Science Magazine Poincare Conjecture
Science Magazine Poincare Conjecture
Science Magazine Poincare Conjecture
TO MATHEMATICIANS, GRIGORI PERELMAN’S Unruly spaces detecting holes, twists, and other features in
Published by AAAS
Fascinating. A computer rendering of a 3D space
with uniform hyperbolic geometry.
The breakthrough
In fact, Perelman was already well on his way
to a solution. In 1995, the 29-year-old
St. Petersburg native had returned to Russia In 2003, when Perelman revisited the Anticlimax
after a 3-year sojourn in the United States, United States to lecture on his work, many Since then, the rosy glow of triumph has taken
where he had met Hamilton and learned about mathematicians doubted that he could have on darker hues. On 22 August, IMU President
Ricci flow. For the next 7 years, he remained pulled off all of these feats. By 2006, however, John Ball announced that Perelman had
mostly incommunicado. Then, in November the mathematical community had finally declined the Fields Medal. In an interview in
2002, Perelman posted on the Internet the first caught up. Three separate manuscripts, each The New Yorker, the reclusive mathematician
of three preprints outlining a proposed proof of more than 300 pages in length, filled in key said he was retiring from mathematics, dis-
the geometrization conjecture. missing details of Perelman’s proof. enchanted by unspecified lapses in “ethical
To experts, it was immediately clear that Two of the papers—one authored by standards” by colleagues. The New Yorker arti-
Perelman had made a major breakthrough. It Bruce Kleiner and John Lott of the University cle also painted an unflattering portrait of Yau,
was in the title of the first sec- of Michigan, Ann Arbor, intimating that he had claimed too much credit
tion of the first paper: “Ricci BREAKTHROUGH the other by John Mor- for his protégés Cao and Zhu.
Flow as a Gradient Flow.” ONLINE gan of Columbia Uni- In the ensuing months, hard feelings have
Perelman had spotted an impor- For an expanded version of this versity and Gang Tian of abounded. Certain mathematicians claimed
tant detail that Hamilton had section, with references and links, the Massachusetts Insti- that their quotes were distorted in the New
missed: a quantity that always see tute of Technology in Yorker, and Yau threatened to sue. Kleiner and
increases during the flow, giving btoy2006 Cambridge—stopped Lott complained that Cao and Zhu had copied
it a direction. By analogy with short of the geometriza- a proof of theirs and claimed it as original, and
statistical mechanics, the mathematics under- tion conjecture, because Perelman’s explana- the latter pair grudgingly printed an erratum
lying the laws of thermodynamics, Perelman tion of the final step had been too sketchy. acknowledging Kleiner and Lott’s priority.
called the quantity “entropy.” (Both groups are still working on it.) They did, This fall, the American Mathematical Soci-
The entropy ruled out specific singularities however, include enough math to nail down the ety attempted to organize an all-star panel on
that had stymied Hamilton. To reach a safe har- Poincaré conjecture. the Poincaré and geometrization conjectures at
bor, however, Perelman still had to identify the The third paper, by Huai-Dong Cao of its January 2007 meeting in New Orleans,
remaining types of singularities that might Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylva- Louisiana. According to Executive Director
cause problems. He had to show that they nia, and Xi-Ping Zhu of Zhongshan Univer- John Ewing, the effort fell apart when Lott
occurred one at a time instead of accumulating sity in Guangzhou, China, was less circum- refused to share the stage with Zhu. Ewing still
in an infinite pileup. Then, for each singularity, spect. Cao and Zhu claimed to have “the hopes to organize such an event “at some time
he had to show how to prune and smooth it first written account of a complete proof of in the future.” For the time being, however, the
before it could sabotage Ricci flow. Those the Poincaré conjecture and the geometriza- animosity continues to make it hard for mathe-
steps would be enough to prove Poincaré. To tion conjecture of Thurston.” This summer, maticians to celebrate their greatest break-
complete the geometrization conjecture, Perel- the International Mathematical Union through of the new millennium.
man had to show, additionally, that the “Ricci (IMU) decided to award Perelman the Fields –DANA MACKENZIE
flow with surgery” procedure could be contin- Medal, traditionally considered the highest Dana Mackenzie is a freelance science writer in Santa
ued for an infinitely long time. honor in mathematics. Cruz, California.
Published by AAAS
The Poincaré Conjecture--Proved
Dana Mackenzie (December 22, 2006)
Science 314 (5807), 1848-1849. [doi:
Editor's Summary
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