AQA Chemistry: 15 Alcohols Exam-Style Mark Scheme
AQA Chemistry: 15 Alcohols Exam-Style Mark Scheme
AQA Chemistry: 15 Alcohols Exam-Style Mark Scheme
Answer Marks Guidance
1a Displayed formula for butan-2-ol M1 displayed formula must have all
1 bonds drawn out, including the O–H.
but ignore angles.
Penalise ‘sticks’.
M2 structure must be clearly
identifiable as 2-methylpropan-2-ol and
may be drawn in a variety of ways.
Alcohol X is 1
M3 must be correct name, but ignore
2 a ii Fermentation 1
2b Elimination 1 Penalise ‘sticks’ once only.
Structure of protonated alcohol 1
Answer Marks Guidance
For the mechanism, award one mark for each 1
of the following:
arrow to show breakage of C–O bond on
protonated alcohol
structure of carbocation
arrow from correct C–H bond on
3a CH2O 1
3b Penalise C2H6O.
For M2 and M3:
C6H12O6 → 2 CH3CH2OH 2 CO2 1
Ignore ‘aqueous’.
Either order:
(enzymes from) yeast or zymase Ignore ‘anaerobic / absence of
25 °C ≤ T ≤ 42 °C OR 298 K ≤ T ≤ 315 K. 1
Ignore ‘controlled pH’.
Ignore ‘warm’.
3ci Displayed formula for CH3COOH. 1
Answer Marks Guidance
purple to colourless M2 requires an attempt at a correct
reagent for M1.
Ignore reference to states.
3di An activity which has no net / overall carbon 1 The idea that the carbon / CO2 given
emissions to the atmosphere / air out equals the carbon / CO2 that was
taken in from the atmosphere / air.
Answer must refer to the atmosphere
An activity which has no net / overall (annual)
or air.
greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere /
There is no change in the total amount of
carbon dioxide / carbon / greenhouse gas
present in the atmosphere / air.
3 d ii Renewable / sustainable ONLY 1 Ignore references to global warming or
greenhouse gases.
3 d iii Any one statement about this process from: 1
Subject to weather / climate
Depletes food supply OR the land use for
(specified) food
Requires use of / uses more fossil fuels
Not carbon-neutral OR CO2 produced
during a named process (e.g. harvest,
transport, etc.)
Slow process / slow rate of reaction / takes
a long time (to grow crops)
This route leads to the production of a
mixture of water and ethanol / impure
ethanol that requires separation / further
4a Sodium or potassium hydroxide / NaOH / KOH 1 Mark on to M2 from hydroxide ion.
Warm / heat / reflux and aqueous or (aq) or 1 Ignore OH– if KOH / OH–.
M2 depends on correct M1.
Nucleophilic substitution 1
For M2, ignore ‘dilute’.
For M2, penalise T > 100 °C.
Acidified KOH/NaOH or H2SO4 with
KOH/NaOH loses M1 and M2.
M4 must show an arrow from the lone pair of For M3, both words required
electrons on the oxygen atom of the negatively Penalise M4, if covalent NaOH / KOH
charged hydroxide ion to the C atom. is used.
M5 must show the movement of a pair of 1
Penalise one mark from M4 or M5, if
electrons from the C–Br bond to the Br atom. half-headed arrows are used.
Mark M5 independently, provided it is from 1
their original molecule. Penalise M5 for formal charge on C of
the C–Br or incorrect partial charges
Answer Marks Guidance
One statement from: on C–Br.
the yield is (very) low / not a high yield OR Penalise once only for a line and two
elimination occurs/ethene formed dots to show a bond.
the rate of reaction slow For M4 and M5, maximum 1 of 2
bromoethane has to be manufactured / marks if wrong reactant is used.
made first Penalise M5 if an extra arrow is drawn
bromoethane is expensive. from the Br of the C–Br bond to, e.g.
For M4 and M5, award full marks for
an SN1 mechanism.
For M6, ignore references to other
costs and expenses.
4b Concentrated phosphoric acid / concentrated 1 Answers in any order.
H3PO4 OR concentrated sulfuric acid /
Ignore reference to support medium in
concentrated H2SO4
Hydration or (electrophilic) addition 1
Any two from: 2
Excess ethane
OR excess steam
OR remove the ethanol as it forms
OR recycle the ethane.
Specified pressure
50 atm ≤ P ≤ 100 atm
OR 5000 kPa ≤ P ≤ 10 000 kPa
OR 5 MPa ≤ P ≤ 10 MPa.
High temperature, unless they give a value
that is not in the ranges given here:
OR 300 °C ≤ T ≤ 600 °C
OR 570 K ≤ T ≤ 870 K.
5a Pentan-2-one 1 ONLY but ignore absence of hyphens.
5b Functional group (isomerism) 1 Both words needed.
5ci 1 The group needs to be CHOHCH3, but
do not penalise poor C–C bonds or
absence of brackets around OH.
Trigonal planar structure not essential.
Answer Marks Guidance
M1 Tollens’ reagent M1 Fehling’s Check the partial reagents listed and if
solution / M1 has a totally incorrect reagent, CE
(Credit ammoniacal
Benedict’s 0.
silver nitrate OR a
description of (Penalise Cu2(aq) mark on from incomplete formulae or
making Tollens’.) or CuSO4, but incorrect oxidation state
mark M2 and M3.)
(Do not credit Ag, M2 turns colourless
AgNO3 or M3 stays purple / no (observed)
[Ag(NH3)2] or ‘the change / no
silver mirror test’ on
their own, but mark reaction
M2 and M3.) In all cases for M3
M2 silver mirror M2 red solid / Ignore ‘nothing happens’
OR black solid or Ignore ‘no observation’.
black precipitate (Credit orange or
brown solid.)
M3 stays colourless M3 stays blue.
OR no observed OR no observed
change / no change / no
reaction. reaction.