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Human Reproduction, pp.

1–6, 2017


Low serum progesterone on the day

of embryo transfer is associated with
a diminished ongoing pregnancy rate
in oocyte donation cycles after artificial
endometrial preparation: a prospective
E. Labarta1,*, G. Mariani1, N. Holtmann1,2, P. Celada1, J. Remohí1,
and E. Bosch1
Department of Human Reproduction, Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad, Plaza Policía Local, 3, Valencia 46015, Spain 2Current address:
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Heinrich Heine University Medical Center, Moorenstrasse 5, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

*Correspondence address. Tel: +34 963050900; Fax: +34 963050999; E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted on June 21, 2017; resubmitted on September 20, 2017; accepted on September 28, 2017

STUDY QUESTION: Is there a relationship between serum progesterone (P) and endometrial volume on the day of embryo transfer (ET)
with ongoing pregnancy rate (OPR) in artificial endometrium preparation cycles?
SUMMARY ANSWER: Patients with serum P < 9.2 ng/ml on the day of ET had a significantly lower OPR but endometrial volume was not
related with OPR.
WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: A window of optimal serum P levels during the embryo implantation period has been described in artifi-
cial endometrium preparation cycles. A very low endometrial volume is related to poor reproductive outcome.
STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: Prospective cohort study with 244 patients who underwent ET in an oocyte donation cycle after
an artificial endometrial preparation cycle with estradiol valerate and vaginal micronized progesterone (400 mg/12 h). The study period went
from 22 February 2016 to 25 October 2016 (8 months). Sample size was calculated to detect a 20% difference in OPR (35–55%) between
two groups according to serum P levels in a two-sided test (80% statistical power, 95% confidence interval (CI)).
PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: Patients undergoing their first/second oocyte donation cycle, aged <50,
BMI < 30 kg/m2, triple layer endometrium >6.5 mm and 1–2 good quality transferred blastocysts. A private infertility centre. Serum P deter-
mination and 3D ultrasound of uterine cavity were performed on the day of ET. Endometrial volume measurements were taken using a virtual
organ computer-aided analysis (VOCAL™) system. The primary endpoint was OPR beyond pregnancy week 12.
MAIN RESULTS AND ROLE OF CHANCE: About 211 of the 244 recruited patients fulfilled all the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Mean
serum P on the day of embryo transfer was 12.7 ± 5.4 ng/ml (Centiles 25, 9.2; 50, 11.8; 75,15.8).
OPRs according to serum P quartiles were: Q1: 32.7%; Q2: 49.1%; Q3: 58.5%; Q4: 50.9%. The OPR of Q1 was significantly lower than
Q2–Q4: 32.7% versus 52.8%; P = 0.016; RR (95% CI): 0.62 (0.41–0.94). The mean endometrial volume was 3.4 ± 1.9 ml. Serum P on the
day of ET did not correlate with endometrial volume. A logistic regression analysis, adjusted for all the potential confounders, showed that
OPR significantly lowered between women with serum P < 9.2 ng/ml versus ≥9.2 ng/ml (OR: 0.297; 95%CI: 0.113–0.779); P = 0.013. The
ROC curve showed a significant predictive value of serum P levels on the day of ET for OPR, with an AUC (95%CI) = 0.59 (0.51–0.67).
LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: Only the women with normal uterine cavity, appropriate endometrial thickness and good
quality blastocysts transfer were included. Extrapolation to an unselected population or to other routes and/or doses of administering P
needs to be validated. The role of endometrial volume could not be fully defined as very few patients presented a very low volume.

© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
2 Labarta et al.

WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: The present study suggests a minimum threshold of serum P values on the day of ET that
needs to be reached in artificial endometrial preparation cycles to optimize outcome. No upper threshold could be defined.

Key words: progesterone / endometrial volume / embryo transfer / ongoing pregnancy rate / artificial cycle

Introduction Patient population

This study included 244 infertile patients undergoing their first/second
No endometrial preparation protocol for embryo transfer is consist- oocyte donation cycle. All the patients underwent a single or double ET in
ently superior to the others (Burks & Paulson, 2015; Yarali et al., the blastocyst stage after an artificial endometrial preparation cycle (see
2016). Nevertheless, many centres prefer artificial endometrium prep- the treatment details in the Study Protocol section). Fresh and frozen
aration cycles with hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) because it embryo transfer cycles were included.
allows the day of embryo transfer (ET) to be scheduled. It also con- Eligible patients were aged <50 years, BMI < 30 kg/m2, had no systemic
trols days of exposure to exogenous progesterone (P) very precisely, diseases, a triple layer endometrium >6.5 mm after HRT and 1–2 good
which is essential for controlling the window of implantation to favour quality blastocysts transferred on Day 5 of embryo development according
synchrony between the embryo and endometrium (Blesa et al., 2014). to the Spanish ASEBIR classification (Pons, 2015).
This treatment consists in giving estrogens from Day 2 or 3 of the We excluded those patients with recurrent miscarriages, implantation
failure (e.g. unsuccessful transfer of ≥6 embryos), severe male factor, uter-
patients’ menstruation. Once endometrium thickness reaches about
ine diseases (e.g. fibroids, polyps, previously diagnosed Müllerian abnor-
7 mm, exogenous P is introduced to prepare the endometrium for
malities) or presence of hydrosalpinx.
embryo implantation (El-Toukhy et al., 2008). However, neither the
optimal length of exposure to P before frozen embryo transfer (FET)
(van de Vijver et al., 2016) nor what serum P levels are required to
optimize cycle outcome have been firmly established. The primary endpoint was the relationship between serum P levels on the
For this reason, it is interesting to analyse if serum P levels on the day of ET and OPR beyond pregnancy week 12 in artificial endometrial
preparation cycles.
day of ET are related with ongoing pregnancy rate (OPR). Evidence on
The secondary endpoints were: serum P (ng/ml) and estradiol (E2,
this topic is scarce and is based on retrospective studies with contra-
pg/ml) on the day of ET; endometrial volume (ml, measured by Virtual
dictory results (Brady et al., 2014, Kofinas et al., 2015). One recent Organ Computer-aided analysis–VOCAL-); implantation rate (number
suggestion is that an optimal window of P levels, in which the highest of gestational sacs seen in a 2D ultrasound/number of embryos trans-
pregnancy rate is observed, exists in the mid-luteal phase (Yovich ferred per patient); clinical pregnancy (presence of at least one gesta-
et al., 2015). tional sac in ultrasound) and miscarriage rate (any clinical pregnancy lost
Both endometrium thickness and volume increase during the men- before pregnancy week 12).
strual cycle and are greater in the mid-luteal phase (Jokubkiene et al.,
2006). The relationship between endometrial volume and pregnancy Study protocol
rates has been studied, but with contradictory results, mainly because
Endometrial preparation
measurements are taken at different cycle times (Saravelos and Li,
All the patients received HRT for endometrial preparation, and all those
2016). The studies that have analysed endometrial volume on the day showing ovarian function were down-regulated with a GnRH agonist
of ET suggest a threshold below which pregnancy rates lower (around (Decapeptyl® 3.75 mg IM, single dose, Ipsen Pharma, Barcelona, Spain).
2.5 ml) (Zollner et al., 2003). Moreover, no pregnancies have been Treatment started on Day 2/3 of menstruation with estradiol valerate
described in a uterus of 1 ml or with a smaller endometrial volume either oral administration (Progynova®, Bayer Hispania, Barcelona,
(Raga et al., 1999). Spain)—6 mg/day or transdermal with patches (Evopad®, Janssen Cilag,
Given this background, we used a prospective design to examine if Madrid, Spain)—150 mcg every 2 days. After 10–14 days on estrogens, a
serum P levels are related with endometrial volume on the day of ET, vaginal 2D ultrasound was performed to measure endometrial thickness
and if both parameters can predict chances in ongoing pregnancy. and to confirm a triple layer pattern.
Patients were considered ready for ET when endometrial thickness was
>6.5 mm, ultrasound detected quiescent ovaries, serum E2 was >100 pg/ml
and the serum P level was <1 ng/ml. P was administered 5 days before ET
Materials and Methods with vaginal micronized P (Utrogestan®, SEID, Barcelona, Spain) at a dose of
400 mg/12 h. The last dose before ET (dose 10th) was administered on the
Design and setting morning of the day of ET, approximately 6 h beforehand. In case of preg-
A prospective cohort study at the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad (IVI, nancy, HRT was maintained until pregnancy week 12.
a University-affiliated infertility clinic) in Valencia, Spain, between 22
February and 25 October 2016. The www.clinicaltrials.gov registration Selecting patients
number is NCT02696694. On the day of ET, eligible patients were selected for this study. After
IRB approval was obtained before the study started. checking all the inclusion and exclusion criteria, patients were informed
Serum progesterone and pregnancy in egg donation 3

about the nature of the study, read the informed consent (IC) form and
decided if they wished to enrol. After signing the IC form, a blood test and
a 3D ultrasound of the uterus were performed 1–2 h before ET. Of the 244 recruited patients, 211 fulfilled all the inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria; 33 patients were excluded due to: previously undiagnosed
Serum analysis and hormone measurement Müllerian abnormality in 27 patients observed by 3D ultrasound (19
Blood was drawn to determine serum P and E2 levels. Serum P and E2 T-shaped, 6 septate partial, 1 hemiuterus and 1 bicorporeal uterus);
level determinations were not available until the end of the study. 4 cases had a submucous fibroid that slightly distorted the cavity, diag-
Samples were tested by an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay nosed by 3D ultrasound; 2 cases with a protocol deviation because
(Cobas® e 411 analyzer, Roche diagnostics GmbH, Germany). The intra- P administration commenced 12 h after previously established (Fig. 1).
and inter-assay variation coefficients for the P determinations were Patient´s mean age was 41.3 ± 4.4 years. They had a BMI of 22.3 ±
2.4–2.7% and 5.4–5.5%, respectively, for P values between 1.57 and 2.6 kg/m2 and endometrial thickness of 8.9 ± 1.7 mm before starting P.
30.2 ng/ml, and sensitivity was 0.03 ng/ml. The intra- and inter-assay var- Serum P on the day of ET was 12.7 ± 5.4 ng/ml. Table I shows the
iations coefficients for the E2 determinations were 2.4–8.5% and 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th and 95th percentile values. Serum P
2.8–11.9%, with a measurement range of 25.4–2932 pg/ml and sensitivity levels did not correlate with BMI (R2: 0.008). Serum E2 on the day of
was 5 pg/ml.
ET was 245 ± 183 pg/ml.
The serum P intervals for each quartile were: Q1: <9.2 ng/ml; Q2:
Three-dimension ultrasound 9.2–11.7 ng/ml; Q3: 11.8–15.7 ng/ml; Q4: ≥15.8 ng/ml. OPR were:
Ultrasounds were performed uniformly by three experienced doctors (E.L; Q1: 32.7%; Q2: 49.1%; Q3: 58.5%; Q4: 50.9%. Miscarriages rates were
G.M and N.H) with a Voluson® S6 (General Electric Corporation, USA) 34.6%, 25.7%, 16.2% and 18.2% for Q1–Q4, respectively (Table II).
device after placing patients with an empty bladder in the dorsal lithotomy Our data did not support the idea of an optimum window because the
position. A sweep through the mid-sagittal plane of the uterus was OPR was not statistically significantly different between women with ser-
obtained to give a multiplanar display. The Z technique was systematically
um P within the IQR (53.8%), and for patients in the first and fourth
used to obtain a good quality mid-coronal uterus plane display (Abuhamad
quartiles (41.9%; P = 0.327; RR (95% CI) 1.18 (0.85–1.63)).
et al., 2006).
Endometrial thickness and description of the uterus, according to the
ESHRE-ESGE classification (Grimbizis et al., 2016), were recorded, and
endometrial volume was saved on the computer.
After the recruitment period, the stored uterine volumes were analysed
Elegible paents
by two experienced physicians (E.L and P.C) and the VOCAL imaging pro-
(n = 291)
gram took the endometrial volume (ml) measurements with 15° of rota-
tion in the manual measurement mode.

Refused to
Statistical analysis parcipate
Sample size (n = 47)

Sample size was calculated to detect a 20% difference (35–55%) in the

OPR between two groups according to serum P levels in a two-sided test
(80% statistical power, 95% confidence interval). The interquartile range Recruited paents
(IQR) defined both groups: one comprised the patients within Q2–Q3, (n = 244)
the other included those with serum P within Q1 or Q4.
With these criteria, 212 patients were included. After considering 15%
of dropouts, 244 patients were recruited.
Not included in analysis (n = 33):
-Protocol violaon (n = 6)
Statistical methods -CUA (n = 27)

Serum P on the day of ET was classified into four quartiles according to the 19 T-shaped
25th, 50th and 75th percentiles. All the categorical variables were com- 6 septate paral
pared with a Chi-square test among groups. The Student’s t-test was used 1 hemiuterus
to compare continuous variables. To analyse the impact on cycle outcome 1 bicorporeal
of serum P on the day of ET defined by the four quartiles, a multinomial
logistic regression analysis was performed with all the potential confound-
ing variables.
Paents fulfilling all
The first quartile was taken as the reference category. Age, BMI, endo- inclusion & excusion
metrial thickness, endometrial volume, serum E2 and number of trans- criteria
ferred embryos were included in the analysis, regardless of their P value. A (n = 211)
multinomial logistic regression analysis was performed to identify those
variables related to the probability of having low serum P on the day of ET. Figure 1 Flow chart of the study population subjected to oocyte
To define the predictive capability of serum P on the OPR, the receiving donation treatments. Serum progesterone determination and 3D
operating characteristic (ROC) curve was defined and the area under the ultrasound were performed the day of embryo transfer. CUA, con-
curve (AUC) was calculated. The optimal threshold according to sensitivity genital uterine anomalies.
and specificity to predict OPR was defined.
4 Labarta et al.

The patients with serum P on the day of ET <9.2 ng/ml (Q1) had a of patients (OR: 0.297; 95%CI: 0.113–0.779; P = 0.013) after adjusting
significantly lower OPR than the other patients (Q2–Q4): 32.7% ver- for age, BMI, endometrial thickness, serum E2, number of transferred
sus 52.8%; P = 0.016; RR (95% CI): 0.62 (0.41–0.94). embryos and endometrial volume (Supplementary Table SI). The
The ROC curve showed a significant predictive value of serum P levels on multinomial logistic analysis, done to predict serum P < 9.2 ng/ml on
the day of ET for OPR, with an AUC (95%CI) = 0.59 (0.51–0.67) (Fig. 2). the day of ET, including all meaningful clinical parameters (age, BMI,
The optimal serum P threshold in which sensitivity and specificity for days of HRT for endometrial preparation, serum E2 and endometrial
OPR were both >50% was 11.0 ng/ml (70.0% sensitivity, 50.5% speci- thickness), showed that none of these parameters were significantly
ficity). The OPR around this threshold was 35.3% versus 55.6% for related (Supplementary Table SII).
serum P < 11.0 or ≥11.0 ng/ml, respectively (RR: 0.64, 95%CI: No significant relationship between the likelihood of ongoing preg-
0.46–0.88; P = 0.005). Miscarriage rates were 31.9% versus 21.2%, nancy and endometrial volume on the day of ET was observed
respectively (RR: 1.48, 95%CI: 0.85–2.58; P = 0.168). (OR:0.94:95%CI: 0.77–1.16; P = 0.56).
Endometrial volume was 3.4 ± 1.9 ml and endometrial thickness
was 8.9 ± 2.2 mm on the day of ET. Pearson’s correlation showed
that serum P correlated slightly with endometrial thickness on the day
of ET (R2: 0.029; P = 0.02), but not with endometrial volume The results of the present study showed that patients with serum P <
(R2:0.011; P = 0.17), whereas all the parameters related with uterine 9.2 ng/ml on the day of ET after an artificial endometrial preparation
measurements (endometrial volume and thickness) and related posi- cycle with vaginal micronized P had a significantly reduced OPR. This
tively with each one (data not shown). was observed in the oocyte donation cycles context, and ruled out any
No significant association was observed between endometrial vol- impact of embryo quality on this finding. Moreover, all the patients
ume and clinical outcome (Table III). Only the women with a very low received the same dose of P and for the same time before ET. Having
endometrial volume (<p5 = 1.4 ml) (n = 10) were associated with a adjusted for all the potential confounders, including the number of
clinically lower OPR (22.2% versus 48.3%) (P > 0.05). transferred embryos, the relationship between low serum P on the
The multinomial logistic regression showed that OPR significantly day of ET and the likelihood of ongoing pregnancy was still present.
lowered between the women with serum P < 9.2 ng/ml and the rest However, the capability of predicting the OPR of serum P levels on
the day of ET was limited. The ROC curve value, albeit statistically sig-
nificant, did not allow for accurate prediction, and the optimal thresh-
old showed modest sensitivity and specificity values.
Table I Descriptive analysis of the serum values of
We observed no association for endometrial volume with either
Progesterone (ng/ml) and endometrial volume (ml) on
serum P levels or OPR, which suggests that, once minimal endometrial
the day of embryo transfer.
thickness is reached, serum P levels on the day of ET are more predict-
Percentiles 5th 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 95th able for pregnancy than ultrasound endometrium evaluations.
........................................................................................ The findings of this study suggest that a minimal threshold of serum
Progesterone (ng/ml) 5.5 6.6 9.2 11.8 15.8 19.2 21.9 P on the day of ET needs to be reached. Data about an optimal range
Endometrial volume 1.4 1.6 2.0 3.1 4.3 5.7 6.5 on the day of ET are scarce. In FET cycles, very few retrospective stud-
ies have analysed this issue, and obtained contradicting results when
using IMP (Brady et al., 2014; Kofinas et al., 2015). When using

Table II Clinical outcome according to serum Progesterone values (ng/ml) the day of embryo transfer.

Quartile (progesterone ng/ml)

Q1 (<9.2) (n = 52) Q2 (9.2–11.7) (n = 53) Q3 (11.8–15.7) (n = 53) Q4 (≥15.8) (n = 53) P*
No. of fresh/frozen cycles: n (%)
Fresh 20 (38) 22 (42) 22 (42) 20 (38) 0.508
Frozen 32 (62) 31 (59) 31 (59) 33 (62)
No. embryos transferred (mean ± SD) 1.4 ± 0.5 1.3 ± 0.4 1.5 ± 0.5 1.4 ± 0.5 0.456
No of single/double embryo transfers n (%)
SET 29 (56) 39 (74) 29 (55) 30 (57) 0.277
DET 23 (44) 14 (26) 24 (45) 23 (43)
Implantation rate% (95% CI) 45 (32.5–57.9) 58 (44.8–70.3) 61 (49.1–73.2) 55 (41.8–67.8) 0.083
Clinical pregnancy: n/Na; % (95% CI) 26/52; 50 (35.9–64.1) 35/53; 66 (52.9–79.2) 37/53; 70 (57.0–82.6) 33/53; 62 (48.8–75.7) 0.048
Miscarriage: n/Na; % (95% CI) 9/26; 35 (15.0–54.2) 9/35; 26 (10.5–40.9) 6/37; 16 (3.8–28.7) 6/33; 18 (4.3–32.1) 0.124
Ongoing pregnancy: n/Na; % (95% CI) 17/52; 33 (19.5–45.9) 26/53; 49 (35.1–63.0) 31/53; 59 (44.8–72.2) 27/53; 51 (37.0–64.9) 0.016

*P values compare first quartile (Q1) versus Q2–Q4.

n = number of events; N = Number at risk.
Serum progesterone and pregnancy in egg donation 5

intravaginal P however, Yovich et al. (2015) found an optimal serum P Evidence from fertile women suggests that only a very small amount
concentration interval, while values outside this interval significantly of P is necessary to enable the endometrium to be receptive to the
related to lower pregnancy rates. Nevertheless, the upper limit did implanting embryo (Young, 2013). A classical study demonstrated an
not reach statistical difference for the live birth rate, as we observed optimal range for fertility in natural cycles, with a lower threshold of
for OPR. The mean P levels observed by Yovich (19.2 ng/ml) were 9.4 ng/ml (Hull et al., 1982). However, the value of a single P estima-
higher than ours (12.7 ng/ml), perhaps because these authors used a tion in the assessment of luteal phase function in natural cycles has
higher daily dose than we did (1200 versus 800 mg), or because levels always been questioned given its rapid fluctuating levels in the mid-late
were determined 2–3 days after ET. However, it seems that increasing luteal phase of normal subjects (Filicori et al., 1984).
doses do not proportionally increase systemic concentrations when On the contrary in artificial cycles, P rapidly reaches the systemic cir-
intravaginal P is used (Paulson et al., 2014). culation, and the steady state is achieved within 24 h (Nahoul et al.,
In any case, the results of Yovich and ours show that serum P levels 1993; Paulson et al., 2014), so its measurement seems more reliable.
can be related with chances of pregnancy in artificial cycles. Current data suggest that P levels of >5 ng/ml that act on an
adequately primed endometrium result in endometrial luteinization
and receptivity, which does not differ from that achieved by much
higher levels (Usadi et al., 2008; de Ziegler et al., 2013). Yet the
remaining question is whether this is functionally enough to favour
implantation and to maintain pregnancy in artificial cycles, in which
optimal luteal phase support (LPS) with exogenous P is vital, especially
when GnRH analogues for down-regulation are used.
Diminishing endometrial receptivity could be due to either an insuffi-
cient P exposure time or an insufficient serum P level, or due to both.
The first problem can be overcome by adjusting the days of P exposure
(Ruiz-Alonso et al., 2013). The second one, which was detected in the
present study, seems biologically plausible as the P concentrations
widely varied despite all women receiving the same LPS, but the uptake,
absorption and metabolism of each hormone can vary among women
(Yovich et al., 2015). This problem might be overcome by increasing
the P dose from the very beginning, but has yet to be demonstrated, as
when giving intravaginal P, when neither serum P nor endometrial tissue
concentrations seem dose proportional (Paulson et al., 2014). More
studies are necessary to address this issue and to discover how to over-
come this, perhaps by personalizing the route and dose of P in each
particular patient to search for optimal serum P levels.
Figure 2 Receiving operating characteristic (ROC) curve for pre-
diction of ongoing pregnancy rate by serum progesterone (P) levels One of our study limitations is that only the women with a normal
on the day of embryo transfer. AUC, area under the curve. uterine cavity, appropriate endometrial thickness and good quality blasto-
cysts were included. Another limitation was a low predictive value of

Table III Clinical results according to endometrial volume (ml) the day of embryo transfer.

Quartile (endometrial volume ml)

Q1 (<2.0) (n = 47) Q2 (2.0–3.1) (n = 47) Q3 (3.2–4.2) (n = 47) Q4 (≥4.3) (n = 48) P*
No. of fresh/frozen cycles: n (%)
Fresh 27 (57) 22 (47) 28 (60) 24 (50) 0.734
Frozen 20 (43) 25 (53) 29 (40) 24 (50)
No. embryos transferred (mean ± SD) 1.4 ± 0.5 1.5 ± 0.5 1.3 ± 0.5 1.4 ± 0.5 0.526
No.of single/double embryo transfers: n (%)
SET 27 (57) 26 (55) 34 (72) 29 (60) 0.605
DET 20 (43) 21 (45) 13 (28) 19 (40)
Implantation rate % (95% CI) 48 (34.9–60.8) 53 (39.7–66.7) 60 (45.7–73.5) 55 (41.7–68.7) 0.294
Clinical pregnancy: n/Na; % (95% CI) 27/47; 57 (42.8–72.1) 29/47; 62 (47.3–76.1) 29/47; 62 (47.3–76.1) 31/48; 65 (50.5–78.6) 0.605
Miscarriage: n/Na; % (95% CI) 7/27; 26 (8.3–43.6) 4/29; 14 (0.4–27.1) 9/29; 31 (13.1–48.9) 7/31; 23 (7.0–38.2) 0.796
Ongoing pregnancy: n/Na; % (95% CI) 20/47; 43 (27.9–57.2) 25/47; 53 (38.4–68.0) 19/47; 40 (25.9–55.0) 24/48; 50 (35.3–64.7) 0.613

*P values compare the first quartile (Q1; <2.0 ml) versus the rest; Q2–Q4.
n = number of events; N = number at risk.
6 Labarta et al.

serum P on OPR. Thus, extrapolation to an unselected population or to Filicori M, Butler JP, Crowley WF Jr. Neuroendocrine regulation of the cor-
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Acknowledgements lower live birth and higher pregnancy loss rates. J Assist Reprod Genet
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None. tivity array for diagnosis and personalized embryo transfer as a treatment for
patients with repeated implantation failure. Fertil Steril 2013;100:818–824.
Saravelos SH, Li TC. Intra-cycle variation of the uterine cavity indentation
Conflict of interest assessed with three-dimensional ultrasound in natural and stimulated
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