Commercial Offices BMS Brochure
Commercial Offices BMS Brochure
Commercial Offices BMS Brochure
ideal business
that is safe, productive, profitable and green
Building Management Solutions
Please all of
the people
all of the time
Different tenants have
different needs
We’ll show you how to keep everyone happy
Your building stands out on the skyline. The location is good. You go out
of your way to provide each tenant with the flexible office environment
they need while working hard to manage costs.
With efficiency, convenience, reliability and functionality, Capricorn Haus in Dusseldorf is an award-winning,
energy-efficient commercial office building. Its harmonious combination of architecture and technology allows
tenants the greatest freedom in structuring workspaces. Schneider Electric led the way, integrating components
from 8 different manufacturers.
Make your building more profitable
Our systems cost less to design, install, operate and upgrade
Schneider Electric’s open, integrated solutons enable building systems to communicate
and work together on a daily basis. What’s more, integration is a tremendously cost-effective
approach to developing real estate.
When building systems are implemented as an Schneider Electric’s integrated approach is just
integrated package, you realize cost benefits as cost effective when refurbishing facilities as
from the very beginning. One design team and when constructing them. In addition, it enhances
one installation team consolidate everything your day-to-day operations. Because staff training
from building management and security, to is easier and systems work together, your facilities
structured cabling and IP networks, into a single are more responsive to your tenants’ needs.
infrastructure. The result? A reduced capital ex-
penditure of up to 24% when compared with the Our award-winning expertise in the field of
cost of installing all of the building systems sepa- integration makes us the right partner to help
rately. And that’s not all. Over time, you can also you take advantage of its many benefits. Whether
save up to 36% in associated operating costs. you’re managing a single property or constructing
buildings around the world, Schneider Electric can
make your offices more profitable and marketable.
24% 36%
reduced capital
expenditures with savings in associated
integrated systems operating costs
Protect people, property,
and your excellent reputation
We’ll show you how
Together, your customers, employees and property are your most important assets.
When they do well, you do well. So what are you doing to protect them?
Success story
Rockefeller Center in New York City chose
Schneider Electric security solutions to safeguard
its more than 200,000 tenants and visitors.
Looking to upgrade security and monitoring,
this office complex chose a centralized solution
integrated with Schneider Electric’s HVAC, lighting,
fire alarm and communications systems to
maximize cost efficiency with a single point of
control. The solution integrates centralized security
monitoring with local access control options for
tenants. In the dynamic atmosphere of New York,
this helps attract and keep tenants and enhances
the Center’s revenue stream.
Energy costs will only go up
What’s your building doing about it?
Whether you’re responsible for the utility bill or your tenants are, it pays
to run your building efficiently. It’s good for the value of your property
and good for the environment.
Employees and tenants come and go at all hours. And everyone’s comfort
level is different. How can your property perform up to everyone’s standards
and perform efficiently at the same time?
High energy costs drive
the demand for the lowest
Schneider Electric has energy programs specifically designed to reduce possible energy usage.
your building’s energy consumption. We analyze facility operations and Telenor Centre at Kokstad
energy consumption patterns and identify opportunities to replace old set the benchmark for
high efficiency with a
systems with energy-efficient technology. Then, by constantly monitoring Schneider Electric solution
energy consumption, we ensure that your building continues to operate as that allows the Bergen,
efficiently as possible. Norway, facility to
operate on 100 kWh per
square meter per year.
We can even make an energy efficiency program easier to sell to your The building encompasses
finance staff, with financial analysis and, when appropriate, financing and 1100 workspaces in an
guaranteed results. open office environment
with individual
temperature control.
Schneider Electric can deliver a powerful combination of power and building Schneider Electric’s
management solutions that drive down your energy costs. multifunction office nodes
and sensors regulate
energy consumption,
Conserve energy and maximize your building’s performance today, and you’ll saving energy and
feel better about your building’s future. operating expenses.
Schneider Electric has won multiple awards, including recognition from Frost & Sullivan in the field of Integrated Building Systems.
Improve indoor climate
and your bottom line
Comfortable environments increase productivity
and boost property values
Studies show that even a 1–2% increase in staff productivity could offset your entire energy
budget. That’s the average gain businesses realize when their employees are working at
their best in comfortable surroundings.
Schneider Electric
One High Street
North Andover, MA 01845 USA
Phone: +1 978 975 9600
Fax: +1 978 975 9698 This document has been printed on recycled paper