Development of Small-Scale and Micro-Scale Biomass-Fuelled CHP Systems - A Literature Review
Development of Small-Scale and Micro-Scale Biomass-Fuelled CHP Systems - A Literature Review
Development of Small-Scale and Micro-Scale Biomass-Fuelled CHP Systems - A Literature Review
PII: S1359-4311(08)00476-6
DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2008.12.004
Reference: ATE 2681
Please cite this article as: L. Dong, H. Liu, S. Riffat, Development of Small-Scale and Micro-Scale Biomass-Fuelled
CHP Systems – A literature review, Applied Thermal Engineering (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.
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– A literature review
A review is carried out on the development of small- and micro- scale biomass-fuelled
combined heat and power (CHP) systems. Discussions have been concentrated on the
biomass-fuelled CHP systems. Comparisons have been made between ORC and other
CHP systems. The advantages and disadvantages of each technology have been
discussed. Recommendations have been made on the future development of small- and
Corresponding author, Email: [email protected], Tel: 0044 115 8467674, Fax: 0044 115
1. Introduction
Combined Heat and Power Generation (CHP) or cogeneration has been considered
saving and environmental conservation [1]. Some researchers argue that heat should
always be produced along with the power whenever possible [2]. The most promising
target in the application of CHP lies in energy production for buildings, where small-
scale and micro-scale CHP is usually installed [3]. Generally speaking, the concept
“small-scale CHP” means combined heat and power generation systems with electrical
power less than 100 kW. ‘Micro-scale CHP’ is also often used to denote small-scale
Small-Scale and micro-scale CHP systems are particularly suitable for applications in
and micro-scale CHP systems can help to meet a number of energy and social policy
aims, including the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, improved energy security,
investment saving resulted from the omission of the electricity transmission and
distribution network, and the potentially reduced energy cost to consumers [4]. A
since the system can be operated independent of the grid if there is a black out [5].
development, and are emerging on the market with promising prospects for the near
future [3, 4]. UK has been forecast to become one of the three largest markets for
Bernotat and Sandberg [2] studied the possibilities of using CHP for clustered
dwellings and concluded that small-scale CHP has high perspectives if the total heat
demand in an area is high enough. Denntice et al. [1] also carried out an investigation
evaluating the match between a micro-CHP system and the electrical and thermal
They concluded that while the energy saving and the environmental benefits of a
micro-scale and on-site cogeneration were undisputed, the technological obstacles still
with low price and easy-to-use operation for residential end-users was still being under
loads, and the gas and electricity prices. Hawkes and Leach [4] studied the third
dispatch mode of a micro-CHP system, i.e., the least-cost mode with which the
optimized operation conditions are met, besides the heat-led, which is usually the
dominant mode, and the electricity-led. Paepe et al. [7] recently evaluated five micro-
CHP systems (<5 kW) for use in residential applications. They found that that all CHP
installations can save the primary energy and reduce CO2 emission when operated on
financially favourable at the present time because of high investment cost and long
In the current stage, micro-CHP systems are emerging on the market with a promising
prospect for the near future [3]. With the introduction of more and more stringent
renewable energy resources play crucial role in replacing fossil fuels that power the
traditional CHP systems. Renewable energy including biomass has received more and
more research interests due to the rising energy price and the efforts needed to address
the current climate change. Biomass has already been used extensively within the
Europe for heating and/or power generation. In Austria, the contribution of biomass for
district heating has increased 6-fold and in Sweden, 8-fold, during the last decade,
largely due to positive stimulation at federal and local levels [8]. In France, direct
combustion of wood represents almost 5% of the primary energy use [9] and in
Finland, 18% of the total energy production has been bio-energy, and this figure is
foreseen to reach as high as 23% by 2025 [10]. Therefore, there is a very large market
potential for biomass-fuelled small- and micro- CHP systems within the Europe.
Of all the renewable energy resources, biomass is plentiful and prominent [11-13].
Wind energy and solar energy have the limitation of intermittent nature and therefore,
they can only be used in the diversified systems to contribute where fossil fuel-based
power generation provides base-load power when the sun is not shining or the wind is
not blowing. Biomass is the world’s fourth largest energy source, contributing to
nearly 14% of the world’s primary energy demand. For many developing countries, the
contributions of biomass to their national primary energy demands are much higher,
from ca. 20% to over 90%. Biomass energy systems contribute to both energy and
non-energy policies. The life cycle of a sustainable biomass energy system has a nearly
biomass utilisation has been considered as one of the most attractive options for
addressing CO2 concerns [12-15]. Lineback et al. [16] compared the CO2 emission
from coal combustion to those from the biomass consumption with different
conversion technologies and concluded that the use of biomass energy was a positive
likely produces less carbon monoxide and particulates than an average coal-fired
boiler. The sulphur dioxide produced during combustion of fossil fuels, particularly
coal and fuel oil, that is one of the main precursors of acid rain, is not a major problem
for biomass combustion systems due to the low sulphur content of biomass (<0.1 - 1%
Biomass is best suited for decentralized, small-scale and micro-scale CHP systems due
to its intrinsic properties [17]. On one hand, small-scale and micro-scale biomass CHP
systems can reduce transportation cost of biomass and provide heat and power where
they are needed. On the other hand, it is more difficult to find an end-user for the heat
produced in larger CHP systems [18]. With the continual rise in gas and electricity
prices and the advances in the development of biomass technologies and biomass fuel
CHP systems have a particular strong relevance in the life quality improvement,
and micro-scale biomass-fuelled CHP systems has been supported and funded by the
governments of many industrialised nations, albeit at different levels. For example, the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the United States was funding a small
modular bio-power project, aiming to develop biomass systems that are fuel flexible,
efficient, simple to operate, have minimum negative impacts on the environment, and
provide power between 5 kW and 5 MW [19]. Pavlas et al. [20] studied the retro-fit of
they found that a biomass-fuelled micro-scale CHP could achieve the highest CO2
reduction. Uddin and Barreto [21] studied the techniques to capture CO2 from a
biomass-fired CHP system to achieve negative CO2 emissions, despite the side-effects
of reduced energy efficiency, higher investment costs and increased costs of end
In spite of all the research efforts, small-scale and micro-scale biomass-fuelled CHP
systems still suffer from undesirable economics and technical uncertainties which
fuelled CHP systems which are commercially available are very limited. In addition,
the long term economical and technological viability of the very few commercial
systems has yet to be proven. Therefore, further research is needed to overcome the
developed countries have and which are mainly responsible for the current climate
CHP systems. Basically, these include a primary conversion technology that converts
biomass into hot water, steam, gaseous or liquid products and a secondary conversion
technology that transforms these products to heat and power. The major biomass
technologies is the most widely used combination, particularly for large-scale and
medium-scale biomass-fuelled CHP systems [23]. In the mean time, the combination
The cost of an ORC system is far less than that of a Stirling engine, with less than 60%
of that of a Stirling engine, and is the similar to that of gasification technology and
steam turbine/engine [17]. Instead of water, ORC uses organic chemicals with
fluid evaporates requiring a lower heat amount than water, and therefore, ORC
operates at lower temperatures and pressures than the conventional steam process [25-
26]. For this reason, ORC is particularly suitable for small-scale and micro-scale
biomass-fired CHP systems. For traditional steam engine or steam turbine systems, the
typical electrical efficiencies are ca. 6-8% for small-scale CHP systems with a size of
less than 30 kWe [16], which results in the steam-based CHP systems no longer
attractive and applicable at such a small scale. In contrast, ORC-based systems are able
to produce about 15% of electricity and 60 – 70% of heat [23]. To increase the
economic feasibility of the small-scale and micro-scale CHP plant investments, more
electricity should be extracted from the process per produced heat unit [26]. In addition
to the higher electricity production, the increased power-to-heat ratio could also reduce
the fuel consumption and the CO2 production per produced energy unit. The factors
that are limiting the power-to-heat ratios in the small-scale and micro-scale CHP plants
are mostly material properties and economical issues. Many other process features that
are commonly used in larger plants are often considered to be too expensive for
smaller size ranges. Thus, the trade-off between costs, the complexity of the process,
and the increased power production is an important factor when defining the most
In addition, as most small-scale and micro-scale CHP systems are operated according
to the heat demand, the electricity production can be considered as the by-product of
the system has to be at acceptable levels both at the nominal load and partial load. It
should also be noted that the operation mode of a small-scale or micro-scale CHP
system based on the heat demand may not the best choice in terms of CO2 reductions
sustainable energy for micro-CHP have been carried out in previous studies including
biomass gasification and micro-turbine etc. Moreover, these technologies have been
The development of biomass gasifiers dated back to the early 20th century. Generally,
comparing to coal gasification systems, most of the available biomass gasifiers are still
commercially viable biomass gasification systems in operation, there are only a few
combustible gas. The product gas mainly consists of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen, methane, water, nitrogen, but also contaminants such as small char particles,
ash and tars. The gas can be used by boilers, internal combustion engines or gas
turbines to produce heat and power in CHP systems after proper cleaning and
advanced two-stage gasifier to produce clean and tar-free fuel gas has been explored
and tested by Cao et al. [28]. The schematic of this gasifier is illustrated in Fig. 1. In
general, five types of gasifiers can be classified, i.e., updraft, downdraft, fluid bed,
circulating fluid bed and entrained flow. The schematics of these five gasifiers are
shown in Fig. 2. The comparison of the product gas from different gasifiers is shown
in Fig. 3.
than a direct combustion-based CHP system. The gas obtained by gasification can be
combusted in a diesel, gas or “dual fuel” engine, or in a gas turbine [22]. So far, many
with size ranging from 5 kW to 50kW [30]. CPC has reported the systems have the
advantages of fully automatic operation and control and with no harmful emissions and
liquid effluents. One of the CPC’s micro-modular biopower systems is shown in Figs.
4-5. CPC also developed a Biopower Battery Charger which is a unique product that
uses the CPC biomass gasification technology to operate a free-piston Stirling engine
generator (Fig. 5). Despite all the efforts made over the past decade, a large market
share of small-scale biomass gasification systems for electricity production has yet to
achieve [31]. This is probably due to two main reasons. The large variation in the key
parameters determining the quality of biomass gasification product gases can cause
extreme engine wear due to tar contamination and unstable operation. On the other
hand, automatic measurement and control measures are rarely used (to keep the system
cost down) and this often results in variable system performances [23]. Therefore,
further research is certainly needed to improve and optimize the biomass gasification
technology for applications in small- and micro-scale biomass CHP systems. Talbott’s
Heating Ltd has developed and reported a biomass combustion-turbine system with the
electrical efficiency of 17% and the overall efficiency of 80-85% [16]. The turbine
engine assembly that was evaluated by Talbott’s Heating Ltd is shown in Fig. 6.
range of 1 – 15kW electricity that can operate on biogas and biomass [5]. Compower’s
first micro-CHP system was based on the reuse and reconfiguration of commercially
off the shelf components and rated 7kW electricity and 17kW heat. The main modules
include a burner, a turbogenerator and a set of heat exchangers, which are shown in
Fig. 7. Despite all the efforts on the development of micro-turbine technology, gas
turbine technology is only widely used in CHP systems larger than 100kWe with the
electrical efficiency generally higher than 25%. To increase the electrical efficiency of
near future.
applications at various scales from a fraction of kWe to over 1 MWe, ORC is robust
and advantageous in many ways. At low temperatures, organic working fluids lead to
higher cycle efficiency than water. ORC power generation systems have been used
successfully in geothermal power plants for decades [32]. In small-scale and micro-
scale CHP systems, organic working fluids are preferable because the fluid mechanics
leads to high turbine efficiency in both full and partial load. This is one of the main
reasons that ORC power generation is adopted for small-scale and micro-scale
scale CHP systems is a legal and economic one. Water shows good efficiency at high
pressure requiring increased safety measures, which are not economically feasible for
working fluid, the vapour can expand in the turbine in its saturated and superheated
Although the specific investment cost of an ORC system is higher than conventional
steam cycle, the operating cost is considerably lower due to its good controllability,
Biomass-fired CHP plants based on the ORC with the size in the range of 400 kWe to
1.5 MWe process have been successfully demonstrated [34] and now they are
ca. 20%. The thermodynamic cycle of an ORC-based CHP system is shown in Fig. 8.
The main module and the turbine system are shown in Fig. 9 and 10, respectively. The
scale effects with biomass conversion systems are significant for both their energetic
and economic performance. Up-scaling increases the relative primary energy savings
of the CHP systems. While up-scaling and further optimization of the ORC technology
for biomass-fired CHP systems have never been stopped, limited interest and research
in small-scale and micro-scale biomass-fired CHP systems over the last decade lead to
many technical and economical obstacles comparing to the relative mature technology
in the medium- to large-scale systems. Two prominent obstacles are the relatively high
specific investment cost and limited electrical efficiency [16-17]. The conflicting
nature of these two factors makes the solution more complicated and difficult to find.
Based on economic reasons, some researchers argued that small-scale and micro-scale
plants, because of low annual operating hours typically varying between 4000 – 5000
hours, most of which are on partial load [36]. But a cost reduction in small-scale and
electrical and CHP efficiencies under the constraint of a specific investment cost [37].
Despite the fact that some medium-scale and large-scale biomass-fired CHP plants
with ORC are in operation across the Europe and throughout the world, the available
technical operating data are much limited due to commercial secrets. Evaluations were
reported on two biomass-fired CHP plants installed for demonstration in Austria [34,
37, 38]. On the 400 kWe Admont CHP plant, it was attributed the main innovative
component in the biomass-fired CHP system to the ORC process. Silicon oil was
selected as the organic working fluid. The condensation of the silicon oil takes place at
a temperature level that allows the heat recovered to be utilized with the hot water feed
temperature of about 80 to 90˚C. It was also reported that installation of a flue gas
condensation system results in an evident increase in the total efficiency of the CHP
system [37]. On the 1000 kWe Lienz biomass CHP plant, it was claimed that the key
innovation was due to the use of an internal heat recovering system along with a
thermal oil economizer and a combustion air pre-heater, by which the net electricity
efficiency was increased considerably. The net electric efficiency of the ORC plant
amounted to 18% at nominal load and about 16.5 at 50% partial load at feed water
temperatures of 85˚C [30]. This underlines the excellent partial load behaviour of this
The thermal efficiency of the ORC unit was about 80% and was slightly increased at
partial load operation. Sipila et al. [26] carried out a simulation on a small-scale
biomass-fired, ORC based CHP system using the 400kWe Admont CHP plant as the
basic model plant. Their results indicated that the simplest structure was the best
choice for an ORC-based CHP system subjected to power-to-heat ratio. Only the
combustion air pre-heater had a positive effect on the electricity efficiency when
compared to the basic ORC model plant, although the pre-heater did not affect
electricity production but it improved the boiler efficiency. Any changes in the organic
Rankine cycle, whether superheating or double cycle structure, only decreased the
power-to-heat ratio. It also concluded that turbine expansion from the saturated steam
Although ORC-based power generation has been applied to power generation units as
of a micro-scale biomass-fired CHP system with ORC. This is mainly due to the
limited interest on micro-scale CHP systems and lack of research funding. With
growing environmental and political pressures to tackle climate change, and interests
in micro-scale CHP systems from the public, more investigations on the performance
of micro-scale biomass-fuelled CHP systems with ORC are expected to be carried out
4. Conclusions
In summary, the application of micro- or small- scale biomass-fired CHP system has a
great market potential in both UK and the rest of the world. This potential is becoming
and climate change control become more and more urgent. However, despite the fact
that small-scale and micro-scale biomass-fuelled CHP systems can play a key role in
CHP systems is still in its infant stage. The relevant technologies in the current stage
cannot meet the demands from different industrial sectors. Commercialization of such
small scale systems is not yet reached despite of the successful commercial operation
small-scale and micro-scale biomass-fuelled CHP systems are still hindered by several
technical and economic barriers. Therefore, significant research efforts are urgently
needed and should be accelerated in order that the next generation of stand-alone
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of EPSRC (EP/E020062/1) via
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Fig. 1. The concept schematic of the novel two-stage biomass gasifier by air (from
Ref. 28)
Fig. 2 Diverse gasifiers: (a) Co-Current, (b) Counter Current, (c) Stationary Fluidized
Bed, (d) Circulating Fluidized Bed (from Ref. 29)
Fig. 4 CPC’s micro-modular biopower system configured for combined heat and
power for an off-grid application (includes battery inverter) (from Ref. 30)
Fig. 5 CPC’s 1 kWe /18 kWt Biomass Stirling Power Generator (from Ref. 30)
Fig. 9 Overview of the Whole Module of the Biomass-Fired ORC Plant (from Ref. 25)
Fig. 10 Two-Stage Axial Turbine for the Biomass-Fired ORC Process (from Ref. 25)
Combustion producing steam, hot water Steam engine; Steam turbine; Stirling
producing biodiesel