Activity # 5 - Santos, Aira Kristelle M

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Santos, Rafael – Case Assessment Singh, Harleen – Meal Plan

Santos, Aira – Meal Plan Soriano, Christine – Case Assessment
Saplan, Alviah Kee – PPt Presentation Suarez, Patricia – Sample Menu
Selga, Arianne – Question No. 1 Sulit, Dana Mae – Case Assessment
Silava, Charles – Question No. 2 Sulit, Kristine Elaine – Sample Menu

II. Procedure: Case Analysis

Group 3: Infancy

An eight-month-old baby girl weights 7kg. The baby is receiving breast milk and
complementary feeding.

III. Evaluation

For each presented:

1. Compute for the desirable body weight and total energy requirement.

Note: Unable to compute since there is no given height

2. Calculate and plan the diet providing 3 meals and 2 snacks. Indicate your answers in
Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Meal Plan for Infancy

No. of CHO PRO Fat Energy Meal Distributions
Exchanges (g) (g) (g) (kcal) B L D Sn
Veg, List I 1 20 20 18 58 /
Fruit, List
1 12 12 18 50 /
Milk, List
3 380 44 270 694 / / /
Sugar, List
Rice, List
1 12 8 9 29 /
Meat, List
1 4 12 9 25 /
Fat, List VI 1 12 4 9 25 /
TOTAL 440g 108g 333g 881kcal
Note: taking sugar for a baby’s diet should be at least 12 months of age
3. Prepare the assigned sample menu plan for complementary feeding.

Table 4-2. Sample Lunch Complementary Feeding Menu for Infancy

Menu Household Measure
Thick rice gruel ¾ cup
Ripe papaya 3 tbsp
Finely chopped squash 2 tbsp
Flaked chicken 30 g
Steamed pudding 1 tsp
Cooking oil 4 tsp

4. Discuss the case assessment and tray presentation in class emphasizing the rationale of
the diet given, nutrient modification, and intervention.

Table 4-3. Case Assessment for Infancy

Meal Prepared Nutrient Rationale Nutrition
Modification Intervention
1. Thick Rice 1.Rice Gruel is rich • The B vitamins 1. Adequate intake
Gruel in Vitamin B. help enzymes in of food with vitamin
2. Ripe 2. Papayas contain our bodies do B-complex
Papaya high levels of their jobs and 2. Have a
3. Finely antioxidants vitamin are important for proportionate
Chopped A, vitamin C, and a wide range of amount of ripe
Squash vitamin E. cellular papaya.
4. Flaked 3. Squash is full of functions, like 3. Encourage the
Chicken vitamin A, B, C and breaking down intake of different
5. Steamed fiber. They are also carbohydrates vegetables everyday
Pudding rich in antioxidants and transporting 4. Sufficient intake
6. Cooking and minerals, nutrients of protein depending
Oil magnesium and throughout the on age.
many more. body. Vitamin B 5. Encourage
aids in boosting breastfeeding and
4. Chicken is rich in
the metabolic incorporate food that
protein, iron,
for children. It is rich in calcium.
also influences 6. Suggest sun
magnesium and
the production exposure for at least
zinc, calcium,
of energy and 10 minutes between
phosphorus, and
regulated the 6 and 8 am.
vitamin B12
production of 7. Inform mother on
5. Steamed
red blood cells. ways to add fats &
pudding are rich in
Vitamin B12 oils in the diet.
nutrient value such
helps in brain
as calcium and
development in
vitamin D.
6.Cooking oil • Antioxidants are
contains fats substances that
may protect
your cells
against free
radicals, which
may play a role
in heart disease,
cancer, and
other diseases.
Free radicals
are molecules
produced when
your body
breaks down
food or when
you're exposed
to tobacco
smoke or
• Vitamin A
promotes good
eyesight. Beta
carotene in
squash helps in
protecting the
eye from UV
• Vitamin C is
good for the
development of
the immune
system. It is
also necessary
for the
production of
mucus and
other essential
bodily fluids.
• Fiber promotes
easy digestion.
• Magnesium
helps in the
development of
gums, bones,
and teeth. It
also assists in
the digestions
by stimulating
needed for
Similar with
zinc, it plays a
significant role
in immunity.
• Calcium is a
mineral that
ensures that the
bones in the
body are
healthy and
strong. It aids in
sending signals
through nerves,
and releasing
• Vitamin D aids
in calcium and
absorption of
the body to
support bone
Vitamin D and
Calcium work
together to
lower the risk of
• Fats are
incorporated in
a diet to help
the body absorb
the fat-soluble
vitamins A, D,
E, and K. It also
plays a vital role
in infants'
growth and
weight gain.
• Iron is essential
for growth of red
blood cells.
• Potassium helps
keep the blood
vessels in good
• Protein
muscle growth
during a baby’s

IV. Questions for Discussion

1. What nutritional advice is recommended for a healthy pregnancy? Lactation?

The expectant woman's optimal weight gain during pregnancy (10 kg) is reflected in
her adequate intake of nutritious food. To avoid constipation, she should eat meals high in
fiber (about 25 g/1000 kcal), such as whole grain cereals, legumes, and vegetables. She
should drink plenty of water, at least 8-12 glasses every day. Even if you want to avoid
pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia, you shouldn't limit your salt intake.
Caffeine-containing beverages like as coffee and tea should be avoided in excess since they
affect fetal growth.

In addition, a pregnant woman should have regular health checks for weight gain,
blood pressure, anemia, and tetanus toxoid immunization. She requires sufficient physical
activity as well as adequate rest for 2-3 hours per day. Pregnant and lactating women
should not take any drugs without seeking medical advice, as some of them may be harmful
to the fetus/baby. Tobacco chewing and smoking, as well as alcohol consumption, should be
avoided. Food taboos and incorrect food beliefs should be discouraged. Microbial food
borne illness is the most serious food safety issue and preventing it during pregnancy is one
of the most important public health measures.

2. How are vitamins destroyed?

Consider the nutritional needs of the children, their preferences and allergies, the
look and cost of foods, and the time and skill of the meal preparer when planning meals for
children. Balancing these aspects helps assure meals that are healthy, appealing, and
cheap. Fill half of a child's plate with fruits and vegetables, a little more than a quarter of the
plate with whole grains, and a little less than a quarter of the plate with healthy sources of
protein, such as lean meat, nuts, or eggs, according to Medline Plus. The meal preparer can
choose food those appeals to the youngster in terms of taste and texture within these
limitations. A variety of colors and forms adds to the meal's appeal. Another factor to
consider is the cost of the food. Families with a tight food budget can buy grains in bulk,
shop at farmer's markets for fruits and vegetables and choose less expensive sources of
protein such as tuna and ground beef, notes Williams. Because children are more likely to
develop healthy eating habits if their meals are made well and served at the same time
every day, meal preparers need to plan recipes that suit their cooking skills and available

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