1. This document provides instructions for setting up and using a 3300 XL Shaft Micrometer Kit to verify transducer systems in different environments.
2. It outlines three options for setup - using a transducer system to verify against a target in a safe area, verifying in hazardous areas, or in non-hazardous areas.
3. The instructions provide a step-by-step process for taking readings across the linear range of the probe in 250um increments, calculating incremental and average scale factors, recording voltages, and determining maximum deviation from straight line.
1. This document provides instructions for setting up and using a 3300 XL Shaft Micrometer Kit to verify transducer systems in different environments.
2. It outlines three options for setup - using a transducer system to verify against a target in a safe area, verifying in hazardous areas, or in non-hazardous areas.
3. The instructions provide a step-by-step process for taking readings across the linear range of the probe in 250um increments, calculating incremental and average scale factors, recording voltages, and determining maximum deviation from straight line.
1. This document provides instructions for setting up and using a 3300 XL Shaft Micrometer Kit to verify transducer systems in different environments.
2. It outlines three options for setup - using a transducer system to verify against a target in a safe area, verifying in hazardous areas, or in non-hazardous areas.
3. The instructions provide a step-by-step process for taking readings across the linear range of the probe in 250um increments, calculating incremental and average scale factors, recording voltages, and determining maximum deviation from straight line.
1. This document provides instructions for setting up and using a 3300 XL Shaft Micrometer Kit to verify transducer systems in different environments.
2. It outlines three options for setup - using a transducer system to verify against a target in a safe area, verifying in hazardous areas, or in non-hazardous areas.
3. The instructions provide a step-by-step process for taking readings across the linear range of the probe in 250um increments, calculating incremental and average scale factors, recording voltages, and determining maximum deviation from straight line.
Option 1 – Transducer System Option 2 – Shaft Verification in Option 3 – Shaft Verification in Non- Transducer System: While Verification: Set up the shaft Hazardous Areas: To verify the Hazardous Areas: To verify the compensating for backlash, adjust micrometer using a power supply, transducer system curve in an intrinsically transducer system curve when viewing the micrometer position until the multimeter, and transducer system with safe application when viewing a shaft or the shaft or piston rod in a non-hazardous transducer system is at electrical the probe viewing a Bently Nevada piston rod, set up the transducer system, area application, set up the transducer zero. The position of the 4140 target button. Note: Be sure the micrometer, and multimeter as shown system, shaft micrometer, power supply, micrometer at this point is X0. To target is visible through the hole in the below. and multimeter as shown below. obtain your first measuring point, collet before inserting the probe. X1, back off the micrometer to the beginning of the linear range of the probe in use. For example, for 5 & 8 mm 3300 probes, back off the micrometer 12 mil (300µm) from X0 and then adjust forward to 10 mil (250µm) from X0. This will give you X1. Step 2: Take readings until end of Step 3: Calculate Incremental Step 4a: Record scale factors and difference voltages. Notes: linear range in 250µm (10 mil) Scale Factors (ISFn), Average Scale 1. The numbers shown are Factor (ASF), and difference n ISFn ASF Vdiffn increments, assuming X1 is (Incremental (Average (Difference only for 3300 5mm or approximately equal to 250µm (10 voltages (Vdiffn). Scale Factor) Scale Factor) Voltage) 8mm, or 7200 5mm or mil). All voltages should be 1 ________ 2 ________ ________ 8mm systems. Check your negative voltages. Vdc n- 1 − Vdc n 3 ________ ________ Transducer Manual for ISFn (mV / µm) = 4 ________ ________ other values for other Xn Probe Gap Record 0.25 5 ________ ________ systems. Vdcn - 1 − Vdcn 6 ________ ________ Voltages ISFn (mV/mil)= 7 ________ ________ n µmn or miln 8 ________ ________ 2. Periodically coat target 1 250 10 Vdcn ________ 0.01 9 ________ ________ ________ face with a thin coat of 10 ________ 2 500 20 ________ paraffin wax to avoid 3 4 750 1000 30 40 ________ ________ Vdc 250µm − Vdc 2250 µm corrosion. ASF(mV / µm) = 5 6 1250 1500 50 60 ________ ________ 2 Step 4b: Use the following formula to determine 3. It is possible for the target 7 8 1750 2000 70 80 ________ ________ Vdc 10 mil − Vdc 90 mil maximum Deviation from Straight Line (DSL): to become magnetized, 9 2250 90 ________ ASF(mV / mil) = which can effect scale 10 2500 100 ________ 0.08 Vdiff(max) − Vdiff(min) factor readings. Avoid DSL(µm) = = µm strong magnetic fields and 0.0157 degauss target if Vdiffn = Vdcn + (µmn • 0.0079) Vdiff(max) − Vdiff(min) necessary. DSL(mil) = = mil 0.4 part number: Vdiffn = Vdcn + (miln • 0.2) 140273-01 revision NC