Practice Exercise #23: Manage Animals: Objective
Practice Exercise #23: Manage Animals: Objective
Practice Exercise #23: Manage Animals: Objective
Inheritance with Generics
Task Statement
A business has two establishments: Monyet Zoo and Burung Bird Park. A program has already
been written to list the names of animals in the Zoo, but you are to extend this to the Bird Park,
with some additional requirements.
The existing programs are found in the skeleton file. describes a list of animals, along
with some types of animals:
class Animal { ... }
class Monkey extends Animal { ... }
class Chimp extends Animal { ... }
public Zoo() {
// Substitutability in action (1) -
// Supertype reference to subtype object
animals = new ArrayList<E>();
public void addAnimal(E newAnimal) {
public String toString() {
// ArrayList.toString() is invoked at runtime
return animals.toString();
Notice how a reference-typed variable may have a different datatype as the object it refers to.
A List<E> reference can point to an ArrayList<E> object. If both types implement a
method with the same signature, can you recall which method is executed when the program is
public ManageAnimals() {
zoo = new Zoo<Animal>();
/* birdPark = new ____(); */
There are 99 species of Bird, so it is not feasible to create 100 additional classes to describe
them. Therefore:
• Create a Bird class in with attributes specie and name
• Fill in the missing data types in the driver class in
• Complete the addAnimal() method to add all other animals to the Bird Park
Remember to code incrementally. Compile and test your program at each step.
Submit BOTH and
Sample Output #1
Zoo: [Monkey:monyet, Chimp:panz, Monkey:irbaboon]
Bird Park: [Kingfisher:k, Chick:tweety]
Sample Input #2
Duck daisy
Roadrunner ppp
Duck daffy
Bird burung
Sample Output #2
Zoo: []
Bird Park: [Duck:daisy, Roadrunner:ppp, Duck:daffy, Bird:burung]
Do you see how generics are useful here?
Do you see how generics are limited here?
Can the Zoo class handle anything that applies to all animals?