Unit 7 Mother Nature

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WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 82
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS talking about animals; discussing facts, words and phrases connected with nature.
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by
context on a wide range of familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.1Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students pay attention to the title of the module and the picture on
the page. Students asked what they can see. Students deduce that
the phrase mother nature refers to nature in general as the force
that controls the world and all living things. Students relate the
title of the module to the content of the picture and ask them what
they think the module will be about. Students are asked the first
two questions in the Discuss section and elicit answers.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A (Student Book page 98)
1.Students are asked the questions and a short discussion are
Activity B (Student Book page 98)
1.Students pay attention to the layout of the text and the pictures
accompanying it and they tell what kind of text it is and where it
can be found. Students tell what the pictures show. Students pay
attention to the main title as well as to the titles of the three texts.
They relate the titles to the pictures that accompany the texts and
have them answer the question in the rubric. Students read
through the text and underline unknown words at the same time.
Activity C (Student Book page 99)
1.Students read through the questions 1-8 and check
understanding. Students do the activity.
Activity D (Student Book page 99)
1.Students refer to the highlighted words / phrases in the text.
Students read through the meanings a-l and check understanding
Students do the activity.
POST LESSON Students complete Activity E in small groups. When ready students
share their amazing animal facts and clever animal stories with the
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK – Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 83
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness COM. FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS The full and bare infinitive and –ing form / exclamatory sentences
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students play a game to review vocabulary from the previous
lesson. Include the words in the ‘Vocabulary’ box in the Teacher’s
LESSON DELIVERY To-Infinitive / Infinitive without to
1.Students read through the examples and tell the difference
between the to-infinitive and the infinitive without to. Students
read through the examples again and discuss when the to-infinitive
and the Infinitive without to are used. Students refer to the
Grammar Reference (p. 166). Students come up with their own
examples. Students refer to the text and they find examples of the
to-infinitive and the infinitive without to.
ing form (gerund
1.Students read through the examples and discuss what remember
about its use. Students refer to the Grammar Reference (pp. 166-
167). Students come up with their own examples. Students refer to
the text and they find examples of the ing. Students read through
the sentences 1-7 below the grammar box and check
understanding • Students do the activity.
POST LESSON Students review their learning in this lesson with Tell me three
• You have learnt today
• You have done well
• Your talk partner has done well
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 84
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS words and phrases connected with the environment, flora and fauna
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.6 Understand independently longer simple narratives on a wide range of familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.2 Use register appropriately
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.2.1 Use formal and informal registers appropriately in most familiar contexts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
2. Use register appropriately
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students work in small groups to see how many countries of South
East Asia they can name. Students do this activity independently,
or give assistance by putting the first letter(s) of the countries on
the board, or list several countries on the board and students
choose which of the countries are in South East Asia.
LESSON DELIVERY Grammar (Student Book page 101)
1.Students read through the examples and tell what all the
sentences have in common. The answer that they all end with an
exclamation mark. Students are pointed out that these sentences
are called exclamatory sentences. Students read out the
exclamatory sentences with the right intonation and students tell
what they think exclamatory sentences are used for. Exclamatory
sentences are used to express strong feelings, such as surprise,
alarm, joy, shock, fear, admiration, etc. Students are explained that
in exclamatory sentences How, What so, such emphasize an
adjective, adverb or a noun. Students are asked to tell which words
the speakers want to emphasize in the examples. The speakers
want to emphasize the adjectives, adverbs, nouns following How,
What, so, such, that is colorful, well, lovely scenery, beautiful
exciting trip.
2.Students are pointed out that we use How and so before adjective
and adverbs and What and such before adjectives a noun. Students
refer to the Grammar Reference (p. 167). Students come up with
their own examples. Students read through the short exchanges 1-
3. Students do the activity. The answers checked with the class.
POST LESSON Put some words from the listening transcript (e.g. names of
attractions) on the whiteboard. Ask pupils if they can explain
which each word / phrase refers too and if they can remember any
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 85
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS expressing opinions; expressing likes and dislikes, describing places, making a decision
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.2 Use register appropriately
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.2.1 Use formal and informal registers appropriately in most familiar contexts
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 4.2 Communicate with appropriate language, form and style
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 4.2.2 Spell written work on a range of text types with reasonable accuracy
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Use register appropriately
2. Communicate with appropriate language, form and style
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students are divided in pairs and they are asked to tell their talk
partner(s) about the latest outdoor activity they have done
recently, if they liked the activities and why.
LESSON DELIVERY Speak (Student Book page 102)
1.Students look at the pictures and the captions. Students read
through the words / phrases in the boxes and check
understanding. Students read out and explain the TIPS. Students
do the activity in pairs. Some pairs are chosen to act out the
POST LESSON Hold a class discussion to decide which day-trip they would most
like to go on and why. Students are given homework for the next
lesson (lesson 86 Writing), Activity A and B.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 86
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS descriptive language describing places; language of persuasion; rhetorical questions
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.1.3 Explain the main points of an idea or argument
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.6 Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of an
increased range of genres
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
2. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
construct meaning
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students work with a talk partner to discuss the following
questions: Can they name the nature reserves (or national parks)
of Malaysia. Why do countries create nature reserves? Are they
important? Why? Why not? When ready, collect responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity C (Student Book page 103)
1.Students pay attention to the point made in the rubric. Students
read through the points 1-4 and check understanding. Students do
the activity. The answers checked with the class.
Activity D (Student Book page 103)
1.Students read through the plan and they are given any necessary
explanations about the structure and the different parts of an
article describing a place. Students pay attention to the TIPS and
they are pointed out that they should write their articles based on
the announcement in activity A. Students write their articles and
some students are chosen to read out their articles.
POST LESSON Some volunteers are chosen to read out their articles, or if
unfinished, to read what they have written so far. Get the rest of
the class to give feedback.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 87
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item. COM. FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item.
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 88
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 Explore and expand ideas for personal development by reading independently and
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.1 Read a variety of suitable print and digital texts to investigate and analyse national
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.1Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Explore and expand ideas for personal development by reading independently and
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students work with a talk partner to discuss environmental issues
in their area or in Malaysia. What are the main issues? (i.e.
endangered species; deforestation; pollution) What causes the
problems? (i.e. deforestation; reclamation of land for building;
tourism). When ready, collect responses. Students discuss the
questions in Activity A. When ready, collect responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity B (Student Book page 104)
1.Students look at the layout of the text and tell you where It can be
found. Students look at the three pictures accompanying the texts
and tell you what they show. Students pay attention to the main
title and to the background picture and help them deduce that
green refers to the protection of the environment. Students tell
what they think the text is about in relation to the title and the
content of the pictures.
2.Students read through each small text and underline unknown
words at the same time. Students read through the two given
headings for each text and check understanding. Students do the
activity. The answers checked with the class. Students provide
justification for their answers.
Activity C(Student Book page 104)
1.Students read through the questions 1-7 and their understanding
checked. Students do the activity. The answers checked with the
Activity E(Student Book page 105)
1.Students are asked the questions and a short discussion are
POST LESSON Students asked to identify with their talk partner at least one new
word or expression that they have learned in relation to the topic.
The words/expressions collected as a whole when students are
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 89
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS modal verbs + have + past participle
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar- focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students play a game to review vocabulary from the previous
lesson. Include the words from Activity D.
LESSON DELIVERY Grammar (Student Book page 105)
1.Students read through the first two examples, draw their
attention to the words in bold and they tell what they notice. These
are the modal verbs may might / could followed by have' and a
past participle. Student tell when they think this form is used. We
use 'may/might + have + past participle' when something possibly
happened in the past and could + have + past participle' when
something was likely to happen but it didn’t. Students are pointed
out that have + past participle is called the perfect infinitive and
refers to the past. Students come up with their own examples.
2. Students find any examples of may /might / could + perfect
infinitive in the text. Students read through the third and fourth
example in the grammar box and tell what they notice about the
words in bold. Students tell when they think this form is used. We
use ' must + perfect infinitive' when we are almost sure that
something happened in the past and can't/couldn't + perfect
infinitive when we are almost sure something didn't happen in the
past. Students come up with their own examples. 3.Students find
any examples of must/can't/couldn't + perfect Infinitive in the
text. Students read through the fifth example in the grammar box
and tell you what they notice about the words in bold. Students tell
when they think this form is used. We use needn't + perfect
infinitive to express absence of necessity in the past, when
something wasn't necessary but it was done. Students come up
with their own examples.
4. Students read through the sixth example in the grammar box
and tell what they notice. Students tell when they think this form is
used. We use would rather + perfect infinitive to express
preference in the past. Students come up with their own examples.
5.Students read through the last two examples in the grammar box
and tell you what they notice the modal verb should. Students refer
to the first sentence and ask them: Did they recycle in the past? No,
they didn't How do they feel about it? They regret it. Student
deduce when we use should + perfect infinitive.
6.Students refer to the second sentence and ask them:
Did governments let the environmental disaster happen? Yes, they
Did they do the right thing? No, they didn't
Students deduce when we use shouldn't + perfect infinitive.
Students come up with their own examples. Students refer to the
Grammar Reference (p. 167). Students do the activity below the
grammar box. The answers checked with the class.
POST LESSON Students write down sentences of their own using different modal
verbs. When ready, collect examples.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values Awareness
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 90
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS facts and statistics
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.3 Recognise features of spoken genres on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.3.1 Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of a range of
spoken genres
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.2 Use register appropriately
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.2.1 Use formal and informal registers appropriately in most familiar contexts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Recognise features of spoken genres on familiar topics
2. Use register appropriately
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students think of sentences using modal verbs. When ready, collect
the examples. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson
activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and will activate
learner’s prior knowledge of this lesson’s activities.
LESSON DELIVERY Listen A (Student Book page 106)
1.Students are asked if they like doing quizzes, what kind of
quizzes they like doing, etc. Students are asked if they are
knowledgeable enough about environmental issues and invite
them to do the eco-quiz to find out. Students read through the
questions and the answer choices and check understanding.
Listen B (Student Book page 106)
1.The CD played twice and students listen and check their
predictions. The answers checked with the class
POST LESSON Students asked to identify with their talk partner at least one new
word or expression that they have learned in relation to the topic.
The words/expressions collected as a whole when students are
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 91
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS comparing and contrasting; words and phrases describing urban and rural settings
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.2 Use register appropriately
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.2.1 Use formal and informal registers appropriately in most familiar contexts
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by
context on a wide range of familiar topics
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Use register appropriately
2. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON With books closed, students work with a talk partner to discuss all
the advantages and disadvantages of living in an urban area
compared to living in a rural area. When ready, collect responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Vocabulary A(Student Book page 106)
1.Students look at the pictures 1-6 and read through the
accompanying captions. Students tell what the pictures have in
common. They are related to the environment. Students read
through the definitions at and check understanding. Students do
the activity. The answers checked with the class and students
provided with any necessary explanations.
Vocabulary B(Student Book page 106)
1.Students read through the set of sentences and check
understanding. Students read through the set of words in each box
Students do the activity. The answers checked with the class and
students provided with any necessary explanations.
Speak A (Student Book page 107)
1.Students look at the two pictures. Students pay attention to the
TIPS and explain them. Students read through the list of ideas as
well as the words / phrases in the box. Students do the activity in
pairs helping them when necessary. Some pairs are chosen to
report their answers to the class.
Speak B (Student Book page 107)
1.Students read through the words / phrases in the box and their
understanding checked. Students are asked the two questions and
initiate a short discussion.
POST LESSON Students identify with their talk partner(s) at least three new
words or expression that they have learned in relation to the
lesson topic. When students are ready, collect and share
words/expressions as a whole class.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 92
TOPIC Mother Nature
THEME Health and Environment
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS language expressing opinions and giving justification, describing settings
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.1.3 Explain the main points of an idea or argument
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students work with a talk partner to discuss the questions in
Activity A. When ready collect students’ responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity D (Student Book page 109)
1.Students read through the newspaper article and underline
unknown words at the same time. Students are asked the
questions and a short discussion is initiated.
2. Students pay attention to the mind map and students are
explained that this is a diagram used to show ideas linked to end
arranged around different keyword. It is useful when we want to
brainstorm and come in many ideas as possible. Students read
through the mind map and try to come it with some of the ideas
discussed earlier. Students do this as a class activity.
Activity E(Student Book page 109)
1.Students read through the plan and give them any necessary
explanations about the structure and the different parts of a letter
expressing an opinion. Students pay attention to the TIPS and
explain them. Students pay attention that they should write their
letters based on the article in the previous activity and using the
ideas from the mind map. Students write their letters. Some
students are chosen to read out their letters.
POST LESSON Some volunteers are chosen to read out their letters, or if
unfinished, to read what they have written so far. Get the rest of
the class to give feedback.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 93
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item. COM. FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item.
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 94
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Literature in Action COM. FOCUSED SKILL Literature in Action
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 5.2 Analyse and evaluate a variety of literary text types
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 5.2.1 Evaluate and explain briefly stylistic features an author uses to show character, events
or place
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Analyse and evaluate a variety of literary text types
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.
LESSON DELIVERY Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the
Literature Component books. Teachers should ensure that their
lesson covers the Literature in Action content and learning
standard specified for this lesson.
POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.

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