Jawaban OB
Jawaban OB
Jawaban OB
It might seem obvious that people will be motivated by bonuses, but many scholars question this
premise. Alfie kohn has long suggested that workers are “punished by rewards” and urgen that
organization avoid tying rewards to performance because of the negative consequences that can result.
As an alternative to rewards, some experts recommend that manager foster a positive, upbeat work
environment in hopes that enthusiasm will translate into motivation.
Although rewards can be motivating, they can reduce employees intrinsic interest in the tasks they are
doing. Along these lines, mark lepper of standford university found that children rewarded for drawing
with felt-tip pens no longer wished to use the pens at all when rewards we removed, whereas children
who were not rewarded for using the pens were eager to use them. Similar experiments in which
children completed puzzles have also shown that increasing rewards can decrease interest in the reward
taks. Some have questioned the extent to which these results generalize to working adults, but concern
about reward diminishing intrinsic motivation persists.
Rewards can also lead to misbehavior by workers. Psychologist Edward deci notes, “once you start
making people’s rewards dependent on outcomes rather than behaviors, the evidence is people will
take the shortest route to those outcomes.” Consider factory workers paid purely based on the number
of units they produce. Because only quantity is rewarded, workers may neglect quality. Executives
rewarded strictly on the basis of quarterly stock price will tend to ignore the long-term profitability and
survival of the firm; they might even engage in illegal or unethical behavior to increase their
compensation. A review of research on pay-for-performance in medicine found at doctors who were
rewarded for treatment outcomes were reluctant to take on the most serious cases, where success was
less likely.
Although there might be some problems with providing incentives, the great majority of sesearch cited
in this and the previous chapter shows that individual given rewards for behavior will be more likely to
engage in the rewarded behaviors. It is also unlikely that individuals engaged in very boring, repetitive
tasks will lose their intrinsic motivation if the task is rewarded,because they never had any intrinsic
motivation to begin with. The real issue for managers is finding an appropriate way to reward behaviors
so desired behavior is increased while less-disired behavior is reduced.
1. Do you think that, as a manager, you would use bonuses regularly? Why or who not?
2. Can you think of a time in your own life when being evaluated and rewarded on a specific goal
lead you to engage in negative or unproductive behavior?
3. Do you think providing group bonuses instead of individual bonuses would be more effective or
less effective? Why or why not?
4. How would you design a bonus/ reward program to avoid the problem mentioned in this case?
Bonus dapat menjadi bumerang
Mungkin tampak jelas bahwa orang akan termotivasi oleh bonus, tapi
banyak sarjana mempertanyakan premis ini. Alfie kohn lama telah
menyarankan bahwa pekerja "dihukum oleh penghargaan" dan bahwa
organisasi menghindari mengikat urgen penghargaan kinerja karena
konsekuensi negatif yang dapat menyebabkan. Sebagai alternatif untuk
penghargaan, beberapa ahli menyarankan bahwa manajer membina
lingkungan kerja yang positif dan optimis harapan bahwa antusiasme akan
menerjemahkan ke dalam motivasi.
1. Apakah Anda berpikir bahwa, sebagai manajer, Anda akan
menggunakan bonus secara teratur? Mengapa atau yang tidak?
2. dapat Anda memikirkan suatu waktu dalam kehidupan Anda sendiri
ketika sedang dievaluasi dan dihargai pada tujuan tertentu memimpin
Anda untuk terlibat dalam perilaku negatif atau tidak produktif?
3. pendapat Anda memberikan bonus grup daripada individu bonus
akan lebih efektif atau kurang efektif? Mengapa atau mengapa tidak?
4. bagaimana Anda akan desain bonus / reward program untuk
menghindari masalah yang disebutkan dalam kasus ini?
Bonus tidak perlu diberikan secara teratur karena diberikannya
bonushanya pada saat melakukan pekerjaan sulit atau melakukan pekerjaan
dengan baik, BONUS bukan merupakan bagian dari upah, melainkan pembayaran yang
diterima pekerja dari hasil keuntungan perusahaan atau karena pekerja menghasilkan
hasil kerja lebih besar dari target produksi yang normal atau karena peningkatan
produktivitas. Besarnya pembagian bonus diatur berdasarkan kesepakatan.
Gunakan kesempatan pemberian bonus untuk menyampaikan masukan yang spesifik dan
bermakna bagi karyawan gunakan kesempatan pemberian bonus untuk menyampaikan
masukan yang spesifik dan bermakna bagi karyawan
Bukan jumlah uang yang Anda berikan pada mereka yang membuat mereka senantiasa
bekerja giat. Itu lebih karena mereka merasa dihargai atas upaya dan jerih payah selama
ini demi kemajuan perusahaan.
Dapat disimpulkan bonus tidak diberikan secara teratur melainkan bonus diberikan
karena adanya kesepakatan dalam pemberian bonus antara perusahaan dan karyawan.