9 Cu Sinif Sinaqlari - 10 2023: Listen To The Passage and Answer Questions 1-6
9 Cu Sinif Sinaqlari - 10 2023: Listen To The Passage and Answer Questions 1-6
9 Cu Sinif Sinaqlari - 10 2023: Listen To The Passage and Answer Questions 1-6
Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-6. 7. Choose the correct modal verb.
You are students and you ... be ready for all your lessons.
1. What is the passage mainly about? A) might to
A) Two Brothers' Guides B) mustn't
B) Travelling by car in France C) haven't to
C) car companies D) should to
D) restaurants of Andre and Eduard Michelin E) should
E) service stations
8. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
2. Choose the correct statement according to the passage. 1. Are there any books read by you?
A) Andre and Eduard Michelin started their company in 2. Is the patient examined by the doctor good?
1989 in France. 3. This curtain has been brought by my aunt.
B) There are 81 three-star restaurants in France. 4. The first telephone was invented by Alexandre Graham
C) In fewer than 70 countries Michelin now sells over 20 Bell.
million guide books. A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,4
D) There were about 3,000 cars in France in 1900. D) 1,3 E) 1,4
E) Andre and Eduard bought old tyres.
9. Choose the correct variant.
3. Complete the sentence according to the passage. Javad has been to Italy lately.
People didn't know where they could find service stations - ... .
or restaurants because. A) So has Muhammad
A) they didn't have road maps. B) Muhammad does to
B) they didn't have new tyres for their cars. C) Neither has Muhammad
C) they didn't have modern cars. D) Muhammad hasn't either
D) they knew nothing about cars. E) Nor did Muhhamad
E) they could travel by car easily.
10. Choose the correct exclamatory sentence.
4. Which information is given in the passage? A) How ancient castle is!
A) The first print of the Michelin Guide was 35,000 copies. B) How ancient building it is!
B) There were plenty of bicycles in France. C) How an ancient building it is!
C) The first Michelin star ratings were given in 1926. D) What ancient castle it is!
D) Restaurants in France were awarded a single star if they E) What an ancient castle it is!
were considered to be "fine dining establishments."
E) The first Michelin guide was given free of cost. 11. Choose the correct variant.
A number of houses ... destroyed by the terrible flood.
5. Which word from the passage best fits the definition "to A) is
cause something to grow or change into a more advanced, B) was
larger, or stronger form?" C) has been
A) to travel D) have been
B) to develop E) will
C) to rate
D) to sell 12. Make up a sentence.
E) to need 1. children 2. sitting 3. were
4. little 5. the 6. grass
6. Write the answer to the question with your own words 7. on
according to the passage. A) 6, 3, 2, 7, 5, 4, 1
Why did the Michelin brothers want people to travel B) 4, 1, 3, 2, 7, 5, 6
more? C) 4, 1, 3, 7, 2, 6, 5
D) 4, 3, 1, 2, 7, 5, 6
____________________________________________ E) 3, 4, 1, 7, 2, 6, 5
Aynura Hamidova
051 586 77 27
Aynura Hamidova
051 586 77 27
Read the passage and answer questions 23-30. 26. Choose the correct answer to the question according to
the passage.
1. Gianni Versace was born in Reggio Calabria, Italy, in Why did Versace go to Milan?
1946. His mother had a clothes shop, and while he was A) To open his shops.
growing up he learned about making clothes there. In 1972 B) To become a fashion designer.
he moved to Milan to become a fashion designer, and in C) To work with Tina Turner.
1978 he opened his first shop. In the same year, he D) To become a designer in fashion.
presented his first collection for women. He had already E) To design a leather collection.
designed a leather collection for a company called
Complice, but now, he worked for himself. 27. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
2. His designs were brightly coloured and attractive and Women were introduced with Versace's first collection....
he used famous people like Madonna, Tina Turner and Bon A) in 1946
Jovi as models. In 1984 he brought out own fragrance for B) in 1972
men, Versace l'Homme. C) in 1978
3. On 16th July 1997, while he was walking outside his D) in 1984
apartment in South Beach, Miami he was shot dead by an E) in 1997
unknown killer.
4. During his life, his fashion empire became so successful 28. Which word in paragraph 1 best fits the definition "to
that it was worth over $800 million. give, provide, or make something known"?
24. Choose the correct statement according to the 30. Write the answer to the question with your own words
passage. according to the passage.
A) Gianni Versace's father had a clothes shop. In his mother's clothes shop, Versace ...
B) In 1978 Versace presented his first collection for men.
C) During Versace's life, his fashion empire wasn't so
successful. ____________________________________________
D) Versace l'Homme was fragrance for men.
E) Versace's designs were colourless.
Aynura Hamidova
051 586 77 27