September 2, 2021
7:20 – 8:20 am – Grade 7 Copernicus
10:00 – 11:00 am – Grade 7 Fleming
1:00 – 2:00 pm – Grade 7 Mendel
2:00 – 3:00 pm - Grade 7 Lavoisier
I. OBJECTIVES: With the aid of instructional materials used, students should be able to:
1. Discover through Philippine Literature the need to work cooperatively and responsibly in today’s global
village. (EN7LT-IV-c-6)
2. Understand the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues.
3. Perform a choral reading.
PowerPoint Presentation Box
Laptop Parable of a Rainbow Color
LCD Projector
Morse code
a. Preliminary
1. Prayers (Greetings) Our Father who art in heaven… ( Good morning… )
2. Classroom norms.
3. Pick up some pieces of paper and arrange your
chair properly.
4. Checking of attendance through the given 1…2…3…4…
b. Motivation
(Calling the name of the other students.) “Her book is filled ---/ ..-/ -/ .-../ .-/ -./ -../ ../
…/ …./ with character.”
The word “outlandish” which means strikingly out
of the ordinary.
Excellent! (Answering.)
Group one, you may now start. (Group one starts presenting the choral reading.)
Based on your presentation, what is the moral lesson? “The moral lesson is that in every activity may it be
in our community or here in school cooperation is
really important to make the activity successfully
Absolutely, we should help hand in hand to overcome
hurdles that come along our way.
Never compare yourself to anyone because you have
different paths to take on.
Just be happy for what they’ve achieved. Learn to clap for
their success.
None so far.
Now, have you noticed the underline
Any questions?
e. Final Task
For your individual task, you will pass the cloud box while
As I will say “STOP” the person who holds the cloud box Yes ma’am.
will pick one then go in front, read and answer the question
written on it. After answering the question/s, you will paste
each strip to create a rainbow. Am I clear?
(Students start passing the box.)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I believe it’s not too late together we
Here is the box. You may now start passing it while singing.
can change the world…)
“Athena ma’am.”
“STOP” (Pick a question in the box.)
Who is holding the box?
Athena. “Is it okay to be different? Why?
- Yes being different means being unique
among others. Besides we are born in this
world with purpose and we never had the
same role in life. (possible answer)
(Activity continues…)
Some of the questions:
(Encourage students not to lose hope in times of trial and
accept inevitable changes in their life. To cooperate and
collaborate in social activities.)
1. If you were one of the colours, what would you be? Why?
2. What is the change that happened in each of the colours?
3. What do you feel when see a rainbow?
4. Do you believe that there’s a rainbow always after the
5. How will you encourage others to cooperate especially in
this time of pandemic?
For your assignment, in a short bond paper you have to look
for a parable in a bible.
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