The graphic cursor will be overlayed with
a vertical line to indicate the area boundary. To define the desired boundary,
position the vertical line at the desired location of the first boundary and press
MB1. Move the vertical line to the second boundary position and press MB1.
The zoomed picture will be displayed upon specification of both boundaries.
■ IYscale. The IYscale option allows the user to specify the vertical extent (y-
axis) to be zoomed interactively. The graphic cursor will be overlayed with a
horizontal line to indicate the area boundary. To define the desired boundary,
position the horizontal line at the desired location of the first boundary
position and press MB1. Move the vertical line to the second boundary
position and press MB1. The zoomed picture will be displayed upon
specification of both boundaries.
■ WINDOW. The WINDOW option allows the user to zoom the interested
rectangular area interactively. When this option is selected, the following
prompt appears below the Menu Bar:
Position the cursor at the lower left corner of the desired area and press MB1.
The following prompt will appear:
Expand the window from the lower left to the upper right until the required
window area is achieved and press MB1. The scene will be redrawn with only
the windowed area in the scene.
■ KXscale. The KXscale option allows the user to specify the horizontal extent
(x-axis) to be zoomed through keyboard entry. When KXscale is selected, the
following prompt appears above the graphic area:
The user must enter two values indicating the new x-axis extent. Enter the
minimum value first followed by a space, then enter the maximum value and
press the Enter key.
This feature is most useful when the user wishes to zoom out the plotting area.
The zoomed picture will be displayed upon completing keyboard entries.
■ KYscale. The KYscale option allows the user to specify the vertical extent (y-
axis) to be zoomed through keyboard entry. When KYscale is selected, the
following prompt appears above the graphic area:
The user must enter two values indicating the new y-axis extent. Enter the
minimum value first followed by a space, then enter the maximum value and
press the Enter key.
This feature is most useful when the user wishes to zoom out the plotting area.
The zoomed picture will be displayed upon completing keyboard entries.
■ RESTORE. The RESTORE option is used to return the zoomed picture to its
original scales.
■ HIGHER. The HIGHER option returns the user to the previous menu.
The VALUE option provides a means of obtaining X, Y plot location data from
the plot scene. The following prompt will appear:
Position the cursor at the desired location within the scene and press MB1. The
value(s) for the selected point are presented below the menu bar. Two y-axis
values will be shown; however, the value of RY-axis, which shows the value of
the right-hand side y-axis, is immaterial. When the user is finished, press MB2 to
exit the value option.
The L_TYPE option allows the user to change the line style. The line style can
vary from a solid line to different length line segments. The change will be
effective through the entire graphic report session until a different line style is
selected. To change the line style, select L_TYPE and continue depressing MB1
until you find the desired line style.
The COLOR option allows the user to change the line color. The change will be
effective through the entire graphic report session until a different line color is
selected. To change the color, select color and continue depressing MB1 until you
find the desired color.
The TEXT option allows the user to add text to the display screen at any location.
This feature provides a mechanism for the user to customize his plots. When the
Text option is selected, the following options (Figure 9-114) will be displayed on
the Graphic Menu Bar.
■ ADD. The ADD option allows the user to add text to the screen. The
following prompt will appear above the graphic area:
Enter Text:
Type in the desired text (up to 80 characters per line) and press the Enter key.
The following prompt will appear:
This prompt allows you to set the size of the text before it is added to the
screen. A default size will be used if you press Enter; otherwise, enter the
desired size. Then the following prompt will appear:
Position the cursor at the location around which the text should be centered.
Press MB1 and the text will be drawn on the screen.
■ MOVE. The MOVE option allows the user to change the location of text.
When MOVE is selected, the following prompt appears below the Menu Bar:
The selected text will be highlighted and the following menu appears:
Position the cursor at the desired new location and press MB1. The text will
be moved to the new location.
■ SCALE. The SCALE option provides a way to change the scale (size) of text.
When SCALE is selected, the following prompt appears below the Menu Bar:
Position the cursor over the desired text and press MB1. The selected text will
be highlighted (highlighting is yellow on multi-color screens). Select OK
from the next menu to confirm the selection. The following prompt will
Enter the desired new scale factor. For example, with the current text scale
displayed considered 1, a scale factor entry of 2 will double the text size. An
entry of 0.5 will halve the size.
■ DELETE. The DELETE option allows the user to remove user defined text
from the plot. When DELETE is selected, the following prompt appears
below the Menu Bar:
Position the cursor over the desired text and press MB1. The selected text will
be highlighted. Select OK from the menu to confirm the deletion.
■ REDRAW. To refresh the screen and remove the effects of text being moved,
etc., select the REDRAW option.
Selection of the PRINTER option will produce output for the PRINTER device.
The output will be saved in a postscript file named in the directory in
which the program was started. This file may be automatically routed by the
VIPPRINTER command to the print queue specified by the environment variable
To refresh the screen, and remove the effects of graphic attributes being changed,
select the REDRAW option.
This option will return the user to a higher level menu, i.e., to graphic item
selection menu.
NOTE: This option is not available while in Graphics mode. Access this option prior
to selecting Graphics in the Report menu or exit Graphics and proceed to the
GraTitle option.
NOTE: This option is not available while in Graphics mode. Access this option prior
to selecting Graphics in the Report menu or exit Graphics and proceed to the
SavGraph option.
After selecting the GetGraph option, a Filebox pop-up window will be displayed
showing a list of files with the extension ".dbf". To select the desired file, double-
click on the filename.
After selecting the GetTable option, a Filebox pop-up window will be displayed
showing a list of files with the extension ".tab". To select the desired file, double-
click on the filename.
An EOS file contains EOS descriptions for a fluid such as component names,
critical properties and composition, etc. The functions SaveEOS, Load EOS and
Append EOS can be used to transfer the EOS descriptions of a run to another.
10.1 Introduction
This tutorial presents a complete step-by-step fluid characterization example. The
data required for entry into the program are presented in Tables 9-2 to 9-6. The
fluid characterization procedure is:
4. Component Pseudoization
2. Select EOS from the Config menu and select Peng-Robinson Equation-of-
3. Turn on the Heavy ends characterization option by selecting Heavy from the
Config menu and choose Yes.
4. Enter the heavy ends parameters by selecting Parameter from the Heavy
a. Enter the Molecular Weight, Specific Gravity, and Mole Fraction from
Table 9-2. The number of heavy components is specified by giving names
for the pseudo-components. The data entry window can be accessed by
selecting Pseudo-Component No. & Name. In this example, the three
pseudo-components will be named HVY1, HVY2, and HVY3. Add three
new lines to input the pseudo-component names.
c. For the option C6 to C7 M.W. Boundary, replace the default value 92 with
d. For this example, default entries for all other options at this level will be
accepted. Click OK to return to the display window.
8. Save the data used to create this heavy ends characterization by selecting Save
from the File menu. Name the file HEAVY.DAT.
The HEAVY.EOS and HEAVY.DAT files are shown in Tables 9-7 and 9-8.
9. Select Heavy from the Config menu and choose No to turn off heavy ends
1. If the program has been exited, start DESKTOP-PVT and select Peng-
Robinson Equation of State from the Config menu.(as in Steps 1-2 in the
Heavy Ends Characterization Section). If you have not exited the program,
proceed to step 2.
2. Select Test Type from the Config menu. Select Density, Sat Pressure, Cnst
Composition, Cnst Volume as the PVT experiments to be simulated. Click OK
to return to the display window.
3. Select System from the Component menu and choose the pure light
components corresponding to those shown in Table 9-2. Select CO2, C1, C2,
C3, NC4, IC4, NC5, IC5, C6, and click OK. The program will use the default
EOS properties for these components.
4. Load the EOS properties for the heavy components by selecting Append EOS
from the Component menu. Select HEAVY.EOS and click OK to return to the
display window. There will be a delay while the program retrieves the file.
5. Enter the pure component mole fractions as mole fractions derived from the
Well Stream Mole % figures in Table 9-2 into the Global reference
composition by selecting Composition from the Component menu.
NOTE: The values for HVY1, HVY2, and HVY3 should already be present.
Click OK to return to the display window. The sum of the mole fractions
should equal unity. If the message Sum of Composition Not Equal To 1.0,
Normalize? (Y/N) is displayed, the values were not entered correctly. Answer,
No to this question and check the input values. The example below shows
what the composition window should look like.
6. Enter the data for the individual tests to be simulated; Density, Constant
Composition, Saturation Pressure, and Constant Volume.
NOTE: Before pressing F2, your mouse pointer must be on the entry box.
Enter the temperature of 276°F. Enter the Laboratory Measured values for
density at 6000 and 4375 psig from Table 9-3. Add as many columns as
necessary to input the data. Check to insure the density units are correct.
Entries for quantities not measured, such as Z-factor and Liquid Viscosity
in this example, should be left as zero. Click OK to return to the previous
Under Laboratory Measurements enter the Relative Oil Volume and the
Volume of Liquid Phase between the bubble point and the first depletion
level. In continuously decreasing values of pressure, enter all the data
from Table 9-3 and enter the data from pressure 4375 to 3960 psig from
Table 9-5. Data entry into the test should exclude viscosity data.
Otherwise property regression would thereby include viscosity, thus
reducing the match of the other property data. Click OK to return to the
previous menu.
Next, name the lightest and heaviest components which contain heptanes
plus. In this example, First Heavy Component Name is HVY1 and the
Last Heavy Component Name is HVY3.
Table 9-4), and the oil volume fraction (oil volume fraction should be
derived from the Liquid Phase Volume % of Volume from Table 9-5).
Click OK to return to the previous menu.
8. View the results graphically by selecting Graphics from the Report menu. The
resulting figures should look like:
NOTE: For the Constant Composition Expansion, select SLIQ from the Graphics
Menu Bar to display the liquid saturation. For the Constant Volume
Depletion, select GPROD from the Graphics Menu Bar to display the
cumulative gas produced.
9. Save the data for this run by selecting Save from the File menu. Name the file
10.4 Regression
As shown in Figures 10-1 to 10-4, the default predictions, using the combined
heavy ends characterization and the pure component data, often does a poor job
reproducing the experimental data. Therefore, regression on some of the equation
of state parameters is necessary. Start with the data in the file, DEFAULT.DAT.
We will regress on Omega A and Omega B for the 3 heavy components and C1,
and the binary interaction parameters for C1 with the 3 heavy components. The
order in which the regression variables are defined is not important. However,
please note that the regression variables are numbered as follows in this tutorial:
Omega A-HVY1 1
Omega A-HVY2 2
Omega A-HVY3 3
Omega A-C1 4
Omega B-HVY1 5
Omega B-HVY2 6
Omega B-HVY3 7
Omega B-C1 8
1. If the program has been exited, start DESKTOP-PVT, and retrieve the file,
DEFAULT.DAT, by selecting Open from the File menu. If you are continuing
from Section 10.3, skip this step as the data from DEFAULT.DAT is still
loaded in the program.
2. Turn on regression by selecting Regression from the Config menu and choose
3. To set the regression variables select Variable from the Regres menu.
a. Select EOS Property and click OK. Enter the number for the regression
variable in the appropriate place in the EOS property table for regression
variables 1-8 (see above table). Click OK to return to the previous menu.
b. Select Binary Coeff and click OK. Enter the numbers for the binary
interaction parameter regression variables in the appropriate places in the
table for variables 9-11 (see above table). Click OK to return to the
previous menu.
4. From the Regres menu select Limits. Leave the initial value for all the
variables as 1.0. Change the Minimum to 0.7 and the Maximum to 1.3 for all
the regression variables. This allows 30% change in each regression
variable.Click OK to return to the display window.
5. Select Control from the Regres menu. Change the Max Number of Iterations
to 20. Click OK to return to the display window.
6. Run the program by selecting Go from the Run menu. It will take
substantially longer to run this regression calculation compared with the
previously calculated default prediction.
7. The results can be viewed graphically by choosing Graphics from the Report
menu. The resulting figures should look like:
NOTE: For the Constant Composition Expansion, select SLIQ from the Graphics
Menu Bar to display the liquid saturation. For the Constant Volume
Depletion, select GPROD from the Graphics Menu Bar to display the
cumulative gas produced.
8. From the Report menu select Save EOS to save these calculated equation-of-
state values in a separate file. Name this file REGRESS.EOS.
9. Save the data for this run by selecting Save from the File menu. Name this file
P1 CO2, C1
1. If the program has been exited, start DESKTOP-PVT, and retrieve the file
REGRESS.DAT by selecting Open from the File menu. If you are continuing
from Section 10.4, skip this step and goto step 3, as the data from
REGRESS.DAT is still loaded in the program.
2. Replace the equation of state characterization with the results from the
previous regression section by selecting Load EOS from the Component
menu and choosing REGRESS.EOS. There will be a delay while the program
processes the file.
3. Turn off regression by selecting Regression from the Config menu and
choosing No.
4. Check to insure that the properties have been loaded properly, by running the
program. Select Go from the Run menu. (This calculation should be very
fast.) View the results be selecting Graphics from the Report menu. The
picture for liquid saturation for the Constant Composition Expansion should
look like Figure 10-7. (You may wish to save this file by selecting Save from
the File menu and name the file FILENAME.DAT.)
6. From the Pseudo menu select Pseudo Name. Click AddRowAfter five times
to add five new rows and fill in the rows with the names of the new pseudo-
components. Click OK to return to the display window.
b. Enter the temperature (276 °F) and Bubble Pt Pressure (4375 psig).
c. Change Unit Pressure to psig by clicking the box cell with MB1. Select
PSIG and click OK to return to the previous menu.
e. Repeat the previous step to define each pseudo-component, P2, P3, etc.
(Refer to the table on the previous page.)
9. Save the equation of state parameters in the file by selecting Save EOS from
the Pseudo menu. Name the file PSEUDO.EOS.
10. Save the file which created the pseudo components by selecting Save from the
File menu. Name the file CREATPSD.DAT.
11. Replace the existing 12 component equation of state characterization with the
newly created 5 component description by selecting Replace EOS from the
Pseudo menu.
12. By performing the previous step, the global reference composition has been
replaced with its corresponding pseudo-component values. This can be
checked by selecting Composition from the Component menu. Click OK to
return to the display window. All the compositions for the simulated tests,
however, must be reset.
13. Turn pseudoization off, by selecting Pseudoization from the Config, menu
and choosing No.
14. Re-enter the composition data for the individual tests to be simulated.
a. Select Density from the Tests menu. Select composition, press F2 and
load the global reference composition. Click OK to return to the previous
menu. All the remaining data should be correct. Click OK to return to the
display window.
b. Select Cnst Composition from the Tests menu. Select composition, press
F2 and load the global reference composition. Click OK to return to the
previous menu. Click OK to return to the display window.
c. Select Sat Pressure from the Tests menu. Select composition, press F2 and
load the global reference composition. Click OK to return to the previous
menu. Click OK to return to the display window.
d. Select Cnst Volume from the Tests menu. Select composition, press F2
and load the global reference composition. Click OK to return to the
previous menu. Next, rename the lightest and heaviest components which
contain heptanes plus. The First Heavy Component Name is now P3 and
the Last Heavy Component Name is P5. Click OK to return to the display
16. The results can be viewed graphically by selecting Graphics from the Report
menu. The resulting figures should look like:
NOTE: For the Constant Composition Expansion, select SLIQ from the Graphics
Menu Bar to display the liquid saturation. For the Constant Volume
Depletion, select GPROD from the Graphics Menu Bar to display the
cumulative gas produced.
17. Save the data for this run by selecting Save from the File menu. Name the file
Omega A-P3 1
Omega A-P4 2
Omega A-P5 3
Omega A-P1 4
Omega B-P3 5
Omega B-P4 6
Omega B-P5 7
Omega B-P1 8
1. If the program has been exited, start DESKTOP-PVT, and retrieve the file
PSEUDO.DAT by selecting Open from the File menu. If you are continuing
from Section 10.5, Component Pseudoization, skip this step as the data from
PSEUDO.DAT is still loaded in the program.
2. From the Config menu select Regression and choose Yes to turn regression
3. Select Variable from the Regres menu to set the regression variables.
a. Select EOS Property and click OK. Enter the number for the regression
variable in the appropriate place in the EOS property table for regression
variables 1-8 (refer to the above table).
NOTE: There may already be numbers in this table. These are carried in the program
memory from the regression in Section 10.4. If numbers are present, they are
probably incorrect, and must be reset.
b. Select Binary Coeff and click OK. Enter the numbers for the binary
interaction parameter regression variables in the appropriate places in the
table for variables 9-11 (refer to the table on the previous page).
NOTE: As above, there may already be numbers in this table. If numbers are present,
they are probably incorrect and must be reset.
4. From the Regres menu select Limits. Leave the initial value for all the
variables as 1.0. Change the Minimum to 0.7 and the Maximum to 1.3 for all
the regression variables to allow for 30% changes in each regression variable.
Click OK to return to the display window.
5. From the Regres menu select Control. Change the Max Number Of Iterations
to 20. Click OK to return to the display window.
6. Run the program by selecting Go from the Run menu. This regression step
should be quicker than the regression step in Section 10.4, as the equation of
state characterization now uses only 5 components compared with 12 in
Section 10.4.
7. The results can be viewed graphically by selecting Graphics from the Report
menu. Select Cnst Composition and click OK. From the Graphics Menu Bar
select SLIQ to display the liquid saturation. The picture for liquid saturation
for the Constant Composition Expansion should look like Figure 10-7.
8. From the Report menu select Save EOS to save these calculated equation-of-
state values in a separate file. Name this file PSDREG.EOS.
9. Save the data for this run by selecting Save from the File menu. Name this file
10. Overwrite the equation of state parameters with the results of the regression
step by selecting Load EOS from the Component menu and select
11. Turn regression off by selecting Regression from the Config menu and choose
13. The results can be display by selecting Graphics from the Report menu and
should look like:
NOTE: For the Constant Composition Expansion, select SLIQ from the Graphics
Menu Bar to display the liquid saturation. For the Constant Volume
Depletion, select GPROD from the Graphics Menu Bar to display the
cumulative gas produced.
14. Save this in a separate file by selecting Save from the File menu. Name this
Zc Component P1 1
Zc Component P2 2
Zc Component P3 3
Zc Component P4 4
Zc Component P5 5
1. If the program has been exited, start DESKTOP-PVT, and retrieve the file
5CMPTUNE.DAT by selecting Open from the File menu. If you are
continuing from Section 10.6, Regression After Pseudoization, skip this step
as the data from 5CMPTUNE.DAT is still loaded in the program.
3. From the Config menu select Regression and choose Yes to turn regression
4. From the Regres menu select Variable to set the regression variables.
a. Select EOS Property and click OK. Enter the number for the regression
variable in the appropriate Zc column in the EOS property table. Note,
there may already be numbers in this table in the columns for Omega A
and Omega B. These are carried in the program memory from the
previous regressions. If they are present, they must be reset to zero. Click
OK to return to the previous menu.
b. Select Binary Coeff and click OK. Zero out any numbers which may be
present. Click OK to return to the previous menu.
5. Select Limits from the Regres menu. Set the Minimum to 0.5 and the
Maximum to 2.0 for all five variables. Click OK to return to the display
6. From the Regres menu select Control. Change the Max Number of Iterations
to 20. Click OK to return to the display window.
7. Enter the data for the simulated experiment. From the Tests menu select Cnst
a. Check that the composition has been set by pressing F5 while your mouse
pointer is over the desired item. If the composition is not set correctly (see
below), then copy the global reference composition by pressing F2. Click
OK to return to the display window.
b. Check that the temperature is set to 276 °F and the bubble point pressure
is 4375 psig.
9. The results can be viewed graphically by selecting Graphics from the Report
menu. Select Cnst Composition and click OK. From the Graphics Menu Bar
select VISCo to display the oil viscosity. The picture for oil viscosity for the
Constant Composition Expansion should look like Figure 10-17.
10. Select Save EOS from the Report menu to save the calculated equation-of-
state values in a separate file. Name this file VISTUNE.EOS. This will be the
PVT file containing the equation of state parameters for input to a reservoir
11. Save the data for this run by selecting Save from the File menu. Name this file
Methane 50.43
Ethane 9.65
Propane 8.75
iso-Butane 2.36
n-Butane 3.53
iso-Pentane 1.58
n-Pentane 1.37
Hexanes 2.29
Pressure Gas Z-Factor Gas Phase
Heptanes Used In
(PSIG) Prod. (Cum %)
6200 0.106
5780 0.102
5415 0.098
4980 0.095
4620 0.093
4225 0.099
4100 0.101
3900 0.105
3700 0.109
3400 0.114
3000 0.125
2600 0.137
2200 0.153
1800 0.172
1400 0.199
1000 0.231
700 0.260
HVY1 107.94 570.43424.660.26346 0.30783 X X
HVY2 188.08 805.44278.660.24256 0.52090 X X
HVY3 397.52 1226.32147.940.20137 1.09954 X X
HVY1 0.037935
HVY2 0.049365
HVY3 0.065926
0.044272 0.084232 0.013497
183.000.83450.14203 125.00300.00
MWC6C7 90.00
1. Wiebe, R.: “The Binary System Carbon Dioxide-Water Under Pressure,”
Chemical Reviews, 29 (1941) 475-481.
2. Malinin, S.D. and Savelyeva, N.I.: “The Solubility of CO2 in NaCl and CaCl2
Solutions at 25, 50, and 75° Under Elevated CO2 Pressures,” Geochemistry
International, (1972) 410-418.
7. Sayegh, S.G. and Najman, J.: “Phase Behavior Measurements of CO2- SO2-
Brine Mixtures,” The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 65
(April 1987) 314-320.
8. Osif, T.L.: “The Effects of Salt, Gas, Temperature, and Pressure on the
Compressibility of Water,” SPE Reservoir Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Feb.
1988) 175-181.
9. Kestin, J., Khalifa, H.E., Abe, Y, Grimes, C.E., Sookiazian, H. and Wakeham,
W.A.: “Effect of Pressure on the Viscosity of Aqueous NaCl Solutions in the
Temperature Range 20-150 °C”, J. of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol.
23, No. 4 (1978) 328-336.
accelerated successive-substitution 8-176 calculation
acentric factor how activated 8-176
entry in property table 5-56 how to invoke 2-36
plotting 6-77 of phase envelope 4-46
use in heavy fraction 6-75 calculation method
annotation selecting 8-176
adding to a plot 9-189 carbon dioxide
API gravity data saturated water properties 5-64
entering for distillation test 7-141 carbon dioxide saturated water
appending an EOS file 5-54 entering property correlations 6-87
saving data in file 9-195
carbon dioxide solubility 5-64
how calculated 5-65
B Cavett correlation 6-75
click and drag
batch data file definition of 1-xix
definition of 2-36 CO2 saturated water 4-47
batch mode 2-25 component K-value
bibliography 1-xx, A-225 entering for distillation test 7-140
binary coefficients Component menu
specification of 5-58 Append EOS option 5-54
binary exponents Load EOS option 5-54
defining 5-58 overview of 5-51
binary interaction coefficients System option 5-51
entering for nonlinear regression 6-84, 6-85 User option 5-52
how to define 4-44 Volatile option 5-53
plotting 6-77 components
use in mixing rules 5-58 setting default 5-51
binary interaction coefficients of H2O user-defined 5-52
how to specify for thermal 4-48 volatile 5-53
blend API gravity data composition 4-49
entering for distillation test 7-141 loading from another test 5-53
boiling point temperature saving data in file 9-195
entry in property table 5-57 composition expansion procedure 4-46
plotting 6-77 composition source
bracket molecular weights 6-72 defining 4-47
bubble point pressure 4-46, 7-105 composition specification 4-49
of pseudo components 6-80 composition variation test 4-49
oil-water 7-132 composition variations with depth 4-47
compressibility data
of water, how calculated 5-68 generating table of 9-193
Config menu printing a table of 9-193
Binary Coeff option 4-44, 5-58 retrieving from database 9-193
Composition Sor option 4-47, 6-78 retrieving tabular data 9-194
EOS option 4-44 saving table of 9-193
Heavy option 4-49 saving to a database 9-192
overview of 4-43 data entry
Pseudoization option 4-47 general guidelines 2-27
Regression option 4-47 data file
Run Sequence option 4-49 how to open new 3-40
Run-Time Compos option 4-49 data set
System Info option 4-44 adding descriptive text 4-44
Test Type option 4-45 database file
Thermal option 4-48 definition of 2-37
Water-In-Oil option 4-49 how to open 3-40
confirmation dialog saving 3-40
how to use 2-32 debugging information 8-180
constant composition expansion test 4-49 defaults
constant composition test 7-108 component 5-51
constant volume depletion procedure 4-46, 7-111 density
constant volume depletion test 4-49 laboratory procedures 4-45
Control key combinations 1-xix liquid 7-101
correlation density correlation 5-64
Cavett 6-75 entering for nonlinear regression 6-88
Edmister 6-75 density units
Kesler-Lee 6-75 use as input in test procedures 7-96
Riazi-Daubert 6-75 derivative calculation
Riedel-Pitzer 6-75 in regression 6-92
use to calculate EOS 6-74 DESKTOP-PVT
Whitson 6-75 batch mode 2-25
critical pressure how to exit 3-41
entry in property table 5-56 Overview 1-21
plotting 6-77 starting the program 2-25
use in heavy fraction 6-75 dew point pressure 7-105
critical temperature of pseudo components 6-80
entry in property table 5-56 differential expansion procedure 4-46
plotting 6-77 differential expansion test 4-49, 7-118
critical z-factor differential liberation test 7-118
entry in property table 5-56 differential vaporization test 7-118
plotting 6-77 Display Window
crude viscosity data description of 2-26
entering for distillation test 7-143 distillate API gravity
cursor movement control 1-xx entering for distillation test 7-139
distillation curve
entering 7-136
distillation table
D use in heavy fraction 6-76
distillation test 4-46, 7-134
dat file extension 2-36 dtpvt.ini file 3-39, 3-41
liquid enthalpy
of a mixture 7-129 N
liquid water properties 7-131
list entry panel new data file
how to use 2-33, 2-34 how to open 3-40
Lohrenz, Bray and Clark 8-176 Newton-Raphson method 8-176
Lohrenz-Bray-Clark correlation nonlinear regression 6-69
alternatives to 5-62 entering control data 6-91
entering variables for 6-82
package included 1-21
tutorial on 10-203
M nonlinear regression calculation
overview of 6-82
manual non-volumetric observed data 6-92
overview of 1-xvii
MB1, MB2, etc.
definition of 1-xviii
Menu Bar O
description of 2-26
menu options observed data
how to select 2-27 use in regression 6-92
mixing rules oil composition
parameters used in 5-58 water-free 7-132
mole fraction Omega A,B
calculation of 6-70 entry in property table 5-56
entering for nonlinear regression 6-84 opening a database file 3-40
entry of 6-72 output
how to specify 4-49 quantity for regression 6-91
plotting 6-77 output file
review in table format 6-80 definition of 2-38
review in tabular format 6-77
mole fraction distribution
entry of 6-72
molecular weight P
calculation of 6-70
entering for distillation test 7-137 Parachor
entry in property table 5-56 entry in property table 5-57
entry of 6-71 Parkinson and De Nevers 5-67
minimum expected in heavy fraction 6-73 Passut-Danner ideal gas state 5-59
plotting 6-77 Pedersen method 8-176
molecular weight boundary Pedersen viscosity correlation
in heavy fraction 6-74 how to specify 5-62
molecular weight interval phase envelope
in heavy fraction 6-73, 6-74 calculation of 7-154
mouse buttons phase envelope calculation 4-46, 7-124
how to use 1-xviii
multiple contact steam vaporization test
thermal properties for 4-48
multiple contact vaporization test 4-46, 7-122
multistage separator
modeling of 7-149
plotting pseudoization
annotation of plots 9-189 detail discussion/activating 4-47
changing the line color 9-188 overview of 6-78
changing the line style 9-188 regression after
customized title 9-192 tutorial on 10-208
obtaining X, Y plot location data 9-188 tutorial on 10-205
retrieving data 9-193 use in DESKTOP-VIP 1-22
saving data 9-192
selecting lab procedures for 9-182
zooming the plot 9-186
pop-up windows Q
summary of 2-28
PostScript output file quitting DESKTOP-PVT 3-41
definition of 2-38
predictive mode
use in DESKTOP-PVT 1-21
critical of fluids 5-56 reference temperature
pressure units entry in property table 5-57
definition of 5-56 Regres menu
of pseudo components 6-80 Control option 6-91
use as input in test procedures 7-95, 7-97 Limits option 6-90
pressure-volume relations test 7-108 overview of 6-82
printer Variable option 6-82
setting up output 2-38 regression
PRINTER option 2-38 tutorial on 10-203
printing regression function
table of data 9-193 activating 4-47
properties regression variables
specifying for fluids 5-56 entering 6-88
property table how to specify for thermal 4-48
entering for fluids 5-56 setting initial value of 6-90
pseudo components 6-69 regression weight factors
entering data for 6-78 entering for distillation test 7-140
entering number and name 6-78 Reid, Prausnitz and Sherwood 8-176
specifying for heavy fractions 6-72 Report menu
Pseudo function GetGraph option 2-37, 9-193
overview 6-69 GetTable option 9-194
Pseudo menu Graphics option 9-182
Append EOS option 6-81 GraTitle option 9-192
Calculate option 6-78, 6-80 overview of 9-181
overview of 6-78 PrtTable 9-193
Parameter option 6-78 PrtTable option 2-38
Pseudo Name option 6-78 SaveCO2T option 9-195
Replace EOS option 6-80 SaveEOS option 9-194
Review option 6-80 SaveKval option 9-194
Save EOS option 6-80 SaveVisc option 9-195
pseudo-critical temperature SaveZgrd option 9-195
entering for nonlinear regression 6-86 SavGraph option 2-37, 9-192
SavTable option 9-193
Table option 2-38, 9-193
Test menu
Cnst Composition option 7-108 V
Cnst Volume option 7-111
Density option 7-101 vapor pressure 4-45, 7-103
Differential option 7-118 vaporization test 4-46
Distillation option 7-134 VIPPOST variable 2-38
Gas Enthalpy option 7-127 VIPPSOUT variable 2-38
Liquid Enthalpy option 7-129 VIP-THERM
Multi-Contact option 7-122 activating Thermal option in PVT 4-48
overview of 7-93 defining volatile components 5-53
Phas Envlop option 7-124 water-in-oil option for 4-49
Phas Envlop/Full option 7-154 viscosity 4-46
Sat Pressure option 7-105 entering for nonlinear regression 6-85
Sat Pressure/H20 option 7-132 of fluid mixture 7-107
Separator/No Reg option 7-149 of water,calculation of 5-68
Separator/Reg option 7-151 regression tutorial 10-210
Steam Distillation option 7-146 saving data in file 9-195
Steam Vaporizatn option 7-163 viscosity correlation 8-176
Swelling option 7-117 specifying 5-62
Vapor Pressure option 7-103 use in pseudoization 6-78
Viscosity option 7-107 viscosity data
Water Property option 7-131 entering for distillation test 7-142
Z-Factor option 7-99 volume shift parameter
ZGRAD option 7-156 entering for nonlinear regression 6-84
test procedures entry in property table 5-57
specifying the type of 4-45 how computed 5-58
text plotting 6-77
adding to a plot 9-189 use in heavy fraction 6-76
text-entry window
how to use 2-29
thermal option
how to activate 4-48 W
customizing for a plot 9-192 water compressibility
tutorials how calculated 5-68
fluid characterization 10-199 water formation volume factor 5-65
heavy ends characterization 10-197 water properties 4-46, 7-131
nonlinear regression 10-203 water viscosity
overview of 10-197 how calculated 5-68
pseudoization 10-205 water-free oil composition 7-132
regression after pseudoization 10-208 water-in-oil option
regression on viscosity data 10-210 how to activate 4-49
Twu viscosity correlation 8-176 Watson characterization factor
for heavy fraction 6-74
use of 6-70
weight factor
U use as input in test procedures 7-97
weight fraction
unpseudoized fluid compositions entry of 6-72
how to specify 4-49 plotting 6-77
user-defined components 5-52 Whitson correlation 6-75
z-factor 7-99
critical 5-56
plotting 6-77
plots 9-186