Checklist PEPCV
Checklist PEPCV
Checklist PEPCV
The Paulo César Vinha State Park (PEPCV), an important conservation unit in the state of Espírito Santo,
has one of the richest angiosperm communities of any restinga area in Brazil, making it a priority area for
biodiversity conservation. In this study, we perform an inventory of the PEPCV flora through an exploratory
collection over the park area and compilation of data from botanical collections available in virtual herbaria.
A total of 634 species were listed, distributed into 367 genera and 111 families of angiosperms, representing
43.75% of the species documented in the restingas of Espírito Santo. The richest families were Fabaceae (54
spp.), Cyperaceae (40 spp.), Orchidaceae (40 spp.), Myrtaceae (36 spp.), and Poaceae (30 spp.). Six species
were recorded for the first time in the park, ten are endemic to the Espírito Santo, and about 10% of the species
are threatened with extinction. We provide data on the habit, species distribution in phytophysiognomies,
and endangered species. Finally, we discussed the importance of broad knowledge about the park’s plants,
exposing points to conserve specific areas with high antopic rate, and plans to preserve the biodiversity of
this ecosystem.
Key words: angiosperms, Atlantic Forest, Espírito Santo, Paulo César Vinha State Park, phytophysiognomies.
O Parque Estadual Paulo César Vinha (PEPCV) é uma importante Unidade de Conservação do estado do
Espírito Santo, e está entre as áreas de restinga mais ricas em espécies de angiospermas do Brasil, sendo
considerado uma área prioritária para conservação da biodiversidade. Neste estudo inventariamos a flora do
PEPCV, por meio de coletas exploratórias ao longo da área do parque e compilação de dados de coleções
botânicas disponíveis em herbários virtuais. Foram listadas 634 espécies, reunidas em 367 gêneros e 111
famílias de angiospermas para o parque, o que representa 45,5% das espécies citadas para as restingas
capixabas. As famílias mais ricas em espécies foram Fabaceae (54 spp.), Cyperaceae (40 spp.), Orchidaceae
(40 spp.), Myrtaceae (36 spp.) e Poaceae (30 spp.). Seis espécies são novos registros para a flora do parque,
10 são endêmicas do estado do Espírito Santo e cerca de 10% das espécies são consideradas ameaçadas de
extinção. São apresentados dados sobre o hábito, a distribuição das espécies nas fitofisionomias e as espécies
ameaçadas. Por fim, discutimos a importância de um amplo conhecimento sobre as plantas do parque, expondo
pontos para a conservação de áreas específicas com altos índices de antropização e planos de preservação da
biodiversidade desse ecossistema.
Palavras-chave: angiospermas, Floresta Atlântica, Espírito Santo, Parque Estadual Paulo César Vinha,
annual average temperature between 24 °C and 26 (2003). The mapping of typologies identified was
°C and average annual precipitation of 1,160 mm prepared using QGIS v 2.18 software (2016).
(INCAPER 2019). The vegetation is predominantly PEPCV also has a rocky outcrop adjacent to the
composed of restinga, and eight plant formations intermittent mouth of the Caraís Lagoon, which is
can be identified (Fig. 2) according to Pereira its main water body.
a b
c d
e f
Figure 2 – a-f. Phytophysiognomies observed at the Paulo César Vinha State Park, Guarapari, Espírito Santo,
southeastern Brazil – a,b. flooded herbaceous; c. open non-floodable shrub; d. open floodable shrub; e. floodable
forest; f. non-floodable forest.
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The species habit assessment was carried out supplementary material <
following the design proposed in the Technical m9.figshare.17192903.v1>).
Manual of Brazilian Vegetation (IBGE 2012). Forest phytophysiognomies (floodable
Data were obtained by observing specimens in and non-floodable) showed a greater number
the field and from the labels of material consulted of species habits than the shrub and herbaceous
in the herbaria. phytophysiognomies. Only the flooded forest
Finally, data on the geographic distribution formation had lower numbers. Herbaceous plants
of the species were obtained from BFG (2018). predominated on the rocky outcrops, though most
The species’ conservation status at national and of the species habits evaluated were also present.
state level was consulted in the Red Book of Our study found records of six species
Brazilian Flora (Martinelli & Moraes 2013) and that had not been previously reported in the
the List of Endangered Species in Espírito Santo PEPCV, as follows: Ageratum conyzoides L.
(Fraga 2019; Fraga et al. 2019), respectively. (Asteraceae), Lemna minuta Kunth. (Araceae),
Lepidaploa coulonioides (H.Rob.) H.Rob.
Results (Asteraceae), Peltaea obsita (Mart. ex Colla)
A total of 634 species were found, Krapov (Malvaceae), Rourea gardneriana Planch.
distributed into 367 genera and 111 families of & Cristóbal (Connaraceae), and Stachytarpheta
angiosperms in the PEPCV (Tab. S1, available on angustifolia (Mill.) Vahl (Verbenaceae).
supplementary material < Ten species endemics to Espírito Santo
m9.figshare.17192903.v1>). The following ten were identified [Aechmea fosteriana L.B. Sm.,
families had the highest number of species: Fabaceae A. roberto-seidelii E. Pereira, Cryptanthus
(54 spp.), Cyperaceae (40 spp.), Orchidaceae (40 maritimus L.B. Sm, Neoregelia macrosepala L.B.
spp.), Myrtaceae (36 spp.), Poaceae (30 spp.), Sm. (Bromeliaceae), Clusia spiritu-sanctensis
Mariz & Weinberg (Clusiaceae), Rhynchospora
Rubiaceae (27 spp.), Bromeliaceae (25 spp.),
p l u s q u a m ro b u s t a L u c e ñ o & M . M a r t i n s
Apocynaceae (23 spp.), Asteraceae (22 spp.), and
(Cyperaceae), Ocotea arenicola L.C.S. Assis &
Melastomataceae (18 spp.). Together, these families
Mello-Silva (Lauraceae), Rhodostemonodaphne
make up approximately 50% of the species richness
capixabensis Baitello & Coe-Teix. (Lauraceae),
of the PEPCV.
Callianthe inaequalis (Link &Otto) Donnel.
The most representative genera in numbers
(Malvaceae), and Dichanthelium peristypum
of taxa were Eugenia (12 spp.), Cyperus (9 spp.),
(Zuloaga & Morrone) Zuloaga (Poaceae)]. Among
Rhynchospora (9 spp.), Myrcia (8 spp.), Aechmea
them, two species are restricted to restingas of
(8 spp.), Solanum (7 spp.), Chamaecrista (7
this state: Rhynchospora plusquamrobusta e
spp.), Paspalum (6 spp.), Eleocharis (6 spp.), and
Rhodostemonodaphne capixabensis.
Miconia (6 spp).
A total of 64 threatened species were found
The most representative species habits
(Tab. S2, available on supplementary material
were herbs (202 spp.), followed by trees (157
spp.), shrubs (101 spp.), climbers/liana (77 spp.),
subshrubs (45 spp.), epiphytes (34 spp.), palm
(7spp.), hemiparasite (6spp.) and hemiepiphytes
(5 spp.) (Figs. 3-4).
The phytophysiognomies more richness in
species are the non-floodable forest formation
(263 spp.), followed by the flooded and floodable
herbaceous formations (161 spp.), floodable forest
formation (101 spp.), non-floodable open shrub
(90 spp.), floodable open shrub (69 spp.), rocky
outcrops (30 spp.), non-floodable herbaceous (22
spp.), and flooded forest (17 spp.) (Fig. 5). The sum
of the species values in the formations is higher
than the total species that occur in the PEPCV Figure 3 – Percentage of species habits in the Paulo
due to the fact that some species occur in different César Vinha State Park, Guarapari, Espírito Santo,
phytophysiognomies (Tab. S1, available on southeastern Brazil.
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6 de 12 Guarnier JC et al.
a b
c d
e f
Figure 4 – a-f. Species with different habits sampled at the Paulo César Vinha State Park, Guarapari, Espírito Santo,
southeastern Brazil – a. Ouratea cuspidata (tree); b. Actinocephalus ramosus (herb); c. Phyllanthus klotzschianus
(subshrub); d. Marcetia taxifolia (shrub); e. Tillandsia stricta (epiphyte); f. Passiflora alata (climbers/liana).
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Figure 7 – Comparison of the most representative families in terms of species richness cited for restingas, as follows:
Restingas’s ES (BFG 2018); PEPCV - Paulo César Vinha State Park (present study); PEI - Itaúnas State Park (Souza
et al. 2016); PN - Praia das Neves (Braz et al. 2013).
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