Artikel Ta - B. Ing
Artikel Ta - B. Ing
Artikel Ta - B. Ing
NIM 190522548433
Dedi Nurhuda1
Abstract :The building structure is generally divided into the upper structure
which includes columns, beams, plates, stairs and the substructure, namely the
foundation. Columns are one of the most important building structural
components in a building that withstand pressure at the top, for example roofs,
beams and plates, then the load received by the column will be distributed to the
ground surface through the building foundation.Column work implementation in
the Lamongan Muhammadiyah University development project using column
type 1 (K1) with a diameter of 80 x 80 cm.At the stage of carrying out column
work, to obtain effective and efficient work results, it is necessary to have a
method for carrying out column work. The methods for carrying out the column
work include column marking, column reinforcement assembly, column
reinforcement installation, column formwork installation, column casting, column
formwork dismantling, concrete curing.
Based on the analysis carried out by the author on the work of column K1 floor 9
which was carried out in the field with the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS), the
results obtained were a work suitability percentage of 90.00% whichmeansK1's
column work was done very suitably. Meanwhile for the materialneededfor
36D25 reinforcement of 19,750.5 kg, D13 reinforcement of 2,348.4 kg,
Areamovie tegoneeded 389.12m2, and ready mix concrete as much as 77.82 .m3
From the results of the calculation of the Implementation Budget Plan (RAP) for
the 9th floor column of the Lamongan Muhammadiyah University building
projectgotthe cost of carrying out the work of Column K1 on the 9th floor is IDR
618,352,000.00. Whereas in the Budget Plan (RAB) Column 9th floor is IDR
660,018,000. So the difference between the two is IDR 41,666,000.
Keywords :Column, Implementation Method, Volume Calculation, RAP, Work
Suitability, Building.
The population growth that continues to increase that is happening at this
time makes big cities and strategic areas in Indonesia grow. So it is necessary to
increase the growth of education in strategic areas, one of which is by increasing
the number of educational facilities. To support the growth of education, various
educational centers have sprung up in the Lamongan Regency area as a place for
learning activities. One form of development is the 15-storey building of
Muhammadiyah Lamongan University.In the process of constructing a building
itself, it is necessary to consider the rigidity and strength of the building structure.
Because this is very closely related to the safety and durability of the structure to
withstand the workload (Febrianto 2013).
With so many infrastructure developments in various regions, of course, it
must be supported by experts who understand the structure of the building
because careful planning is important to maintain the quality of the building. The
successful implementation of a project carried out by a construction service
company is associated with the extent to which project targets are met on time,
quality and cost (Nurlela, 2014).The building structure is basically divided
intosubstructureexampleFoundationand upper structure, for example columns,
beams, plates, stairs, roofs.One of the building structures that will be the author's
subject of discussion in the final project is the column structure in the Lamongan
Muhammadiyah University building construction project.
Columns are part of the building structural components that withstand
pressure at the top, for example roofs and beams, then the load received by the
column will be transferred to the ground surface through the building foundation.
The inner structure of the column consists of concrete and iron so that the
combination of these two materials allows the column, sloof and beam to
withstand compressive and tensile forces in a building. Plain concrete has a high
compressive strength compared to its tensile strength (Pane, 2015). Concrete is
used in the world of construction because it is basically relatively more fire
resistant compared to materials such as steel and wood. This is because concrete
has a fairly low heat conductivity, so it can block hot temperatures to the inside of
the concrete.
Based on the explanation above, writing this final project article has the goal
of knowing the implementation method and calculating the volume of the 9th
floor column structure and the Implementation Budget Plan (RAP) for the
Lamongan Muhammadiyah University building project. This was done by the
author to compare the results of observations in the field, especially on the column
structure work on the 9th floor of Muhammadiyah University of Lamongan.
This article with the title "Method of Implementation and Calculation of Volume
and RAP of the 9th Floor Column Structure of the Lamongan Muhammadiyah
University Building Development Project”.
In designing articles so that they are arranged properly and correctly, a search
and collection of the data needed for materials for making the article must be
carried out, one of which is by conducting a field survey.Includes, primary data
collection through direct calculations, interviews with workers and project
implementers and working drawings, secondary data collection through observing
the basic unit price of Lamongan 2021, data processing, data analysis, and
checking field technical suitability, which will then be processed to obtain results
and conclusion.
At this data analysis stage the authors use the job suitability evaluation
method. The job suitability evaluation method is a stage for comparing the
suitability of different jobs as a basis for establishing an assessment as a reference
for job suitability. The author takes analysis data that focuses on implementation
methods, volume calculations, and budget plans for the work of the 9th floor
column. For each work, use a range of numbers from 1 to 5 according to the
Likert scale. From the results of this value will betotaledso that the final result
will be obtained in the form of a percentage. The data taken by the author is in the
form of a comparison between the RKS of the Lamongan Muhammadiyah
University building construction project and the results of the work that took place
at the construction project site. The following are the suitability indicators used:
Table 1. Conformity Indicator
No. Conformity Value Information
1. 1 It is not in
accordance with
2. 2 Less Appropriate
3. 3 Just Appropriate
4. 4 In accordance
5. 5 Perfect fit
Table 2. Percentage Indicator
No. Conformity Information
Percentage (%)
1. 0-20% It is not in
accordance with
2. 21-40% Less Appropriate
3. 41-60% Just Appropriate
4. 61-80% In accordance
5. 81-100% Perfect fit
Table 4. Comparison of Suitability of Work Implementation
Type of Suitability
No RKS Field Study Results
work Value (1-5)
Based on the analysis carried out by the author on the work of column K1
floor 9 which was carried out in the field with the Work Plan and Conditions
(RKS), the results obtained were a work suitability percentage of 90.00%
whichmeansK1's column work was done very suitably. Meanwhile for the volume
of work column K1 the results were obtainedneed36D25 reinforcement of
19,750.5 kg, D13 reinforcement of 2,348.4 kg, Areamovie tegoneeded 389.12m2,
and ready mix concrete as much as 77.82 .m3 From the results of the calculation of
the Implementation Budget Plan (RAP) for the 9th floor column of the Lamongan
Muhammadiyah University building projectgotthe cost of carrying out the work of
Column K1 on the 9th floor is IDR 618,352,000.00. Whereas in the Budget Plan
(RAB) Column 9th floor is IDR 660,018,000. So the difference between the two
is IDR 41,666,000.