LNLT in 10 Minutes Rev11
LNLT in 10 Minutes Rev11
LNLT in 10 Minutes Rev11
Copyright © 2020, Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rev 11
Lock ‘n Load Tactical in 10 minutes
Lock ‘n Load Tactical: Note: We highly recommend you make
an account in our Community area to be
How to Play the Game in able to access our forums, download re-
sources or open a support ticket. This ac-
Copyright © 2020, Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rev 11
Lock ‘n Load Tactical in 10 minutes
What You Need to
Know About the Game
Counters Half-Squad Hero Sniper
Copyright © 2020, Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rev 11
Lock ‘n Load Tactical in 10 minutes
Copyright © 2020, Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rev 11
Lock ‘n Load Tactical in 10 minutes
How a Turn Works in What Can Be Done in the Operations Phase?
When it’s your impulse, you can do 3
LnLT things. First of all, you can always try to
spot the enemy; this does not use up your
A game turn of LnLT consists of three
impulse, though it does take the turn of
phases. Each phase happens the same
the unit trying it. After this, you have
way each time and in the same order.
a choice – you may (1) activate one or
First up is the Rally Phase. The first step more units to do stuff or (2) pass. If you
in the Rally Phase, you roll initiative. pass, the other player gets to go.
Each player rolls a die, the high roll wins.
Whoever had the initiative from the last Activating One or More Units?
turn wins in the event of a tie. Then, You can activate some or all units in a
shaken units try to recover – but you’ll hex (to do one or more things) on your
need an individual to help shaken units impulse. A leader, when activated, may
recover. A hero or a leader is enough to also activate units in adjacent hexes.
do the job. You roll two dice and try to
get equal to or less than the morale of the What Can an Activated Unit Do?
shaken units in the hex. You get to sub-
Each activated unit may do one of the fol-
tract 2 from the die rolls if you are in ter-
lowing: (1) move, (2) shoot, (3) attempt
rain with a positive terrain modifier. You
to lay smoke and also provide opportuni-
can also subtract the leadership modifier
ty fire.
of one Leader stacked with rallying unit.
Medics can also rally units, with some ex- How to Move A Unit?
ceptions, in this Phase.
Units spend movement points to move.
Next comes the Operations Phase, where Each hex entered costs some of these
all the “stuff” happens. The players alter- points. A unit may enter a number of
nate impulses moving, firing, or passing, hexes whose cost is equal to or less than
starting with the player who has the ini- its movement factor. A unit which moves
tiative. Each unit may normally do one with a good order leader may move an
thing during a turn. This continues until extra two movement points. Units must
there are three passes in a row. move together.
Last comes the Administrative Phase, Note: units which move are automatical-
where players clean-up the board. Mark- ly spotted and are vulnerable to opportu-
ers for moving, firing, etc. are removed. nity fire. A unit may choose to low crawl,
Also, all units in degrading and blocking in which case it only moves one hex but
terrain automatically hide and will need does not give away its position (unless it
to be spotted in the next turn before they is in the open).
can be fired at.
Note: How do I tell if a hex has a positive
target modifier? Look at the Terrain Ef-
fects chart & figure out what kind of ter-
rain surrounds the center dot of the hex.
Now cross-reference that with the “tar-
get modifier” column.
Copyright © 2020, Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rev 11
Lock ‘n Load Tactical in 10 minutes
What Enemy Units Can My Units Fire At? (3) The hex must be within range of the
weapons to be fired at it.
Units in LnLT are either spotted or hid-
den. A unit is spotted if (1) it is in an open My Units Are Firing, What is the
hex, (2) it has moved/fired this turn, (3)
it is next to one of your Good Order units Procedure?
or (4) it has a spotted counter on it! The basic concept for resolving all small
arms fire in LnLT is straight forward –
How do I Spot Enemy units you and your opponent each roll a 1d6.
For a unit to spot a hex with enemy units The die rolls are then modified for fire-
in it , the hex must first be in LOS of power, terrain, etc.
the spotting unit. Then make a spotting Direct Fire Summary:
check, roll 1d6:
1. Attacker rolls 1d6 + Firepower +/- DFT
• Blocking-terrain hexes are spotted Modifiers
with a 1d6 roll of two (2) or less.
2. Defender rolls 1d6 + Target Modifiers
• Degrading-terrain hexes are spotted (Sometimes refered to as Terrain Tar-
on a 1d6 roll of three (3) or less. get Modifiers)
• One is added (+1) to the unit’s die-roll 3. Compare the Attacker’s result vs the
for every hex of degrading terrain its Defender’s result.
LOS passes through en route to the
target unit’s hex. Note that the LOS 4. If the Attacker’s result is higher, all
must actually pass through a piece of units in the target hex conduct a Dam-
the degrading terrain in the degrad- age Check. If not, the result is no ef-
ing-terrain hex. fect.
• One is also added (+1) if it passes Note: You can find these modifiers in the
through the silhouette (artwork) of Direct Fire Table and the Terrain Effects
degrading terrain that is in part of an Chart.
otherwise open hex.
Leadership Modifiers apply and are sub- Enemy Units HIT, How Do I Figure Out
tracted from the die-roll. Damage?
Note: How do I tell if a hex is clear, de- To figure out what happens to infantry
grading or blocking? Look at the Terrain units, leaders or other personnel units in
Effects chart and figure out what kind of LnLT, you roll 1d6 for each affected de-
terrain surrounds the center dot of the fending unit and add the difference be-
hex. Now cross-reference that with the tween the Attacker’s modified 1d6 and
“type” column. the defender’s modified 1d6. You then
compare your Damage Check (DC) roll
How Can My Units Fire At the Enemy Units? to the target’s morale. If you rolled less
than or equal to the target’s morale, you
In LnLT, you can shoot at hexes which accomplished nothing. If you rolled above
your units know contain the enemy. the target’s morale, then you look at the
Thus, to be able to fire at a hex, you need Direct Fire Table.
3 things: a unit (1) capable of seeing and
firing into a hex that (2) contains spotted
enemy units.
Copyright © 2020, Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rev 11
Lock ‘n Load Tactical in 10 minutes
Once there, you need to know three things Special Module Rule: Viet Cong can am-
(1) how far you rolled above the target’s bush. If they move into melee from out-
morale (is your roll more than twice his side the attacker’s line-of-sight (whether
morale? triple?), (2) whether you shot a they are hidden or not does not matter),
squad (called an MMC on the table) or an their firepower is tripled –and– they get
individual (called an SMC on the table) the first strike.
and (3) whether that target was in Good
order or already Shaken. How Do Leaders Work?
A Good Order Leader of the same nation-
HELP My Units Are Under Fire, How do I get ality/color/IB is present, his Leadership
some cover? Modifier is subtracted from the DC roll of
To lay smoke: nominate a squad or half- the other units in the hex (not himself).
squad as placing smoke and roll 1d6. For The Leader must survive his own DC
the Vietnam Scenarios: American units first, and be in Good Order, before aiding
need a 3 or less, NVA a 2 or less and Viet the other units in his or her hex. Lead-
Cong a 1. For WWII scenarios: American ers not under a Moved, Low Crawl, Fired
units need to roll 2 or less and German or Ops Complete marker can aid ALL at-
units need to roll 2 or less. Smoke may be tacks conducted by same nationality/
placed in your hex or in an adjacent one. force/IB units in their hex during their
See the terrain effects chart. impulse.
Copyright © 2020, Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rev 11
Lock ‘n Load Tactical in 10 minutes
Heroes when they are spawned/created
during play are granted a special Skill. Additional Ways to
The traits of each Skill, and who can use
them, are listed on the Skills Player-Aid Learn LnLT
Card At LnLP we want you playing our games
Note: Skills are limited in the LnLT Start- and NOT reading the rules. All of our
er Kit links with download are all free. The
Hardcover and Audible link does have a
Here are some Heroes attributes: fee to them. These editions are full com-
plete editions of the LnLT Core Rules.
• They always use their full IFP during
multi-unit attacks. • PDF Download: - http://bit.ly/Ln-
• Allow Shaken units in their hex to LT-CoreRulesv5
make a rally attempt. • EPUB Download: - http://bit.ly/Ln-
• They shift Melee odds one column in LT-EPUB
their side’s favor when “attacking”, in • MP3 Audiobook Download: - http://
addition to adding their IFP. bit.ly/LnLT-MP3
• They can possess Skills. • Audiobook Download: - http://bit.ly/
• Hardcover and Audible: - http://bit.
Copyright © 2020, Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Rev 11