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The concept of group dynamics is derived from a Greek term that mean “Force”. It has to do
with the influences that operate within groups. According to Donelson (2010), group dynamics,
is described as the influential actions, processes, and changes that occur within and between
The history of group dynamics has a consistent, underlying premise. The whole is greater than
the sum of its parts. A social group is an entity, which as qualities that cannot be understood just
The empirical study of the behavior of small group within the context of an organization is
known as group dynamics. Group dynamics is comparatively a new discipline, with its origin in
the 1940s but the actual take-off of this discipline started around 1950s and early 1960s (Amir
et.al, 2022).
The historical timelines of the used of small groups in an organization can be traced to the
research conducted by Elton Mayo and his associates in the 1920s and 1930s and the experiment
conducted by Kurt Lewin in 1935. Elton Mayo research showed that workers tend to establish
informal groups that affect job satisfaction and effectiveness. Lewin became aware of the
pressing need for a practical method for analyzing social interaction at work or in group. To
solve this issue, he established the Research Center for group Dynamics in 1945. Lewin (1951)
research shows that he was interested in the scientific study of the processes that influence
individuals in group situations, and the center initially focused on group productivity;
communication, social perception, intergroup relations, group membership, leadership and
improving the functioning of groups. De Board (1978) assert that Lewin findings had a greater
impact and influence on group dynamics than any other theorist. Lundin (1995) also confirm that
Lewin is the one who carried that term ‘Group Dynamics’ which was an application to group that
This has to do with how an organizations group member work together in harmony to achieve
Research conducted by Wolfgang et.al (2010) found that we have two types of group dynamics
a. Intragroup dynamics
b. Intergroup dynamics
Intragroup Dynamics: According to Nadya and Plamen (2013) assert that the study of
intragroup dynamics of interpersonal processes and relations within group dynamics continues to
be an active and productive area of research in social psychology of small groups and applied
Intragroup dynamics focuses on the underlying processes that gives rise to a set of norms, roles,
relations, and common goals that characterize a particular social group (Wageman, 1995).
Normally, intragroup operate interdependently, through which the behaviours, attitudes, opinions
and experiences of each member are collectively influenced by the other group members. Hence,
the dynamics of a particular group depend on how one defines the boundaries of the group.
Intergroup Dynamics: This has to do with the behavioural and psychological relationship
between two or more groups. This involves perceptions, attitudes, opinions and behaviours
towards one’s own group, as well as those towards another group. (Fischer & Ferlie, 2013).
Group dynamics cut across a wide range of phenomena that the social psychological study of
group processes has many different focuses. The following are the subject areas:
social psychology
Political science
Leadership Studies
Communication studies
cognitive psychology
The organization serves as the center for group interaction. Employees upon employment work
together and in the course of that they are interacting. This interaction can be toward solving a
problem facing the organization in terms of decline in product or service sales and this will lead
to forming small group or teams that can proffer solution to such problems at the departmental
level. Moreso, this small group also interact both within and outside the organization where
ideas, believes, norms, value etc are shared and this tends to influence their behavior at work.
That’s why social scientists place such importance on social behavior within work organization.
Research conducted by Turner (1975) and Amir et.al (2022) had identified the following theories
3. System theory
i. Weak Leadership: When a team lack a strong leader, a more dominant member of
ii. Excessive Deference To Authority: This can happen when people want to be seen to
agree with a leader, and suddenly hold back from expressing their own opinions.
iii. Blocking Role: This can happen when team members behave in a way that disrupts
iv. Free Riding: This is a situation some members perform less of the assigned task
believing that other members in the group will cover up but when they are not in any
1. Know Your Team Members: The leader should endeavor to understand active group
members and their contribution compare to others that are performing less task.
2. Resolve Problems Quickly: When the leader foresees or identify any issues arisen in the
group which will affect overall performance, he should try and resolve it as fast as
The following are ways a manager can manage group or team in an organization;
b. Value diversity
c. Value relationship
This research aimed to provide us an understanding of the historical aspect of group dynamics
through the review of the group dynamics fundamental concepts, theories and other phenomena
from the past to this current period. The understanding of group dynamics is essential for
effective practice with individuals and organization. When proper attention is paid to dynamic
processes that occur in groups is what distinguishes group work from other forms of social work
practice. Research has shown that the study of group dynamics can be useful in understanding
organization is, group exist at various level of the organization. Some group are formal while
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Journal of Management, 11, 437 – 455.
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