Mini Case Study Case Summary
Mini Case Study Case Summary
Mini Case Study Case Summary
Case summary
The current study sought to understand the current grade scores in a class of 13 students. The
study applied different procedures to establish grading for the students. The findings revealed
46% of the students scored less than grade C. The study recommends the new assistant professor
to conduct further research to understand appropriate teaching approaches that would help
Analysis steps
1. the first step as a data scientist was to develop a clear understanding of the problem
statement. The approach was critical in identifying all the objective variables. For
example, understanding of the problem helped identify how all the students were graded
across the three tests assignment, midterm, and the final exams were graded using the
2. I used the above scores to analyze the overall scores for each of the students. In specific, I
applied the following formula. For example, the overall assignment score was found by
Assignment Score=Student .
Midterm Score=Student
Final Score=Student
3. The above scores helped in analyzing the total scores for each of the 13 students. In order
to get the weighted scores, I used the “SUM” function to add the scores for assignment,
4. Moreover, the weighted scores were fundamental in coming up with the grading scores
for each of the students. in order to do this, I applied an excel “IF” function. For example,
The formula helped generate individual grades for each of the students.
Last Name Assignme Midter Fina Assignme Midterm/ Final Weight Grad
nt (%) m l nt /20% 35% Exam/45 ed Total e
exam exa % scores
(%) m
Carter 87 55 40 17.40 19.25 18.00 54.65 F
Morad 64 50 74 12.80 17.50 33.30 63.60 C
Rivas 60 88 88 12.00 30.80 39.60 82.40 A-
Atif 78 74 76 15.60 25.90 34.20 75.70 B
Gringas 88 61 80 17.60 21.35 36.00 74.95 B
Giompaolo 61 55 60 12.20 19.25 27.00 58.45 F
Jung 50 76 84 10.00 26.60 37.80 74.40 B
Tran 50 65 84 10.00 22.75 37.80 70.55 B-
Yu 87 55 78 17.40 19.25 35.10 71.75 B-
Lopes 63 65 72 12.60 22.75 32.40 67.75 C
Talla 78 85 92 15.60 29.75 41.40 86.75 A
Dessousa 55 78 62 11.00 27.30 27.90 66.20 C
Imbert 73 78 61 14.60 27.30 27.45 69.35 C
Grade Total Assigme 20
A+ 95-100 Midterm 35
A 85-94 Final 45
A- 80-84
B+ 77-79
B 73-76
B- 70-72
C 60-69
F 0-59
The new assistant professor should come up with appropriate approaches for teaching the
students to help change the current scores to better scores. However, the current students
did not analyze different approaches of teaching the students. It is difficult to propose the
best approaches that would help increase student grades. However, the current study
recommends that the new assistant professor conducts further research into current and