NEBC09 HeartRateMeter

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Experiential learning in an undergraduate biomeasurement course: Heart-rate


Conference Paper · May 2009

DOI: 10.1109/NEBC.2009.4967643 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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5 authors, including:

Ying Sun
University of Rhode Island


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Experiential Learning in an Undergraduate
Biomeasurement Course: Heart-Rate Meter
Michael Opuszynski, Ryan Andrews, Joshua Potvin, Tanios BouRamia and Ying Sun, Ph.D.,
Dept. of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881

Abstract – This paper describes a hands-on project for converter. A C++ program implemented in the PIC processor
an undergraduate biomeasurement course that includes performs real-time QRS detection and displays the heart rate
an amplifier for the electrocardiogram (ECG) and an on the LCD character display, which is connected to the
embedded system to measure the heart rate on a beat-by- processor via the serial-parallel interface (SPI) port. An off-chip
beat basis. The embedded system uses a PIC18F452 D/A converter (TLC5615, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX) is
microprocessor and can output text via a LCD character available to output analog signals, which is also useful for
display. The ECG amplifier is constructed with a printed debugging the software in the development process. A
circuit board already designed and provided to the momentary push-button switch is connected to the processor
students. The students learn the design of an embedded via the digital I/O to control the mode of operations.
instrument by building the hardware and programming
B. ECG Amplifier Circuit
the device with the C++ language. The project effectively
integrates several engineering skills including circuits, As shown in Fig. 2, the ECG amplifier circuit consists of
microprocessors, programming, and signal processing five primary components: the instrumentation amplifier, an
into a one-semester course. Therefore it is an efficient way amplification stage, a DC bias stage, a 60Hz notch filter and
to provide biomedical engineering students with skills to the power stage. To include a lesson in a variety of production
design embedded measurement systems. circuit types, the ECG circuit was implemented on a printed
circuit board (PCB).
Index Terms— Biomedical engineering, undergraduate The students will create the electrodes used for receiving
course, embedded systems, electrocardiogram, heart-rate the signal from the subject. The electrodes will consist of three
meter. shielded cables: one will be applied to the subject’s left arm,
another to the right arm, and the third to the abdomen for the
I. INTRODUCTION signal ground. The signal ground is implemented with a
negative feedback to improve the common mode rejection
This project is motivated by the need for an efficient ratio, while including a large series resistance for patient
course in biomeasurement for undergraduate biomedical safety. The amplifier is powered by ±9V with an overall gain
engineering students [1]. The course integrates subject matters around 1,000. Because the input range of the A/D is 0-5V, a
from several areas pertaining to embedded measurement 2.5 V DC bias is added at the final stage. The amplifier also
systems. The conventional course structure would require the includes a 60-Hz notch filter to suppress the power-line noise.
students to take courses in circuit theory, electronics, The entire system is powered by a single 9V battery. The -9V
microprocessor, and programming before they could develop supply required by the double-railed ECG amplifier is
embedded systems. However, for a biomedical engineering generated via voltage-inverter integrated circuits (LMC7660,
curriculum it is often constrained by the variety of subject National Semiconductor, Arlington, TX). The 5V supply
matters that need to be included within a reasonable number of required by the PIC processor is obtained from the 9V battery
total credit hours. Thus, this course model that employs a via a 5V voltage regulator.
hands-on project to bring together multiple engineering skills
may be of interest to educators in biomedical engineering or
related disciplines.
A heart-rate detection device has been developed using an
electrocardiogram (ECG) amplifier circuit and a microprocessor
(PIC18F452, Microchip Technology, Chandler, AZ). It is
capable of detecting the ECG signal, performing a digital QRS
detection algorithm, measuring the heart rate, and outputting
the value to a LCD character display on a beat-by-beat basis.
A biomeasurement course that has both a lecture component
and a laboratory is focused on the experiential learning from
this heart-rate meter project. The problem-driven approach
allows for the selection of subject matters pertaining to the
project, which include circuits, electronics, embedded design,
signal processing, and C++ programming.

A. System Overview
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the embedded heart-
rate meter. ECG signals are amplified by the ECG amplifier Figure 1. Block diagram of the embedded heart-rate meter.
circuit and acquired by the PIC processor via the on-chip A/D
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the ECG amplifier circuit.

Figure 3. The blank Figure 4. Testing of a completed ECG amplifier circuit with the
printed circuit board measured ECG waveform displayed on an oscilloscope.
(PCB) for the ECG
amplifier (left) and
the completed circuit
possible solution is the use of a loop-up table that converts to
(right). R-R interval to heart rate in beats per minute. The resulting
heart hate is outputted to the LCD display via the SPI port.

Figure 3 shows the PCB for the ECG amplifier circuit
before and after the insertion of the electronic components.
Figure 4 shows the testing of a completed ECG amplifier
circuit with the ECG signal displayed on an oscilloscope.
C. PIC Processor Circuit
The PIC processor circuit is implemented on a
protoboard, which is constructed with point-to-point A microprocessor-based heart-rate meter has been
soldering. Thus, the students are exposed to different methods developed as an integrated project for training students in an
for constructing prototype electronic circuits including undergraduate biomeasurement course. The design and
breadboard, PCB, and prototyping board. construction of this device provide the students with the
knowledge and skills to design embedded measurement
systems through experiential learning. The hands-on approach
D. Algorithms for QRS Detection and Heart-Rate Meter is advantageous in motivating the students and consolidating
The students will be taught two programming languages, relevant materials from multiple subjects into a single one-
the assembly language of the PIC processor and the C++ semester course. It is an efficient way to introduce circuits,
language. Sample programs will be provided to the students electronics, microprocessors, and programming, and to
to speed up the initial learning phase. An assembly program is demonstrate how these skills are required for a real-world
used to perform simple filter operations. The same filters are engineering problem.
also implemented with a C++ program, allowing the students
to compare the two languages. After the initial introduction,
the rest of the programming work is completely done with the
C++ language.
The second language is the more widely used C++ This study was supported in part by the URI Partnership
programming language. The students will learn how to in Physiological Measurements and Computing and was
implement C++ commands to create a wide variety of signal conducted in a special topic course taught by Dr. Robert Hill
processing functions and to more easily control the capabilities of the Biological Sciences Department at the University of
of the PIC. Rhode Island.
Another C++ sample program provided to the students REFERENCES
implements the digital QRS detection based on the algorithm
of multiplication of backwards differences (MOBD) [2]. The [1] M. Opuszynski et al. Experiential Learning in an Undergraduate
students are responsible to incorporate the MOBD algorithm Biomeasurement Course: Embedded Instrumentation. Northeast
Bioengineering Conference 2009.
into their final project. The R-R interval of the ECG is [2] Sun Y, Suppappola S, Wrublewski TA. Microcontroller-based real-
determined on a beat-by-beat basis. The students are asked to time QRS detection. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 26:
design an efficient algorithm to determine the heart rate by 477-484, 1992.
considering the limited computing power and memory size. A

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