Gesture Assignment-1
Gesture Assignment-1
Gesture Assignment-1
Gesture: organic marks
Studio Fundamental: To practice making quick and dynamic gesture
drawings from direct observation that captures movement and
atmosphere. Accuracy and attention to detail are not important here and
will be focused on as the class progresses.
Project Overview Your challenge is to execute a series of gesture drawings that experiment
with wide variety of different types of line and gestural mark making
References for
further study --Gesture Module on Canvas
Techniques: Gesture, Sustained Gesture, Line, Scribbled, Mass
Process Make gesture drawings from life. Use at least 10 pages of your newsprint
pad, you may do two per page maximum but several of your pages
should be one single drawing. Spend no more than 5 minutes on a
drawing but shoot for 2-minute averages (I suggest starting quick 30sec
and working up to longer sessions). Use each technique (line, scribbled,
mass building, sustained) at least twice and experiment with how the
drawing tools work with each technique. For your final drawing extend
your work time into a sustained gesture drawing, you may want to slow
down as time progresses and even use an eraser as a drawing tool over
places where dark builds up. You may even want to abandon your
original reference the drawing started with and improvise into it to make it
into a whole new drawing!
-Fit your drawing to cover the entire space you have allotted yourself.
-Do not erase (unless used as a reductive line)
-Use people around you as reference you don’t need to ask for them to
model, just try to draw them as they move around or sit.
-plants (especially trees) are great substitutes for people
Questions Here are sample questions to use to critique yourself.
1. Can you describe this work using at least 3 vocabulary words from this
2. What is the initial "feeling" or emotional response you get when first
viewing this work?
3. Can you get a sense of the artist’s personality from the work?
4. What element in this series was the most successful that should be
carried to the next project?
5. What element in this series is the least successful that needs more
10 pgs. of gesture drawing………………………………………..15pts