Capillary Blood Sampling National Recomm
Capillary Blood Sampling National Recomm
Capillary Blood Sampling National Recomm
4General Hospital Karlovac, Department of Medical Biochemistry Laboratory, Karlovac, Croatia
Capillary blood sampling is a medical procedure aimed at assisting in patient diagnosis, management and treatment, and is increasingly used
worldwide, in part because of the increasing availability of point-of-care testing. It is also frequently used to obtain small blood volumes for labora-
tory testing because it minimizes pain. The capillary blood sampling procedure can inluence the quality of the sample as well as the accuracy of test
results, highlighting the need for immediate, widespread standardization. A recent nationwide survey of policies and practices related to capillary
blood sampling in medical laboratories in Croatia has shown that capillary sampling procedures are not standardized and that only a small propor-
tion of Croatian laboratories comply with guidelines from the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) or the World Health Organization (WHO).
The aim of this document is to provide recommendations for capillary blood sampling. This document has been produced by the Working Group for
Capillary Blood Sampling within the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Our recommendations are based on existing
available standards and recommendations (WHO Best Practices in Phlebotomy, CLSI GP42-A6 and CLSI C46-A2), which have been modiied based on
local logistical, cultural, legal and regulatory requirements. We hope that these recommendations will be a useful contribution to the standardizati-
on of capillary blood sampling in Croatia.
Key words: recommendations; capillary blood; blood specimen collection; standardization; preanalytical phase
Capillary blood sampling, which refers to sam- patients in order to avoid the efects of blood vol-
pling blood from a puncture on the inger, heel or ume reduction (2) and reduce the risk of anemia
an earlobe, is increasingly common in medicine. It (3). Thus, 56% of all procedures in the neonatal
enjoys several advantages over venous blood unit are performed using capillary blood samples,
sampling: it is less invasive, it requires smaller making it the most frequent invasive procedure
amounts of blood volume and it can be performed performed during the neonatal period (4,5). Skin
quickly and easily. This technique has become puncture blood sampling is also recommended
more and more popular, especially with the wide- for adult patients with severe burns, those who are
spread use of point-of-care testing (POCT), which obese or older or anxious about sampling, those
has become the fastest growing area in laboratory with a tendency toward thrombosis, those whose
medicine (1). surface veins need to be spared for intravenous
therapy, those with fragile or inaccessible veins,
Obtaining blood by skin puncture instead of veni-
and those who self-test their blood, such as for
puncture can be especially important in pediatric
glucose (3). Biochemia Medica 2015;25(3):335–58
©Copyright by Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License
( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Lenicek Krleza J. et al. Recommendation for capillary blood sampling
unable to communicate, the worker should obtain • The following patient data are recommended
consent from the parent or accompanying person as appropriate patient identiiers: full patient
and explain the procedure to him or her (3). name, date of birth, address or health insurance
number in the case of outpatients.
Recommendation 4: Inspecting the test • Identiication should be done by engaging the
request form patient and asking open-ended questions such
The test request form should be inspected as de- as: “Please state your name.” and “Please state
scribed in the Croatian national recommendations your date of birth.”
for venous blood sampling (20). These national • The information obtained should be compared
guidelines are in accordance with ISO 15189 stand- with the information on the request form.
ards on quality and competence (23). • Any discrepancies should be reported, record-
The request form should include the following in- ed and resolved before sample collection.
formation: Barcode wristbands should be used if available be-
• patient name, surname, gender, date of birth, cause this type of identiication signiicantly re-
contact details (address, telephone number) duces misidentiications (26,27).
and unique identiier (health insurance number The options for correct patient identiication can
or personal identiication number); be limited in some cases, such as in unconscious
• requesting physician’s name, professional iden- or semi-conscious patients, young children, deaf
tiier code and contact details (address of pri- or cognitively impaired patients or non-native
mary healthcare provider or full name of hospi- speakers. In fact, capillary blood sampling often
tal ward); involves such patients because it is the recom-
• the speciic tests requested; and mended sampling method in pediatrics and for
• all clinically relevant information about the pa- follow-up blood oxygenation testing of intensive
tient and his or her condition that may inlu- care patients, many of whom are unconscious. In
ence how the sampling is performed or how such cases, the patient should be identiied with
the results will be interpreted, such as whether the assistance of the ward nurse, legal guardian,
the patient is scheduled for certain tests or parent or accompanying person. The question
therapies. should be phrased in an open-ended way, such as:
„Please state the child’s (or patient’s) name” and
Recommendation 5: Identifying patients “Please state the child’s (or patient’s) date of birth”.
Failure to correctly identify the patient may lead to The healthcare worker must not rely on a bed tag,
some serious diagnostic errors and afect patient crib card or charts placed on the bed, nearby ta-
management. Accurate patient identiication is bles or equipment. All data must match the data
therefore a crucial step during blood sampling. In- on the sampling request form, and the name of
ternational standards emphasize the use of at least the person who helped verify the patient’s identi-
two patient identiiers, which do not include the ty must also be documented (3,24).
patient’s room number or physical location, when-
ever “administering medications, blood, or blood Recommendation 6: Verifying patient
components; when collecting blood samples and preparation for skin puncture
other specimens for clinical testing; and when pro- Croatian national recommendations for venous
viding treatments or procedures” (24,25). blood sampling stipulate that laboratory staf
Patient identiication should be performed ac- should verify that the patient has been properly
cording to the following guidelines: prepared for blood collection. The necessary prep-
• For accurate patient identiication, at least two arations may depend on the speciic tests request-
and preferably three patient identiiers are nec- ed (20). The healthcare worker about to perform
essary. capillary blood sampling should verify whether
ple, if the incision depth should be less than 2.4 puncture site and should always be performed
mm in the case of older children and adults, the when the capillary blood sample will be used to
longest blade should be 2.2 mm (13). Regardless of analyze pH and blood gases. The arterialization
the incision device selected, the incision depths in procedure involves covering the puncture site
Table 1 should be respected. with a warm, moist towel or other warming device
In pediatric and neonatal patients, applying strong at a temperature of 42 °C or less for 3-5 min prior
pressure to the incision device should be avoided to puncture. This increases arterial blood low to
in order to prevent the puncture from being deep- the puncture area up to 7-fold (3). Creams contain-
er than necessary and thereby damaging bone or ing a hyperemic or vasodilatory agent can be used
nerves. The major blood vessels of the skin are lo- for arterialization. A warm, well-vascularized punc-
cated 0.35-1.6 mm beneath the skin surface (3), ture area usually provides adequate sample vol-
and the distance between the skin surface and ume without the need to apply pressure to the
bone in a 3-kg baby is 3.2 mm on the medial or lat- surrounding tissue.
eral heel (13). Therefore, punctures that are 2.0- A survey of medical laboratories in Croatia sug-
mm deep should penetrate the major skin vascu- gests that 88% of laboratories never apply arteri-
lature without puncturing bone (35). The posterior alization before capillary sampling (11).
heel and toe should be avoided as puncture sites
because the distance between the skin surface Recommendation 13: Cleansing the skin
and the bone in each case is only 2.33 or 2.19 mm, puncture site
respectively, which means greater risk of bone
damage (3,13). The skin puncture site must be properly cleansed
using sterile cotton or gauze and disinfected with
Recommendation 11.2: Selecting a a 70% aqueous solution of isopropanol (3,20). Af-
microcollection device for capillary blood ter these steps, the puncture area must be dried to
allow the antiseptic to take efect and to prevent
discomfort due to residual alcohol.
We recommend plastic microcollection devices for Povidone iodine should not be used for capillary
capillary blood specimens. Various microcollec- skin puncture (13) because it can contaminate
tion devices are commercially available, and they blood and lead to inlated measurements of po-
are designed to control the volume of capillary tassium, phosphorous or uric acid (36).
blood and to contain diferent additives. Micro-
containers with diferent additives usually bear Recommendation 14: Performing skin
color-coded caps similar to those on venous sam- puncture
pling tubes. The most appropriate microcollection
device depends on the tests requested. The micro- The retractable incision device is placed upon the
container or capillary must be illed with the cor- cleaned and disinfected skin surface at the punc-
rect volume of capillary blood to ensure the cor- ture site. We recommend that the patient’s hand
rect inal blood-additive ratio. be held irmly to prevent sudden movement. The
incision should be made quickly and appropriately
Recommendation 12: Arterialization of the according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
puncture site A pediatric patient should be immobilized with
the assistance of the parent or nurse as described
We recommend performing arterialization when
in Recommendation 8. The child should be kept
the capillary blood sample will be used for blood
warm throughout the procedure, leaving only the
gas analysis or when the puncture area (hand/in-
extremity of the skin puncture area exposed.
ger or heel) is cold or circulation is poor. Arteriali-
zation increases the arterial blood low at the
If blood low stops during collection, gently tap- Suspected or conirmed injuries or contamination
ping the microcontainer on a hard surface can with patient blood should be handled according
move the blood to the bottom of the tube and re- to institution policies (3,20).
start capillary collection (3). Excessive massaging
or squeezing of the puncture site should be avoid- Recommendation 18: Filling, closure and
ed in order to prevent hemolysis, contamination of mixing of microcollection device for capillary
the blood with interstitial and intracellular luid, blood samples
and obstruction of blood low.
Capillaries and microcontainers for capillary blood
16.1: Order of draw in capillary blood collection collection should be illed with blood according to
the manufacturer’s recommendations. Underill-
When collecting more than one capillary blood
ing can cause sample dilution in the case that the
samples, special attention must be paid to the or-
additive is a liquid anticoagulant, as well as chang-
der of draw, which difers from the standards for
es in cellular morphology due to excess anticoagu-
lant. Conversely, overilling can cause clot forma-
Multiple capillary blood samples should be col- tion due to insuicient anticoagulant.
lected in the following order (3):
After sample collection, microcollection devices
1. samples for blood gas analysis; should be capped immediately to prevent expo-
2. ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) samples; sure to the air, especially if the blood sample will
3. samples with other additives, and be used for blood gas analysis.
Incision devices must be immediately discarded Recommendation 19: Bandaging the skin
into a puncture-resistant container with a lid and a after capillary sampling
prominent biohazard label that satisies local reg-
ulations. We recommend using only safety devices After capillary blood collection and while mixing
for capillary blood sampling. All disposable equip- the tube, the healthcare worker should apply di-
ment used in skin puncture should be disposed of rect pressure to the wound with a clean gauze pad
according to the manufacturers’ recommenda- and he or she should slightly elevate the extremi-
tions. ty. The person performing the collection, the pa-
FIGURE 6B. Mixing of microcollection devices with adapter for capillary sampling.
After microcontainer has been illed and adapter for capillary blood was removed, microcontainer have to be closed with device cup.
Inversion mixing have be preformed acording manufacturer’s instructions.
The following procedure is recommended for col- contains unknown proportions of blood from ven-
lecting dry spot blood samples (43): ules, arterioles and capillaries (3). Capillary blood
1. Clean the sampling site with lukewarm water. samples can also be contaminated to unknown
Avoid using alcohol-based skin cleansers on ba- extents by interstitial and intracellular luid (39). In
bies with immature skin (< 28 weeks), because fact, capillary blood is often sampled into multiple
they can cause burns and blisters (44,45). The microcollection devices at the same time and from
sampling site should be completely dry before the same puncture site in order to provide sui-
the sample is collected. The preferred sampling cient material for several analyses; the risk of con-
site in full-term and preterm infants is within tamination with interstitial or intracellular luid in-
the external and internal limits of the calcane- creases as sampling is repeated. Such multiple
us. sampling also increases the risk of hemolysis and
clotting (13).
2. Wash hands and put on gloves.
Hemolysis and lipaemia, which can signiicantly al-
3. Use an automated, arch-shaped incision device ter blood analysis results, cannot be detected in
to make a skin puncture to a depth of 2 mm or whole-blood capillary samples because some
less. analyses (e.g. POCT) can consume the entire sam-
4. Fill each circle on the blood spot card by allow- ple. Hemolysis can occur in such samples due to
ing a single blood drop to flow naturally from strong and repetitive squeezing (‘milking’) of the
the front to the back side of the card. Contact puncture site, as well as vigorous sample mixing
between the sampling site and the card must after collection (3). Milking poses particular dan-
be avoided. gers to assay reliability because it can cause not
5. Air-dry the blood spot away from direct sun- only hemolysis but also sample dilution with ex-
light or heat. tracellular luid (15).
If necessary, perform a second puncture on the Recommendation 24.1: Patients and laboratory
other foot or at a diferent place on the same foot. tests for which capillary blood sampling is not
Recommendation 23: Capillary blood
Capillary sampling is not recommended for dehy-
sampling for non-medical personnel
drated patients, patients with poor peripheral cir-
The preceding recommendations also apply to culation or edematous patients (3).
capillary blood sampling carried out by non-medi- Capillary sampling is not recommended for coag-
cal personnel using POCT instruments, which is ulation analysis or erythrocyte sedimentation rate
the case for most diabetic patients who self-moni- or for blood cultures (6). In all these cases, venous
tor blood glucose. blood sampling is recommended.
We recommend that non-medical personnel use Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and blood cultures
POCT instruments according to the manufactur- require large volumes of blood, making them inap-
er’s instructions, especially since the sampling pro- propriate for capillary blood sampling. According to
cedure may difer with the device, such as elimina- the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists,
tion of the irst drop (see Recommendation 15). capillary sampling is not appropriate for determi-
nation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (45).
Recommendation 24: Minimizing the
Concentrations of potassium and calcium in capil-
inluence of the limitations of capillary blood
lary samples difer signiicantly from values in ve-
nous blood samples (46-49). Therefore, when ac-
Capillary blood sampling is associated with several curacy is critical, the concentrations of these ana-
disadvantages, many of which can lead to greater lytes in capillary blood should always be con-
risk of false test results. A capillary blood sample irmed by venous blood sampling.
2. 3.
Preparation of supplies for
Hand disinfection Approaching the patient
capillarz blood sampling
6. 4.
Veryfing patient preparation Inspecting the test request
Identifying patients
for skin puncture form
Labeling the capillary tubes 8. 9.
and capillary blood Positioning the patient Putting on gloves
collection tubes
12. 1) Selecting lancet length 10.
Arterialisation of the 2) Selecting a microcollection Selecting the skin
puncture site device for capillary puncture site
blood samples
13. 15.
Cleaning the skin puncture Elimination of the first drop
Performing skin puncture
site of capillary blood sampled
Filling, closure and mixing
17. 1) Capillary blood collection
of capillary tube or
Disposal of incision device 2) Order of draw in capillary
microcontainer for
blood collection
capillary blood collection
19. 21.
Bandaging the skin after Recording relevant
Glove removal
capillary sampling information during sampling
Recommendation 24.2: Requesting a venous or though clinically important diferences have been
arterial blood sample instead of a capillary blood reported in concentrations of glucose, potassium,
sample total protein, calcium, electrolytes, lactate dehy-
Venous blood samples or, if blood gases are re- drogenase and aspartate aminotransferase. Stud-
quested, arterial blood samples are recommended ies suggest that glucose levels are higher in capil-
instead of capillary blood samples when two at- lary blood samples (46,47,51). Glucose difuses
tempts at capillary sampling fail to give a satisfac- through the capillaries and is consumed by the
tory sample, and when more than two microcol- cells, so the glucose concentration should be high-
lection devices for capillary blood are needed for er in arteries (which feed the capillaries) than in
the laboratory tests requested (13). veins (where the capillaries drain). Potassium levels
in capillary blood samples can be lower (47), high-
If necessary, the puncture procedure can be re-
er (48) or even similar (46) to those in venous blood
peated at another site using new equipment (38).
samples. Levels of total proteins, calcium and elec-
trolytes are lower in capillary blood samples (46-
Recommendation 24.3: Rejection of capillary
48), while levels of lactate dehydrogenase and as-
samples with clots in anticoagulant microcollection
partate aminotransferase are higher (49).
We recommend rejecting capillary samples with While CLSI document GP42-A6 (3) reports no sig-
clots in anticoagulant microcollection devices. niicant diferences in hematological parameters
Healthcare workers should not attempt to remove between capillary and venous blood values, other
the clot from the sample. Instead, capillary blood studies have reported signiicant diferences.
sampling should be repeated. Platelet counts are generally lower in capillary
blood than in venous blood (52). Capillary values
Microclots in the specimen render it non-homoge- of hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Htc), white blood
neous, afecting the accuracy of analytical results, cells count (WBC), red bBlood cells count (RBC),
especially in hematological analysis. Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volumen (MCV), mean corpus-
lysis during clot formation can lead to falsely ele- cular hemoglobin (MCH), are signiicantly higher
vated potassium measurements made by blood than the corresponding venous values; whereas
gas analyzers that can also measure electrolytes. the capillary mean corpuscular hemoglobin con-
Clots can block the lowpath of the analyzer and centration (MCHC) value is lower (53). Blood smear
give erroneous results or even render the analyzer is also one of the most frequently performed tests
inoperable. on capillary blood. Native drop or EDTA capillary
This highlights the need for thorough mixing of blood from microconteiner can be used. There is
the blood specimen immediately upon collection no relevant literature data on the morphological
in order to avoid clot formation. In addition, gentle diferences between cells from capillary and ve-
mixing during collection can help prevent clot- nous blood sample.
ting, especially when capillary blood collection is These diferences highlight the need to compare
diicult (3,50). analyte concentrations in capillary blood samples
with reference values also from capillary blood.
Recommendation 24.4: Diferences in analyte
However, current practice is to compare capillary
concentrations between skin puncture and
blood results against reference values for venous
venipuncture samples
blood. We urge the clinical research community to
Laboratory test results based on capillary blood establish true reference values for analytes deter-
samples should be clearly marked as such on the mined in capillary blood samples. Until such refer-
laboratory reports. ence intervals are available, we recommend that
Diferences between venous and capillary blood all laboratory indings from capillary blood sam-
analyte concentrations are generally minor, ples be clearly marked as such.
The authors are grateful to the Croatian Society of tions. The authors are grateful to the CLSI for
Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine for granting permission to use their internationally
providing access to the CLSI guidelines on capil- copyrighted material.
lary sampling. The authors also thank Nora Nikol-
ac, PhD and Prof. Ana-Maria Simundic, PhD for crit- Potential conlict of interest
ical comments on the manuscript, as well as the None declared.
reviewers for useful commentaries and sugges-
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