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The Associate

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No one really knows much about The Associate.

That’s he’s an Aussie and

that he was once with the Corps is certain. Been in near orbit too. But
exactly which and what he did is unclear. Why he left and went freelance
is also unknown. He’s a dab hand at combat and can hold his own with
professional military personal. His research skills are solid, and he
knows his way around all the various cultural hierarchies of the world.
Some say he’s spent time in Asia, maybe Hong Kong or even Singapore. No
one’s really sure. One thing people do know is that he’s one of the few
people eccentric multimillionaire industrialist and techie Gary Ottman
trusts. Now why this is so, no one seems to know for sure. Seems to have
no family or living relatives.

The Associate is a man of few words. A quiet and self-reliant type of

guy. Something of a gentleman too. Good with the ladies. There’s an
underlying toughness as well. But no arrogance or ego.

- The Associate -

Former Company Man ~ Upgraded Skinweave (8 SP), Quickclot Hemofibrinic

Node, Circulatory Sphincters, NanoOptical Upgrade, Adrenal Booster
(Boosts REF by +1 for 1D6+2 Turns, 3x Per Day), Reflex Boost II,
Shukutei Biomed Mentor Cerebral Enhancement (Alpha), Muscle-and-Bone
Lace, Basic Processor, Interface Plugs (Wrist), Vehicle Link, Smartgun
Link. HL: 38.

Special Ability: Research +5.

Intelligence – 7 (8): Anthropology +1, Awareness/Notice +5, Education &

General Knowledge +6, Gamble +3, Hide/Evade +3, Know Language (Spanish)
+8, Know Language (English) +6, Know Language (French) +6, Know Language
(Japanese) +5, Know Language (Cantonese) +5, Know Language (Aussie
Kriol) +3, Know Language (Maori) +3, Know Language (Street Slang) +8,
Library Search +6, Shadow/Track +3, Space Survival +5, System Knowledge

Reflexes - 9 (11): Athletics +5, Dodge & Escape +6, Driving +7, Fencing
+5, Handgun +9, Martial Arts (Judo) +7, Martial Arts (Boxing) +6,
Martial Arts (Jeet Kun Do) +1, Melee +4, Motorcycle +4, Rifle +2,
Stealth +7, Zero-G Manoeuvre +6, Zero-G Combat +2.

Cool - 7: Interrogation +4, Intimidate +4, Oratory +2, Streetwise +5.

Technical Ability - 5: Basic Tech +3, Electronics +4, Electronic

Security +2, First Aid +3, Pick Lock +4, Weaponsmith +2.

Luck – 8.

Attractiveness - 7: Personal Grooming +3, Wardrobe & Style +3.

Movement Allowance - 7.

Empathy – 7 (4): Human Perception +6, Interview +3, Leadership +5,

Perform +2, Persuasion & Fast Talk +8, Seduction +3, Social +3.

Body Type - 8 (10): Swimming +3.

Paired Malorian Arms Heavy Flechette Pistols with Gold and SuperChrome
Inlay (Type: P, WA: +3, Concealability: J, Damage: 1d6+1 (Double AP),
#Shots: 25, ROF: 2, Reliability: VR, Range: 50m, Smartgun Link, Custom
Finish, Quality), Two Custom Concealable Holsters (Gary Ottman, Fast
Draw @ +4 Initiative & -2 To Hit, Shoulder Rigs, Drops Concealability to
‘P’), Silencer (-1 WA, +1 Con, Awareness Roll to Hear), 6 Clips

Kendachi MonoWeapon – Small Sword (Type: FEN, WA: +1, Concealability: L,

Damage: 3d6 - 1/3 Soft Armour & 2/3 Hard Armour & Full Penetrating
Damage, Reliability: VR, Range: 1m).

Kendachi MonoWeapon - Stiletto (Type: MEL, WA: +1, Concealability: P,

Damage: 2d6 - 1/3 Soft Armour & 2/3 Hard Armour & Full Penetrating
Damage, Reliability: VR, Range: 1m).

Midnight Arms Smartgoggle Mirrorshades in Chrome (Thermographic and

Anti-Dazzle), Datatel ‘Treasurer’ DataWatch, Chrome Pocket Watch (‘Watch
Your Fate’ Personal I-Ching & ‘Watch What You Say’ White Noise
Generator), European Fedora, Tanaka Exec Trench Coat (SP 16), Tanaka
Exec Three-Piece Italian Wool Suit in Charcoal Gray, Tanaka Exec Cravat
and Silk Shirt in Ivory White, Kevlar Tee Shirt (SP 10), ICON America
‘Euro-Style’ Doeskin Boots.

Mastoid Commo (True Lies), MiniCell Phone (Voicemail, Digital Recorder,

Video Option, Conference Calling, Split Line, Privacy Plus), Cab Hailer,
WorldSat Communications Newsviewer, Zetatech ‘E-Book’ Microcomp
(Cybernetic Version, +2 Int/Tech Skill Rolls, Tritech Datashielding, Bug
Detector Package, Bug Jammer Package, Techscanner Package, Credit
Transactor Package), Low Impedance Cables, Binoglasses (All Options),
Security Scanner, Passcard, DataTel Image Wallet ($9,923 Eurodollars in
a Facebank), Restricted Tech Permit, Arasaka JetSetter Executive
Briefcase, Travel Kit, Bar-in-a-Briefcase, SKIN (Medic's Can of Regen
Complex 6).

Silver BMW 9018s - Top Speed: 252 mph, Acc/Dec: 27/40, Crew: 1, Range:
300, Passengers: 5, Cargo: 1000 kg, Man: +2 (Cyberlink), SDP: 90, SP:
30, Mass: 3.6 tons, Special: Leather Upholstery, Wet Bar & Snack Case,
Deluxe SegAtari Cybergame System, Quad-Surround Stereo, Multi-Channel
TV/VCR, Car Fax & Phone, Laptop Computer, Limited Microwave Relay Link,
SilentTalk Anti-Surveillance System, Civilian Environment Control,
Civilian Navigation System, Composite Armour, Puncture-Proof Tires,
Bulletproof Glass, Added Top Speed (+20%), Boosted Acceleration (+80%),
Nova Dynamics "Drag" Nitrous Booster (+10 mph Acc / 30 mph Top Speed for
1 turn), Chute, Silent Running (-10 on Awareness Checks to Hear the
Car), Vehicle Colour Change, Oil Slick Generator, Caltrop Thrower, Mine
Layer (Modified) with 10 Mixed Grenades (3 Scatter, 3 Flash-Bang, 2
Spraypaint, and 2 EMP,).

Tsunami Arms Ramjet Rifle (Type: RIF, WA: +4, Concealability: Nil,
Damage: 5d6+3 @ Close / 6d6+1 @ Medium / 7d6 @ Long / 7d6 @ Extreme,
#Shots: 9 {12}, ROF: 3, Reliability: VR, Range: 800m, Integral
Telescopic Laser-Reflex Smartgun Interlock, Bipod, Printless Finish,
Extended Magazine, Caseless Ammo).
Corp Apartment – Elizabeth Bay Gardens, Elizabeth Bay, Corporate Zone.

Cube Apartment - Furnished, Wollongong Sprawl, Backup Pad.

- Local Contacts -

Fixers – Shadow (Mainly Gear and Black Market Weapons), Yoshida-sama and
Sato-san (Yakuza), Mr. Santos Morales Rivas (Mainly Information).

Media & Entertainment - Freeda Loays (Madam), Roxanne Nova (Rocker),

Neon Iczer (Club Manager Rafael J. Rowd of Carpathia).

Fellow Private Eyes - Sam Marlow (Centrotex House). Phillip Bradford

(Former FCC Engineer. Communications Technology Guru. Uses Only Odd and
Exotic Weapons. A mellow and cheerful, yet streetwise, fellow).

Gangs & Nomads - Blood Bear (Fist of Odin Gang Leader), Cheetah (Nomad
Biker Grey Wolf Sanchez), Grave Diggers (Motorcycle Gang).

Specialists – Gary Ottman (Techie), Hawk (Demolitions and Combat Engin-

eering), Tuttle (Military Medic), Lillith (Netrunner Macinta Toshova),
SkullSplitter (Netrunner in Singapore), Karen Whisper (ShoeMaker, Neon
Fever's Old Girlfriend, Aussie Born, Currently in Singapore), Basimba
(Highrider Salver. Always Armed with Paired Techtronica Model 009 Volt
Pistols. Near Orbit), Toby Scannelli (OTV Pilot).

EuroSolos in Oz – Nick Smith (Former American Special Forces Op,

Currently a Rogue Hunter), Tova Kusak (Freelancer with Orbital
Experience), Lee Tin of NASA, Con Papadopolous of ESA, Chanel DeLarn of
Interpol, Haikamura Tanichya of JAB, Ataturk Bey (Matchsticks, Former
Turkish Military Covert Specialist), Mister Terrence Webbs (Matchsticks
Doorman, Former British Secret Service).

Corps - Dominic V. Kola of RATI Holdings (London).

Gary Ottman is a weird one…

His old man was a Fijian from one of the pirate fleets and his mom was
an African-American with the Blood Razors. Both of them brought it,
along with his two older brothers, in a police operation gone sour.

Ottman spent his childhood on the streets. He grew up arrogant, proud

and aloof. He joined the military for a tour of duty and ended up in
Hong Kong. That’s where he met and befriended Shi De Chao, a Shaolin
Warrior Monk from the Shaolin Temple in the Henan Province of China.
They’re still good friends and spend a few weeks together in Hong Kong
every autumn. It was in Hong Kong that Ottman started to acquire his
stock portfolio, and became an adviser to C-Team and Autojoks.

Today old Gary Ottman is a multimillionaire and eccentric techie. He

owns a Harris and Company luxury penthouse atop the Sea Breeze Tower in
Melbourne. In addition to all the mod-cons, he keeps a pair of fully
trained vat-grown cheetahs in the conapt and a helicopter (Bell Spy-Eye
18) ready on the roof pad. He spends every autumn at the Mandarin Hotel
in Hong Kong and escapes the winter cold of Melbourne at the Kona
Village Resort in Hawaii.

Ottman has few close friends and is rarely seen by those within the
corporate world. He’s a HUMBLE addict and smokes a pack of the finest
French cigarettes a day. His preferred drink is Taittinger Champagne. He
thinks that Eggs Benedict are always appropriate.

Ottman usually gets around in gold polaroid aviator shades, an Icon

America Snakeskin Bomber Jacket (no shirt), black kung fu pants and
black slip-on kung fu shoes. If the occasion calls for it, his Social
and chipped Wardrobe & Style combine. In the past this has lead to him
appearing garbed as a Rajput Princeling or a Delhi Sultanate Maharaja.
There’s always something a bit Flash Gordon-ish about these getups.
Ottman always carries them off with aplomb however.

Of average build, Ottman’s skin is a smooth pale golden wash over his
body. Bald as a cue ball. His broad face is dominated by vivid golden
cyberoptics with luminous golden glitter swirling within. His cyberarms
are a deep military green.

 Is a gourmand rather than a gourmet.

 Prefers the ‘real’ life out on the streets to that of the corps.
 Intellectual, but has no formal education.
 Enjoys travelling and is fascinated by India, but has never visited.
 Dark and quirky sense of humour.
 Believes Socrates’ ghost visits him in his dreams.
Special Ability: Jury Rig +9.

Intelligence – 9 (10): Anthropology +6, Awareness/Notice +8, Chemistry

+2, Diagnose Illness +3, Education & General Knowledge +1, Expert
(Martial Arts Movies of Singapore and Hong Kong) +6, Geology +3, History
+2, Know Language (English) +8, Know Language (Cantonese) +3, Know
Language (Fijian) +3, Know Language (Mandarin) +3, Know Language (Street
Slang) +8, Mathematics +9, Physics +5, Programming +6, Stock Market +9,
System Knowledge +6, Teaching +3.

Reflexes – 7 (6): Athletics +3, Martial Arts (Choi Li Fut) +3,

Motorcycle +3, Piloting (Gyro) +1, Submachinegun +2.

Cool - 9: Resist Torture/Drugs +2, Streetwise +5.

Technical Ability - 10: Basic Tech +9, Cyberdeck Design +9, CyberTech
+9, Demolitions +5, Electronics +9, Electronic Security +9, First Aid
+3, Forgery +3, Gyro Tech +5, Photography & Film +3, Pick Lock +3, Video
Manipulation +3, Weaponsmith +6.

Luck – 4.

Attractiveness - 4.

Movement Allowance – 6 (7).

Empathy – 10 (7): Animal Handling +3, Human Perception +5, Leadership

+3, Perform +2, Social +7.

Body Type – 6 (9): Endurance +2, Swimming +2.

Altered Persistence of Vision (N - 450 - D3+1)

An unusual system, allowing you to see the scanning line instead of the
TV picture, the flicker of a cine film rather than be fooled into
thinking that the figures are moving. You can see clouds move, see
things moving that are too slow for normal vision to see. It alters your
view of the world. You no longer see motion blurs when things move fast,
you see the thing move in detail. +1 to perception tests involving very
fast or very slow movement. You can also see subliminal images in TV or
video footage, and so are less effected by them (+5 to resist).
~ Cyberware ~

1 Shot EMP Full Body Shielding, Basic Neural Processor, Encephalon

(Alpha), Boost Master, Speedware (Sandevistan), Tactile Boost,
Cybermodem Link, Vehicle Link, Smartgun Link, Interface Plugs
(Puppethead), Chipware Socket (2), Wet Drive (MU 25), Wetdrive Access

Rebreather (Enhanced Lungs), Speed Grafts, Muscle-and-Bone Lace,

Skinweave with Skinchange, Armour Weave (SP 18), Titanium Bone Lacing
(+2 BTM, +3 Damage, 15kg).

CyberOptics (Paired with Fashion Effect) with Time/Day Display,

Ultraviolet, Image Enhancement, Interferometry System, and Altered
Persistence of Vision.

CyberAudio with Level Damper, Amplified Hearing, Enhanced Hearing Range,

Radio Link, Frequency Changer, Scrambler, and Wide Band Radio Scanner.

Right Cyberarm (Plain Vanilla Tech, SDP 30/40, 2d6 Punch, 4d6 Crush),
Thickened Myomar, Reinforced Joints, Armour (SP 20), Tri-Dart Launcher
(Spaz), Tool Hand, and Techscanner.

Left Cyberarm (Plain Vanilla Tech, SDP 30/40, 2d6 Punch, 4d6 Crush),
Thickened Myomar, Reinforced Joints, Armour (SP 20), Tri-Dart Launcher
(Nap-Time 2020), Medical Modular Cyberhand, and LCD Screen Readout.

HL 58 with Out Patient Therapy. HUMBLE Addict.

~ Chipware ~

Accounting +3, Biology +3, Botany +3, Handgun +3, Heavy Weapons +3,
Rifle +3, Memory Compression (Malayalam +1, Tamil +1, Telugu +1), Memory
Compression (Gujarati +1, Punjabi +1, Rajasthani +1), Business Trip
(India - Language {Hundustani} +1, Culture +1, Wardrobe & Style +1),
Special Operative Chip (India - Language {Hindustani} +1, Expert {Local
Geography} +1, Expert {Local Police Practices} +1).

Navigation/Orientation Chip (Location Accurate within 5m, 3D Fix via

LCD), Major City Map (Contour Map of Hong Kong), Major City Map (Contour
Map of Honolulu), Major City Map (Contour Map of Melbourne), Major City
Map (Contour Map of Singapore), Digi-Tone ID (Used with Cyberaudio to
Recognise Phone Numbers), Speedreading Chip (Reduces Reading Time to One
Third Normal), Stress Chip (Cool +1 for Morale, Empathy +1 for Human
Interactive Skills), "SomaWare" Sleep Chip (Aids Normal Sleep), Space
Chip (Space Survival +2, Highrider Culture +1),
~ Computing ~

Modified Masterpiece Computer (Data Walls: +10, Code Gates: +10,

Intelligence: 3, MU: 100, Simultaneous Progs: 3, Chipslots: 2, Ports: 5,
MIDI Port: 1, Extended Keyboard, Full Cybernetic Control, Full Stereo
Output, VoxBox, Language Processors, Video Board (2’ x 2’), Holovid
Driver, Video Wall (Holographic), 36” Holotank, Colour Printer, Scanner,
Trode Set, Aristocrat Stock Market & Gambling Package, Conapt Management
System, Accounting +8, Anthropology +5, Botany +6, Chemistry +8, History
+8, Mathematics +6, Physics +8, Zoology +5, Backup, Databaser,
ElectroLock, GateMaster, NetMap, Padlock, Re-Rezz, Pit Bull, SeeYa,
Poison Flatline, Viral 15, Dragon, Aardvark, Zombie, Firestarter,
Wolfpack, Doppleganger – Scarecrow.

The various files stored on this system are mostly martial arts vids
(lots), travel docos (a fair few) and various translations of technical

Modified Raven Microcyb Eagle (Speed: +5, Memory: 50 MU, Data Walls:
+10, Fully Portable, Cellular, Voice Print Lock, Melee Blades, SDP 20,
SP 20, SuperChrome) with Worm, Dupre, Clairvoyance, Cascade, GateMaster,
Evil Twin, Black Sky.

Modified Raven Microcyb Owl (Speed: +2, Memory: 40 MU, Data Walls: +6,
Fully Portable, Cellular, Hardwired Invisibility Prog, Chameleon
Coating) with Worm, Dupre, Clairvoyance, Cascade, GateMaster, Evil Twin,
Black Sky.

Zetatech ‘E-Book’ Microcomp (Cybernetic Version, +2 Int/Tech Skill

Rolls, Tritech Datashielding, Bug Detector Package, Bug Jammer Package,
Techscanner Package, Credit Transactor Package).

Tool Kit (Custom, Buchsterhude Gmbh, SuperChrome).

~ Shi De Chao ~

Shi De Chao, a Shaolin Warrior Monk from the Shaolin Temple in the Henan
Province of China, is a worldly martial artist with a wry sense of
humour. Cool, calm and contemplative. He’s a solidly built Chinese gent
with mellow eyes and a huge beard. His rare and expensive Nanotech and
Bioware comes from Gary Ottman, an old friend and student.

Solo ~ Toughened Skin (SP 6, Soft Armour, Can't Be Told From Normal
Skin), UV Resistance, Lifesaver Skinweave, Nanosurgeons, Anti-Plague
Nanotech, Toxin Binders, NanoOptical Upgrade, NanoAuditory Rebuild,
Advanced Muscle-and-Bone Lace, Speed Grafts. HL 9.25 with Out Patient

Special Ability: Combat Sense +5.

Intelligence – 5: Awareness/Notice +6, Body Language +3, Education &

General Knowledge +1, Expert (Chán Yoga) +9, Hide/Evade +3, Know
Language (Cantonese) +8, Know Language (Mandarin) +8, Know Language
(Street Slang) +8, Library Search +2, Shadow/Track +3, Teaching +3.

Reflexes - 10: Archery +7, Athletics +9, Dodge & Escape +7, Fencing +8,
Martial Arts (Choi Li Fut) +10, Martial Arts (Jujitsu) +5, Martial Arts
(Boxing) +5, Melee +6, Stealth +7.

Cool - 10: Meditation +3, Oratory +2, Resist Torture/Drugs +6,

Streetwise +2.

Technical Ability - 3: Basic Tech +1, Weaponsmith +2.

Luck – 10.

Attractiveness – 5: Personal Grooming +2, Wardrobe & Style +3.

Movement Allowance – 10 (12).

Empathy – 7: Human Perception +6, Social +2.

Body Type – 10 (13): Endurance +9, Strength Feat +3, Swimming +3.
~ Thompson ~

Once, long ago, there was a combat cameraman and media jock known to
everyone as simply ‘Thompson’. He served as a correspondent on the
ground during the bloody Second Central American Conflict. It was there
that he developed a liking for heavy weapons and hard-edged stories.
Afterwards he ended up working for Breakthru TV and married a local
girl. While digging up the dirt on the infamous Arasaka Corporation, his
wife died in a car accident. Thompson went to town on Arasaka and gained
some major enemies. He then took on Diverse Media Systems, but things
went bad. He took an incendiary grenade in the face and barely made it
out alive. Then good old DMS CEO Harris Lucas put a price on his head of
$500,000 Eurodollars and sent some faceless killers after him too.

Thompson disappeared. Some say he died and is buried in the concrete

foundations of a downtown building project in Manhattan. Some say he’s
still out there and when the ‘big’ story breaks, he’ll be the one
breaking it.


Matchsticks - This nondescript basement club is small, accommodating
about 70 to 100 people when full. It is decorated in the style of a
“jazz joint” from over a century ago, and features nightly bands. Always
low profile, Matchsticks follows a strict “members only” policy. To
enter, one must be either a member or the guest of one. To become a
member, a candidate must be sponsored by a current Matchsticks member.
The doorman, Mister Terrence Webbs, an imposing presence in tailored
tuxedo, is a rumoured to be a former special ops assassin with a
photographic memory. Matchsticks is located on the old Forest Lodge
Hotel site, Arundel St, Forest Lodge. The place is managed, and some say
covertly owned, by Rafael J. Rowd of Carpathia (Neon Iczer). Notable for
his translucent neon blue cyberoptics and Bauhaus suits. Security is in
the hands of Ataturk Bey.

The Night City - As with most modern cities, Sydney has an underground
labyrinth of used and disused tunnels. Here one can find the current
subway systems, multiple pedestrian ways, subterranean shopping malls,
loading docks, cargo storage halls, underground car parks, fire
department training areas, industrial storage areas, academic library
archives, secure government offices, secluded corporate facilities,
countless service conduits (electricity, gas, water, telephone), various
sewers – old and new, massive storm water drains, old cisterns,
forgotten colonial sites and smuggling runs, the long abandoned workings
of the Sydney Harbour Colliery, never realised tramways, mothballed
railway links, abandoned road tunnels, crumbling crypts, old military
bunkers and defence tunnels, bomb shelters from the Cold War, hidden
basements, concealed survivalist caches, and the like. This secluded,
mysterious, and subtly interlinked underground maze beneath the streets
of Sydney forms its own small world and is known colloquially as the
Night City. It extends in all directions and runs for miles, thus
forming a 3D network of vast and complex scale. It is the providence of
drifters, gangbangers, smugglers, organised crime, shadow clinics, and
even the occasional police presence.
Rafael J. Rowd of Carpathia (Neon Iczer), lean and lithe, notable for
his translucent neon blue cyberoptics and Bauhaus suits. Possessed of a
dark and dry sense of humour. He’s suave, charismatic and urbane -
reminiscent of Sean Connery as 007.

Cyber ~ Light Tattoo (Mounted Samurai, Right Shoulder), Basic Processor,

Speedware (Sandevistan), Pain Editor, Cybermodem Link, Vehicle Link,
Smartgun Link, Interface Plugs (Frankenstein), Chipware Socket, Wet
Drive (MU 10), Wetdrive Access Link, Tailored Pheromones (Gullible),
Grafted Muscle, BodyScultping (Appearance Change {Top of the Line, A/N
30+ to Spot the Sculpt}, Increased Attractiveness), Lifesaver Skinweave,
Right Cyberoptic (Anti-Dazzle, Infrared, Low Lite, Targeting Scope),
Left Cyberoptic (Anti-Dazzle, Low Lite, Digital Camera, Time/Day
Display), Cyberaudio (Level Damper, Radio Link, Frequency Changer,
Scrambler, Wide Band Radio Scanner, Sound Editing, Digital Recording
Link), HUMBLE Addict. HL: 48.

Stress Chip (Cool +1 for Morale, Empathy +1 for Human Interactive

Skills), Special Operative Chip (Hungary - Language {Hungarian} +1,
Expert {Local Geography} +1, Expert {Local Police Practices} +1),
Special Operative Chip (Poland - Language {Polish} +1, Expert {Local
Geography} +1, Expert {Local Police Practices} +1), Special Operative
Chip (Russia - Language {Russian} +1, Expert {Local Geography} +1,
Expert {Local Police Practices} +1), Bulgarian +3, Czech +3, Greek +3,
Provencal +3, Romanian +3, Turkish +3.

Special Ability: Credibility +8.

Intelligence – 8: Awareness/Notice +6, Composition +7, Education &

General Knowledge +3, Gamble +2, Know Language (English) +8, Know
Language (Canadian French) +5, Know Language (Mexican Spanish) +5, Know
Language (Comanche) +3, Know Language (Cherokee) +3, Know Language
(Japanese) +2, Know Language (Korean) +2, Know Language (Street Slang)
+8, Library Search +4, System Knowledge +2, Wilderness Survival +1.

Reflexes – 8: Athletics +6, Dodge & Escape +3, Heavy Weapons +2, Martial
Arts (Aikido) +2, Rifle +6, Stealth +3.

Cool - 7: Intimidate +5, Oratory +2, Rhetoric +2, Streetwise +2.

Technical Ability - 6: Basic Tech +2, Photography & Film +9.

Luck – 6.

Attractiveness – 10: Personal Grooming +3, Wardrobe & Style +3.

Movement Allowance - 8.

Empathy – 6 (4): Human Perception +3, Interview +9, Leadership +3,

Perform +2, Persuasion & Fast Talk +3, Social +3.

Body Type – 8 (10).

Militech Urban Missile Launcher (Smart Chipped) with 12 Anti-Armour
Micro-Missiles, Torso Rig, Interface Cables, Airfoil Frag Grenade,
Airfoil Incendiary Grenade, Airfoil Scatter Grenade, H&K P9S (Loaded).

Bauhaus Suit, Light Gold Neck Chain with Katana Sword Pendent (Wrought
Platinum with Ruby Hilt Cap), Gold Swiss Geneva Watch, Heavy Gold Wrist
Chain, Heavy Gold Ring.

Black Oxidised Ronson Lighter, Black Gun-Metal Cigarette Case (Holds 50

Custom French & Turkish Tobacco Blend Cigarettes), Silvery Hip-Flask
with Jack Daniels.

Mastoid Commo (True Lies), Cell Phone (Privacy Plus), Pocket Computer.

$4,485 Eurodollars in a Facebank.

Metallic Pearl Grey Takaya Daimyo - Top Speed: 150 mph, Acc/Dec: 15/40,
Crew: 1, Range: 300, Passengers: 3, Cargo: 500 kg, Man: +3 (Cyberlink),
SDP: 40, SP: 8, Mass: 1.6 tons, Special: Cellular Phone, Crash-Control
System, Entertainment System, Simple Security System, Autopilot and
Civilian Nav Systems, Radar Detector, Convertible Roof (SP 12 Kevlar
Fabric), Puncture-Proof Tires.

In the glove box is an APTR Chip (Driving +3) and an old hardcover book,
Following the Equator by Mark Twain. Used as a bookmark is a photo
showing three happy people in a typical TexMex bar. A lean and wiry man
young man with short wavy dark hair and an open face, is standing beside
a beautiful Latino woman with rippling waist-length hair. Off to the
left a little ways is a short and stocky Mexican gent with a thick
downward curving moustache and wavy hair. He’s toasting the couple with
a mug of foaming black velvet. Written on the back in green felt-tip pen
is the following statement in Spanish. “Thompson and Rogue. First
Meeting. Bedford Blues & Music Festival - 2013. Happy Days. Mr. Santos
Morales Rivas at Left”.

In the boot is an old Breakthru TV MultiFormat NewsCam in a scruffy

olive green army duffel bag from the Second Central American Conflict.
The Team is a rough group of Street and Speed Samurai who currently call
Sydney home. They all grew up on the mean streets of the urban sprawl of
London. Their Combat Zone families were either abusive or drug addicted,
usually both. Life was hard on the streets, but the kids formed a kind
of family for each other. As young teenagers they drifted from
shoplifting into more serious crimes and ended up doing various
stretches in prison.

In England in the 2020s, prisons have been outsourced by the government

to various private concerns. There is the occasional horror story in the
press of prisoners being used for various experiential purposes, but the
media turns a blind eye to the situation on the whole. After all, the
corporations that run the prisons, also run the media.

In their late teens they pulled a handful of successful jobs for RATI
Holdings. They even ended up in orbit once. Trained by Basimba, they
pulled a job that got them into the bad books with NAC (No-Ahme
Caldwell). Calling in all their favours with RATI Holdings, they managed
to reach Sydney alive and are currently keeping a low profile.

Each has a rap sheet a mile long. Buying, Receiving & Possession of
Stolen Goods; Disorderly Conduct; Illegal Netrunning (Black Dragon,
Tiny, Street Ghost); Larceny; Liquor Laws; Obstruction of Justice;
Traffic Offences; Auto Theft; Burglary; Fraud; Group Voyeurism; Low
Impact Bloodsports; Prostitution and Non-Commercialised Vice; Weapons
Offences; Assault; Pitfights; Robbery; Aggravated Assault.

Elements and characters from Stone (1974), The Man with Bogart's Face
(1980), Outland (1981), Max Headroom (1985 & 1987), Cyborg (1989), Sons
of Steel (1989), Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991), The Trauma 2020 Books
(Peter Beere - Urban Prey, The Crucifiction Squad, Silent Slaughter) and
The Long Orbit (A Novel By Mick Farren) form something of a back story
to the campaign.

The game modules Night City Stories (London), Child’s Play (London and
Near Orbit), Maria Mercurial (London and Sydney), Dream Chipper
(Sydney), In The Musical Vein (Sydney) and When The Chips Are Down
(Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore) are also key ingredients.

In 2020, Sydney has a thriving Little Tokyo, occupying the suburbs of

Manly and Queenscliff. Nomads, biker gangs and boosters haunt the
shadows and wander the outer suburbs. The Blue Mountains are a wild and
dangerous place. The Brain Lightning plague of 2015 is now a fading
memory of horror and chaos. Media and Orbital Corps are rapidly
expanding, their power and their influence easily outstrips that of the

Yoshida-sama currently serves as the administrator of Sydney’s smuggling

trade with South-East Asia and was the principal founder of the ‘Black
Port’, the illegal Hawkesbury River sea and air port controlled by the
Born in London, Black Dragon is a man of Caribbean African and Japanese
heritage, with ebony skin tones and oriental features. A exquisitely
rendered light tattoo of a dragon in shimmering pearlescent ivory and
silver rides over his back. Its open mouth gapes behind the right ear,
while the body writhes its way down his back with sweeping wings
covering both shoulder-blades and a wickedly spiked tail following the
line of his spine. When on a run, Black Dragon uses mirrored contacts
and always wields his trademark ebony and ivory walking stick.

Black Dragon is part merc, part showmen and part mystic. He creates in
others a belief in magic and the occult. He’s very much cast in the
mould of Aleister Crowley. Some say he’s mad. A few say he’s a living
zombie in the thrall of Baron Samedi.

Dominic V. Kola of RATI Holdings owes you for saving his life in a Corp
War. You can call on his help once, and this clears your personal debt.
In monetary terms, Dominic’s help has a rough limit of $50,000
Eurodollars. But friends are better than money, more useful too.

Cyber ~ Light Tattoo (Custom), Basic Processor, Speedware (Sandevistan),

Pain Editor, Chipware Socket, Nasal Filters, Left Cyberarm (Orbital
Japanese Hi-Tech, SDP 50/75, 1d6 Punch, 2d6 Crush, Real Skin Weave {SP
12}, Storage Space (Concealed & Lockable 2” x 6” Holdout), Grenade
Launcher {2 Scatter Grenades}, Micro-Missile Launcher {4 Standard Micro-
Missiles}, Gas Jet {6 Shots of Blue Glass with a 2m Range}, Whip {Slash
for 1d6/2 or Strangle for 1d6 or Grapple, 2.2m Alloy Tentacle}, Standard
Hand with DIGITS Cyberfingers, Dartgun {NeoCorticine}, Lockpick, Finger
Bomb, Mini Light, Flasher). HL: 33.

Special Ability: Charismatic Leadership +3.

Intelligence – 8: Awareness/Notice +3, Education & General Knowledge +2,

Expert (Theology) +3, Expert (Occult) +5, Know Language (English) +8,
Know Language (French) +3, Know Language (Japanese) +3, Know Language
(Rasta-Patois) +3, Know Language (Welsh) +1, Know Language (Street
Slang) +8, Library Search +2, Psychology +3, Space Survival +3, Stage
Magic +3, Teaching +3.

Reflexes - 6: Brawling +2, Melee +2, Pilot OTV +1, Sleight of Hand +2,
Zero-G Manoeuvre +3.

Cool - 8: Intimidate +6, Oratory +6, Streetwise +2.

Technical Ability - 6: Basic Tech +3, Spacecraft Tech +1.

Luck – 6: Tarot Lore +3.

Attractiveness - 6: Personal Grooming +1, Wardrobe & Style +1.

Movement Allowance - 6.

Empathy – 8 (5): Human Perception +3, Leadership +3, Perform +6,

Persuasion & Fast Talk +5.

Body Type - 6: Endurance +1.

Chips ~ Adrenaline/Endorphin Surge Chip (Ignore Pain & Exhaustion up to
48hrs, +1 BOD 3 times in 24hrs), Expert (Communications) +3, Expert (Pop
Culture) +3, Driving +3, Motorcycle +3, Submachinegun +3, CyberTech +3,
Memory Compression (Pilot OTV +1, Pilot Spaceplane/Shuttle +1, Pilot
Remote +1).

H&K MP-2013 SMG (Type: SMG, WA: +1, Concealability: J, Damage: 2d6+3,
#Shots: 35, ROF: 32, Reliability: ST, Range: 150m, Matte Black Compound
Plastic Frame, Integral Silencer), Shoulder Holster, 2 Clips (Standard

Militech Air Taser (Type: P, WA: 0, Concealability: J, Damage: Stun –1

2d6 Minutes, #Shots: 12, ROF: 1, Reliability: ST, Range: 15m), Belt
Slide Holster. Used as a contact or short distance weapon, the air taser
uses 'T-waves', a type of ultrasonic wave, to attack the nervous system,
causing the victim to 'short-circuit' and render them temporarily

Combat Knife (Type: MEL, WA: +1, Concealability: J, Damage: 1d6+3 - 1/2
Soft Armour, & Full Penetrating damage, Reliability: VR, Range: 1m, Can
Be Thrown, Matte black).

White Mirrored Contacts, Gibson Battlegear Long Military Style Jacket in

Olive Drab (SP 16), Saint Michael’s ‘Court Vizier’ Tunic in Purple and
Grey, Orbital Watch, Saint Michael’s Leather Dress Gloves in Charcoal
Gray, Saint Michael’s Wool Blend Trousers in Charcoal Grey, Saint
Michael’s Leather Dress Boots in Charcoal Grey, Ebony Walking Stick with
Carved Ivory Dragon Headpiece with a Black Opal in the Savage Jaws (SDP
20, SP 20, Air Hypo, 1 Dose of Prime, 1 Dose of Timewarp, 1 Dose of
Berserker), Thoth Tarot Deck.

Mastoid Commo (True Lies), MiniCell Phone (Privacy Plus).

Pearl Grey Ashigaru (Manual and Cybernetic Controls).

Albino Iguana – Intelligence 1, Reflexes 7, Cool 5, Move Allowance 6,

Body 5, Empathy 7, Awareness 8, Animal Sense Bonus 5, Melee 3, Damage
1d6-2, Stealth +7, Loyalty +6, Identify +3, Tracking +3, Vat-Grown,
Bioware (Muscle-&-Bone Lace, Grafted Muscle, Skinweave {SP 12}).

Black Dragon found (read ‘stole after killing the original NAC Corp
owner’) and adopted this ‘pet’ during his brief run on the High

Pearl Grey Toyo-Chevrolet '17 Chevy, Pocket TV, Pocket Computer, Geotech
Enviroscanner, Spray Skin, Slap Patch (Stim), Slap Patch (Trauma 1),
Brown Study (8 Doses), Folding Pocket Optical Binoculars, Swiss Army
Knife, Duct Tape, Maglite, Swiss Army Chronograph, Microtools, Combo
Flash, Drink Bottle, Grip Slippers, 1 Goop Ball, Skinsuit with Short
Range Communications, Nylon Carrybag.

$7,136 Eurodollars in a Facebank.

The Infamous Nottingham Yeti (Tiny) is a burly, ruddy and red haired
Scot with bristling mutton chop sideburns. Bull-necked with full,
rounded ears and dense freckles. He is an expert brawler and knife
fighter. He has some weird experimental netrunner cyberwear, from a
failed prison re-education scheme. His main cyber mods run to gun and
vehicle controls. He tends to wear corporate suits (Capitol Range), but
dumps the jacket and adds a long deep brown leather duster. He favours
loud and lurid ties too. He has a caffeine stick habit and a
predilection for jazz.

Cyber ~ Basic Processor, Speedware (Sandevistan), Interface Plugs

(Wrist), Vehicle Link, Smartgun Link, Grafted Muscle, Muscle-and-Bone
Lace, SuperChrome Right Cyberoptic (Anti-Dazzle, Low Lite, Targeting
Scope, Times Square Marquee, Time/Day Display), SuperChrome Left
Cyberoptic (Anti-Dazzle, Low Lite, Tele-Optics, Micro-Optics), Netware
Package (Interface Plugs {Plug Head}, CyberModem Link, Wet Drive {20
MU}, Wet Drive Access Link, Internal and Hardwired ROM Construct / Human
AI {Jim Cassidy @ Mockery's Cyberpunk 2020}). HL: 39.

Special Ability: Combat Sense +3.

Intelligence – 6: Awareness/Notice +3, Education & General Knowledge +1,

Expert (Occult) +2, Hide/Evade +3, Know Language (English) +8, Know
Language (Scottish Gaelic) +3, Know Language (Old Norse) +1, Know
Language (Street Slang) +8, Library Search +3, Shadow/Track +3, Space
Survival +2, System Knowledge +3.

Reflexes - 10: Athletics +3, Brawling +3, EVA +3, Driving +3, Handgun
+6, Martial Arts (Boxing) +3, Martial Arts (Wrestling) +2, Melee +5,
Motorcycle +4, Pilot Gyro +2, Pilot Fixed Wing +1, Rifle +3,
Submachinegun +4, Stealth +2, Zero-G Manoeuvre +3.

Cool - 6: Intimidate +5, Streetwise +3.

Technical Ability - 6: Basic Tech +1.

Luck – 6.

Attractiveness – 6: Personal Grooming +2, Wardrobe & Style +3.

Movement Allowance - 6.

Empathy – 6 (3): Human Perception +2, Persuasion & Fast Talk +3,
Seduction +2.

Body Type – 8 (12): Endurance +2.

Colt AMT Model 2000 Smartgun with Shoulder Rig and 3 Clips (Standard
Ammo), Interface Cables, Militech Air Taser, Combat Knife, Long Deep
Brown Synthi-Leather Duster (SP 10), Corporate Suit (Capitol Range) with
Lurid Tie, Pack of Caffeine Sticks, Wombat Inc Cellular Phone,
SuperChrome and Blood Red Mitszuzuki Ashigaru (Manual and Cybernetic
Controls), $8,748 Eurodollars in a Facebank.
With his heritage extending back to Continental England, The Ripper has
a certain offbeat sense of Euro style. He’s a tall and lightly muscled
man with pale skin tones, aristocratic features and a short mane of
honey blond hair. His hazel eyes are narrow and watchful. His hands are
dexterous, yet callused, from years of combat training. His cyberwear
combines speedware and advanced adrenal systems. He’s claims to be a
master of Wing Chun. The Ripper gets about in an eclectic mix of cammo
gear and urban flash.

Knows and respects Saul Desgarde. They once pulled a job together in NZ.

Cyber ~ Basic Processor, Boost Master, Speedware (Sandevistan),

Olfactory Boost, Interface Plugs (Wrist), Vehicle Link, Smartgun Link,
Shukutei Biomed Kickstart Adrenal Maximizer (Gain +2 to Reflexes for 2D6
turns twice a day), Gyro-Stabillizer, Electromagnetic Field Detector,
UltraPlastic Bone Lacing (+1 BTM, +3 Damage, 15kg), Muscle Augmentation
(Level 2), Dermal Carapace (SP 20 Against Kinetic Impacts). HL: 31.

Special Ability: Combat Sense +3.

Intelligence – 6: Awareness/Notice +3, Education & General Knowledge +1,

Hide/Evade +3, Know Language (English) +8, Know Language (Breton) +3,
Know Language (French) +1, Know Language (Street Slang) +8, Nuscuba +3,
Shadow/Track +3, Space Survival +2, Underwater Survival +3.

Reflexes – 10: Athletics +2, Brawling +2, Dance +3, Dodge & Escape +2,
EVA +3, Handgun +6, Martial Arts (Arasaka-Te) +6, Melee +5, Motorcycle
+4, Pilot Hardshell/EVPA Suit +3, Submachinegun +3, Stealth +2,
Underwater Combat +3, Underwater Weapons +3, Zero-G Manoeuvre +3.

Cool - 6: Intimidate +5, Resist Torture/Drugs +2, Streetwise +3.

Technical Ability - 6: Basic Tech +1.

Luck – 6.

Attractiveness – 6: Personal Grooming +2, Wardrobe & Style +3.

Movement Allowance – 6 (7).

Empathy – 6 (3): Human Perception +2, Persuasion & Fast Talk +3,
Seduction +2, Perform +3.

Body Type – 8 (10): Endurance +2, Swimming +3.

Sternmeyer Type 35 Smartgun with Shoulder Rig and 3 Clips (Standard

Ammo), Ingram Smartgun SMG with Back Rig and 3 Clips (Standard Ammo),
Interface Cables, Combat Knife, Light Nylar Coat (SP 12) with Nu-Tek
Video System (Various Max Headroom Clips), Shirt with Optional Sleeves
(Detachable via Zippers)(SP 12), Synthi-Leather Gloves (SP 10), Eji of
Japan Designer Jeans, Ruf Tread Boots (SP 20), Wombat Inc Cellular
Phone, Black Mitszuzuki Ashigaru (Manual and Cybernetic Controls),
$3,233 Eurodollars in a Facebank.
Nightwraith is the typical old English iron sergeant. In addition to
experience on the streets and in prison, he’s pulled a handful of
mercenary ops in Africa and the Middle East. He’s lean and tight with a
thick downward curving moustache. He looks something like the
stereotypical Mexican bandit.

Cyber ~ Adrenal Booster (Boosts REF by +1 for 1D6+2 Turns, 3x Per Day),
Muscle-and-Bone Lace, Skinweave (SP 12), Lifesaver Skinweave, Softly
Glowing Violet CyberOptic (Right Eye, Anti-Dazzle, Thermographic, Low
Lite, Targeting Scope), Softly Glowing Violet CyberOptic (Left Eye,
Anti-Dazzle, Thermographic, Low Lite, Times Square Marquee, Time/Day
Display), Cyberaudio (Level Damper, Amplified Hearing, Radio Link,
Frequency Changer, Scrambler, Wide Band Radio Scanner). HL: 35.

A shady contact, Mr. Santos Morales Rivas, owes you for helping him out
with some dire police problems. You may use him for inside information,
at a level of Streetwise +2, on any police or organised crime situation.

Special Ability: Combat Sense +3.

Intelligence – 6: Awareness/Notice +3, Education & General Knowledge +2,

Expert (Military History) +3, Know Language (English) +8, Know Language
(Welsh) +3, Know Language (French) +1, Know Language (Street Slang) +8,
Space Survival +3.

Reflexes - 8: Brawling +3, Driving +5, EVA +2, Handgun +4, Heavy Weapons
+5, Martial Arts (Judo) +3, Melee +3, Operate Heavy Machinery +3,
Motorcycle +4, Pilot Gyro +3, Pilot Vectored Thrust +3, Rifle +3, Zero-G
Manoeuvre +3.

Cool - 8: Intimidate +3, Streetwise +3.

Technical Ability - 6: Basic Tech +3, CyberTech +3, Weaponsmith +3.

Luck – 6.

Attractiveness - 6.

Movement Allowance - 6.

Empathy – 6 (3): Human Perception +1, Leadership +1.

Body Type – 8 (10): Endurance +3.

Militech Crusher SSG (Type: SHT, WA: -1/-3, Concealability: J, Damage:
3d6/1d6+2, #Shots: 6, ROF: 2, Reliability: ST, Range: 12m/25m, Matte
Black Finish), Shoulder Holster, 36 Shells (Standard Ammo).

Militech Air Taser (Type: P, WA: 0, Concealability: J, Damage: Stun –1

2d6 Minutes, #Shots: 12, ROF: 1, Reliability: ST, Range: 15m), Shoulder
Holster. Used as a contact or short distance weapon, the air taser uses
'T-waves', a type of ultrasonic wave, to attack the nervous system,
causing the victim to 'short-circuit' and render them temporarily

Militech MP Shotgun in 12 Gauge (Type: SHT, WA: 0/-1, Concealability:

N/L, Damage: 4d6, #Shots: 8, ROF: 2, Reliability: ST, Range: 50m,
Folding Stock, Matte Black Finish), Back Rig, 36 Shells (Standard Ammo).

Combat Knife (Type: MEL, WA: +1, Concealability: J, Damage: 1d6+3 - 1/2
Soft Armour, & Full Penetrating damage, Reliability: VR, Range: 1m, Can
Be Thrown, Matte black).

Saint Michael’s Buff Brown Leather ‘Gunfighter’ Hat, Mirror Shades,

Ribbed and Reinforced Military Armour Jacket (SP 18), Smallwood’s White
Cotton T-Shirt, Saint Michael’s Buff Brown Leather ‘Gun’ Belt,
Smallwood’s Acid Wash Denim Jeans, Saint Michael’s Buff Brown ‘Cowboy’

Mastoid Commo (True Lies), Cell Phone (Privacy Plus), Pocket Computer.

Metallic Green Mitszuzuki Ashigaru (Manual and Cybernetic Controls).

Old Army Urban Transport Van - Battered and Covered with Various Gang
Panels (Spinelli Autotech Nomad with Fibreglass Canopy). Militech
Crusher SSG with 12 Shells (Under Drivers Seat), Militech MP Shotgun in
12 Gauge with 12 Shells (Stashed Under Dashboard), Militech Arms RP
Grenade Launcher with 6 RPGs (Stashed Behind Drivers Seat), Militech
Ronin Light Assault Rifle with 2 Clips (Stashed Behind Passenger Seat).

Sleeping Bag, Sleep Pad, Various Cushions, Hammock, Hiker's Chair,

Travel Kit, 10 Sets of Disposable PJs, Shower-in-a-Can (7), Military
Meals Ready-to-Eat (12), Biotechnica Nutrisupplement (10), Bottle of
Vodka, Bottle of Tequila, Basic Medical Kit, Spray Skin, Skin Foam (+2
First Aid, 10 Doses), Tissue Glue (+3 First Aid), Flask of Bandage, Bone
Glue (Heals 1/2 Damage Taken To Limb).

In the back is a locked and armoured carbonfibre trunk (SP 35, Diff +25
Lock System). It holds a Militech air taser, 6 scatter grenades, 5 pilot
skinsuits with short range communications (two are in OTV pilot
colours), 2 Gibson Battlegear sneak suits, a cutting torch, 3 cutting
torch fuel slugs, powerdriver, vac-solderer, mini-vac, microtools, combo
flash, technical scanner, sniffer, pressure alarm, 4 drink bottles, a
lap pad and a large bundle of computer printouts tied with cloth library
tape and labelled ‘Gegenbauer’.

$3,280 Eurodollars in a Facebank

A rough and tumble dog of the London streets, Street Ghost is an
excessively hairy and squat fellow. His dark and liquid granite-stone
grey eyes are deepset under massive brow ridges. His hair is close
cropped and of a rich earthy red hue, while his bristly beard is deeper
hued and braided into several short ropes. His bronzed hide is covered
in swirling Celtic tattoos. Street Ghost’s voice is deep and brutal.
Basically a brawling, table smashing, bench thumping sort. He does have
some rudimentary netrunning skills, however. He always gets around in
jeans and jacket with paramilitary boots, belt and kevlar tee shirts.

Cyber ~ Basic Processor, Speedware (Sandevistan), Interface Plugs

(Wrist), Vehicle Link, Smartgun Link, Cybermodem Link, Independent Air
Supply, Upgraded Skinweave (SP 10), Gradiated Subdermal Torso Armour (SP
14), Subdermal Skull Armour (SP 8), Kiroshi OptiShields (SP 8, Irritant
Eye Protection, Anti-Dazzle, Low Lite, Infrared, Time/Day Display). HL:

Special Ability: Combat Sense +3.

Intelligence – 6: Awareness/Notice +3, Dodge & Escape +3, Education &

General Knowledge +1, Expert (Computer Design) +3, Hide/Evade +3, Know
Language (English) +8, Know Language (Irish Gaelic) +3, Know Language
(Urdu) +1, Know Language (Street Slang) +8, Programming +3, Shadow/Track
+3, Space Survival +2, System Knowledge +4.

Reflexes - 10: Brawling +3, EVA +3, Handgun +6, Martial Arts (Boxing)
+3, Martial Arts (Judo) +3, Melee +5, Motorcycle +4, Submachinegun +3,
Stealth +2, Zero-G Manoeuvre +3.

Cool - 6: Intimidate +5, Resist Torture/Drugs +3, Streetwise +3.

Technical Ability - 6: Basic Tech +1, Cyberdeck Design +2.

Luck – 6.

Attractiveness – 6: Personal Grooming +2, Wardrobe & Style +3.

Movement Allowance - 6.

Empathy – 6 (4): Human Perception +2, Persuasion & Fast Talk +3,
Seduction +2.

Body Type – 8: Endurance +2.

Sternmeyer Type 35 Smartgun with Shoulder Rig and 3 Clips (Standard

Ammo), Militech Black Widow Fletchette Pistol (Loaded and Smart
Chipped), Interface Cables, Combat Knife, Gibson Battlegear Black
Synthi-Leather Jacket (SP 16), Gibson Battlegear Armoured Black T-Shirt
(SP 8), Gibson Battlegear Armoured Blue Denim Jeans (SP 16), Army
Surplus Belt and Boots, Wombat Inc Cellular Phone, Silver Mitszuzuki
Ashigaru (Manual and Cybernetic Controls).
Aztec 600 Assault Programmer Cybermodem (+2, 25 MU, DW +5, 6 Ports,
Mega-City, Jackhammer, Firestorm, SeeYa, Hidden Virtue, Viral 15,
Invisibility, Shield, Killer VI, Knockout, Databaser), External Memory
Module (Manticore, Genie, Dee-2, Crystal Ball, Phone Home, Re-Rezz,
GateMaster., NetMap), External Memory Module (Dragon).

Used Recreational Vehicle in Factory Silver (New American Motors

Nautilus Mini Road-Home with Civilian Navigation System and Mini-Comp).

APTR Chip (Driving +3) in the Glove Box.

Advanced Commo Suitcase with short wave Capability (SeeYa, Hidden

Virtue, Invisibility, Shield, Databaser), External Memory Module
(Jackhammer, Firestorm, SeeYa, Hidden Virtue, Viral 15), External Memory
Module (Shield, Killer VI, Knockout), External Memory Module (Manticore,
Genie, Dee-2, Crystal Ball, Phone Home, Re-Rezz, GateMaster, NetMap).

Woodland Camouflage Canadian Military Field Jacket (SP 16), Khaki Big
Ben Thermal Fatigues, Uniware Torso Armour (SP 10), Uniware Legpads (SP
10), Danner ‘Warrior’ Combat Boots.

Sunglasses (Serengeti Vermillions), Woodland Camouflage Tee Shirt, Black

BDU Belt, Khaki Field Shorts, Rope Sandals, White and Green Striped

Grizzly Field Pack in Tundra Camouflage, Canadian Military Shovel,

Rugged Army Issue Flashlight, Canadian Army Issue First Aid Kit,
Canadian Army Issue Wilderness Survival Pack, Canadian Army Issue
Sleeping Bag and Foam Sleeping Pad, 12 MREs (Meals Ready to Eat,
Official Military Rations, 10 Year Shelf Life), Aluminium Canteen with
Cover and Carrying Case, Bottle of Bulleit Bourbon.

3 Goop Balls, Slap Patch, Powerdriver, Vac-Solderer, Mini-Vac,

Microtools, Combo Flash, Technical Scanner, Sniffer, Pressure Alarm,
Drink Bottle.

$2,044 Eurodollars in a Facebank

Blaze (Hannibal Reichman) lives for speed. Jacked up beyond human
capacity, plugged into everything he owns, and made to be faster than
humans can be, Blaze lives life in permanent fast forward. He is a
craggy ruffian just under six feet tall, with wavy shoulder-length honey
blonde hair, narrow and watchful blue-grey eyes, and a light beard. He
dresses in bikers leathers, enjoys firearms, dabbles in speed metal and
talks so fast he could easily read off the first half of War and Peace
in a little under a minute.

Blaze has been befriended by the Grave Diggers motorcycle gang. He can
call upon them for one favour a month. This is equivalent to a Family
Special Ability of +2.

Fender’s Crew, a local Boostergang likes Blaze, who knows why (or
cares)?. He can call on them for one favour a month, equivalent to a
Family Special Ability of +2 (but don’t push it!).

Cyber ~ Basic Processor, Boost Master, Kerenzikov Boosterware II,

Universal Link, Interface Plugs (Wrist), Skinweave (SP 12), Genetek
"TuffBone" Skeletal Enhancement (Alpha). HL: 17.

Special Ability: Combat Sense +3.

Intelligence – 6: Awareness/Notice +3, Education & General Knowledge +1,

Hide/Evade +3, Know Language (English) +8, Know Language (Irish Gaelic)
+3, Know Language (French) +1, Know Language (Street Slang) +8,
Shadow/Track +3, Space Survival +2.

Reflexes - 10: Athletics +3, Brawling +3, Dodge & Escape +3, EVA +3,
Handgun +6, Martial Arts (Boxing) +3, Melee +5, Motorcycle +6,
Submachinegun +3, Stealth +3, Zero-G Manoeuvre +3.

Cool - 6: Intimidate +5, Resist Torture/Drugs +2, Streetwise +5.

Technical Ability - 6: Basic Tech +2.

Luck – 6.

Attractiveness – 6: Personal Grooming +2, Wardrobe & Style +3.

Movement Allowance - 6.

Empathy – 6 (5): Human Perception +2, Persuasion & Fast Talk +3,
Seduction +2.

Body Type – 8 (9): Endurance +2, Strength Feat +3, Swimming +3.
Sternmeyer Type 35 Smartgun with Shoulder Rig and 3 Clips (Standard
Ammo), Beretta M-24 SMG (Smart Chipped) with Back Rig and 3 Clips
(Standard Ammo), Interface Cables, Combat Knife.

Prussian Spiked Helmet (SP 16), Midnight Arms Smartgoggle Mirrorshades

in Black and Gold (Anti-Dazzle and Low Lite), Synthi-Leather Jacket (SP
10), Military Torso Armour (SP 16), Motocross Belly Armour (SP 6), Black
Tee Shirt, Spiked Hand Gauntlets (SP 6), Synthi-Leather Gloves (SP 6),
Ballistic Mesh Leggings (SP 16), Black Army Surplus Pants, Biker Boots
(SP 20), Pack of Rough Rider Cigarettes, Special Forces Lighter, Wombat
Inc Cellular Phone.

Black and Gold Harley-Davidson Thundergod (Manual and Cybernetic

Controls, Puncture Proof Tires, Bulletproof Glass {Windshield}, Civilian
Navigation System, Mini-Comp).

Synthi-Leather Saddle Bags (SP 10), Fed Arms "Super Chief" (Loaded),
Arasaka "Blackjack" Stealth Armour (SP 16, Whole Body, +3 Stealth, -4
Awareness-&-Notice), Striptape Binders (12), Pocket TV, Short-Wave Radio
(Used), Meals Ready-to-Eat (12), Shower-in-a-Can (7).

Black and Gold Skimmer (Water Craft).

$1,517 Eurodollars in a Facebank.

~ The Underwood Organisation ~
On the fringes of the rambling and decaying Strathfield industrial
estates is a vast grove, almost a forest really, of feral bamboo. Deep
within this tangle sprawls a grand old colonial house. Sweeping
verandas, solid ironbark construction, two stories above ground and
below there are several modern laboratories. For this primordial estate
is the HQ for the Underwood Organisation.

The Underwood Organisation is a group of three people of a scientific

bent who work as an independent Research-&-Development collective with a
definite inclination towards fringe science.

Anne is a laid-back Medical Tech. Tall, beautiful, and lightly muscled.

Ruffled goldenrod blond hair and misty grey-blue eyes. Knowledgeable
about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Gypsy Herbalism. Holds a Doctor
of Philosophy from the University of New South Wales, a Master of Music
from the Manhattan School of Music, and is a skilled horticulturist.
Anne lived for a few years in Greenwich Village as a teenager and has
worked South-of-the-Border in the cybertech division of Mexican Metals.
She enjoys melancholy jazz and Mexican food. Anne knows some Capoeira.

Watson is a studious Medical Tech with a spiritual bent, skilled in

meditation, yoga, and kendo. Solidly built, mellow featured and
friendly. Lived for three years at the Iwashimizu Shinto Shrine in
Japan. Has completed the Buddhism pilgrimage entirely on foot.
Travelling from the Buddha's birthplace at Kapilavastu to the site where
he attained Enlightenment at Bodh Gaya and on to where he first preached
at Benares and then on to where he achieved Parinirvana at Kusinagara.
Watson knows some Aikido, in addition to his other athletic talents.

The groups Techie is Phil, a wanderer from New Zealand, who was once a
quartermaster with the NZ Navy. Hawk featured, moustachioed and sharp.
Argumentative and irreverent. Skilled vehicle mechanic and materials
expert. Keeps a collection of Max Interceptor Performance Cars out the
back of the HQ. All in various states of repair and with various
modifications. Phil knows some Savate and Boxing.

The HQ is also home to six leopards, one male and five females, cloned
(of cause) and raised from kittens right at the estate. They are pets
cum watch dogs.

Security runs to numerous Arasaka RDAK Spy & Assassin Remotes

(Microwaver and Black-Eyed Dick) and even more numerous Adrek Robotics
Mini-Cyberform Model A-2 "Tarantula" Units (Etherylide-23). Some have a
bamboo camouflage pattern and others have an urban camouflage patter. A
handful of small military cyberhounds of triplastic construction patrol
the estate. They are amazingly fast, frighteningly intelligent and have
a taser bite. A green tree python, enhanced with experimental bioware,
also makes it’s home in the bamboo forest. So extensive are it’s
modifications that it’s more akin to a Linnorm, the dragons of ancient
Norse legend, than a snake.
~ Twenty Minutes in to the Future ~

These days the world runs full steam ahead around the clock. Residents
of the urban sprawl can always find something to do, somewhere to eat, a
movie to see, even places to shop at any time of the day or night.
Subways and taxicabs run all the time. The pace of life moves as fast as
anyone wants it to go, and sometimes much faster.

Most people are aware that cyborgs and other wonders of advanced
technology, such as limb transplants and computer intelligence, exit.
Most of them however think of it all as something that happens somewhere
else to other people. It’s the realm of the military or the criminal
fraternity or even the global corporations. It’s not part of their lives
and they generally take no notice of it. In general, nothing weird much
fazes ordinary people any more. It’s just part of the shadowy world
beyond their daily lives that’s best avoided. It’s easier and safer to
just not ‘get involved’.

Technoshock: When technology and info-input outstrips people's ability

to comprehend or fit it into their lives. Suddenly, people freak out.

Tempel Pharmaceuticals I.G. is a pharmaceutical and chemical company

began in a 19th Century German century dye works and has since become
one of the world's largest and most profitable combines. Their diverse
interest also includes agribusiness and banking divisions.

Network News 54 is a wavelength monopoliser, operating on the same

frequency across the world. Accordingly, no matter where you go, Network
News 54 is always on Channel 54. Despite its name, 54 offers many
diversions in addition to news. Every regional office offers a slightly
different program schedule, with syndicated series, non-prime-time
movies, independent local news programs, and the like. All within the
framework of Head Office proscribed protocol. Certain elements of the
broadcasting are universal world-wide, such as bi-hourly news shows and
prime-time documentary series.

WNS (World News Service) keeps tabs on the world, by any means possible.
Newspapers and news stations around the world pay large amounts of money
to receive WNS stories via the WorldSat Network. WNS has more offices
than most corporations, but most of these offices are fairly small and
limited in function, intended to serve only as bases of operations for
the operatives and reporters working in an area. WNS has at least a
small office in almost every major city in the world, but these are
sometimes no more than rooms with a few provisions, one resident agent
and a Telecom-Terminal linked to the nearest regional office. Few
competitors can match WNS' information gathering capabilities, and WNS
ensures that it remains at the forefront, not only through legitimate
means, but also through spying, espionage, sabotage and illegal snooping
of all sorts. WNS does not run any stations of its own, choosing instead
to broker its information to the highest bidder. There is no shortage of
buyers, ratings hungry broadcasters will fork over millions for
exclusive rights to an especially juicy story, and the included multi-
media presentation package containing WNS' videos, write-ups and
commentaries on the story.
~ Shade & Sergei ~
- Jim Cassidy’s Old Orbital Comrades -

No one knows much about Shade’s background. Five years ago she turned up
in Japan, recovering from major injuries and using archaic prosthetic
limbs. Her papers were Turkish. She signed on with the Japanese
Aerospace Bureau and pulled high risk security duty while she rebuilt
her shattered body. She claims amnesia, and cannot recall anything
before she arrived in Japan after a terrible automobile accident.

When she first arrived, Shade was a tall, athletic and leggy black
woman. Her left arm and right leg were gone, and she had terrible facial
and torso scaring. BodyScultping has removed the scars and her natural
athletic beauty has returned, now backed with steel.

These days Shade has left JAB, and now rides the high frontier.

For a time she partnered up with space smuggler and netrunner Jim
Cassidy. Cassidy hung out in a workshack, their home base, while Shade
drove the bus (a decrepit ex-Soviet OTV). One day Cassidy vanished, it
looked like a corporate hit. Shade still has feelers out for her old
partner, she hopes he’ll turn up one day soon.

Currently Shade is continuing the smuggling business, and has teamed up

with a tough old Russian pilot (Sergei). She has dropped from the role
of pilot to administrator and seems to be looking for ways to expand. A
security concern perhaps? Or maybe even a commercial police business?

Shade and Sergei have never been lovers. One’s into metal and one’s into

Shade has no amnesia, it’s just an act.

She was born Darya Alexandrovna Oblonsky, of Russian and Zaire heritage,
in Volgograd. Her parents were technicians for the Soviet Rocket Corps
and she grew up in a decaying, but once upscale neighbourhood. Her
family was a large one with five brothers and two sisters. Darya was the
youngest. At school she excelled at gymnastics and media studies. As a
young woman, she shocked her family when she refused the Soviet Rocket
Corps cadet entry program and instead joined the Soviet Military Police.
Always outwardly self-assured and composed, and inwardly driven, Shade
excelled at every stage of theory and practical training.

She did well out on the streets too. But after some two years she ran
afoul of the Russian Mafia. Her immediate supervisor was already in the
pay of the Russian Mob and he failed to support her when she needed it
most. Kidnapped from her flat, she was abused and beaten in the
docklands for two days. Her carefully accumulated evidence was altered
to incriminate Shade herself and was ‘found’ by her traitorous
Some police friends found her on day three and got her safely away to
Istanbul in Turkey. They refused to do more, fear of the Russian Mafia
kept them silent. They did give her enough money to change her name and
begin the long process of rebuilding her body.

Shade blew Istanbul for Japan as soon as she could move unaided.

Although horrifying, the whole experience has not destroyed her. Shade
still has some measure of her old self-assurance and composure. Trust is
something that Shade now guards more zealously than all the wealth in
the world. Only Jim Cassidy and Sergei have some modicum of her
camaraderie these days. Outwardly she is always diplomatic and
courteous, while inwardly her drive still burns. It’s just now focused
almost exclusively on saving her own skin.

The Russian Mafia did a real job on Shade. They compound fractured her
left arm and right leg on day one, and then took them off with a
chainsaw the next. She had extensive facial injuries, including
shattered cheek and jaw bones, and a great deal of blunt trauma to the
torso. There were some internal injuries too. They kept her alive with
liberal quantities of skin foam, bone glue, spray skin, and tissue glue.

Shade hates the idea of ever being vulnerable again or in need of

something she doesn’t have ready-and-waiting. To this end she’s packed
her body with cyberware & bioware options and keeps handy items of gear
stashed ready-&-waiting.

The rest is history!

Gone are the corporate suits, the short and neat hair and the subtle
makeup. These days Shade wears electric blue and chrome urban flash
clothes (heavy on the skull motifs), has a cropped down blood red mohawk
and her makeup is bold and wild with lots of reds and deep earthy tones.

Chipware ~ Stress Chip (Cool +1 for Morale, Empathy +1 for Human Inter-
active Skills), Ambidexterity Chip, Business Trip (Argentina - Language
{Spanish} +1, Culture +1, Wardrobe & Style +1), Business Trip (Brazil -
Language {Portuguese} +1, Culture +1, Wardrobe & Style +1), Capoeira +3,
Demolitions +3, Electronic Security +3, Pick Lock +3.
Cyber ~ Shade’s Neuralware has radiation shielding. This advanced
systems subtracts 500 rads from the short-term dose for cybernetic

Basic Neural Processor, Pain Editor, Speedware (Sandevistan), Vehicle

Link, Smartgun Link, Machine/Tech Link, Interface Plugs (Plug Head),
Chipware Socket, Subdermal Viewscreen, Subdermal Pocket (Lower Back).

Vat Grown Replacement Limbs (Left Arm & Right Leg).

DNA-Maintenance Nanites (Beta), Altered Fingerprints, Autoinjector

(Syncomp 15 {2 Doses}, Spotlight, Timewarp, Berserker), Upgraded
Skinweave (SP 8), Subdermal Torso Armor (SP 10), Subdermal Skull Armor
(SP 6), Orbital Crystal Bone Lacing (+1 BTM, +1 Damage, 5kg), Nasal
Filters, Independent Air Supply, Gyro-Stabillizer.

Radiation Detector, Electromagnetic Field Detector, Tactile Boost, Doc

Richter Seismic Detector (Sole Mounted), Olfactory Boost, Chemical
Analyzer, E-Monitor, Militech Cyber-Detection Computer.

HL: 76.

Special Ability: Authority +3 – Streetdeal +5.

Intelligence – 8: Accounting +2, Awareness/Notice +5, Education &

General Knowledge +5, Expert (Organised Crime) +8, Hide/Evade +6, Know
Language (Russian) +8, Know Language (Japanese) +3, Know Language
(Turkish) +3, Know Language (Street Slang) +8, Library Search +6,
Shadow/Track +2, Space Survival +3.

Reflexes - 10: Athletics +5, Brawling +3, Driving +1, EVA +3, Dodge &
Escape +2, Handgun +6, Melee +3, Pilot OTV +6, Stealth +6, Zero-G
Manoeuvre +5, Zero-G Combat +3.

Cool - 5: Interrogation +5, Intimidate +1, Streetwise +3.

Technical Ability - 5: Basic Tech +2, Forgery +1, Photography & Film +2,
Weaponsmith +2.

Luck – 3.

Attractiveness – 7: Personal Grooming +3, Wardrobe & Style +3.

Movement Allowance - 9.

Empathy – 10 (3): Human Perception +7, Interview +3, Leadership +3,

Persuasion & Fast Talk +2, Social +3.

Body Type – 8.
Urban Flash Garb ($2500 Eurodollars).

MedicWear (Hybrid Wearable Computer).

Rugged Cellular Phone (Custom System, Techtronica 15 Microwaver, White

Noise Generator, Cellular Phone, Voicemail, Digital Recorder, Video
Option, Conference Calling, Split Line, Privacy Plus, Call Waiting,
Pocket Commo, Digital Chip Player, Pocket Computer, Credit Transactor
Package, Sniffer, Pressure Alarm, Radiation Meter, Voice Activated,
Thumb Print Lock {Difficulty 30+}, SDP 10, SP 5).

Tsunami Arms Airhammer 5.3mm Air Pistol (Mark 2), 1 Load of Frag
Flechettes, 1 Load of Flechettes, Interface Cables, Shoulder Rig.

Unifed Bushmaster Combat Knife with Sheath (Small-of-the-Back).

Black and Chrome EdgeTech Orbital Watch with Militech SecureCover and
SecureStraps, Chrome Pocket Watch (DetWatch), Fen Dz 25 "Det Card", Mead
Electronic Notebook (Hermetically Sealed with Combination EMP & Scatter
Grenade), Slap Patch (Trauma), Slap Patch (Stim), Slap Patch
(Berserker), Airhypo (Syncomp 15).

Nylon Carrybag (Stashed on OTV), Gibson Battlegear Sneak Suit, Advanced

Alarm Removal Kit, Detcord High Explosive (3 Packs), Thermite-In-A-Tube
(3), DataTel’s Navstar Mapmaker with Astrogation Enhancements.

Tsunami Arms Airhammer 5.3mm Air Pistol (Mark 2), 1 Load of Frag
Flechettes, 1 Load of Flechettes, Interface Cables, Shoulder Rig.

Advanced Communication Case (EBM PCX), Low Impedance Interface Cables,

Mini-Printer, Roll of Mini-Printer Paper, Cellular Phone, Mastoid
Comlink, Personal Comlink, Magviewer with Digital Camera, Basic Medical
Kit, Skin Foam, Bone Glue, Tissue Glue, Spray Skin.

Shade’s orbital resources run to an old Pakistani workshack, a battered

Soviet deep space OTV and a first generation NASA space shuttle. Al-
though well used the OTV is solid and reliable. The ancient shuttle is
space worthy, but missing a few heat tiles and couldn’t handle re-entry
on Earth. Fixing it is Sergei’s favourite down time hobby. Of more imme-
diate use, Sergei has rigged a 50’ boom on the workshack fitted with
over a hundred solar electric panels. How there’s power to burn. The
workshack was originally used as a testing area for various experimental
zero gee ag-crop hybrids.

Other gear available runs to a Soviet flitter, a Pakistani work module,

three skinsuits, a worksuit, two old Soviet Mars suits, a small backpack
EVA unit, a manned manoeuvre unit, a bubble shelter (6 x 24 hr) and an
emergency bubble.
Sergei Arkadyevich Kronsteen is almost as wide as he is tall. Shaved
head, dark eyes, nose shaped like a potato, thick moustache, hairy arms,
large feet and huge hands, belly like a sack of onions. He is enamoured
of the banya or bathhouse, and spends as much time as possible enjoying
their various delights on the Crystal Palace. Naked in the steam baths,
he looks like a greying gorilla.

Gruff, straightforward, and cheerful. Born and bred in Ufa, within the
shadow of the Ural Mountains. Sergei ended up in orbit when the Russia
he knew and loved began to change. Once, long ago, he was a military pi-
lot with the Russian boarder forces. He now works as a smuggler and
courier in near orbit. He visits Russia twice a year, once in spring and
again just as autumn slips into winter.

Sergei gets around in old Russian military jumpsuits, either taiga

camouflage or military green. He’s almost always barefoot. On the
Crystal Palace, he adds a pair of grip slippers (much like diver’s reef
shoes). He has a Soviet Military Bearskin Hat (SP 12, Protects to -20°),
a Soviet Military Greatcoat (SP 16, Protects to -20°) and Soviet
Military Boots (SP 20, Protects to -20°) for use when he’s back in
Russia. A skinsuit is always handy.

Sergei carries a Hammer M-11 Bolt Pistol and a Militech Black Widow
Flechette Pistol (both smart chipped) in speedholsters on his broad
synthi-leather tool belt. Other gear on the belt runs to a Militech KRV
Boot Knife, several goop balls, a few slap patches, protective goggles
with anti-dazzle, low impedance interface cables, a hand manoeuvre unit,
powerdriver, vac-solderer, mini-vac, microtools, combo flash, sniffer,
pressure alarm, radiation meter, personal radmeter, several packs of
velcro, drink bottle, rail key, hands free comset, MiniCell Phone
(Voicemail & Privacy Plus) and a Russian micro computer (Equivalent to a
Zetatech ‘E-Book’ Microcomp, Cybernetic Version, +2 Int/Tech Skill
Rolls, Tritech Datashielding, Techscanner Package, Credit Transactor
Package, Facebank Access, SDP 10, SP 15).

Sergei has been befriended by the wild Rastifarian Workgangers of Near

Orbit. He can call upon them for one favour a month. This is equivalent
to a Family Special Ability of +2.

Cyber ~ Upgraded Skinweave (SP 10), Nanosurgeons, Muscle & Bone Lace,
Speed Grafts, Nanooptical Upgrade, AntiDazzle Nictating Membranes,
Shukutei Biomed "Kickstart" Adrenal Maximizer (Gain +2 to Reflexes for
2D6 turns twice a day), Rebreather (Enhanced Lungs), Basic Neuralware
Processor, Olfactory Boost, Vehicle Link, Smartgun Link, Interface Plugs
(Wrist), 1 Shot EMP Full Body Shielding. HL 18 with Out Patient Therapy.

Special Ability: Aircraft Sense +5. A variation of Vehicle Zen. Adds to

Awareness/Notice & Initiative rolls, and adds half level to manoeuvring
rolls, while in aircraft. Only adds half level to Awareness & Initiative
rolls when out of aircraft.
Intelligence – 7: Astrogation +6, Awareness/Notice +3, Education &
General Knowledge +2, Expert (Navigation) +3, Gamble +2, Herbalism +3,
Hide/Evade +3, Know Language (Russian) +8, Know Language (French) +6,
Know Language (Rasta-Patois) +6, Know Language (Street Slang) +8, Space
Survival +9.

Reflexes - 10: Athletics +3, Dodge & Escape +3, EVA +3, Handgun +5,
Martial Arts (Sambo) +5, Melee +2, Motorcycle +3, Pilot Gyro +5, Pilot
OTV +8, Pilot Spaceplane & Shuttle +3, Pilot Vectored Thrust Vehicle +6,
Stealth +3, Zero-G Manoeuvre +7, Zero-G Combat +3.

Cool - 9: Intimidate +5, Resist Torture/Drugs +3, Streetwise +3.

Technical Ability - 8: Basic Tech +9, AV Tech +5, First Aid +3, Gyro
Tech +3, Spacecraft Tech +3, Weaponsmith +3.

Luck – 7: Aura Reading +2.

Attractiveness – 5.

Movement Allowance – 5 (7).

Empathy – 8 (7): Human Perception +3.

Body Type – 10 (12): Endurance +5, Strength Feat +3, Swimming +3.

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