Ilib Prevencao Vascular
Ilib Prevencao Vascular
Ilib Prevencao Vascular
VA Mikhaylov
Background and Aims: The mortality rate from vascular diseases is one of the highest. The use of
Intravenous Laser Blood Irradiation (ILBI) within the last 30 years has demonstrated high efficacy
in the treatment of vascular, cardiac and other systemic diseases.
Rationale: Laser energy at 630-640 nanometers is arguably the most effective for irradiation of
blood and the vascular wall. Photons at this wavelength are absorbed by oxygen, improve micro-
circulation, can change the viscosity of the blood and affect vascular endothelium.
Conclusions: In summary, more than 25 years of experience of using laser energy at 630-640 nm
has shown that this waveband directly influences the parameters of all cells in the blood, blood
plasma, the coagulation process and all the structural components of the vascular wall.
Additionally, ILBI directly or indirectly affects the cells of the immune system, hormones, and
exchange processes in an organism, thereby not only improving the function of the vascular sys-
tem, but also the other systems of an organism. It can finally lead to lower the incidence and num-
ber of vascular diseases, and indirectly to the reduction of the number of diseases in other organs
and even systemically, thus helping to prolong the lifespan.
Key words: Intravenous Laser Blood Irradiation • coronary and heart disease • lifespan
is carried out through a complex arrangement of neu- ruption in the hemodynamics of the vessel can lead to
rons, humoral regulation is impossible without the the appearance of various diseases.
existence of the organs synthesizing hormones, and Any systemic disturbance of the activity of the
the vascular system which then delivers these hor- heart as the central vascular pump leads to the
mones and other biologically active agents to their tar- increase of intravascular pressure and the emergence
gets in the organism. of hypertensive illness and coronary heart disease.
The vascular system, besides its regulatory func- Local disturbances can cause various diseases depend-
tions, carries out the function of transfer of oxygen to ing on the organ where they develop.
the tissues by means of erythrocytes and blood plasma, • Any disturbance in the nutrition of the pancreatic
plus delivery of nutrients and drainage of fluids and tox- islets of Langerhans leads to a decrease in the pro-
ins. It is clear that the activity of the immune system is duction of insulin and the manifestation of dia-
impossible without the vascular system enabling deliv- betes.
ery of the immunocompetent cells to the various organs. • Malnutrition of hepatocytes leads to a disturbance
The activity of the vascular system is carried out of liver function.
through the work of the heart and the blood vessels. • Disturbance of the delivery of the immune cells to
From a long time previously, and even more so today, their target tissues increases the probability of the
the main reason for vascular diseases has been seen in development of carcinogenesis.
the development of cardiac pathologies. According to • Disturbance of waste products and toxin drainage
the WHO data from 2000 to 2011, mortalities from from any organ causes intoxication and dysfunc-
coronary heart disease had increased from 5.8 up to 7 tion of cells in the affected organ.
million persons 1, 2). Therefore any action or intervention which can main-
However in my opinion the main reason for the tain the contractile function of vascular walls will help
development of coronary heart disease and other car- to prevent the emergence of many diseases and to
diac pathologies is the development of pathological increase life expectancy. This would be true no matter
processes in the walls of the blood vessels leading to a how it could be achieved - by the use of medicaments,
disturbance of their function. These changes subse- physical approaches, chemical methods or exposure to
quently lead to adverse changes in the coronary arter- laser energy at appropriate wavelengths. The main
ies and the myocardium. point is that the exposure should be systematic.
For the first time this idea arose when different Intravenous Laser Blood Irradiation (ILBI) at 630-
types of ILBI were first used. Continuous wave irradia- 640 nm for the treatment of various diseases has been
tion had no impact on the indicators of blood pressure used since 1988. 6) The accumulation of clinical and
in patients with a hypertensive illness. On the other experimental data have allowed elucidation of the
hand, when we used frequency-modulated irradiation, mechanism of action of this type of treatment, to
a reliable decrease in blood pressure in this category of define the indications and the contraindications for its
patients was revealed 4) . This result helped us to use in clinical practice and to reveal that range of dis-
understand of the principles of biomechanics and to eases for which this method of treatment can be the
construct mathematical models for cardiac activity: the most effective.
power of the heart at rest has been given as 3.3 W. For more than 25 years, the studies of my col-
With this comparatively low output power, the heart leagues and I have showed that ILBI directly acts on
can pump the blood through the vascular system, the the parameters of all the blood cells, on the state of the
total length of which in humans approximates 100,000 plasma, and on all the structural components of the
km 5). Even the pulling power of the thorax is not able vascular wall. In addition, by acting on immune system
to pull blood through such a length of the vascular cells, hormones and exchange processes, ILBI can
network to the right atrial appendage. influence all the other systems of an organism. 4)
In my opinion the heart as a vascular pump has
the sole responsibility for the delivery of oxygen, Research into the efficacy of ILBI with the
blood cells and nutrients to tissues concomitantly with red waveband
the removal of waste products and toxins.
Synchronized contractions of vascular smooth muscles
Influence on Blood Cells
allow the regular movement of blood over such huge
distances and then to deliver it back to the heart. Even Under the influence of ILBI there are favorable
absolutely minor local changes in a vessel causing dis- changes in peripheral blood: the red cell count increas-
16 A Mikhailov
es 7), reduction is seen in the erythrocyte sedimenta- the lungs. The authors explained the decrease in the
tion rate (ESR), 8) together with increased functions of monocytes and segmented neutrophils count by accel-
lymphatic and macrophage cells. 9) erated extravasation into the tissue from the blood-
Ananchenko VI et al. 10) studied the effects of stream. Similar changes in the morphological blood
ILBI on the clinical course and activity of energy structure can be observed upon the irradiation of an
enzymes of the peripheral blood lymphocytes in individual target organ in an animal model, for exam-
ischemic heart disease (IHD) patients. Study on the ple, irradiation of the heart. The conditions of expo-
lymphocytic succinate dehydrogenase parameters and sure of the total organism to laser energy caused an
alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity ambiguous reaction of white blood cells to miscella-
revealed increases in the medium cytochemical factor neous modes of irradiation: from leucopenia following
and the activity index of both enzymes. References single-phase irradiation to resistant leukocytosis follow-
regarding the effect of ILBI against angina can also be ing multiphase irradiation. Thus, against the back-
found. 11) ground of the changes of the total leucocytes count
Khomeriki SG and Morozov IA 12) studied circu- there were detected considerable but unidirectional
lating neutrophilic granulocytes before and after laser oscillations of the form of individual leukocytes: stable
therapy in 10 patients with ischemic heart disease and lymphocytosis and sharp reduction of the segmented
5 healthy persons. The patients had severe cytoplasmic leucocytes in blood, which became more stable in the
vacuolization, the number of specific granulocytes had case of repeated treatments with the HeNe laser radia-
increased, there was decreased thickness of the sub- tion. 14), 15)
membranous actins layer and a decreased surface vol-
ume ratio. The neutrophil indices in IHD patients Influence on Blood Enzymes
became similar to those in donor cells after blood irra-
diation with a helium-neon laser. The outcomes of A number of authors in many studies have remarked
some forms of ischemic heart disease reactions indicate on the positive ILBI effect on the peroxidation of lipids
the normalizing effect of helium-neon laser irradiation (POL) in different diseases and pathological conditions.
on the mechanisms of non-specific reactivity. 12) 16), 17) The first sessions of ILBII resulted in a signifi-
Belousov SS et al. 11) studied the clinical outcome cant increase of enzymes, kinins, and POL products in
of ILBI in stable and unstable stenocardia which are blood that were detected within 24 hours after each
two pathophysiologically different forms of IHD. As a irradiation session. Interestingly, the POL level
result, statistically significantly better outcomes were increased only in the plasma, whereas a progressive
obtained for patients with unstable stenocardia. The and significant decrease was seen in erythrocytes. The
patients of both groups showed a decrease in platelet authors considered this phenomenon to be connected
self-aggregation up to 67%, and that of erythrocytes with the increase of the exodus rate of biologically
aggregation up to 17 %. active substances out of injured organs and tissues and
The experimental studies revealed significant their subsequent reactions with the blood flow. This
changes in the morphological structure of peripheral phenomenon has also been confirmed by the results of
blood based on the effect of ILBI. Following total irra- clinical observations in which the best progress was
diation of an animal with the HeNe laser (632.8 nm) seen in patients after laser therapy, in comparison with
reticulocytosis was seen together with some increase in the control group. During the experiments some
the erythrocyte count with increased resistance. 12), 13) enhancement of catalase activity was determined,
Even after a single treatment increases were seen in whose absorption spectrum was found to be near to
the count of blood band neutrophils (up to 192%), the HeNe laser wavelength 18).
eosinocytes (up to 111%), basophils (up to 80%), lym- The medical properties of LLLT are becoming
phocytes (up to 19%) which all occurred within one better understood. Following LLLT, the activity of the
hour, together with the simultaneous decrease in the major intracellular bioenergetics enzymes increases. 19),
monocyte and segmented neutrophil count (up to 62 20) Moroz AM 21) asserts that the monochromatic red
and 19 % respectively). The authors correlated the light from the HeNe laser with a power density of 25
increase of the above contents of band neutrophils mW/cm2 is capable of increasing the blood glucose
with the leucopoiesis stimulation, and the increased concentration, of reducing the pyruvic acid level, and
number of lymphocytes, basophils and eosinocytes raising levels of aldolase- and lactate dehydrogenase in
was associated with the migration of mature cells out rats during exposures of some 10 – 30 min. Some
of the bone marrow sinus, the spleen and vessels of reviews have reported that HeNe laser radiation acti-
vates bioenergy processes in neural mitochondria 22). It and aggregation of erythrocytes, improved blood flow
has also been determined that LLLT can stimulate the properties and the vasodilatation effect. 8), 31- 33)
activity of major enzymes, i.e., dehydrogenase and In comparison with the initial data of an increase
cytochrome-c oxidase, 19) catalase, 23) and acidic and from the normal level of from 25 - 30%, ILBI resulted
alkaline phosphatase. 24) in a decrease of the fibrinogen level to 38% after the
Lysenkov NV et al., 25) Djhuguryan MA, 20) and first procedure and to 51% after the whole treatment
Dreval VI 26) investigated enzymes in their assays of course 34). In addition, ILBI has been shown to acceler-
lactate dehydrogenase whose activity level character- ate fibrinolysis and lower the prothrombin ratio. It is
izes the intensity of glycolytic processes; glucose-6- evident that all these processes result in improvement
phospatdehydrogenase (G-6-PhDG) — the central of blood flow properties and peripheral blood circula-
enzyme of the henose-monophosphate shunt and tion. 35)
esterase, and enzymes hydrolyzing ethers of carboxylic
acids; lactate dehydrogenase (LDG) has many func- Influencing Hepatocytes
tions including the regulation of membrane permeabili-
ty. After laser exposure a characteristic decrease in the It has been determined, that treatment with the HeNe
sodium lactate contents was noted and levels of pyru- laser affects the stimulation of the division of both
vate increased up to normal in comparison with the hepatocytes 26) and fibroblasts. 37)
initial level.
The enzymatic activity reaction as related to the Influencing Biological Fluids
different rates of laser irradiation was expressed more
significantly during a 7-fold exposure. At the same While studying the influence of 632.8 nm on the prop-
time, the dynamics of LDG activity decreased and G-6- erties of ascitic fluid, 38) my colleagues came to the
PhDG activity decreased in all experimental rats: these conclusion that irradiation modifies the conformation
results allowed the authors to draw a conclusion of macromolecular aggregates. This was a quaternary
regarding the relationships of the main pathways of the pattern level in proteinaceous solutions stabilized by
carbohydrate metabolism. The ratio of the quantitative electrostatic interactions. It was noticed that the modifi-
characteristics of LDG activity / G-6-PhDG activity has cations of the protein structure influenced the fluid
a value much less than 1.0, that in turn means the pref- antigenic properties: the quantity of circulating
erential activation of the henose-monophosphate immune complexes increased proportionally during
shunt. Thus activation of enzymatic processes responsi- the laser exposure. A number of studies 39), 40) used
ble for respiration as well as the decrease in esterase the crystalline status of biological fluids to estimate the
following exposure to LLLT brings us to some conclu- individual receptivity and to predict the efficiency and
sions regarding the influence of ILBI on metabolic optimization of LLLT modes. On the basis of their
processes in an organism. The data obtained complete- experimental and clinical studies the authors conclud-
ly corresponded to the outcomes of numerous studies. ed that the effect of laser exposure on structure was
exhibited not only in biological fluids subjected to
Influencing Blood Proteins direct irradiation but it was also revealed in biological
fluids of organs located far from the irradiation zone in
LLLT with the HeNe laser has been reported to achieve both pigmented and transparent systems. This is a fur-
an increase in biosynthetic activity as shown by the ther proof of one of the potential mechanisms behind
increase of carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids in the proven systemic effect of LLLT.
blood serum during experiments in vitro 21), 28) and in
clinical studies. 27), 28) The positive effects of LLLT have Influence on Oxygen
been demonstrated in the saving of failing skin grafts.
29) Lyone R 30) proved decreased collagen contents in A significant effect of ILBI LLLT with red light on the
wounds subjected to laser irradiation in rat models. transport and oxygen discharge ratio has been detected
by many clinical specialists, 8), 41), 42) who found that
Influencing the Blood Coagulation System laser irradiation of blood brought about amplification
of the oxygen - transport function of blood due to
Influence on the coagulation process is demonstrated modification of the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen ;
by the hypocoagulation effect, by increased blood fib- ILBI was shown to be accompanied by an increase of
rinolytic activity, decreased number of thrombocytes the O2 contents and a reduction in the particle rate of
18 A Mikhailov
CO2, testifying to the elimination of tissue hypoxia capillary edema and to increase the number of func-
with concomitant improvement in tissue oxygenation tioning capillary tubes. 70)
improvement. These findings provided indirect evi-
dence of normalization of the tissue metabolism Formation of New Capillary Tubes
through ILBI. 43-47)
It has been shown that exposure to low levels of laser
Influence on Myocardial Ischemia radiation actively formed new capillary tubes, thereby
augmenting the oxygen delivery to tissues and optimiz-
Experiments in the dog model involved occlusion of a ing tissue metabolism. 69), 71), 72)
coronary artery, followed by myocardial perfusion
recovery using ILBI, but at the same time it was deter- Diseases of Vessels
mined that the risk of cardiac fibrillation was reduced
by 40%. The ischemia zone of the myocardium in the In the works of many authors, many references can be
ILBI-treated animals was much less than that of the found to the possible use of LLLT for the treatment of
control animals, with more stable hemodynamics also acute thrombophlebiti 52), 73), 74) and obliterating
noted. The authors considered that this was connected endarteritis 75), 76), 77-78), 79), 80) of the lower limbs.
with the anti-ischemic effect of LLLT. 105) Furthermore, Good results have been obtained in the treatment of
the clinical application of ILBI in many studies has trophic ulcers of the lower limbs t caused by chronic
pointed to high efficiency in various diseases of the venous insufficiency. 30), 79), 81) LLLT is well recognized
myocardium. 48-51), 11), 52-61) for its successful treatment of venous diseases of the
lower limbs and the consequences of venous trauma.
Influence on the Vascular Wall and HeNe LLLT for the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis
Microcirculation of the superficial lower limbs has shown an extremely
high efficacy. 52), 73), 74)
The majority of studies have related to the analgesic
and anti-ischemic effect of LLLT and the positive reac- Influence on the Lymphatic System
tion of the blood rheological properties and microcir-
culation to irradiation with 632.8 nm. 50), 52), 54), 57) The According to Livens P, 82) laser exposure results in a
influence of LLLT has been demonstrated with faster regeneration of the lymphatic system; this is the
enhancement of the permeability of the vascular wall. basis of the drainage and anti-edematous effects of
62) Otherwise Musienko SM 46) showed that when the LLLT. Along with the blood circulation stimulation, the
HeNe laser was used to treat skin injuries in patients effect of lymph circulation stimulation under the influ-
with chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremi- ence of LLLT in the visible area of the spectrum was
ties, the pathological permeability of the vascular wall detected by Levin YM et al. 83) These experimental
was markedly decreased, concomitantly with normal- studies determined the amplification of lymph circula-
ization of the transcapillary exchange. However, con- tion intensity; they also determined an increase in lym-
tradictory information exists regarding the influence of phatic vessels contractions, and an increased lympho-
LLLT on microhemodynamics. 63-65) Musienko SM 46) cyte yield from the lymphocyte pool into a functioning
asserted that a microcirculatory link was a point of lymphatic vessel lumen following visible red LLLT irra-
application in the mechanism of the therapeutic effi- diation. The researchers attributed the detected effects
ciency of laser radiation. The point has been made by to the influence of laser radiation on globular proteins
other authors, confirmed by polarographic studies, that resulting in an increase in the lymphatic optical density
activation of energetic and biosynthetic processes and the influence on the processes of the lymphocytic
occurred following red light LLLT. 66), 67) Furthermore, energy metabolism.
the major importance of the microcirculation in the
implementation of the biological effect of the red Influence on the Nervous System
waveband, particularly of that around the HeNe laser,
has been confirmed other studies. 68) Konovalov EP et al. 84) studied the influence of ILBI on
A number of assays have confirmed the fact that the functional activity of a number of physiological sys-
ILBI stimulates the development of capillary tubes, tems. The analysis of the measurement of cardiac inter-
eliminates vasospasm, 69) eliminates stasis and reverses vals showed that during the first two sessions of laser
blood flow. Moreover ILBI has ben shown to decrease radiation increases were seen in the variational scope
(Dx), mode (Mo) and reduction mode (AMo) ampli- improve recovery of injured peripheral nerves in a der-
tude. And the pressure index (PI) in 71.5 % of patients. matomal-based approach. The results of the experi-
These data pointed to an enhancement of parasympa- ment strongly suggested that the process of retrograde
thetic nervous system activity and the development of degeneration of neurons became stable in the central
auto-regulation of the cardiac rhythm. part of the crosscut nerve much closer to the injured
The studies of Skupchenko VV et al. 85) showed area (1.2 - 1.5 cm) after local exposure to LLLT; where-
ILBI-mediated changes in autonomic regulation as in the control animals, the retrograde degeneration
towards parasympathetic tonus, an improvement in was tracked to within 2.5 cm from the level of the tran-
blood filling, decreased tonus, and decreased resis- sected nerves.
tance in peripheral vessels. The data obtained by Udut Kositsyn RS et al. 89) considered that an increased
VV et al. 67) have very much in common with the out- disintegration rate of nervous elements and resorption
comes of these studies. They showed that the intra-vas- enhancement of nerve fragments formed new condi-
cular laser therapy resulted in an increase of the tions for the acceleration of nerve regeneration. Thus,
parasympathetic nervous system tonus in 34% of for example, the excretion of urine 5-hydro-indol-
patients, meanwhile resulting in the appearance of nor- acetic acid has been studied, as the metabolism of
mal tonus in the autonomic nervous system in 60%. serotonin. 29) It was mentioned that increased excre-
In 1988 Serov VN et al. 86) revealed the ability of tion of this metabolite occurred under the influence of
HeNe LLLT first of all to restore and then to stimulate LLLT that proved the breakup of serotonin. The given
the impaired function of external sexual organ’s recep- data indicated a significantly clear laser effect, which
tors in kraurosis and vulvar leukoplakia. Rahishev AP was probably related to the laser effect on the humoral
et al. 87) marked the activation of the myelination and inflammatory mechanisms of pain.
processes in neurons, thickening of axons and amplifi- Another study evaluated the effect and mecha-
cation of their regeneration. Increased amplitudes of nism of ILBI on brain injury. In this study, thirty-eight
action potentials in human forearm nerves following anesthetized Sprague Dawley rats underwent Feeney's
LLLT irradiation of the skin was observed by Walker JB model of traumatic brain injury through a left lateral
et al. 88) The increased synthesis of particular proteins craniectomy. It was found that ILBI-LLLT could
and an elevated rate of axonal motion in neurons con- improve posttraumatic memory deficits. Superoxide
comitant with the enhanced plasma circulation in dismutase (SOD) activity, both as an antispasmodic
innervated organs was reported following ILBI with the and as an antioxidant, was higher in the treatment
HeNe laser 87) Following laser irradiation, induction of groups than in the control group, whereas the level of
the functional activity of the nervous system was seen, production of free radical-mediated malondialdehyde
accompanied by detection of the growth of micro- (MDA) was lower. These findings suggest that ILBI-
tubules in nerve fibers as the result of acceleration of LLLT produced a significant reduction in the damage to
the metabolic processes. the brain caused by free radicals post-injury. 90)
Rochkind S 77) described the LLLT-mediated
preservation of the functional activity of severely Influence on the Neuroendocrine System
crush-injured neurons in experimental rats and further-
more demonstrated a decrease of the degenerative Numerous studies on the effect of HeNe LLLT on
changes in motorneurons in transection injury spinal organisms have indicated some functional and mor-
cord model. LLLT irradiation of the spinal cord, after phological changes in the hypothalamic-hypophysis
severe injury and implantation of neural cells, promot- adrenal system 91). According to Serov VN et al. 86)
ed the fissile germination of axons in the injured area, laser irradiation at certain parameters is capable of
resulting in partial recovery of locomotors function in achieving hormonal modifications of pathological
injury-induced paraplegia. homeostasis by means of increasing an afferent stimu-
Rochkind S, Nissan M, Alon M et al. 78) applied lation of the diencephalic patterns of the brain. These
transcutaneous LLLT to segments of the spinal cord authors then investigated the functional status of the
after the crush injury of sciatic nerves in the rat model, central elements of the neuroendocrine with experi-
immediately after closure of the wound, with a 16 mW, mental animal models, and histochemical and cytopho-
632.8 nm, He-Ne laser. The laser treatment was repeat- tometric analysis. The helium-neon laser (LG-38) with
ed for 30 minutes daily during 21 consecutive days. an output power of 50 mW was used. The duration of
This study suggested that LLLT applied directly to the the exposure was 3 min. daily for 15 days. The results
spinal cord at the appropriate dorsal root could showed an accumulation of secretory substances in the
20 A Mikhailov
hypothalamic-epiphysis system and adenohypophysis. 10 min during the period of pregnancy. After the LLLT
With the increase of laser irradiation up to 10 days the session the analyses of the rabbit pituitary bodies
stimulation phenomena also increased, but on extend- showed high DNA and RNA contents in all zones of
ing LLLT up to 15 days, overstimulation occurred, caus- the pituitary bodies. Analysis of the pregnant rabbits
ing functional-morphological modifications, and failed to show any endocrine bodies-related pathology
demonstrating the development of the exhaustion of the investigated functional organs.
processes in neurosecretory elements and degeneration Koshelev VN et al. 94), 95) indicated an increase in
of neurosecretory cells. Exposure to LLLT of a reflexo- catecholamine, serotonin, histamine concentration and
genic zone of that group of animas during 5 days activation of the hypothalamus-adrenal system follow-
caused a considerable migration of neurohumoral ing red light LLLT. These data have been confirmed by
products into the circulation system. The most signifi- the works of other authors. 64) Laser therapy with red
cant reaction occurred in the supraorbital nucleus. An light normalizes hormonal pathological irregularities in
increase in both the cytoplasmic volume and the the menstrual-ovarian cycle in women. 96)
nucleus sizes in neurosecretory cells were registered.
There was some decrease of delta basophils and the Influence on the Immune System
glycoprotein content in the adenohypophysis.
The epiphysis is recognized as the coordinating Numerous studies have revealed the stimulating influ-
gonadotrophic activity organ of the hypothalamus, ence of laser irradiation on the indices of humoral and
therefore elucidation of the effect of LLLT on this organ cellular immunity. The counts of a large number of
is important. No changes were noted in the epiphysis related cells types, including macrophages, T-helpers,
structure after a single laser radiation. In the group T-suppressors, and B-lymphocytes increase under the
which underwent 5 sessions of LLLT, some substantial influence of laser therapy. 6) The levels of
modifications in the organ structure were found; those immunoglobulins in blood are increased. The natural
modifications were considered to be an accumulation consequence of these processes is the acceleration of
of hormone-positive substance (HPS) and nucleic wounds, healing of torpid ulcers and wound healing in
acids. After 10 sessions of laser radiation some laxity of burn injuries. 29) The rather rare development of severe
the HPS and nucleic color was observed; it was esti- postoperative complications has also been successfully
mated as the beginning of the secretory activity of the addressed with LLLT, such as purulent adhesions and
gland. After 15 sessions the volume of the epiphysis, postoperative wound infection. 97)
cytoplasm and nuclei of pinealocytes increased, and ILBI results in an increase of the functional activi-
the color of the HPS had significantly decreased; con- ty of B-lymphocytes in induction of the immune
siderable activation of the secretory function of the response. Both HeNe ILBI and transdermal semicon-
gland was noted. The authors came to the conclusion ductor laser irradiation have been applied preopera-
that the epiphysis reacted with the phase changes of its tively and a combination of these approaches was tri-
pattern with regard to the duration of exposure; on the alled in 56 oncologic patients. The transdermal semi-
fifth day, inhibition was seen, and on the tenth to fif- conductor laser irradiation proved to be the most effec-
teenth days, some activation of the organ function was tive, showing strong immunostimulation, tumor stasis
noticed. The most notable reaction was seen in the and decreased postoperative complications. 6)
trophic-transport component of the gland.
The data obtained from the previously discussed Discussion
experiment correlated with the data obtained by
Grishenko LV, 92) whose outcomes showed that under The regulation and synchronization of the activity of all
clinical conditions, laser radiation with exposure of the systems is the essential basis of any organism’s activity,
external orifice of the uterus for 1 min during 6-8 days and it is not important how these goals can be
caused a decrease in the production of melatonin, and reached. The more complicated the system is and the
that this promoted the restoration of the production of longer it functions, the more system failures will occur
hypothalamic neurohormones, as a result of which the and mistakes will be made and accumulated. Living
recovery of menstrual function was in turn promoted. organisms are influenced during their entire lifetime by
Peshev D.P. et al. 93) studied the pituitary body a set of negative factors - both external and internal.
and ovaries of female rabbits some of which were These negative impacts gradually accumulate and this
pregnant and others not pregnant after exposure of a consistently leads to the emergence of pathological
cervical reflexogenic zone to HeNe LLLT at 20 mW for changes at first at a molecular, and then at a cellular
and finally at a tissue level. This inevitably leads to the neomicrovascularization and neoangiogenesis – 69), 71).
disturbance of the activity of a variety of the affected positive effects seen in the treatment of cardiovascular
organism’s systems. As a matter of fact, any illness rep- diseases and myocardial ischemia – 11), 48-54), 56), 58-61)
resents a failure in one the organism’s systems con- vascular diseases – 30), 52), 72-76), 80), 81), 103)
comitantly with a disturbance of its function. The out- The same visible red waveband has also demonstrated
come of the pathology and further activity of an affect- proven effects on the various systems which contribute
ed organism depends on the organism’s ability to to the organism’s survival:
restore the function of out-of-order systems. Any defect lymphatic system – 82), 83)
in the blood vascular system is one of the most severe nervous system – 29), 67), 89), 77), 78), 84-87), 90), 104)
defects any organism can suffer. This is confirmed by neuro-endocrine system – 64) 86), 91-94), 93), 96)
the fact that mortality rates associated with vascular immune system – 6), 29), 77), 97), 105)
diseases have now achieved the top score worldwide. The findings of all of these studies confirm that the vis-
98) Therefore, the maintenance of the functional activi- ible red waveband at 630-640 nm has a local and sys-
ty of the blood vascular system the most important temic impact on all blood components, the blood vas-
problem of the modern medicine. cular system and all the other systems of an organism.
Irregularities in other systems can possibly be Relying on these studies and the results amassed my
corrected by means of medicaments, but the use of colleagues and me since 1988, we have completely
only medicaments in the treatment of cardiovascular defined the indications and contraindications of ILBI,
diseases is simply not enough. The advent of hyperten- and determined the range of diseases for which this
sion, malnutrition of the myocardium, the elasticity dis- method is the most effective. 4) It is completely
orders in vessel walls and stenosis all arise after patho- irrefutable that we use it successfully not only for the
logical dysfunctions have occurred in the vessel walls, prevention of vascular and other systemic diseases, but
which impair or destroy the ability of these vessels to also for increasing mankind’s life span.
contract and to pump the ever-essential blood to the
recipient organs and tissues. The disturbance of the Conclusions
transport function of vessels can severely interrupt the
delivery of oxygen, various cells, hormones and nutri- In summary, more than 25 years of experience in the
ents to their targets. In addition, the drainage function use of low incident levels of laser energy for ILBI at
of blood and lymphatic vessels is broken, so that when 630-640 nm has shown that this waveband directly
impurities, waste matter and toxins are not efficiently influences the parameters of all the cells in the blood,
drained from organs and tissue, dysfunction is the status of the plasma and the blood coagulation sys-
inevitable. tem, in addition to all the structural components of the
The studies and accumulated literature of more vascular wall.
than 30 years have proved that the visible red light in Through its powerful effects on all aspects of
the waveband of 630-640 nm have a powerful influ- blood and the vascular system ILBI can have a strong
ence on: positive influence on cells of the the immune system,
oxygen – 8), 41-47) hormones, the neuroendocrine system, and all
blood cells – 8), 9), 11), 14), 15), 57), 99), 100) exchange processes in an organism. Such influence
blood enzymes – 16-19), 21-24), 26), 28), 101), 102) allows us not only to improve the function of the vas-
blood proteins – 27-30) cular system, but also all the other systems of an
blood coagulation system – 8), 31-35) organism. Ultimately, this will lead to a decrease in the
biological fluids – 27), 39), 40) incidence and number of of vascular diseases, and
vascular wall and microcirculation – 46), 50), 52), 54), 57), indirectly to a reduction in the number of diseases in
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