10.2478 - Sjecr 2022 0009
10.2478 - Sjecr 2022 0009
10.2478 - Sjecr 2022 0009
Received: 25.02.2022.
Accepted: 07.03.2022.
DOI: 10.2478/sjecr-2022-0009
INTRODUCTION Depending on the method of fixation, space keepers can
be fixed, cemented and mobile. These devices are divided by
Replacement of deciduous teeth with permanent teeth is the way they function into active (enable the increase of
a physiological process, and as a consequence of early tooth space by their action) and passive (retain existing space)
loss in deciduous or mixed dentition, loss of space may occur (Table 1).
(1,2). Loss of space usually results in mesial migration of
posterior teeth, and often distal movement of anterior teeth. FIXED SPACE MAINTAINERS
In general, there is an idea that early loss of a deciduous mo-
lar in the lower jaw mainly results in distal canine displace- Generally speaking, space keepers are semi-permanent
ment, while early loss of the first deciduous molar in the up- holders whose function is to maintain the space properly until
per jaw results in mesial migration of the second deciduous the eruption of permanent substitute teeth. After the eruption
molar (3,4). There is no doubt that the loss of space after the of permanent teeth, the maintainer of space is removed.
premature extraction of deciduous molars occurs, however,
the width of the lost space and the need for their clinical use Crown and loop (C&L)
are still a topic that is up for discussion (5-11). In the process
These devices include a crown placed over one tooth and
of active eruption of the constant first molar between 5 and 7
a stainless-steel wire loop. Usually are used when the distal
years of age there is the highest probability of deciduous
tooth is carious, so we solve this problem with the crown as
tooth migration and the occurrence of loss of space. It is for
an integral element and at the same time it represents a fixed
these reasons that this period is an indication for the design-
part of the space maintainer to which the loop connects. The
ing and installation of space maintainers.
loop is tied to the crown on one end of the space while at the
The Clinical Efficacy Committee of the Faculty of Dental other end it presses on the tooth and keeps the void constant
Surgery in England was the first to publish guidelines for the after the loss of a deciduous tooth. The high level of patient
extraction of deciduous teeth and application of space main- cooperation is the main advantage of using this type of space
tainers in 2001, which was supplemented in 2006 (7). maintainer and disintegration of cement, cracking of a solder,
the forming of caries and long construction time are their
Their guidelines say that space maintainers are most use- shortcomings.
ful in the following situations:
Band and loop (B&L)
- Loss of a deciduous molar with an problematic arrange-
It has been used most often in the past due to its easy con-
ment in the jaw
struction. However, the precision of setting and adapting the
- Loss of the second deciduous molar except for arches
tape as a noose around the abutment tooth is a problem. Dur-
with sufficient space width.
ing the production trauma of soft tissues can occur during
tape adaptation, and infiltration anesthesia is necessary. In
From this method until today, the consensus about the use addition, an additional problem is plaque accumulation, gin-
and design of space maintainers has changed a lot. In time it
gival inflammation, bacterial colonization, and damage to the
was proposed and established that the application of space
surrounding soft tissues (13-20). Making it takes a lot of ef-
maintainers after the premature loss of a primary molar can
fort and time and requires a few materials which bring with
prevent unwanted migration of deciduous or permanent teeth
them additional costs (18). Breakage, bending or displace-
and prevents loss of space or the shortening of the length of
ment of the space maintainer cannot be corrected on the spot,
the dental arch and of the space for the positioning of perma-
and for that reason in these situations this type of maintainer
nent teeth (American Academy of Pediatrics dentistry 2014).
must be removed and a new one must be made, which re-
this period is an indication for the designing and installation
quires more time and additional finances (16,17). Another in
of space maintainers.Different types of devices are used for
a series of shortcomings is the poor aesthetic effect that is
the application of space maintainers as a therapeutic method,
because they are made of stainless steel and the possibility of
depending on the stage of development of the teeth, dental allergic reactions is present. This type of space maintainer is
arch, and the number of missing teeth (2).
commercialized in the form of a ready-made system for the
The key moment is maintaining the position of the decid- production of space maintainers that bypasses the laboratory
uous molar, whose position is crucial for guiding the eruption phase.
of the first permanent molar, otherwise mesial migration, loss However, they are not suitable for all clinical situations,
of space and reduction in arch length can occur as a result of
and the above-mentioned problems can be seen in this com-
their loss. Unilateral loss of deciduous second molars can free
mercial type of maintainer as well (18). The apparent pres-
up space which can be maintained with various preparations.
ence of shortcomings justifies constant research and devel-
The choice of the type of preparation used depends on the
opment of new materials and products designed to maintain
clinical conditions, age of the patient, state of their oral hy-
the space of premature loss of a deciduous tooth (21).
giene and other parameters.
Table 1. Types of space maintainers – clinical indications, advantages and disadvantages
Glass fiber reinforced composite space maintainer installation is more economical, easier to manipulate and use.
Costs have also been reduced by circumventing the labora-
The emergence and application of fiber-reinforced com- tory phase and requiring only taking an impression. The de-
posites in dentistry has brought a great revolution in numer- sign is simple and extremely easy and quick to set up due to
ous procedures. One of the places of their application is in light-curable composite (16,17,18,19,20,21).
pediatric dentistry during production of space maintainers
(26, 27). There are a number of advantages over Band and With its strength and plasticity, it does not allow a nega-
loop (21,22,15,16): tive impact on soft tissues and them being damaged (19). The
main drawback is more difficult manipulation and manifes-
- Better aesthetics tation of negative properties of the composite in the presence
- Minimally invasive (saves surrounding soft tissues) of moisture, as well as the fact that it does not prevent exces-
- Easily removable sive eruption of the antagonist tooth, and does not restore the
- Better accepted by patients themselves function of the missing tooth (18,19)
This material also shows exceptional strength, it can even
be compared to stainless steel (21). Production and
Distal end shoe the loops on the model, bends and adapts the wire and solders
the structures themselves (29). The wire should be in contact
This type of therapeutic procedure was introduced into with the cingulum of the incisor near the tip of the papilla
clinical practice by Gerber (23), which was perfected and re- (30). It should also rest on the gingival third of the permanent
fined by Krol (24,25). This is a very valuable and important molars or in in the case of placing bands on other deciduous
device that helps in case of loss of the second deciduous mo- molars on the gingival third, where it is soldered to the loop.
lar since it aids the positioning of the first permanent molar It can have certain modifications, i.e. the application of cer-
in its place. In 1973, Hicks detailed the indications and con- tain orthodontic elements in the area of the incisors for their
traindications for this device, as well as diagnostic and sys- minimal displacement.
tematic considerations. Indications for its application are
premature loss or extraction of the second deciduous molar Transpalatal arch
before the eruption of the first permanent molar, advanced
root resorption and periapical bone destruction of the second It differs from the lingual one only by the fact that the
deciduous molar before eruption of the first permanent mo- place of the leaning arch is on the palate, and it does not in-
lar. clude the anterior teeth as a place of support. It relies on the
palate indirectly through acrylic to prevent it from forming
After Hicks, Gegenheimer and Donly describe the labor- mucosal damage.
atory production of the distal apparatus, which consists of the
crown and a distal element whose apex is incised into the gin- REMOVABLE APPLIANCES
gival line at the site of extraction of the second deciduous
molar as a guide for proper growth of the first permanent mo- Mobile maintainers are similar to orthodontic mobile den-
lar (27). During the first visit, a tooth was prepared, which tures. They are made of acrylic and many of them have
served as a support for crowns and an impression was taken acrylic teeth built-in that compensate for the lost tooth and
to make the apparatus, while another visit is planned for ce- represent a functional apparatus whose carrier are metal rings
mentation and installation of the apparatus itself. During the adapted around the distal teeth in relation to space and situa-
first visit, X-ray diagnostics was performed in order to notice tion on a case-by-case basis (15,31).
the position of the first permanent molar. Before cementa-
tion, another deciduous molar was extracted, after which the There are a number of benefits to using mobile space
device was cemented. The main disadvantage is aesthetics, maintainers (32). This applies in addition to maintaining
very difficult conditions for maintaining oral hygiene as well proximal, distal and mesial lengths of the space itself also to
accumulation of plaque which causes damage to other struc- maintaining the vertical height thus returning aesthetics (33),
tures as well as a large number of controls in order to control it prevents speech disorders (34,35) and eliminates bad habits
the efficiency and function of the device itself. such as one-sided chewing. However, the method of their
production has many shortcomings (36), mostly in the form
Lingual arch of design and the production of the devices themselves. Their
production is complicated because it requires the work of an
Bilateral fixed passive non - functional devices that con- experienced therapist and technician and the appearance of
trol the anteroposterior position of the tooth and maintain a the product itself shows a large degree of variation. Constitu-
constant length of the dental arch. Indications for their use tive elements of these maintainers (rings, wire, acrylate)
are bilateral loss of the first deciduous molars after the emer- show great variability in their definitive appearance from
gence of permanent lower incisors, minimal forward move- work to work. and the biggest problem is the contraction of
ment of the anterior teeth and space maintenance (28). It is a acrylates during polymerization (37), which negatively af-
contraindication before the emergence of permanent incisors. fects the intimate fitting between the surface of the tissue and
the surface of the maintainer. For these reasons, patients
The advantages of this device are: themselves find it difficult to accept the maintainer. Another
problem in making the device is the unavailability of baby
- Unobstructed eruption of permanent teeth tooth sets, so it is necessary to adapt and modify the adult
- Space maintenance teeth sets according to the morphology of deciduous teeth,
- Easy maintenance of oral hygiene however, absolute precision can never be achieved. These de-
- Comfortable for the patient vices enable good maintenance of oral hygiene, but their ef-
- The disadvantages of this device are: ficiency is not at a high level precisely because of the mobil-
- Inability to prevent tooth antagonist extrusion ity and irresponsibility of children at that age. Mobile space
- High possibility of inclination due to forces caused maintainers can be unilateral and bilateral. Unilateral mobile
by the tongue space maintainers are very small in size so during childhood
- May have adverse effects on surrounding structures they represent a very great danger of swallowing and suffo-
with poor oral hygiene habits cation, which are the main contraindications due to which
these preparations are very rarely made. Bilateral devices are
The devices are made in a combination of an office and similar to mobile partial denture ones that do not maintain
in a lab. The loops are applied around the teeth in the office, mesiodistal stability and tooth position, vertical dimension
after which the technician performs additional adaptation of
and function in the area in which the teeth were lost in func- construction of the devices themselves. Production is com-
tional mobile devices. In addition to this with these devices plicated because it requires the work of an experienced ther-
better aesthetics as well as phonation are observed. apist and technician and the appearance of the product itself
shows a large degree of variation. The constitutive elements
Dentistry adopted the digital workflow in the 1980s and of these maintainers (rings, wire, acrylate) show great varia-
has been using it ever since. The use of CAD-CAM technol- bility of their definitive appearance varies from work to
ogy in dentistry has shown tremendous success in recent work. Perhaps the biggest problem is contracting acrylate
years. Improved patient compliance and acceptance of treat- during polymerization (36), which negatively affects the in-
ments are two main advantages (34). By using the CAD- timate adhesion between the tissue surface and maintainer
CAM method, restorations can be virtually designed and then surfaces. For these reasons, patients find it difficult to accept
milled on an automated milling machine. One more modern the device. Another problem in the production is unavailabil-
method of making progress in the therapeutic approach is ity of sets of deciduous teeth, so it is necessary to modify the
3D- printing. Additive manufacturing, layered manufactur- teeth from the set of permanent teeth and to adapt them to the
ing, and solid freeform fabrication are other terms for 3D morphology of deciduous teeth, however, absolute precision
printing. The basic notion behind this new technology is that can never be achieved.
a digital file may be used to construct a layer-by-layer design
for a 3D object of any shape or geometry. A cross-section of CONCLUSION
the final object is represented by each of these layers.
Space maintainers are a bit neglected, and they represent
In the long run, these technologies that are quick, precise, a very important clinical treatment whose use can bring a lot
and do not require a lot of time may be the best option for of benefits, both prophylactic and therapeutic. The develop-
pediatric patients. However, despite the great advantages, ment of biomaterials and digitalization in dental practice can
they have not been widely used in pediatric dentistry today. direct us to modify and improve this therapeutic method.
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