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RIDGID PIPE / TUBING TOOLS WRENCHES Wrenches - Heavy-Duty ‘The orginal Heavy-Duty Pipe Wrench with types and sizes to ft every application. + Sturdy cast-iron ang beam handle for comfortable grip and strength without access weight + Fullfloatng hook Jaws wit spring suspension fr instant gi, instant rolease + Rlaplaceable jaws with tough, neat reated, high-allayed stel jaw teeth + Rugged. oay-pin, ponstex achsimont nt hat atamacaly clans grime Yom hook aw shank. + Uniquely braced. extra-srong mount nee jaw Straight Pipe Wrench Sturdy, cast-iron housing and I-beam handle wih ful floating hook jaw, nonstick adjustment nut and replaceable hook and heel jaws. wn | RB? | Nese cmonnton — Se | reetionty T wee aes z Seas Wench ce esse wo Fs Wet fof ssf | ag eof sresse ie Fs Wet ee ress a Fs Wet er ress a Fs Wet a co oo End Pipe Wrench ‘Aseures a fast and easy aio for pipe working in restctes spaces oF close to a wall pa | He? | Mott Deserpion ee Bat wieem| —aioso | ea Taam Woh ce ese | ~s1000—[ Et EP Wc Toff eigae nf siesst—| store —[ se EP Wc ee ee Seest—|—s1080 [er ns Poa Wish a Rapwrench ‘Adeoper and broader hook jaw housing provides a smooth, flat surface tat is ideal for occasional use as a hammer Catalog | Mode! 7 ‘Size Pipe Capacty Weight ‘id wpa | Ne. No. Deserinor [am in mm |b | Ko_| Pack eiesee_| aise [10 Fapwonch we [20 | 102 [40 2 [oe [6 Heavy-Duty Offset Pipe Wrench 7 Featuros a jaw opening paral othe handle and a narowor hook jaw head which provides easy entry into tight spots, Catalog Mode! ition ‘Size Pipe Capacity Weight Std No No. Descriptor [mm in mm |b | K@_| Pack [om 74 Tens Duy Ofeat pe Wrens | 14 | 250, z | am [19 [6 aaa 7s eat Duy Ofset Pigs Wrenen | —1@—| aso | 20 | -saa[-ge [= eas 2a Fea. Duly Ofsot ips Wrenes | 28 | 600. z es EC 185 RIDGID Aluminium Handle Straight Pipe Wrench Nearly 40% lighter than comparable xast-ion models of the same siz0, Jaw and all thor pats identical RIDGID Hoavy-Duty Wrenchos, ‘Also available with special hook and heel jaws for plastic coated pip. PIPE / TUBING TOOLS wwpn ] aos] Moat Deseinon Hen. Sie —_[_ Fen ctscty_[ wot | i, aes] as _| a | a a wa | | at es ee a eresis-| —stios [eat —| Alon Stag Pes Wana [wo sf ef reser | —atits | ees | — Nema Stag Pps Wena a Aluminium Handle Offset Pipe Wrench Neatly 50% lighter than comparable éastiron models o the same size, Features a jaw opening parallel tothe handle and a narrower hook jaw head which provides easy erty into tight spots. a Catalog | Moser ‘ Nom. Size Pipe Capacty | welsh! | sa ma | Ne. No. Deseription in [mm | [mm | Ko _| Pack on) amin Ota Poe Wana ie 30_| 2 so [03 z aries a Sluminim Ofest Piss Wrench 12 [Bie | es a S80 2s ‘Aluminum Osa Pipe Weanch Be 0 [27 i Wrench Parts: Always insist on genuine RIDGID Parts Se" | peo |__Syag ise aunt | “| P" [assent | aston] J" ‘st. ee Cataos. Cataoo Catala. | Cataoa. | Caos Catalog. | Catalog. z 2 me ae ae eae a ee Sr epee i Sree Ser 3 ae me rere ae a oe =e srt * Use wih 0" Hook Jaw Cal No. 31770. Fer atonal wench pars, sae Hand Tol Pals Calalog, 106 RIDGID PIPE / TUBING TOOLS Chain Wrench y RatedPipe | Actual 0.D Chain Catalog | Mode! ae ae chan weight | su impa | Calslos | Moc Deseription Capacity Capacity Length S4, mmm | [mm | om [mm | Ko eresee | siaio [G18 | UpheDiy Gran wrenon 2 [so [4 [wo | isa | a0 | on 7 1616571 [ 31320 | 0-18 | Heavy-Duty Cran Wrencn | 212 | 60. 5 25 [20 v4_| 600. ar r 616573 [31330 | 0-38 | Heaw-DuyOranWrenes | 42 [vio _[ 712 | ves | 20 ras) 7. 1 Strap Wrench Bos! or any polished pipe. Stang, woven nylon sian gives ight grip. Two models availabe for plastic pipe. Polyuretnane-coated strap prevents scratching, Replaceable straps available. Handle Strap Strap Pipe Tube impa | Catoe | Model | Usnath Length Wah Capaciy | Capacty (0.0) | Wesht | sts, Lom [om [om [om [om | im [mm] in | mm | Ka 16577 | stsa0—[ 2 Tira | soo] 17 [as [7s] siz_[ | 08 r ‘eies7e | sta50—[ 5 18 | #50] 214 | —7e0_| Tam _| as 175 _| 08 r 3170 ste] aso 2 [ro [se [a Sess [10 r Hex Wrench Catalog ] Model vpton Length Capacity Weisht | st wpa | No, No. Description [mm in mm [Ka] Pack wees _| aioe [Eo ‘feat ox Wore 31a _| 200 [718.268] 29-07 a z as [17 Sesight Hee Wane Tai | sea | 8-1 | “16-90 2 ° 00 [25 Stag Hox Wench [50 [2 [5-80 20 a PIPE CUTTERS Heavy-Duty Pipe Cutters Fas, clean pipe cufing by hand or power. Exra-long shank protects adjustment ttweads, while an extralarge handle Is provided for quick, easy adjustment. Can be converted ta S-whee! cutter by replacing rolers with cuter whe, or can be trdered as 3-wheel model Use in areas where a complete turn‘ nol possible To carer wea] oyu] ese] peecamr | RSmeePEY [woo Deseripton Nos. 1-8 & 2-4 n_[_mm | Ke ) cress | wane Tenaya 7-11) 3-25 | 30 3 $A] As Wheel ReanyDay [vet] 5-32 | 30 Tres | a ey. Ve-2 [3-80 | 32 2AsiWhesl aay Day] Ve? [359 | a eraser | Hau 1-3 [as-7e[ 69 3 S__[ssawheelseayouy] 1-3 [25-75 | 69 rae | Tea Ou 2-4 [s0- Too] BF 3 S_[asawheelteaybuy] 2-4 [s0-r00] 62 Nos. $5, $-$ 46-5 ETO a ey. 6 [100-Te0] 0S 6:5 3hesl Reayrbuy] 4-6 fio 150] 100 187 RIDGID 4-Wheel Pipe Cutters Designed for workin areas where a complete tum is impossible. No. 42-Ahas a short handle for use in area where only a 130, turn can be made. Second handle on No. Nos. 445 44-S makes two-man leverage possible on large pipe sizes. Both equipped heavy- duty wheats PIPE / TUBING TOOLS ; Fine Gapaciy mea | Cazes Mo pe Cutie Norminal Size Weight mi a @ a0 wR Tay bay aa er 30:30 at era _| anno tes Few Buy hea Aa for i00 a Wind-Roll Pipe Cutters if Featuring exra-de ros his cutis especialy designed or uo wth power ves. “The wie ls provide for rue racking and cleaner cus | Nos. 202 Pipe Canaciy cata Model Pipe Cutor igo Garay Woont (MPA Noe No. Description NerminalS i 7 a ews_| aan = Fee ban Wie Fa 18-2 30 as Hinged Pipe Cutters Design for rapid cuting of 4” trough 12" steel pipe, heavy-wall eee! pipe, and cast- iron pipe. The nine models can operate where minimal cutter rotation Is necessary due to lack of space Caitoa Medel Pipe Cuter pe Capacy veoh wa ‘e Besse a a @ ama me Fa Sees 8 ms i ras ‘eect eee 3 ‘coe i ‘ate as os Tah fas tet aan = Ta i si ae oo 030 iit san oer ForeationPae ta 3-368 i 188 RIDGID CUTTER WHEELS f PIPE / TUBING TOOLS (Original Product) = at FI S| 3 <| 21 | 2] 9] ]o} o] | oll S| SS S/S] 1S]S/S) 888 SS sala ia ay, Catalog.] Model | Sta. | Blade No. | Ne Sep. wea0 | enoe | Came aaias_| E1082 ‘Stoo Pips & Buss TOA aaoo_| E0905 35. Pe aaras_| E1082 Grey Caton re ast an aaizo_[-e-a106 [7 ‘Steel & bust Fon HW sa105_[ 63 ‘Stool Dust kon ao Fase 35. Ppe aes eae | Grey Cast on wis | 28 See buckle FA aaiao_| Fees [6 [at SS Pipe aais0_| Paes SS Pipe ao1e5 [Fae [1 Grey cast on s100_| rare See buck FA ssi20_| F515 ‘Stool Duct ‘Application Cutter Wheels FLARING TOOLS Nos. 458 Flaring Tool \ ‘These precis.on tools provise smaoth, uniform flares with minimum effort. large feed serew > handle ums easly. Hardened ste! faring cane, eecentrcaly mounted in needle bearings, 4 produces roling acon for evan metal low, giving uniform fare walls without galing Allfaring tools listed are recommended for soft materials such as aluminum and sot copper. No. 458, No 456M and No. 377 wil aso fare stoel, stamnloss steel, hard Copper and Brass wea | cae | Masel pe sizes moi T Sines 41205 sew SE SAE Nominal Water Tuba [9.12 34.1 - 25 1 ‘Matric Model - - Nos, 345 Flaring Tool : ' aoe ee etn ee ic! groucng 5 sn so conper bes, unum, were isch ara ay is Reese eho ee a aa eee ene ee een ae ae ee ese arevel at © Caulee | Mowe cam Wash] Saraea No. No. Type Sizes (in) ¥o Pack 189 RIDGID TUBING CUTTERS. PIPE / TUBING TOOLS Midget Tubing Cutters - Nos. 101, 103 and 104 Designed for use in restricted spaces on small diameter, hard and soft copper, aluminium, brass and plastic tubing. Song, lghtweight sido ane wneal housing large knurled feed screw knob gives easy control of cutting pressure for clean cuts. Catalog. | Model st Capact weiaht | stendars men 7 No? | Ne Desersion whee! y Pack m me waar ra ge Ger wim Spare Whee! eae | Va ram [6-28 [on = rE ia Wipe Cuter esis | ia-s8 [sie [ot 3 eie7ea [m5 708 Tot Cer esier ie te] 6 _| ot é Midget Tubing Cutters - Nos. 150 and 205 Features an enclosed feed screw to eliminate clogging and jamming, grooved rols for closo-to-tar cus, and a fold-away reamor. Made rom high-svongth aluminium tubing, and thin-wall condult. Model 205 has all he features of the No.160, plus a {ulek-acting mechanism, alloy with a spare cutter wheel in the handle. Cuts, copper, brass, and aluminism ‘ . No. 150 Catalog. | Med! ° St Capacity weight | standara PA a Mod Description Vine! ack ie Tm a eierea_| area iw Enclosed Food Cuter eae [ie 11e] 3-28 [08 7 31697 150 Above WED Wheol) ea546 [18-116 3-20 | 04 i 2055 205 Ratchang Enel Feed Cuter Ease [14-2ae | e-60 | 08 + 32070 205 ‘Bowe WED Wheels), Ease _[ia-2ae] eco] 08 1 Midget Tubing Cutters - Nos. 10, 15, 20 and 30, ‘Clean, square cuts are easily made on copper, brass, aluminium, and thin-wall cond Nos. 10, 15, 20 feature a convenient fold-away reamer. No, 30 is rated for larger iamotor stool and stainless stool ting, 4 ty XS No. 10 Catalog Node su capacty | woiatt | stancars Ne No Deseiton wheat Pack am [Ke a0 7 Say Fond Ga eet [as |e i a8 78 Above ws Wea Erato [aie=tie| S28 | oe 7 300 20 Seow Fond Car ries [ seo Te | ves | er i 05 3 afore wD WT Exao[ amore | vase | en 3 190 PIPE / TUBING TOOLS Quick-Acting Tubing Cutters Models 151-156 feature a quickacting design, I-beam construction, hardened wear surfaces, and thrust bearing slide assembles for smoath operation. Thase cuter are availabe in modes for plastic pipe or matali tubing, Models 151 and 152 feature fld- away reamers. Catalog. | Moder su Capacity weiant | standara mea | Cala Mod Description va) ence a erarea_| anes [1 aig Go eae [ate [oo 7 waver [ ates | 8 Gut Aaing Cuter. eaten | ia-aae | ae [on 7 ate) | “1s | Rove witral PRS eae | W-2 [oer | oe 7 weve | 507] es uiking Cor Ese [TW 3 2[ 32-90 [ as i werea [ates [se uiicAcing Cuter ease [eave [ eae | te 7 ates) | Tse | Above wired PRE ease | rig oot | a i CC uk eng Gu Ease | €-06_ [100-7 [ 18 i =e? [158 [Rove wire or Fn ear] +6 [rote] te i * Nominal Plate Pipe Size 33 SSIES Els SSI els RSS elelalelelislelalelelg\a| 82 RERERE SREB ERE EE REFERER RFR Tubing Cutters | © 38 islsls|s lele3| (Original Product) L sl Lele Jcazlos,| Model| sta | slade Nor” “No | Pe |‘ za [eme [1 [oo sues [etz0o| 12 | 102 wera [| 7 Sot HST PRE 9 a0 feztss| [a ae P KL] PE, FPF, 8 Tan Wa 2 rare festse| 1 Pare CE CE EP, P Si ay Wa 8 [ares [ester| 1 ao BCT Pera Hany Wa [ors [evr ls [ae See Tbh 5 [asm [esse| 6 | a0 KCK mE CRC ren & CSE 1B [eas [eaeeo er PEP, PS Ty Wa = [aes 1s IX Stet Aum & Copper 8 [estes [estes | ee xe beth BT [aur Copper aie [es] + [0 ‘ura caso [eee @ | 1a SiH 88 eo [ese [6 ate i VE ABS SW cere eee Wo] tao EIR res Copper weaeo_[Esoora|_1 [a8 Tea eVe ‘ese | uso [72 | 0 ig Malls Ta Ps X Denotes Cuttor Wheel Furnished With Crginal. Denotes Alternate Cutter Who! 191 RIDGID PRESSURE TEST PUMP PIPE / TUBING TOOLS No. 1425 Pressure Test Pump Tests hydraulically for leaks in installations which required o be leak root. Willtesteyetems up to 375 PSI. Especially fr use in heating, compressed air, relrgeration systems, el installations, sprinkler systems and other small Bore pipe installations. Weight Catalog, Mode! i Max al Ho Description pili,» | Connections = LEVER BENDERS u 400 Series, 400 Series Instrument Benders combine accuracy with easy operation ‘Ose cushion grip handles eliminate knuckle cracking when forming 180 bends. ‘A90#etart angle and unique oll-abeorbing shoe minimize bending effort nile forming accurate bends in copper, stael and stainloss stl tubing. en | oxo | Mose Deserpion acy i Steer_| oar | an Tr ma “This product is dual-purpose, being both inch and mote 192 PIPE / TUBING TOOLS RATCHET BENDERS / CONDUIT BENDERS Geared Ratchet Lever-Type Tube Benders These tools, with nigh geared mechanical ratios, bond heawywal tee! Lube (up to 18" wal hekness), stares ste! ube (upto 332" wall theeness), ad hard copper wala tube (ypes K and L)- Benders produce uniform bands yoto 180th ne need to anneal tung or use special tompor grade grade tubing ataiog Radius to conarof Tube Tube 0.0 Wight pa | Cae | Mog a Standard . ia mm a mm Ko a ier | asi z % ea i ae 7 Thin-Wall Conduit Benders Made of easton, these tools have exceptionally smooth sie walls which ip conduit snugly to minimize distortion. Bending grooves conform to Standard Code Radi, Marks inleato 30,452, 60? and 90? bends. b | i \ Cota Model weignt | stanaara wpa | C#alea. | Mod Description andes Ka reese | asais [Seer | Bands 1° (Tamm) Tin Wal condullto #7 (Toomm) nee Radius 14 7 16686 asaaa | enG7= | Bens 1° (TGrm) Thn-Wal and 12" (12mm) Heavy-Wall Congutia | 20 5 5° (127mm) Inside Radius wee | sas] Sara | Bands rm) Tin Wall and 3A Tara Hany Wal ConautTa a 7 6.12" (165mm) Inside Radius Handle not included CONDUIT BENDERS a Heavy-Wall Conduit Benders Designed for the larger sizes of heavy-wal conduit. This bendar has z hardened teeth for sip-resistant arp, Extra-ong supporting socket é minimizes hance breakage. Nota in ads protects condut hres. Catalog Model Capacity Weight Standard A wal e Pack im am @ 5 Bo iz m7 12 i Handle nat included 199 RIDGID PIPE / TUBING TOOLS REAMERS/EXTRACTORS/ TAPS = re Pipe Reamers No. 25 Spiral Ratchet Reamer -Soooding spiral dosign for oxva-ast ts and easy hand roaming No. 2 and 3 Ratchet Reamers -Long taper design will not gin. Suitable for vse wth power dives, No.2 No, 284 Spiral Reame-Holow cen, edvces wight Large pressure Nos.283 Pai, Hardened oy sel sone renovate er sharpening (| cor Individual Reamer Components cataoa. | Model wort | stanaaa ni fd Desergton ans % ae 2 Sala OS; COR Rao] 2 i st is Saco Op 3 i sar A ena Soy FS OO Raa a TT = i Sst 5 Fanart Oo FR Rast Ran 3s i sa z Fama Oy 3 i 0 Ti ais an rN 3S zt i Catalog ocet Capacity wort | stangaa “ne to Deseriton ana a @ aa 2 aaa ae ae 3a i a a Soa Rea ihe sree | et i Pipe Extractors ‘ q RIBGID pipe exracos make easy work of moving broken tveaded ( ‘eee cp, pe pgm ings st Each cpl merd sowing il . fl Size used whan sd erect pig and tinge muse dled 1 reeahe i nracors maiplepe Individual Pipe Extractors wet camo | ower | cameg | pan [Phe Sce | Longmoveat | uso | woo | oy naee | Me | Satee Ret bak a = a ee ts Bee aor at Pipe Extractor Sets Catalog. | Mode! Capacity /Pipe Size sot Weight std no | MS ince Pak m om 3 ae || ae reeer ae aE i ase [ant [asa ea Tes. Tees 2 i safe ft oa terse 3 i 194 PIPE / TUBING TOOLS RIDGID MANUAL PIPE THREADERS Exposed Ratchet Threaders The dia heads loc into ralchot assombly and are removed by pling out atched rob. Enclosed Ratchet Threaders Dio heads snap in rom ether side. Ratchet knob indicates forward and reverse, Exposed Ratchet Threader Sets" No. 00-8, 1-F, 128 wwea | Modelo, [|-——Se#e” _ aetna | sre went Sones [ ae 00 a Se ee ie ae 00 Tor an as} 90280 00 13 eR ance | —oss0 sone fe Tae 608 eR af 008 207 3-Way Pipe Threaders Each model cuts three thread sizes. Each gio sot is locked in place. Drop head Uweadors and thros-way units uso intrchangeabio ces. Capaciy RH High | RH High Speed [Weight IMpA | Model No, a Ta] Pualoy | utatey | "ELE08" | sor Staloss Stool | —Ky wise | o-nasor [a1 a4 | 0-12, 20 | e200 06 00 5 ET] wees [a caser [ie at] 13.20, 26 Leo a 5 a6 (000 + Dependable, trouble-ree performance + Heavy-duty construction + Userfrienely operation + Portability ‘Acomplate line of hand threaders and vera threading machines / power divs forall pipe applications: ‘Threading / Cugrooving /Beveling / Rol grooving ! Clase nipples / Chamiring, Power Drives: Modena] Pipe] Bot RPM Bevel] RalGroove ] Close] CutGroove | Geared] Page lodelNo| capacity | Capacty | No-Load | capaciy | Capacity” | Nigples | “Capactty” | Throador Cap. | _No. 700_| v2 | Tet Teas] 270 | 8-2 | Zig-e 2 300] = Tie Ba ee Bae eee] we Threading Machines =| e-2 | ae = Te-2 Ze Tee 2 [ease] a eee | ea | ae? | 362 Ta 212 Ta Sie ai a 195

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