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the acid phosphate NH4H2PO4 is formed.

Diammonium hydrogen

to occupations less lucrative than those in which his time

D. Rouse's The Year's Work in Classical Studies (1907);

existence is surmounted and something of blissful ecstasy

and economic questions involved in the production of butter

Delphi, and not far from the Thessalian Larissa. During the

for his ships, which he accomplished by cutting through the

but obtained invaluable information concerning the people,

Plantagenet in 1152 brought it under the sway of England; but

scepticism. Cause has no existence apart from the mind which

temperature, and dE/dT is the temperature coefficient of the

In Francis Bacon's Natural History there are two

the president of the Colonization Society, Joachim Count

in 1325. Were either of these identifications established,

1893 18 93 1901 1 1

Aegean by the wealth of its remains of all the prehistoric

his troops to put to death all youths capable of bearing

remained unheeded for nearly half a century. The inhalation

1 son Zauditu Tanina Work

of the maximum, so that an ammeter reading up to 10 amperes

beads on the floor, the stone is known as ring agate or eye

Amaltheia, promising that it would supply whatever she desired

struggle with the princes who desired re-forms in Oiermany,

foundations of stone over the pavement of his predecessor. A

the Abyssinians or Galla, wearing, generally, nothing but a

west of the Tamar, fortifying Exeter as an English city.

feeble. The first part of the alimentary canal consists of

of Tunisia (q.v.), have their rise in Algeria, in the

sending him the Commercium Epistolicum, said, ``You are

16th century the almuce had become definitely established as

Asiatic wives. This policy did not allay the discontent of

them. Severe as were the losses in flocks and herds from

country. Arouj seized Algiers (1516); Khair-ed-Din, succeeding

life. The expedition returned by way of Sicily and Italy,

on the high seas or any arm of the sea or any waters within

their rich crops of esparto grass. Four miles S.E. of Arzeu

drains eastern Amhara; the Jamma rises near Ankober and drains

to their pigmented brethren. Heusinger has shown that

is formed of two caverns--one known for several centuries,

unrelated to any of the foregoing, we may cite the ancient

from afar, the town hall (Rathaus) and the cathedral are

the interests of religious houses, were superseded from the

1893 2 2 30

and its consequences, are dealt with in the articles

intertubercular, and right and left Poupart lines are drawn

a country of market gardens; but as the holdings are most

Adaptations of the Intestinal Tract to Function.--The chief

solution of caustic soda, free from chloride and hypochlorite.

Pigafetta, A Report of the Kingdom of Congo, &c. (1597);

therefore analysed, a number of them were bulked together

Santa Laura, Mount Athos.

international-- temporary or more or less permanent--for

Other examples of the establishment of small holdings can

it by name to the district of one of Solomon's provincial

sexual plants. Novel as this result may seem, the tetraspores

Three points of contact with Josephus in particular are cited.

a definite number of plates, fitting into one another like

drunkard'' caused the formation of Cardigan Bay) are famous

``No. 290,'' was being built by Messrs. Laird at Birkenhead.

1591 that Timbuktu--a city founded in the 11th century--became

and also the shallow horse-hoeing used in some places betwixt

parliament, and in spite of Henry VIII.'s efforts to prevent

is confined to the main ranges and their immediate off-shoots,

question of the time. He studied successively under the

Harmony of the Four Gospels, which is said by some to exist

1898 73 556 634 22 161 39

saturnalia as the Festival of the Bear.... Some of their rude

mechanical properties, such as hardness, toughness, rigidity,

record he himself has left of it in his celebrated history.

settlers from Veha in Lucania, and in the time of the tyrant

wire, being used to close the vessel near the bleeding point.

bauxite and manufacture alumina in Ireland, to prepare the

Parliament. Aberdeen is served by the Caledonian, Great North

and with wethers amongst sheep--the sooner it is ready for

times, that he seemed to have made it a subject of particular

of pictures was formed out of the collections removed

district and the state of Patiala, on the W. by the

ABERCROMBY, PATRICK (1656-c.1716), Scottish physician

1028. The two earlier books are scarcely more than a copy of

of the earlier dominion. The important point is this, that

yards apart, and fall almost vertically thousands of feet,

in others through unofficial reports. One large publishing

characters (see CREODONTA) are displayed in the skeleton.

break-up of the Servian empire, a new epoch began when Albania

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