320D/320D L Medium Hydraulic Excavators Parts Reference Guide
320D/320D L Medium Hydraulic Excavators Parts Reference Guide
320D/320D L Medium Hydraulic Excavators Parts Reference Guide
This guide is designed to provide you with a quick reference for the parts and part numbers you need Melting Point C° (F°) 260 (500) 260 (500) 260 (500) 230 (446) 280 (536) 260 (500) 230 (446)
to keep your Cat Medium Hydraulic Excavator operating at peak efficiency. Always read and
-35 to +40 30 to +50 -20 to +40 -35 to +40 30 to +50 -30 to +40 -20 to +1100
understand the machine’s Operation and Maintenance Manual prior to performing any type of maintenance. Ambient Temperature C° (F°)
(-31 to +104) (-22 to +122) (-4 to +104) (-31 to +104) (-22 to +122) (-22 to +104) (-4 to +2012)
MAINTENANCE Base Oil Type Mineral Mineral Mineral
Mineral Mineral Mineral
Proactive preventative maintenance extends the life of your machine and protects your investment.
Color Dark Grey Dark Grey Dark Grey Dark Grey Dark Grey Blue Bronze
Only Caterpillar knows Cat equipment’s filtration and lubrication requirements and offers parts kits to
match your machine’s maintenance cycles. Cartridge (390 g / 14 oz) 452-5996 452-6001 452-6006 508-2184 452-6016 452-6011 130-6951 (standard)
317-8491 (autolube)
GREASES Plastic Pail (16 kg / 35 lb) 452-5999 452-6004 452-6009 508-2187 452-6019 452-6014 –
Keg (55 kg / 120 lb) 452-5998 452-6003 452-6008 508-2186 452-6018 452-6013 –
Drum (180 kg / 400 lb) 452-5997 452-6002 452-6007 508-2185 452-6017 452-6012 –
Proper maintenance minimizes the need for repair and replacement. In the event that replacement
parts are required, the use of genuine Cat parts helps maximize machine performance and maintains
high resale value. Other parts may not meet certain original equipment specifications.
Sales Model Serial Number Prefix Part Description Part Number
320D PHX
Flood Light 489-5118
320D L SPN
320D PHX
Flood Light , Reach Boom (Left) 259-5043
320D L SPN
320D PHX
Flood Light, Reach Boom (Right) 259-5047
320D L SPN
320D PHX
Flood Light, Short Boom (Right) 259-5048
320D L SPN
Machine Model Undercarriage
Serial Number
Sales Model Rollers Sprockets Steel Track Assembly Steel Track Shoe
320D PHX 2 390-4679 1
115-2422 178-6633
(Cold 578-1835
272-4774 10R-7586 1 Weather) 212-8561 – – 1 326-4635 10R-7662 1 287-0049 – 1 326-4700 10R-7675 6 5I-7725 1
1 (General
115-2422 137-5541
320D L SPN 2 1
(Cold 390-4679
Serial Configuration PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5 PT6 PT7 PT8 PT9 PT10 PT12
Number Boom Cylinder Stick Cylinder Boom Nose Stick Cylinder Bucket Cylinder
Model Linkage Type Boom Type Stick Type Boom Foot Idler Link Stick End Stick Nose Bucket Cylinder Rod End Power Link Bucket End Boom Cylinder Head End
Prefix Rod End Head End or Stick Pivot Rod End Head End
Long Reach Long/Short Reach 7I-6843 Pin 186-0523 Pin 248-7820 Pin 186-0523 Pin
320D L SPN CB2 Family Long/Short Mass 186-5662 Pin 234-3931 Pin 234-3930 Pin 234-3931 Pin
B1 Family Long/Short Reach 254-3052 Pin 187-5805 Pin 254-3053 Pin 187-5805 Pin
315-0800 437-3391 4I-4809 264-1702 4I-4809 4I-4811
CB2 154-0480 Pin (Quantity 2)
CB2 Family Short Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin 186-5662 Pin 234-3931 Pin 234-3930 Pin 234-3931 Pin
320D PHX
Long Long
B1 Family 254-3052 Pin 187-5805 Pin 254-3053 Pin 087-5805 Pin
Reach Reach
Configuration PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5 PT6 PT7 PT8 PT9 PT10 PT12
Sales Stick Boom Nose Stick Bucket
Number Boom Stick Boom Cylinder Idler Link
Model Linkage Type Boom Foot Cylinder or Stick Cylinder Cylinder Stick Nose Bucket Cylinder Rod End Power Link Bucket End Boom Cylinder Head End
Prefix Type Type Rod End Stick End
Head End Pivot Rod End Head End
Long/ 235-7770 229-1095 Bushing 229-1091 Bushing 248-7835 Bearing (Quantity 2) 517-6019 Bearing
Long Reach Reach
Short Bushing (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) 248-7857 Bearing (Quantity 2)
Configuration PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5 PT6 PT7 PT8 PT9 PT10 PT12
Sales Boom Stick Boom Nose Stick Bucket
Number Boom Stick
Model Linkage Type Boom Foot Cylinder Cylinder or Stick Cylinder Cylinder Idler Link Stick End Stick Nose Bucket Cylinder Rod End Power Link Bucket End Boom Cylinder Head End
Prefix Type Type
Rod End Head End Pivot Rod End Head End
096-0131 Seal
Long/ 093-1433 Seal (Quantity 2) 248-7836 Seal (Quantity 2)
Long Reach Reach (Quantity 2) 235-7679 Seal (Quantity 6)
Short 367-8465 O-Ring (Quantity 2) 367-8465 O-Ring (Quantity 2)
3B-8489 Grease Fitting
320D L SPN Long/ 166-1495 Seal (Quantity 2) 166-1495 Seal (Quantity 2)
CB2 Family Mass 166-1495 Seal (Quantity 6)
Short 166-1494 166-1494 166-1495 166-1494 235-7679 367-8468 O-Ring (Quantity 2) 367-8468 O-Ring (Quantity 2)
166-1495 Seal
Long/ Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal 166-1494 Seal (Quantity 2) 166-1494 Seal (Quantity 2) 166-1494 Seal (Quantity 4)
B1 Family Reach (Quantity 2) 235-7679 Seal 166-1494 Seal (Quantity 6)
Short (Quantity 4) (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) 367-8467 O-Ring (Quantity 2) 367-8467 O-Ring (Quantity 2)
(Quantity 2)
CB2 3B-8489 Grease Fitting 166-1495 Seal (Quantity 2) 166-1495 Seal (Quantity 2)
CB2 Family Short 166-1495 Seal (Quantity 6)
Reach 367-8468 O-Ring (Quantity 2) 367-8468 O-Ring (Quantity 2)
320D PHX
Long Long 166-1494 Seal (Quantity 2) 166-1494 Seal (Quantity 2)
B1 Family 166-1494 Seal (Quantity 6)
Reach Reach 367-8468 O-Ring (Quantity 2) 367-8467 O-Ring (Quantity 2)
Serial Configuration PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5 PT6 PT7 PT8 PT9 PT10 PT12
Number Linkage Boom Stick Stick Cylinder Boom Nose or Stick Cylinder Bucket Cylinder Idler Link Stick Bucket Cylinder
Model Boom Foot Boom Cylinder Rod End Stick Nose Power Link Bucket End Boom Cylinder Head End
Prefix Type Type Type Head End Stick Pivot Rod End Head End End Rod End
236-6365 Bolt
099-0707 Bolt 099-0724 Bolt 099-0724 Bolt
451-2183 Nut
Long Long/
Reach (Quantity 2)
Reach Short 096-4876 Nut 096-4876 Nut 096-4876 Nut
093-0349 Washer (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) 093-0083 Shim (Quantity 4)
166-1482 Shim
113-2127 Shim (Quantity 2) 093-0115 Shim (Quantity 2)
166-1487 Shim
166-1487 Shim Washer 093-0349 Washer 133-2425 Shim (Quantity 2)
186-5649 Bolt (Quantity 2)
(Quantity 2)
320D L SPN CB2 Family Mass 453-2845 Bolt 189-3925 Bolt 453-2845 Bolt 093-0363 Spacer (Quantity 2)
Short 451-2184 Nut
451-2176 Washer
(Quantity 2)
451-2176 451-2184 Nut 451-2176 Washer 093-0349 Washer (Quantity 2)
212-2838 Shim (Quantity 2) 453-2844 Bolt Washer (Quantity 2)
236-6365 Bolt 8T-4123 Washer
093-0084 Shim 166-1486 Shim
308-8776 Shim (Quantity 2) 4I-3308 Plate (Quantity 2) 451-2176
(Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) 236-6365 Bolt 188-2315 Bolt 188-2315 Bolt 8T-4780 Bolt
093-0349 Washer Washer 451-2183 Nut
Long/ 308-8775 Shim 4I-3309 Spacer (Quantity 2)
B1 Family Reach 451-2176 Washer (Quantity 2)
Short 093-0363 Spacer 453-2844 Bolt 451-2183 Nut 451-2183 Nut 451-2183 Nut
308-8777 Shim 166-1486 Shim (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2)
453-2844 Bolt 166-1486 Shim
451-2176 Washer 093-0349 (Quantity 2)
093-0349 Washer 8T-4223 Washer (Quantity 6) Washer
093-0349 Washer 093-0349
453-2844 Bolt 166-1487 Shim
093-0084 Shim Washer 093-0349 Washer
8T-4123 Washer 8T-4956 Bolt (Quantity 6) 118-5982 Spacer 186-5649 Bolt (Quantity 2)
(Quantity 2) 093-0363 Spacer
CB2 093-0083 Shim (Quantity 4)
CB2 Family Short 451-2176 189-3925 Bolt 451-2176 Washer
Reach 8T-4780 Bolt 451-2184 Nut
093-0116 Shim Washer
(Quantity 2) 133-2425 Shim (Quantity 2)
(Quantity 2) 451-2184 Nut 453-2845 Bolt
453-2845 Bolt (Quantity 2)
093-0115 Shim (Quantity 2)
166-1487 Shim
(Quantity 2)
320D PHX 093-0363 Spacer (Quantity 2)
166-1486 Shim
113-2127 Shim (Quantity 2)
186-5644 Bolt 188-2315 Bolt 188-2315 Bolt 8T-4780 Bolt (Quantity 2)
Long Long 093-0349 Washer
B1 Family 186-5644 Bolt 093-0349 Washer (Quantity 2)
Reach Reach 451-2183 Nut 451-2183 Nut 451-2183 Nut
451-2176 Washer (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2)
451-2183 Nut 8T-4123 Washer (Quantity 2)
(Quantity 2)
453-2844 Bolt
Cat Filters Provide Longer
Injector Life
Chances are, you don’t skip oil changes or regular maintenance
on the family car. So why skip planned maintenance on your Cat
equipment? Cat fuel filters outperform the competition, with up to
45% longer injector life and up to 80% decreased cost per hour.*
Need help?
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(N. Am, S. Am)
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