Pre-Class Worksheet
Pre-Class Worksheet
Pre-Class Worksheet
Activity Summary: Students are to take notes on this worksheet either on paper or
electronically by editing the PDF, as these notes will help you prepare for Assessment
Task 1: Peer Assessment of Individual Learning Goals, which will be conducted during
your Week 3 tutorial class. Reflect on this work and attach these notes to your online
reflection journal entry for this week too.
2. Skills needed:
List the skills that you expect that your engineering disciplines of interest might need -
only include up to 2 disciplines or just talk about one if you’re only interested in one
engineering discipline.
In the Week 2 pre-class task you should have read about what the textbook says
about engineering skills, and we also discussed skills in the Week 1 lecture. Now think
as broadly as you can beyond what the textbook and lecture said about the types of
skills that might apply!
What opportunities are available to you at UTS? Have a look at the Finding Your FEIT
resource on our UTSOnline site!