Different Pictures and Data For Activity No. 1
Different Pictures and Data For Activity No. 1
Different Pictures and Data For Activity No. 1
Directions: Using the data required, cut and paste the pictures found at the previous page to form the concept
of community immersion as requisite of NSTP. You can also look for similar concepts found in the
magazines and cut and paste them or you can layout a concept map using the images found in Google. As
you form the concept please be guided with the following: Community Immersion as the entry point;
Trainees' Involvement as the Key actors; Dimensions for development as a way of helping the community
improve their way of life; and Expected outcomes of trainees through NSTP.
Concept Map Rubric
CATEGORY 20 15 10 5
All of the graphics or Most of the graphics or Only a few graphics None of the graphics
Creativity objects used in the objects used in the or objects reflect or objects reflects
collage reflect a degree collage reflect student student creativity, but student creativity.
of student creativity in creativity in their the ideas were typical
their display. display. rather than creative.
Design Graphics are cut to an 1-2 graphics are lacking 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not an
appropriate size, shape in design or placement. lacking in design or appropriate size
and are arranged neatly. There may be a few placement. Too shape. Glue marks
Care has been taken to smudges or glue marks. much background is evident. Most of the
balance the pictures showing. There are background is
across the area. Items noticeable smudges showing. It appears
are glued neatly and or glue marks. little attention was
securely. given to designing
the collage.
Time and Much time and effort Class time was used Class time was not Class time was not
Effort went into the planning wisely. Student could always used wisely. used wisely and the
and design of the have put in more time student put in no
collage. It is clear the and effort. additional effort.
student used class time
Attention to The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student's
Theme reasonable explanation reasonable explanation fairly reasonable explanations are
of how every item in the of how most items in the explanation of how weak and illustrate
collage is related to the collage are related to most items in the difficulty
assigned theme. For the assigned theme. For collage are related to understanding how
most items, the many of the items, the the assigned theme. to relate items to the
relationship is clear relationship is clear assigned theme.
without explanation. without explanation.
Presentation The student speaks The student speaks The student The student does
clearly, with confidence clearly, with confidence somewhat speaks not speak clearly,
and poise. Completely and poise. Reasonably clearly, with without confidence
conveys message of conveys message of confidence and and poise. Does not
collage as it relates to collage as it relates to poise. Somewhat convey message of
personal style choices. personal style choices. conveys message of collage as it relates
collage as it relates to to personal style
personal style choices