STE-Unit3 (AY 22-23)

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Software Testing (AY 2022-23) Test Management


3.1 Definition of test plan: Test plan is a detailed document that outlines the test strategy,
testing objectives, resources such as manpower, hardware, software, test schedule, test
estimation and test deliverables.

List the Test Planning Activities:-

1. Preparing test plan
2. Deciding Test approach/ strategy
3. Setting up criteria for testing
4. Identifying responsibilities, staffing & Training needs
5. Identifying Resource Requirement
6. Identifying Test Deliverables
7. Testing task

Preparing test plan:

1. What needs to be tested – the scope of testing, including clear identification of what
will be the tested & what will not be tested.
2. How the testing is going to be performed – breaking down the testing into small and
manageable tasks and identifying the strategies to be used for carrying out the tasks.
3. What resources are needed for testing- computer as well as human resources.
4. The time lines by which the testing activities will be performed.
5. Risks that may be faced in all of the above steps.

Deciding Test approach/ strategy:

This includes identifying:-
1. What type of testing would use for testing functionality?
2. What are the configurations for testing features?
3. What integration testing would you do to ensure these features work together?
4. What “non-functional” tests would you need to do?

Setting up criteria for testing:

There are various criteria used for testing such as entry criteria, exit criteria, suspension and
resumption criteria.
Entry criteria for test specify threshold criteria for each phase.
The exit criteria for specify when test cycle can be completed
Some of the typical suspension criteria include:
o Encountering more than a certain numbers of defects, causing frequent stoppage of
testing activity.
o Hitting show stoppers that prevent further progress of testing.

Identifying Responsibilities, Staffing.

How to identify responsibilities:-
Each person should know what he or she has to do.
List out the responsibilities of each function in the testing process.
Everyone should know how his work is important in performing testing activity
Complement and co-operate each other
No task should be left unassigned


Software Testing (AY 2022-23) Test Management

Staffing: Staffing is done based on estimation of effort and time available for the project for
The people are assigned to tasks based on the requirements of job, skills and experience.

Identifying Resource Requirements

Resource requirement is a detailed summary of all types of resources required to complete
project task. Resource could be human, equipment and materials needed to complete a project.
Some of the following factors need to be considered:
o RAM, processor, disk required for the system under test.
o Test automation tools, if any 
o Supporting tools such as compilers, configuration management tools, etc
o Appropriate number of licenses of all the software.
o Operating Systems required for execution
Additional resource requirements-
o Office space
o Supporting staff such as HR

Test Deliverables
Test Deliverables are the artifacts which are given to the stakeholders of software project
during the software development lifecycle. There are different test deliverables at every phase
of the software development lifecycle. Some test deliverables are provided before testing
phase, some are provided during the testing phase and some after the testing cycles is over.
The deliverable include following:
1. Test plan document
2. Test cases
3. Test design specifications
4. Tools and their outputs
5. Simulators
6. Error logs and execution logs.
7. Problem reports and corrective actions.
8. Test summary report.

Testing Tasks
Estimation is one of the important testing tasks.
There are three phases of estimation-

Size Estimation:
It is can be defined as actual amount of testing that needs to be done.
Size estimation is expressed in terms of –
Number of test cases
Lines of Code (LOC)
Number of configurations to be tested

Effort Estimation:
Effort estimation is derived from size estimation. Effort estimate can be given is person days,
person months or person years.

Schedule Estimation:


Software Testing (AY 2022-23) Test Management

Effort estimation is translated into schedule estimate. Schedule estimation can be defined as
the translation of efforts into particular time frame. Following are the steps required for
performing schedule estimation:-
i. Identify external and internal dependencies among the activities
ii. Sequence the activities based on expected duration
iii. Identify time required by each activity
iv. Monitor the progress in terms of time and efforts
v. Rebalance the schedule as well as resources if required.

3.2 Test Management: Test Infrastructure Management

Test Case Database (TCDB)

Entity Purpose Attributes

Test case Records all the information about the tests 1.Test Case ID
2. Name of the test case
3. Owner of test case
4. Status
Test case Provides mapping between test case and 1.Test case ID
product cross corresponding feature of the product 2. Module ID
Test case run Provides the history of when test was running 1.Test case ID
history and what was the result 2. Run date
4. Status
Test case Details of test cases introduced to test certain 1.Test case ID
defect cross defects detected in product. 2. Defect reference

Defect Repository: A defect repository captures all the relevant details of defect reported for
a product. The defect repository is an important vehicle of communication that influences the
work flow within a software organization.

Configuration Management
Software configuration management is also known as configuration management repository.
It keeps track of change control and version control of all the files present in the software

Change control ensures that –

o Changes made during testing of a file must be in controlled manner.
o Changes made by one tester must not be lost or overwritten by another tester.
o For each change made in the file appropriate version of the file must be created.
o Everyone must get an access of most updated version of the file

Version control – Version control provides the history of each software change, including
who did what, why and when.

Test People Management

People management is an integral part of any project management and test planning.
People management also requires the ability to hire, motivate, and retain the right people.


Software Testing (AY 2022-23) Test Management

Test Lead responsibilities and activities:

 Identify how the test teams formed and aligned within organization
 Decide the roadmap for the project
 Identify the scope of testing using SRS documents.
 Discuss test plan, review and approve by management/ development team.
 Calculate size of project and estimate efforts and corresponding plan.
 Identify skill gap and balance resources and need for training education.
 Identify the tools for test reporting , test management, test automation,
 Create healthy environment for all resources to gain maximum throughput.

Test team responsibilities and activities:

 Initiate the test plan for test case design
 Conduct review meetings
 Monitor test progress , check for resources, balancing and allocation
 Check for delays in schedule discuss, resolve risks if any.
 Intimate status to stake holders and management
 Bridge the gap between test team and management.

Test Reporting
During testing communication between test team and development team takes place with the
help of a document called „test report‟. There are 3 types of test reporting:-

1. Test incident report: A test incident report is an entry made in the defect repository. Each
defect has a unique id to identify incident .The high impact test incident are Highlighted in
the test summary report.

2. Test cycle report: Testing takes place in units of test cycles.

Test cycle report gives:-
1. A summary of the activities carried out during that cycle.
2. Defects that are uncovered during that cycle based on severity and impact
3. Progress in fixing the defect from one cycle to next cycle
4. Outstanding defects that are yet to be fixed
5. Any variation in schedule

3. Test summary report: A report that summarizes the result of a test cycle is the test
summary report.
There are two types of test summary report:-
1. Phase wise test summary, which is produced at the end of every phase
2. Final test summary report.
It contains following –
A Summary of the activities carried out during the test cycle
B Variation: Mention any deviation from test plans, test procedures, if any.
C Summary of results: All the results are mentioned here with the resolved incidents and their
D Comprehensive assessment and recommendation for release: Includes Fit for release
assessment and recommendation of release.



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