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Lipids - Heterogeneous compounds that are more into the

physical characteristics than the chemical properties
- Hydrophobic: not soluble in plasma, covered with

Lipoproteins Chylomicrons: dietary TAGs from intestine to liver to adipose

Very Low Density Lipoprotein: TAGs from liver to adipose
High Density Lipoprotein: Cholesterol from liver to body cells
High Density Lipoprotein: Collection of excess cholesterol
from vessels to liver.

Triacylglycerides - Energy storage

(TAGs) - Excess TAGs goes to the adipose tissue

Function: Protection, Insulation, Source of Energy

Components: Glycerols and Fatty Acids = TAGs

Fatty Acids Saturated Fatty Acids Unsaturated

Capric 10 Oleic 18:1

Lauric 12 Linoleic 18:2
Myristic 14 Linolenic 18:3
Palmitic-most abundant 16 Arachidonic 18:4
Stearic 18 (precursor of
Arachidic 20 PGE)

Phospholipids - Membrane lipids

- Glycerol + Fatty acids + Phosphoric acid + Organic

Sphingolipids - Cell membrane and myelin sheath component

Skeleton: (Sphingosine + Fatty Acid ) + Phosphoric Molecule

Steroids - Cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene (CPPP) nucleus

- Cholesterol: precursor of other steroid

A. Bile Salts : emulsification of fats

B. Vitamin D: for calcium absorption
C. Hormones

Wes - Esters of high molecular weight, monohydric alcohols,

and high molecular weight fatty acids
Ex: Spermaceti, Beeswax


Solubility Test Soluble Insoluble

Chloroform Water
Benzene Aqueous NaOH
Diethyl ether HCl Solutions

Test for Principle Result

- Test alkenes Bromine: Decolorize
- Can decolorize the color Orange-brown color =
results Unsaturated
- ^ unsaturation ^ Iodine: Decolorize Brown Color
bromine water needed = Unsaturated
- Corn Oil used a lot of
bromine water (Linoleic
- Coconut Oil (Lauric and

Olive Oil (2)
Castor Oil = Translucent color, presence of
Corn Oil (1) unsaturation
Coconut Oil (3)

Acrolein Test Principle Result

- Test for glycerol - Formation of acrolein

presence (pungent irritating odor)
- Acrolein - Aldehyde
- Fat + Potassium
bisulphate (KHSO4) =
glycerol portion will be
dehydrated and form
acrolein (pungent
irritating odor)

- Potassium bisulphate (Dehydrating agent)

Salkowski Test Principle Result

- Test for cholesterol - Red to blue color
- Conc. Sulfuric Acid + chloroform layer
Chloroform sol. = red to
blue chloroform layer

- Conc. Sulfuric Acid
- Chloroform Solution

Liebermann-Burc Principle Result

hard Test
- Test for Cholesterol + Result: Pink to Purple to Blue
to Bluish-Green

- Acetic anhydride (banned by FDA)
- Conc. Sulfuric Acid (dehydrating agent)
- Chloroform

Modified Furter - Principle Result

Meyer Test
- Test for tocopherol (Vit + Result: Bronze-Red Solution
- Tocopherol: Powerful

- CHCl3
- N-butyl alcohol
- Conc. Nitric acid

Principle Result
Translucent Spot /
Mark Test - Test to detect fat/lipids - Translucent mark on
filter paper


Soap - Na or K salt of long chain carboxylic acids

- Vegetable Oil (Ester) + NaOH or KOH = Soap
- C17H35COONA - Sodium stearate
- C15H31COONA - Sodium palmitate

Surfactant with 2 distinct ends:

- Hydrocarbon end: Lipophilic, non polar
- Hydrophilic end: polar

Soft water Hard Water

- Lather easily (mabilis - Does not lather easily

bumula) - Reacts with Ca and Mg
- No soap scum to for insol. precipitate
called SCUM.

Detergent - Na or K salts long chain of benzenesulfonic acids or alkyl


Soap and Soap Detergent

- Natural material - Synthetic material
- Alkali and fatty acid - Alkali and sulfuric acid
- Not effective in hard - Effective in hard water
water - Not easily broken down
- Easily broken down by by bacteria


Xanthoproteic Principle Results

- Detection of aromatic - Yellow color
ring (tyrosine, - Tyrosine : Yellow Color
tryptophan, - Tryptophan : Yellow
phenylalanine) Color
- By heating the protein - Phenylalanine : No
solution with conc. reaction
HNO3, it will give nitro
derivatives. 5% Egg Albumin - Positive
Albumin - Positive
Gelatin - Negative

- Conc. HNO3
- Egg albumin
- Egg albumin + Conc. HNO3 = Yellow color

Biuret Test Principle Results

- Biuret reagent reacts to + Result: Violet

the peptide bond and Albumin: Violet
forms a violet complex. Peptone: Violet
- Biuret complex: the Gelatin: Violet
violet complex Casein: Violet
- Amino acids: negative
result (blue) 5% albumin : Positive violet
Egg albumin : Positive violet
Gelatin : Positive violet

Biuret reagent: Sodium hydroxide + Copper sulfate
5% albumin
Egg albumin

Ninhydrin’s Test Principle Results

- Test for alpha-amino + Result: purple colored

acids complex
- For forensic chemical
- General test for proteins - Result: does not change
and amino acids
Tyrosine & Tryptophan : Purple
Proline & Hydroxyproline :


Milon’s Test Principle Results

- For tyrosine + Result: Brick Red

- Tyrosine: the only
amino acid that contain 5% Albumin : Positive Brick
phenol group red
Egg Albumin : Positive Brick
Gelatin : Positive Brick Red


Phenol solution = Nitric acid + Mercuric nitrate


Sakaguchi Test Principle Results

- Test for Arginine + Result: Red color Complex

- Alpha-naphthol and
alkaline hypobromite
reacts with guanidine
- Alpha-naphthol +
alkaline hypobromite +
guanidine group = Red
Color Complex


Hopkins-Cole Test Principle Results

(glyoxylic acid
reaction) - For tryptophan + Result: Violet-Purple Colored
- Tryptophan: the only Complex
amino acid that has
indole nucleus 5% Albumin: Violet-Purple
Egg Albumin: Violet-Purple
Gelatin: Negative


Sulphuric acid - Oxidizes the tryptophan (Oxidising agent)

Basic Lead Test Principle Results

- Presence of sulfur + Result: Black ppt

group S-H or S-S
- Sulfhydryl 5% Albumin: Positive Black
- Disulfide ppt
- Cysteine releases sulfur Egg Albumin: Positive, black
with strong alkaline ppt
conditions at high temp Gelatin: Negative


Protein Denaturation:
Denaturation - Physical changes of protein when exposed in abnormal
environmental conditions
- Heat, acid, high salt concentrations, alcohol, and
mechanical agitation
- Loss of structure due to denaturation - Loss of function
- Complicated folded structure unravels, and become long
strand of amino acids (Primary structure)
- Secondary (due to hydrogen bonding) and Tertiary
(hydrophobic, hydrogen, disulfide, electrostatic) Structure
are affected.

Container Contents Observation

1 Egg albumin sol. Firm/Viscous clear


2 Beaten egg white Bubble formation

3 Heated egg white Solidifies, becomes


4 Egg albumin, alcohol Solidifies

5 Egg albumin, vinegar Solidifies

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