Polygraph Examination: 02A-Forensic5-Wk1 Development of The Lesson
Polygraph Examination: 02A-Forensic5-Wk1 Development of The Lesson
Polygraph Examination: 02A-Forensic5-Wk1 Development of The Lesson
It is a psychophysiological test of deception or recognition sometimes referred to as lie-detection as a term
of convenience. The following term also refers to polygraph examination:
a. Psychophysiological Detection of Deception – is a common scientific term use to denote the
employment of polygraph to diagnose deception.
b. Psychophysiological Veracity (PV) Examination – an alternative expression proposed by James
Matte to describe the process of making an assessment of truthfulness or deception using a
c. Forensic Psychophysiological Detection of Deception Examination – is a process that
encompasses all activities that takes place between a forensic psychophysiologist and an examinee
during a series of interaction to include; pretest interview, use of polygraph in collecting the
physiological data and test data analysis.
A polygraph is a device used to accurately monitor, records and measure physiological changes including
respiratory, electrodermal, cardiovascular and vasomotor activity during a period of test. The term polygraph
was derived from Greek word polygrapho; poly means many and grapho means to engrave or write.
2. Recognition Test
This approach in polygraph testing is intended to determine if the examinee has knowledge about the issue
being tested. An examinee who are knowledgeable on the case information or facts, will exhibits physiological
reaction when confronted with the item relevant to the test. The type of recognition test are as follows:
• Searching Peak of Tension Test
• Known Solution Peak of Tension Test
2. Screening Test
This test is administered to find out if the examinee has denied any involvement on relevant questions
pertaining to a single or multiple issue of concern. It is designed to develop important information and
investigate the possible involvement of the examinee to the issue. Screening test provides concrete basis for
decision making in hiring personnel for high-risk position.
• Pre-Employment Testing (illegal drug involvement, criminal records, membership to criminal or
subversive organization, falsification of documents, etc.)
• Periodic Audit Testing (violation of company policy/security procedures)
“Objectivity over subjectivity at all times”. This means that the polygraph examiner shall not be influence by
any consideration or factors in conducting the process of polygraph examination. He must diligently observe
the procedures in the conduct of pretest, chart collection and analysis of the collected polygraph data.
The term polygraphist and forensic pyschophysiologist is also use to describe a polygraph examiner.
A polygraph examiner is a person who meets the training and educational requirements as set forth in the
American Polygraph Association Bylaws. In Philippines setting, a polygraph practitioner undergoes a basic
polygraph examiner’s course designed by their respective agency. The topic includes interviewing
techniques, question formulation, numerical analysis of polygraph data, history and evolution, polygraph
techniques, application of polygraph techniques, physiological basis and psychological basis of polygraph
testing, etc.
2. With technical proficiency – the knowledge about the operation and function of the instrument is an
essential factor that contributes to the accuracy of examination result.
3. With high moral foundation – Polygraph examiner must maintain highest form of personal and
professional integrity. He must have the desire to enhance his proficiency in conducting polygraph
examination through continues research and training.