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Amad Lobba
Mohamed Marah
Gladstone Fornah

may be defined as a sub-regional organisation by West Africa countries mainly to

promote co-operations and development in all economic fields and of contributing to
the progress and development of the African continent.

Origin of ecowas: on the historic date of 28th May, 1975, heads of states and
the government of 15 important states of West Africa converged in Lagos, where they
signed the treaty formally establishing ECOWAS.
That day was the finest day in the post-independence history of West Africa,
aimed purposely at liberating West Africa countries economically form the shackles of
imperialism. ECOWAS has its headquarters in Abuja. Nigeria, where the main
administrative and executive functions of the community and other services are
performed. The seat of operations of the fund for co-operation, compensation and
development of Lome, Togo.
The community has 16 member-states made up of 11 francophone and 5
anglophone countries


The treaty formally establishing ECOWAS provided for the following organs:
1. The Authority of Heads of State and Government, composed of all the 16 leaders
of the member states, which is the supreme authority

2. The Council of Ministers made up of 2 ministers or representatives from each

member state. It monitors the functioning and development of the community and
makes recommendation to the authority.

3. The Executive Secretariat in Abuja, which performs the functions of the

administrative community

4. The Tribunal of the community. Whose main functions are the treaty and ensuring
the observance of law and justice.

5. Five Technical and Specialised commissions viz:

(i) The trade, customs, immigration, monetary and payment commission.
(ii) The industry, agriculture and natural resources commission.

(iii) The transport, communication and energy commission.

(iv) The social and cultural affairs commission.
(v) The Defence commission.


The aims and objs of ECOWAS as were set out under article 2 of the treaty are
as follows:

1. Promotion of Cooperation And Development: To promote co-operation and

development in all fields of industry, transport, telecommunications, energy,
agriculture, natural resources, commerce monetary and financial questions and social
and cultural matters for the purpose if raising the standard of living of its people, or
fostering close relations among its members and of contributing to the progress and
development of African Continent.

2. Elimination Of Customs Duties: To eliminate customs duties and other charges in

respect of goods between member countries.

3. Abolition Of Trade Restrictions: The abolition of quantitative and administrative

restrictions on trade among member states.

4. Establishment Of common tariff: The establishment of common custom tariff and

common commercial policy towards third world countries.

5. Abolition Of Obstacles To Free Movement: The abolition between the member

states of the obstacles to the free movement of persons, services and capitals.

6. Harmonization Of Agricultural Policies: The harmonization of the agricultural

policies in the member states, notably inthe fields of marketing research and
agro-industrial enterprises.

7. Implementation Of Infastructural Policies: The implementation of schemes for

the joint development of transport, communication energy and other infastructural
facilities as well as the evolution of a common policy in these fields.

8. Harmonization Of Economic And Industrial Policies: The harmonization of the

economic and industrial of the member of states and the elimination of disparities in
the levels of development of member states.

9. Hormonization Of Monetary Policies: The harmonization required for the proper

functioning of the community and of the monetary policies of the member of states.

10. Establishment Of Common Fund: The establishment of fund for co-operation,

compensation and development.

1. ECOWAS Awareness: since the estabishment of ECOWAS, there has been
an increased sense in the community spirit in the West African sub-region at
all levels.

2. Trade Liberalization: This has contributed to the promotion of trade in

West Africa.

3. Increase In Competition: This healthy competition takes place in all fields

of endeavour and has assed to the development pace of this sub-region.

4. Exchange Of Raw Materials: Liberalization of trade is unprocessed goods

in one of the three components of the trade liberalization as contained in the
Treaty of the community.

5. Expansion Of Market: This has lead to mass production and increase in

supplyof goods in this part of the world

6. Execution Of Joint Projects: The community serves as an avenue for the

planning and execution of joint projects by member states.

7. Increase In Bargaining Power: By coming together under the banner of

ECOWAS, the bargaining power of member nations in the world market has
increased thereby improving their terms of trade.

8. Availability Of More Labour: The community has made more labour

available frpom member countries where thay are in abundance to area of
relative scarcity

9. High Standard Of Living: This resulted for the increase in production and
supply of goods, reduction of prices, free movement of labour, e.t.c.

10. Fostering Of Unity: The community has brought all 16 member nations
together and enhanced more friendly atmosphere among them

11. Establishment Of ECOBANK: This has given a boost to sub-regional

banking transactions.

12. General Economic Growth: This economic growth will soon make West
Africa to be self sufficient and self reliant.

13. Miscellaneous Achievements: These areas include, the field of transport,

communication energy, agriculture, defence, social and cultural activities.

1. Problems Posed By Immigrants: The article 27 of the ECOWAS treaty
which granted community citizens freedom of movement and residence within
the community has created and escalated the problems of illegal aliens.

2. Increase of Social Vices: The presence of this community citizens in some

members states like Nigeria, has escalated the waves of arm robbery, religious
bigotry, arson, ,murder, etc.

3. Problem Of Language: Differences of languages has greatly militated

against the efficient functioning of thr community.

4. Currency Differences: This problem has warranted as many as ten

different currencies in the sub-region and has made common payment system
difficult among the member states, which has contributed to the near failure of
the community.

5. Fear Of Domination And Unequal Development: The poorer members

fear that as a result of unequal distribution of natural resources both in humen
and material endowment, the little they have will be taken away from them and
given to those who have more.

6. Escalation Of Smuggling: This problem of smuggling is exacerbated by

the free movement of the community citizens.

7. Multiplicity Of Other Associations: Many member states belongs to many

associations where they pay more loyalty and dues than they do to ECOWAS.

8. Affinity Of Former Colonial Masters: The worst offenders of this are the
francophone countries that are yet to cut the economic chains binding them
with france and they display more allegiance to this former colonial master
than to ECOWAS.

9. Lack Of Enough Infastructure: This has contributed immersely in delaying

achievements of the aims and objectives of the community.

10. Political Instability: As a result of this, many leaders that show great
interest in ECOWAS do not stay in office for a longer time to help in
achievement of the above aims and objectives.

11. Non-Policy Implementation: This problem led to the non-achievement of

anything by the community in its first decade.

12. Inadequate Contribution Of Resources: The resources both financial

and human contributed by the member states have always fallen short of the
requirement of the community.

13. Weak National Link With The secretariat: This has made the secretariat
to be unable to know about the happenings in member states and the
development strategies.

14. Congestion: This cauesd by the Article 27 of the community’s Charter

which encourages migration from one member state to another.

1. Expansion Of Markets: The demand fo the productd will increase as there
will be wider opportunities for member nations to sell their products in other
member states.

2. Availability Of More Goods: Member nations will have the opportunity of

getting more goods from another member nations.

3. Increase In Standard Of Living: This is as a result of the fact that more

goods are made available to the people of West Africa at reduced.

4. Free Trade: The community will make it possible for traders from one
member states to go to other member states and trade.

5. Availability Of Cheap Labour: This will be made possible by Article 27 of

the ECOWAS Charter which permits community citizens to take up jobs in any
of the member states provided they have the visa.

6. Reduction Of Tariffs: This will help to promote trade among member states
7. Easy Movement Of Raw Materials: Members who have more will shit
some of those that do no have. This will promote industrial growth.

8. Sub-regional Self-reliance: ECOWAS will lead to West africa self-reliance

in the production marketing and distribution of goods and services thereby
cutting the apron string tying them to the imperialist.

9. Execution Of Joint Projects: This will contribute immensely to the

development of these countries.

10. Gains From Compensation Fund: This is contributed and owned by all
the member states for co-operation, compensation and development.

11. Harmonization OF Industrial Policies: This enable industrialists from one

member nation to another and establish industries with little or no hindrance

12. Unity: All activities of ECOWAS will help foster friendly atmosphere which
will lead to the unity of the West African sub-region.

13. Member states should establish a united monetary system by adopting a

common currency.

14. To break language barrier, French and English should be taught in all
schools and at all levels of people in member states.

15. Leaders in all member states should be committed by paying their dues to
the organisation regularly.

16. The roads and railway should be redesigned to link up all member
countries so as to boost greater economic interaction.

The Member countries and their capital of ECOWAS include:

1. Benin - porto Novo
2. Ivory Coast - Yamoussoukro
3. Togo - Lome
4. Mali - Bamako
5. Sierra Leone - Freetown
6. Liberia - Monrovia
7. Guinea - Conakry
8. Nigeria - Abuja
9. Ghana - Accra
10. Niger - Niamey
11. Guinea Bissau - Bissau
12. Cape Verde - Praia/Cape Verde
13. Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou
14. Mauritania - Nouakchott
15. The Gambia - Banjul
16. Senegal - Dakar

Concise Geography

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