FIGURE : TM for addition of two positive integers
AlenguegeLovertheaphubet > sclldnocusvelyenumerbleifthaeisa TMM thatacceptevey wort
inLandeltherjects (cashes) or logs forevery word inlangnagethecomplemertofL.
‘Accept (M)=L
Reject (M) + Loop (M) =!
When TM Mis ill running on some input (of recursively enumnerable languages) we can never
tell whether M will eventually accep weet trun for longtime orM will un forever in oop).
Example : Consider a language (a+b) *bb(a+b)*.
‘TMforthislanguageis, 6,6, R) (48, R)
tt) >
FIGURE : Turing Machine for (a+b)* bb (a +b)*
Here theinputs are of three types.
1, Allwords with bb=aocepts (Mf) as soon asTM sees two consecutive Dit halts,
2._Allstrings without bb but ending in b= rejects (M). When TM sees single b itenters
state2. If the string is ending with b, TM will at a state 2 which isnot accepting state.
Hence itis rejected.
[All stings without bb ending nor blank’ loop (MD here when the TM soes last ait
‘enters tate 1. Inthis state on blank symbol itloops forever.
‘Alanguage L over te alphabet» is called recursive if there is TMM that accepts every word
inLand rejects every word in L'i.e.,
6) ae
FIGURE : Turing Machine forb(a+b)*
This TM aoceptsall words beginning with’ beeauseit enters alt state and it rejects ll words
beginning with abecauseitremainsin tart state which isnot accepting state.
‘Alnguage accepted by TMi said tobe recursively enumerble languages. The subelas of
recursively eoumberbl sets (6) are thse languages ths class ar said to be et
orrecursve language.
According io churehis hypothesis, ll the fuetions which canbe defined by human beings can be
‘computed by Turing machine. The Turing machine is believed tobe ultimate computing machine.
‘Thechurts orginal statement vn slightly ifftrentbecausche gave histhesisbefere machines
‘were actualy developed. He said that any machine that can do certain lst of operations will be
able o perform all algorithms. TM can perform what church asked, so they are possibly the
‘machines which church described,
(Church tie both recursive functions and computable funetions together: very parte reousive
function is computable on TM. Computer models suchas RAM also give rise to partial recursive
functions. So they canbe simulated on TM which confirms the valiity of churches hypothesis,
Important of church's hypothesisisas follows.
FORMAL LANGUAGES AND AUTOMATA TH Page 103First we wil prove certain problems which cannot be solved using TM.
churches thesis ie trac this implies tht problems cannot be solved by ny computer orany
programming languages we might every develop
‘Tis incudying the capabiliie and limitations of Ting machines weareindaed studying
‘the fundamental capabilities and imitations of any computational device wemighteven,
Inprovidesa general principe for algorithmic computation and, while not provable, gives strong
evidence that no more powerful models can be found.
‘Counter machine has the came structure a the mlticte achine, tin plane ofeach ack
‘acounier Countershold any non negative integer, but we can only distinguish betwen zero and
‘non ero counters,
Counter machines ae off-line Turing machines whose storage tapes are semi infinite, and
‘whose tape alphabets contain only two symbols, and B (blank). Furthermore tbe symbol Z,
“which serves asa bottom of tack marker pers inilly ante cell seanned hy the ape ead
‘and may never appear on any other cell. An integer ican be stored by moving the tape head
cellsto the right of Z.A stored number canbe incremented or decremented by moving the tape
‘head ight or left. We con tet whether amber seo by checking whther7 tera hy the
head, but we eannot directly test whether twonumbersare equa.
FIGURE : Counter Machine
FORMAL LANGUAGES AND AUTOMATA THEORY Page 104¢ and § are customarily use for end markers on the input. Here isthe non blank symbol on
cach ape, An instantaneous description ofa counter machine ean be described by the state, the
input tape contents, the position of the pureed, andthe distance of the storage eas fom the
symbol Z (shown here as d, and d,). We call these distances the counts on the tapes. The
counter machine can only store acount an each tape adel ithat counts 210.
Power of Counter Machines
= very language accepted by a counter Machine is recursively enumerable.
~ Every language accepted by a one counter machine isaCFL so gone counter machine
isa special case of one stackmachinei.e.,aPDA.
‘Various types of Turing Machines are :
2 Witmulipotps.
Wikone pe butnulicl eads,
i. Wihtwodimendonal pes.
i Nondeeinst Tring machines
Ikis Geese that computationally al hess Trig Machines ae equally powefl That means
tne ype can comput he sume tha other ca, However te efieny of compuston may
“Tring machine with Two-Way Infinit Tape =
Tistsa Tht have oe inte contol anon tape wish extends infinitely in bo detions.
rote [Aoseruraect
FIGURE : TM with Infinite Tape
‘trum out that his type of Turing machines areas powerful as one tape Turing machines wise
‘ape has lett end.
FORMAL LANGUAGES AND AUTOMATA TH Page 105‘Multiple Turing Machines :
FIGURE : Multiple Tring Machines
‘Amuliple Tring machine consists of finite control with tape heads and k tapes,each tapes
infinite in both directions. Onasingle move depending onthe stat ofthe finite contol andthe
‘symbol scanned by each ofthe tape heads, the machine can
1. Changestat,
2. Printanew symbol on each ofthe cells scanned by its tapehcods
3. Move each ofits tape heads, independently, one cellto the left orig orkeep it stationary.
Initially, the input appears on the first tape andthe other tapes are blank
3. Nondeterministic Turing Machines :
‘Anondeterministic Turing machine isa device with finite control anda single, one way infinite
tape, Fr a given state and tape symbol scanned by the tape head, the machine has finite
number of choiees for the next move. Each choice consists of anew state, a ape symbol opin,
‘anda direction of head motion. Note thatthe non deterministic TM isnot permitted to make
‘movein which the next tate isseleted fiom one choice, and the symbol printed andor direction
of ead motion are selected from other choices. The non deterministic TM accepts input ifany
sequence of choices of moves leads to an accepting state.
_As with the finite automaton, the addition of nondeterminism tothe Turing machine does not
allow the device to accept new languages.
FORMAL LANGUAGES AND AUTOMATA THEORY Page 1064, Multidimensional Turing Machines :
‘marion To
FIGURE : Mutiimensional Turing Machine
“The multidimensional Turing machine has the usual fite contol, but the tape consists of 8