Optimized Planar and Curved Diffsorbors - TrevorCox - PeterDAntonio - 1999

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Optimized Planar and Curved Diffsorbors 5062 (D-6)

Trevor J. Cox
University of Salford
Salford M5 4WT, UK

Peter D'Antonio
RPG Diffusor Systems, Inc.
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774, USA

Presented at ^ uD_o
the 107th Convention
1999 September 24-27
New York
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Optimized Planar and Curved Diffsorbors

Trevor J. Cox
Department of Acoustics and Audio Engineering, University of Salford, Salford, M5
4WT,UK. t.j.cox @acoustics.salford.ac.uk

Peter D'Antonio
RPG Diffusor Systems Inc., 651-c Commerce Drive, Upper Marlboro, USA.
pdantonio @ rpginc.com

There is increasing interest in partially absorbing surface treatments that also diffuse
reflected energy. This can be achieved by using a complex array of reflective and
absorbent patches. This paper discusses optimisation strategies to enable the pattern of
absorptive and reflective patches to be designed to achieve a specified absorption value.
It also shows how the use of non-flat surfaces can improve the diffusing properties

When designing room acoustics for audio production or reproduction, a key decision is
the forms of treatment for the boundaries, whether that is absorption and diffusion.
Diffusion has been shown to be
useful in treating a wide variety of
spaces such as studios and
concert halls _. It is possible to
design diffusors from rigid surfaces;
any absorption in the room is then
provided by separate elements.
Alternatively, it is possible in one
hybrid surface, not only to partially
absorb the sound, but ensure that
the reflected energy is diffused.
Some commercial examples of
such surfaces are available; they
are a complex array of absorbent
and reflective patches, referred to
as Abffusor_)or DiffsorborTM_,
depending on whether the
scattered energy is primarily
absorbed or diffuses. The
diffsorptive surfaces are formed by
covering a bulk absorber with a Figure 1. A mask used to form a diffusive, partially
perforated reflective mask. Such a absorbing surface.
mask is shown in Figure 1, where
the circular holes provide absorption and the other areas complete reflection. The

1 Abffusor_)isa registeredtrademarkand Diffsorbor

TM is a trademarkof RPGDiffusorSystems,
Figure 2. A one plane hybrid surface. The dark patches are reflective, and the white
patches absorptive.

impedance changes across the surface then provide diffusion. These new hybrid
surfaces offer the designer an increased choice away from the extremes of completely
absorbing or diffusing which may suit applications in performance spaces.

Notable work in this area has been undertaken by Angus2 who investigated the use of
binary amplitude sequences for forming such surfaces. This paper details an alternative
design regime for choosing an appropriate binary sequence. Of great importance, it
gives the designer control over the amount of absorption the product will provide -
something that previous work has not readily allowed. The paper shows the technique
for forming such binary sequence, and tests the results on diffusors designed to scatter
sound in one plane. Such a one-plane diffusor is shown in Figure 2. The extension to a
full hemispherical diffusor, such as that shown in Figure 1, has not yet been attempted; it
would appear to be straightforward.

The diffusors illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 form flat surfaces. The final part of this paper
details work on surface curvature. It shows how even a moderately shallow curve on
these hybrid surfaces has potential to provide considerable extra diffusion.

Binary sequences
The design of the diffusive semi-absorbers requires an appropriate binary sequence to
be chosen to determine which parts of the diffusor are reflecting and which parts
absorbing. The autocorrelation of the sequence is linked to the far field scattering
produced by the surface. Accepting the usual assumptions behind simple Fourier-type
prediction theories, the power spectrum of the m th diffraction lobe is given by3:
2 p-I

Am = _cke -2'_''1' (1)


Where the binary sequence is assumed to have a period of p, and c is the

autocorrelation. This is given by:

Where r is the reflection
coefficient of the surface.
* indicates complex
conjugate.The reflection
coefficient is assumed to
be one for a reflecting
patch, and zero for an f

assumption of reflection
absorbing patch. An ;No
without phase change _ selec[M 'seqbences
0!the Popuiation
has been made. _to breed:i_ndlM
die ::_

lobes with similar

To achieve diffraction ' _
scattering level, a _ M Sibiingsger_erated
possible criterion for a _and m_ati6htoci'eatenewsequences _1
good diffusor, a constant
powerspectrum is !
required.This can be wy laton
sequenceby using
that a
produces i _Form:n
I s!bl!ngs eai_dN_M
ipOp_ seqbences_fmm_the!
i _witllMinew 1
a delta function [,_revi0 usgeneratibn.
.......... ,_)
coefficient. Such Figure 3 Procedurefor genetic algorithm.
perfectioncan not be
realised, and so the best
achievable sequence is one in which the side lobes of the autocorrelationcoefficient are
minimised. Sequences used in diffusor design, such as Barker Codes used in spread
spectrum arrangementsof Schroeder diffusors4, are also based on this criteria of
minimumside lobes in the autocorrelation.

The problem with using known mathematical sequences, is that there is insufficient
control over the reflectivity of the surface as there may be no sequence known with the
desired reflectMty. The solution to this is to iterative search for an appropriate sequence
with two desired characteristics: (i) Iow autocorrelation side lobes and (ii) the appropriate
reflectivity.This can be achieved using a genetic algorithm.

Genetic eptimJsatien
A genetic algorithm is a technique for searching for optimum configurations in
engineering problems. Figure 3 illustrates how a typical genetic algorithm works. It
essentially mimics the process of evolution that occurs in biology. A population of
individuals is randomly formed. Each individual is determined by their genes, in this case
the genes are simply the binary sequences indicating where hard and soft patches
should be placed on the diffusor surface. Each individual has a fitness value that
indicates how good they are at matching the criteria of appropriate reflectivity and
minimum autocorrelationsidelobes. Over time new populations are produced by
breeding and old individuals die. Offspring are produced by pairs of parents. An offspring
has a binary sequence that is a composite of the sequences from the parents. As with
conventional evolution theory, the fittest are most likely to breed and pass on their
genes, and the least fit the most likely to die. Mutation can occur in the breading to
enable sequences outside the parent population to be searched. By these principles, the
fitness of successive populations should improve. This process is continued until the
population becomessufficiently fit so that the sequence produced can be classified as
optimum. A few more details of the process are give below.

Calculating fitness
It is necessary to calculate the fitness of individual sequences. As indicated above, the
fittest sequence would have a delta function autocorrelation and have exactly the desired
percentage refiectivity.After some experimentation, a useful fitness function,_, was

I nc:,


1, ' -.r
/ +_ (3)

Consider the right term first, s_is the binary sequence, where zero indicates an
absorbing patch and one a reflecting area. nr is the desired number of reflective patches.
Therefore, this term ensures fit members have the desired percentage reflectivity.The
first term is monitoring the side lobes of the autocorrelation function, Cr,,mc(}. This term
is smallest when the side lobes of the autocorrelation all have the same value. This has
the effect of disadvantagingsequences with significant peaks in the side lobes of the
autocorrelation function. (This may not be immediately apparent from the equation. This
function has been developed to monitor the quality of scattering from surfacess. It is,
rather confusingly, also based on autocorrelationfunction). The scaling factor of a
twentieth was found by trial and error; it balances the relative importance of minimising
side lobeswith achieving the correct reflectivity.
Breeding and dying



-70 _
-90 -45 0 45 90
Frequency (Hz)

I--a-Optimised sequence -- Complete reflector _ 1" fibreboard ]

Figure 4. Scattered polar response at 6.1kHz.

When breeding, two parent sequences are randomly selected, with fittest sequences
being more likely to be chosen. The two parents then form one child by combining
together the two parent sequences using multi-point cross over. For each bit in the
sequence, there was a 50% chance of the child's bit coming from parent A and a 50%
chance of the bit being from parent B. Mutation was also used. This is a random
procedure whereby there is a small probability of any bit in the sequence flipping. When
selecting sequences to die, this was also done randomly with the least fit being most
likely to be selected.
Sequences were generated using the above genetic algorithm, and the results tested.
This was done by forming diffusors and predicting the scattering using either a Boundary
Element Model (BEM) or a solution based on assumed Kirchhoff boundary conditions6'z.
The BEM model has been shown to be successful in predicting the scattering from

o.8 ..___

C3 0.4
= 0.6 //_ "- '""

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Frequency (Hz)

Optimised sequence ...... Median random sequence

Complete reflector · 1" fibreboard

Figure 5. Directional diffusion spectrum from two 50% reflectivity sequences, a

complete reflector and 1" fibreboard.

surfaces before, and the Kirchhoff model, although less accurate, also yields reasonable
predictions. The impedance of the absorbing patches was taken to be purely real, with
absorption typical of one-inch fiberglass board. A 1.2m wide panel was tested with the
rear of the surface made completely absorbing. The binary sequence was 60 elements
long, and hence each patch was 2cm in size. The quality of diffusion from the surface
was found by first calculating the far field polar distribution of the scattered energy for
normal incidence sound. This polar distribution can then be turned into a diffusion
coefficient s. A normal incidence, pseudo-absorption coefficient (z was found by
considering the total energy over the polar distribution, Er, and comparing that to the total
energy scattered from a completely rigid surface, Et. By definition:

at= 1 E_ (4)
Flat surface results

Figure 4 shows the diffusion from the 50% reflectivity case. For this diffusion measure,
zero represents poor diffusor and one a good diffusor. It shows the complete reflector to


§ 0.6-

_ 0.4


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Frequency (Hz)

I 50% absorption ...... 30% absorption Complete reflector · 1" fibreboard I

Figure 6. Directional diffusion coefficient for various surfaces.


§ 0.6
_ 0.4


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Frequency (Hz)

Optimised reflector
Complete sequence ...... 1"
+ Median
random sequence_

Figure 7. Normal incidence pseudo-absorption coefficient for various surfaces. Sequences

design for 50% reflectivity.
be a poor scatterer, as expected, and the 1"fibreboard to be a good diffusor (although
as the fibreboard reflects little or no energy, claiming this is diffuse energy possibly
misses the point). For the 50% reflectivity sequences, the optimised solution from the
genetic algorithm is compared to a typical median (average) random guess. The
optimised sequence has better diffusion for many more frequencies than the random
guess. The gains from optimisation are not huge, but a definite improvement is seen.
Importantly, the optimisation has prevented the choice of poor solutions. Figure 5 shows
the polar distribution at a single frequency. The ability of the binary sequence to produce
better diffusion is demonstrated.

Of course, several existing mathematical sequences would achieve 50% reflectivity with
Iow side lobe levels. The power of this design technique is in enabling design at any
desired reflectivity. Figure 7 shows the diffusion from a 30% reflective surface. As might
be expected the diffusion produced is reduced as the reflectivity increases. The
optimisation process is still effective in finding a good diffusor within the reflectivity
constraints imposed.
Surface curvature
The next test was to investigate the
effect of curvature on hybrid surfaces. A
maximum length sequence was used,
as this work predated the optimisation
of binary sequence work detailed
above. This binary sequence was then
used to construct a curved surface. The
curved surface used was optimised to
find the best shape to achieve even
scattering 8. Figure 8 shows the surface
produced. The surface is only 7cm
deep, and is about 2.4m wide. The
scattering from the surface was
predicted using the Kirchhoff solution
technique. The diffusion is shown in
Figure 9 and the polar distribution for
one example frequency in Figure 10.
For this comparison, four surfaces were
predicted. The Digiwave2 is the curved
surface with a binary sequence of hard
and soft patchesjust described. The
plane semi-hard surface is a flat diffuser
based on the 31 maximum length
sequence with hard and soft patches.
The plane surface is a rigid surface of
the same overall dimensions. The
Figure 8. Portion of a Digiwave -
Opticurve is a 30cm deep optimised
curved surfacethat is completely rigid8. a curved hybrid surface.
This last surface is included because it
is typical of rigid diffusors used in performance spaces and so is useful for comparison.

The diffusion spectrum shows, as shown before, that moving from a flat rigid surface, to
a semi-hard plane surface increasesthe diffusiveness of the scattered sound. Curving
the semi-hard surface to form the Digiwave, produces an even more dramatic
improvement in diffusion. There appears to be much to gained from curving binary
amplitude diffusors. Interestingly, the quality of diffusion for the Digiwave is only a little
worse than the rigid Opticurve surface, which is four times as deep. This seems to
indicate that a hybrid curved surface is a good method for generating more diffusion
given a restricted depth. Although it has to be remembered it is only useful where
absorption is wanted.

Misa trademarkof RPGDiffusorSystems,Inc.



-40 --,,'. , :' _,

,-, ,',,/ ', '," /"'x :_ ',/ '_r_ ..,. ..... Plane semi-hard

_ -80 Opticurve
_-60 :f_,._V/_._ / ___ Plane hard

-120 , , ,
-90 -45 0 45 90

Receiver angle (degrees)

Figure 9 Polar distribution at 1300Hz,

1 ......


_ - - - planesemi-hard
c3 0.4
_ planehard
_- 0.6 _,/V¥_/_ o DigiWave

0.2 b'r_%
_%=_ =....... =.. = ........................... - ....

0 i i i i

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

f (Hz)

Figure 10 Directional diffusion spectrum.

Hybrid surfaces that are semi-absorbent and diffuse any scattered sound can be
constructed from sequences of hard and soft materials. It has been shown that using a
genetic algorithm enables optimum sequences to be found with good scattering
characteristics. Importantly, the genetic algorithm enables design to a desired reflectivity.
Further improvement in diffusion can be achieved by curving the surface. Even relatively
shallow curves produce dramatic improvements in diffusion.

Figure 1. A mask used to form a diffusive, partially absorbing surface ............................. 1
Figure 2. A one plane hybrid surface. The dark patches are reflective, and the white
patches absorptive ................................................................................................... 2
Figure 3 Procedure for genetic algorithm ......................................................................... 3
Figure 4. Scattered polar response at 6.1kHz .................................................................. 5
Figure 5. Directional diffusion spectrum from two 50% reflectivity sequences, a complete
reflector and 1" fibreboard ........................................................................................ 6
Figure 6. Directional diffusion coefficient for various surfaces .......................................... 7
Figure 7. Normal incidence pseudo-absorption coefficient for various surfaces.
Sequences design for 50% reflectivity ...................................................................... 7
Figure 8 The Digiwave - a curved hybrid surface ............................................................. 9
Figure 9 Polar distribution at 1300Hz ............................................................................. 10
Figure 10 Directional diffusion spectrum ........................................................................ 10


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3 M R Schroeder. Number theory in science and communication. Springer-Verlag. pg 155-156
Angus, J.A.S. "Using Modulated Phase Reflection Gratings to Achieve Specific Diffusion
Characteristics". Presentedat the 99th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Preprint 4117,
IOctober 1995).
T J Hargreaves, T J Cox, Y W Lam, P D'Antonio, 'Characterising Scattering From Room
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6T J Cox and Y W Lam. Evaluation of Methods for Predicting the Scattering from Simple Rigid
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7Predicting the Scattering from Reflectors and Diffusers using 2D Boundary Element Methods.
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