Vijay Kumar: Gupta
Vijay Kumar: Gupta
Vijay Kumar: Gupta
The Manager
BSE Limited
P. J. Towers, Dalal Street
Mumbai - 400001
Dear Sir/Madam,
Pfease find enclosed herewith the disclosLrre under Regulation 29(2)of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition
of Shares arrd Takeovers) RegLrlations. 201 1 rvith respect to sale ol | .07.043 (Orre Lakh Seven Tlrousancl
and Forty'Three) Equity Shares of face value of INR l0/- each represettting 2.03% of the paid-up equity
share capital of Golkonda Aluminiurn Extrusions Limited in trenches frorr March 23,2023 to April 12,
The Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Golkonda Aluminium Extrusions Limited
A-217 8-B, Keshav Puram,
New Delhi, Delhi - 110035
Disclosures under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (Subst:rntial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover)
l{esulations.20l I
Mode of aeguisitien / sale On-Market Sale
Date of aeryisitien / sale of shares / VR-er-da{e March 23,2023 to April 12,2023
, (For details, please refer Annexure)
whichever is applicable
Equity share capital / total voting capital of theINR 5,26,95,090/- (Five Crore Twenty Six Lakh Ninety
I'C before the said aegnisitien/sale Five Thousaud and Ninety ouly) consisting of 52,69,509
(Fifty Two Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand Five Hundred and
Nine) fully paid-up Equity shares of INR l0/- each
Equity share capital/ total voting capital of the INR (Five Crore Trventy, Six Lakh Ninetl,
T'C after the said aeqr+isitienisale Five Thousand and Ninety only) consisting of 52.69.509
(Fifty Two Laklr Sixtl'Nine Thousand Five Hundred aud
Nine) fr.rlly paid-up Equity shares of INR l0/- each
T'otal diluted share/voting capital of the TC INR (Five Crore Twentv Six Lakh Ninetv
after the said aeguisit*er/sale Five Thousand and Ninety only) consisting of 52,69,509
(Fifty Two Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand Five Hundred and
Nine) tully paid-up Equity shares of INR l0/- each
r/L*- J
BSE Limited
P.J. Towers.
Dalal Street
Mumbai- 400 001
Sub: Submission of Disclosure required under regulation 10(5) of the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takcovers) Regulations, 2011 ("SEBI SAST
We. Kamini Bhupen Vasa and Nicky Hemen Vasa, being part of the Promoter of Unick Fix-A-Form and
Printers Limited. hereby submit the disclosure as required under regulation 10(5) of the SEBI SAST
Regulations for acquisition 3,55,910 (6.49%) and 5,30,138 (9.67%) equity shares respectively of the
Company, by way of purchase through Off Market, from Sarla Navnit Vasa, being part of the Promoter of
the Company, details of which are enclosed herewith.
Please note that this transaction, being inter-se transfer of shares among the Promoters of the Company,
falls within the exemption provided under Regulation 10(1 )(a)ii) of the SEBI SAST Regulations. The
aggregate shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group before and after the aforesaid inter-se transfer
remains the same.
Kindly take the same on your record and acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
ucky HVasa
Kamini Bhupen Vasa Nicky Hemen Vasa
Member of Promoters of Unick Fix-A-Form Member of Promoters of Unick Fix-A-Form
and Printers Limited and Printers Limited
(Acquirer) (Acquirer)
Encl: As above.
Copy to:
Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited
Block No. 472, Tajpur Road,
Changoda, Tal. Sanand,
Ahmedabad -382213, Gujarat
Format for Disclosures under Regnlation 10(5) Intimation to Stock Fxehanges in respect o
acquisition under Regulation 10(1 (a) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers
Regnlations, 2011
Name of the Target Company (TC) Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Iimitcd
Name of the acquirer(s) . Kamini Bhupen Vasa and
2. Nicky Ilemen Vasa
Whether the acquirer(s) is/ are Yes
promoters of the TC prior to the
transaction. If not, nature ofrelationship
or association with the TC or its
4Details of the proposed acquisition
a Nameof the person(s) from whom Sarla Navnit Vasa
sharesare to be acquired
b Proposed date of acquisition March 24, 2023
Number of shares to be acquired 1. Kamini Bhupen Vasa - 3,55,910 Equity Shares
from each person mentioned in 4(a) 2. Nicky Hemen Vasa - 5,30,138 Equity Shares
d Total shares to be acquired as % of|1. Kamini Bhupen Vasa - 6.49%
sharecapital of TC 2. Nicky Hemen Vasa -9.67%
e Price at which shares are proposed Nil consideration as the acquisition is by way of gift.
to be acquired
fRationale, if any, for the proposed Inter-se transfer ofshares through offmarket transaction
transfer amongthe promoters by way of gif
Relevant sub-clause of regulation Regulation 10(1 Ka(ii) ofthe SEBI SAST Regulations
10(1 a) under which the acquirer is
exempted from making open offer
6 If, frequently traded, volume weighted Not Applicable
average market price for a period of 60 (Since the shares are proposed to be gifted)
trading days preceding the date of
issuance of this notice as traded on the
stock exchange where the maximum
volume of trading in the shares of the
TCare recorded during such period.
7 Ifin-frequently traded, the price as Not Applicable
determined in terms of clause (e) of sub- | (Since the shares are proposed to be gifted)
regulation (2) of regulation 8.
8 Declaration by the acquirer, that the Not Applicable
acquisition price would not be higher by | (Since the shares are proposed to be gitted)
more than 25% of the price computed in
point 6 or point 7 as applicable
9 Declaration by the acquirer, that the | Yes
transferor and transferee have complied
will comply with applicable disclosure
requirements in Chapter V of the
Takeover Regulations, 2011
(corresponding provisions of the
repealed Takeover Regulations 1997)
10 Declaration by the acquirer that all the Yes
conditions specified under regulation
1O()a)with respect to exemptions has
beenduly complied with.
11 Shareholding details Before the proposed After the proposed
transaction transaction
No. of % w.r.t No. of w.r.t
shares total share shares total share
capital of voting capital of
rights TC rights TC
a Acquirer(s) and PACs (other than 10,69,152 19.49% 19,55.200 35.65%
b Seller (s) 8,86,048 16.15% 0 0.00%
The Executive Director
Listing Department.
BSE Limited,
Phiroze Jecjeebhoy Towers.
Dalal Street. Mumbai 400001
Kindy take the same on record and acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Your faithfully,
Mcky H Vas
Kamini Bhupen Vasa Nicky Hemen Vasa
Member of Promoters of Unick Fix-A-Form | Member of Promoters of Unick Fix-A-Form
and Printers Limited and Printers Limited
(Acquirer) (Acquirer)
Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited
Block No. 472, Tajpur Road, Changodar,
Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad,
Ahmedabad 382 213, Gujarat, India.
Formatfor Disclosures under Regulation 106) Report to Stock Exchanges in respectof any
acquisition made inrelianee upon exemption provided for in Rezulation 10 of SEBI
Substantial Acquisition of Sharcs and Takcovers)Regulations, 2011
1.Nameofthe Target Company (IC) Unick ix-A-I orm and Printers L.imited
Name of the acquirer(s) Kamii Bhupen Vasa and
2. Nicky leman Vasa
Name of the stock exchange where| BSE Limited
shares of the TC are listed
4. Details of the transaction including Inter-se transaction among promoters in the
rationale. if any for the transfer/ nature of gift
acquisition of shares.
Relevant regulation under which the
Regulation 10(aii) of SAST
is exempted from
making open Regulations, 2011
b Each Seller/Transferor
8,86,048 16.15 0.00 0.00%
1. Sarla Navnit Vasa
Place: Ahmedabad
Annexure A
of Consideration
Name of the person Name of the person No. of shares
Sr. to be holding
the belonging fo the proposed
No. belonging to
acquired by
Promoter Promoter
way of
(Transferor/Seller) Transferee/Acquirer)
3.55.910 6.49% By way of Gift
Sarla Navnit Vasa Kamini Bhupen Vasa
Nieky Vata
Nicky Hemen Vasa
Kamini Bhupen Vasa Fix-A-Form and
of Promoters of Unick
Member of Promoters of Unick
Fix-A- | Member
Printers Limited
Form and Printers Limited
Place: Ahmedabad
Date: March 28, 2023
The Executive Director,
Listing Department,
BSE Limited,
Dalal Street. Mumbai - 400001
Sub: Disclosure pursuant to Regulation 29(1) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeover) Regulations, 2011 ("SEBI (SAST) Regulations 2011").
Dear Sir/Madam,
In compliance with the provisions of Regulation 29(1) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations 2011, we, Kamini
Bhupen Vasa and Nicky Hemen Vasa, being part of the Promoter of Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers
Limited, residing at 243, Satyagrah Chhavani Lane-12, Sector-6, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad 380015,
Gujarat, India, hereby enclose the disclosure with regard to acquisition of equity shares of Unick Fix-A-
Form and Printers Limited by us through inter-se transfer of shares
(by way of gift). for your
information and record.
Kindy take the same on record and acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Your faithfully
Aicky.H Vasa
Kamini Bhupen Vasa Nicky Hemen Vasa
Member of Promoters of Unick Fix-A-Form
and Printers Limited
Member of Promoters of Unick Fix-A-Form
and Printers Limited
(Acquirer) (Acquirer)
Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited
Block No. 472, Tajpur Road, Changodar,
Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad,
Ahmedabad 382 213, Gujarat, India.
Format for disclosures under Regulation 2901) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011
Name of the Target Company (TC) Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited
Name(s) of the acquirer and Persons Acting in Name ofthe Acquirer:
Concert (PAC) with the acquirer
. Kamini Bhupen Vasa
2. Nicky Hemen Vasa
Persons Acting in Concert (PAC) with the
*) Total share capital/ voting capital to be taken as per the latest filing done by the company to the Stock
Exchange under Regulation 31 of SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015.
(**) Diluted share/voting capital means the total number of shares in the TC assuming full conversion
ofthe outstanding convertible securities/warrants into equity shares of the TC.
icky. HVaa
Kamini Bhupen Vasa Nicky Hemen Vasa
Member of Promoters of Unick Fix-A-Form Member of Promoters of Unick Fix-A-Form
and Printers Limited and Printers Limited
(Acquirer) (Acquirer)
Date: March 28, 2023
Place: Ahmedabad
Sarla Navnit Vasa
22/536, Satyagrah Chhavani Lane- 12,
Sector-6, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad 380015
Dear Sir/Madam,
lation 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) 2011, I, Sarla
In compliance with the provisions of Regu at 22/5 36,
and Printers Limited, residing
Vasa, being Promoter of Unick Fix-A-Form India,
agrah Chhavani Lane- 12, Sector-6, Satellite Road, Ahmedaba' d 380015, Gujarat,
Saty Fix-A-Form
d to disposal of Equity Shares of Unick
hereby enclose the disclosure with regar -se transfer
an off market transaction by way of inter
and Printers Limited by me through
your information and record.
among Promoters by way of gift, for
nowledge the receipt of the same.
Kindy take the same on record and ack
This is for information and disseminatio
Your faithfully
SarsleN. Vasa
Sarla Navnit Vasa
Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers
Block No. 472, Tajpur Road,
Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad
t, India.
Ahmedabad 382 213, Gujara
Name of the Target Company (TC) Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers
Mode of acquisition / sale (e.g. open market / off- Inter-se Transfer amongst promoters —
market / public issue / rights issue / preferential through an off-market transaction in nature
allotment / inter-se transfer etc). of gift
Date of acquisition / sale of shares / VR or date of 24" March, 2622
receipt ofintimation of allotment of shares, whichever!
is applicable BD Soya. Ne Vase.
Equity share capital / total voting capital of the TC %5,48,50,000 divided into 54,85,000 equity
before thesaid acquisition / sale shares of 210/- each
"Equity share capital/ total voting capital of the TC %5,48,50,000 divided into 54,85,000 equity
after thesaid acquisition / sale shares of 210/- each
Total diluted share/voting capital of the TC after the %5,48,50,000 divided into 54,85,000 equity
saidacquisition shares of 210/- each
(*) Total share capital/ voting capital to be taken as per the latest filing done by the company to the Stock
Exchange under Regulation 31 of SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015.
(**) Diluted share/voting capital means the total number of shares in the TC assuming full conversion of
the outstanding convertible securities/warrants into equity shares of the TC.
SarkNi Vase
Sarla Navnit Vasa
Seller (Promoter)
The Executive Director,
Listing Department,
BSE Limited,
Dalal Street, Mumbai — 400001
Dear Sit/Madam,
In compliance with the provisions of Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) 2011, 1, Kamini Bhupen Vasa,
being Promoter of Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited, residing at 243, Satyagrah Chhavani Lane-
12, Sector-6, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat, India, hereby enclose the disclosure with regard
to acquisition of equity shares of Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited by me through an off market
transaction by way of inter-se transfer among Promoters by way of gift, for your information and record.
Kindy take the same on record and acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Your faithfully
Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited
Block No. 472, Tajpur Road, Changodar,
Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad,
Ahmedabad 382 213, Gujarat, India.
es and
quisition of Shar
Format for disclosures under Regulation 29(2) of SEBL (Substantl al Ac
Takcovers) Regulations, 2011
Part-A-Detailsofthe Acquisition
WhethertheacquirerbelongstoPromoter/Promotergr Promoter
Name(s) of the Stock Exchange(s) where the BSE Limited
shares of TCare Listed
Beforetheacquisitionunderconsideration, holding,
id) 3,55,910 6.49 6.49
After the acquisition, holding of acquirer
along withPACsof:
a) — Sharescarryingvotingrights 5,04,750 9.20 79.20
5) VRsotherwisethanbycquityshares , . -
c) Warrants/convertible — securities/any other | * - -
instrumentthat entitles the acquirer to receive
shares carryingvoting rights in the TC
(specify holding in _ eachcategory)
d) - - °
(*)Totalsharecapital/ voting capital to betaken asperthe latest filing doneby thecompany tothe
StockExchangeunderRegulation 31 of SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015.
ingconvertiblesecunities/warrants intoequityshares oftheTC.
Be Oretea
Kamini Bhupen Vasa
Dear Sir/Madam,
Hemen Vasa,
In compliance with the provisions of Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) 2011, 1, Nicky
being Promoter of Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited, residing at 243, Satyagrah Chhavani Lane-
12, Sector-6, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat, India, hereby enclose the disclosure with regard
to acquisition of Equity Shares of Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited by me through an off market
transaction by way of inter-se transfer among Promoters by way of gift, for your information and record.
Kindy take the same on record and acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Nicky 1 Vasa
Nicky Hemen Vasa
Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Limited
Block No. 472, Tajpur Road, Changodar,
Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad,
Ahmedabad 382 213, Gujarat, India.
t for disclosures under Regulation 29(2) of SEBH (Substantial
Acquisition of SShares ani
Takcovers) Regulations, 2011
Part-A-Detailsotthe Acquisition
Detailsottheacquisition astollows
Number | % wort. | % worl
totalshare/voti total
ngcapitalwher — dilutedshare
everapplicable | /voting
(*) capital
ae ofthe TC(**
Beforetheacquisitionunderconsideration,h __ — =|)
ralongwithP ACsof:
k) Sharescarryingvotingrights 1,46,852 | 2.68 |
1)Sharesinthenatureofencumbrance(pledge/lien/n 2.68
- - \-
m) Votingrights (VR)otherwisethan byequitysh
ares |
n) Warrants/convertible securities/any other | ~ - \7
instrumentthat entitles the acquirer to receive shar
es |
eachcat . . -
9) Total(atb+etd) 1,46,853 2.68
Detailsof acquisition
| 2.68
|i) Sharescarryingvotingrightsacquired
J) 5,30,138
VRs acquiredotherwisethan byequityshares
|k) — Warrants/convertible -
| securities/any other
instrumentthat entitles the acquirer to recei
ve shares | ~
f) Sharesinthenatureofencumbrance(pledg
e/lien/non- r
After the acquisition, holding of acquirer alon __ issnss |
k) Sharescarryingvotingrights
I) VRsotherwisethanbyequityshares
m) Warrants/convertible securities/any other | ~
instrumentthat entitles the acquirer to receive shares |
carryingvoting rights in the TC (specify holding in
eachcategory) afteracquisition
n) Sharesinthenatureofencumbrance(pledge/lien/non- : |
(0) Total(at+b+e+d) 6,76,990 | 12.34 | 12.34
| Mode of acquisition (e.g. open market / public issue Inter-se transfer amongst Promoters
| rightsissue/preferentialallotment/inter- through an Off-market Transaction by
|_setransfer/encumbrance,etc.) way of gift
Dateofacquisitionof/dateofreceiptofintimationofallotment off 24" March, 2622
shares / VR/ warrants/convertible| QO,
sharesin theTC. “blcky.H. Vos.
Equitysharecapital/totalvotingcapitaloftheTCbefore the %5,48,50,000 divided into 54,85,000 |
saidacquisition equity shares of 210/- each
Equitysharecapital/totalvotingcapitaloftheTCafterthesaidacquiz5,48,50,000 divided into 54,85,000
| sition equity shares of 710/- each
Totaldilutedshare/votingcapitaloftheT Cafterthesaidacquisitio| %5,48,50,000 divided into
54,85,000 |
ti equity shares of 210/- each
Nicky H Vara
Nicky Hemen Vasa
Acquirer (Promoter)
Note: () "Securiies" shall have the meaning as defined under regulation 2(1)() of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Requlations, 2015.
() Value of transaction excludes taxesbrokerageany other charges
member of the promoter group,
Details of trading in derivatives on the securities of the company by Promoter,persons
desighated personor Director of a listed company and Irnmedlate relatlves of such and other such persons as
mentioned in Regulation 6(2).
Exchange on which
Trading in derivatives (Specify type of contract, Futures or Options etc.) the trade was
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
ve Nohy Hasa
Kamini Bhupen Vasa
Nicky Hemen Vasa
Promoter of Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers Promoter of Unick Fix-A-Form and Printers
Limitcd(Acquirer) Limited(Acquircr)