Regular Article
Keywords: molecular size, quantum chemical calculation, molecular dynamics simulation, bioaccumulation, bioconcentration.
is not required under the CSCL.2,13) Mekenyan et al. have pro- domly selected and rotated by every 120 degrees. The quantum
posed a Dmax aver value as one of the steric factors to characterize calculation was stopped if the number of the generated structures
the bulkiness of a molecule14,15); Dmax aver >17.4 Å is approved as exceeded 5 million. The number of 5 million was determined by
one indicator in a weight of evidence assessment, a method for considering the calculation cost. It covers that of all conformers
making decisions by considering multiple sources of informa- having 14 dihedral angles in a molecule where every angle was
tion,16) for limited bioaccumulation potential (i.e., BCF <5000) rotated by every 120 degrees (314=4,782,969). To verify whether
under REACH.17) the number of 5 million was sufficient, five different initial 3-D
The Dmax aver value is an arithmetic mean diameter of the structures with Dmax values different from each other by >3 Å
smallest spheres accommodating the locally stable conform- were submitted to HyperChem as very flexible chemicals with
ers. This value can be obtained only by using commercial soft- more than 14 dihedral angles.
ware OASIS, developed by Mekenyan et al.17,18) Although the The free energy gradient method was applied to the geometry
Dmax aver value is a leading indicator to describe the steric prop- optimization to obtain a locally stable conformer. This optimiza-
erty of a chemical, this indicator alone is considered insufficient tion was performed in two steps. In the first step, the conformers
to exempt a chemical from bioconcentration testing.16,17) Due to generated by MCMM were roughly optimized by the molecular
some problems, countries other than the EU have not approved mechanics method using an MM+ force field21) with a Polak–Ri-
it. The most critical problem appears to be that OASIS estimates biere Conjugate Gradient.22) In the second step, each of the lo-
the Dmax aver value of a chemical based on its conformations in a cally stable conformers by the molecular mechanics method was
vacuum,14,15) although the bioaccumulation in fish occurs in an re-optimized by the semi-empirical molecular orbital method
aquatic environment. Since the simulation of molecular struc- using AM1/6-31G+15) with the Polak–Ribiere Conjugate Gradi-
tures in water requires enormous computational cost in a quan- ent. The root-mean-square gradient convergence threshold of
tum chemical calculation that considers the interactions with the Polak–Ribiere Conjugate Gradient was set to 0.01 kcal/Å mol
surrounding water molecules, Mekenyan and coauthors selected in each optimization.
locally stable conformers within 20 kcal/mol of the most stable After these optimizations, locally stable conformers with po-
one in a vacuum in the OASIS calculation to consider the struc- tential energies 20 kcal/mol higher than that of the most stable
tural differences between in a vacuum and in water.15) However, one were excluded in accordance with the method for Dmax aver
scientific discussions have not validated this selection, such as a calculation in OASIS.17) Conformers with a similar molecular
comparison with actual Dmax aver of conformers in water. More- size were also excluded. The molecular similarity was validated
over, in calculating Dmax aver values with OASIS software, expert by a root-mean-square distance calculation between the two
knowledge is required for inputting parameters in the genetic al- atoms at both ends of the conformers. When differences in the
gorithm, such as the size of the permanent population, the num- root-mean-square distance were less than 0.1 Å, these conform-
ber of children, the mutation/crossover ratio, and the generation ers were considered similar, and one of them was selected to ex-
times.19) clude others. These 3-D conformers obtained by HyperChem are
In this study, we developed a new method of calculating described as “complete locally stable conformers” in the follow-
Dmax aver values in a vacuum that requires no expert knowledge. ing sections.
The method combined a commercial program to generate a set The locally stable conformers that emerged around the gentle
of energetically stable conformers in a vacuum with an origi- bottom in the same valley on the potential energy surface were
nal program to calculate Dmax aver from the generated conformer further excluded by an original Excel program using Visual
set. Then, we reproduced the dynamic behavior of molecules in Basic for Applications (VBA) because these similar conformers
water using the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method, were likely to provide a biased weight in calculating the Dmax aver
and the calculated Dmax aver values were compared with those in a value. In the program, the root-mean-square distances between
vacuum. Finally, based on reliable BCF values of 1665 chemicals, all corresponding two atoms of a pair of locally stable conform-
we proposed a new threshold of Dmax value in water to judge the ers were calculated according to Eq. (1),
low bioaccumulation potential (i.e., BCF <5000) of chemicals in
an aquatic environment.
d= (Δx A
ij − ΔxijB )2 (1)
Materials and methods i, j
1. Calculation method where Δx Ai,j and Δx Bi,j indicate the distance between atoms i and
1.1. Conformers in a vacuum j for locally stable conformers A and B, respectively. A smaller
An initial 3-D structure of a test chemical was drawn using d value indicates a higher similarity between two locally stable
CHEM3D Ver.18 (PerkinElmer Informatics, USA). This initial conformers. Thus, of similar conformers within a small d value,
structure was submitted to the Monte Carlo Multiple Minimum one representative conformer was selected to exclude others
(MCMM) search algorithm20) of HyperChem 8.0.6. (HyperCube, from the complete locally stable conformers. The maximum
USA) to generate 3-D conformers by a quantum chemical calcu- number of conformers for Dmax calculation was changed from
lation, in which the dihedral angles of each molecule were ran- 10 to 200 in this study by varying the d value, and Dmax aver val-
10 C. Miyata et al. Journal of Pesticide Science
ues based on the selected conformers were compared with those x2. This operation was repeated y times. Then the moving dis-
given by OASIS. The conformers selected by specifying the d tance was changed to (hxi+vxi)/22, and the point was moved by
value are described as “filtered stable conformers.” (hxi+vxi)/22 to the atom farthest from the arrival point by repeat-
1.2. Conformers in water ing. This operation was repeated y times. In this way, the point
Three-dimensional structures of each test chemical in water gradually reached the true center of the sphere by decreasing the
were generated by MD simulations using Material Studio 2018 moving distance to (hxi+vxi)/2n. The number of y was set at 20,
(BIOVIA, USA). The simulation was carried out in a cube con- based on the convergence conditions investigated for this meth-
taining 2000 water molecules with a density of 1.0 g/cm3 by the od. We judged that the point had arrived at the center when the
Forcite module. The cubic size was set at 39.1 Å in length, which moving distance got to less than 1×10−6 Å.
was twofold longer than the limit of the Dmax aver of the low bio-
accumulation potential (i.e., 17.4 Å). The initial 3-D structure 2. Test chemicals
was drawn using CHEM3D. The cubic box containing the test Dmax values of 69 chemicals of various sizes and shapes were cal-
chemical and water molecules was energy-minimized by the culated for the conformers in a vacuum or water (Table 1). These
Smart algorithm in the Forcite module with a Condensed-Phase chemicals were described in a report published by the UK Envi-
Optimized Molecular Potentials for Atomistic Simulation Stud- ronmental Agency18) and consisted of biphenyl ethers, polychlo-
ies (COMPASS) II force field.23) Convergence tolerance for mini- rinated alkanes, polysulfides, styrylphenols, primary alcohols,
mization was Medium, with energy of 0.001 kcal/mol, a maxi- pigments, and 29 chemicals with various skeletons.
mum force of 0.5 kcal/mol·Å, and a maximum displacement of Test chemicals with measured BCF values were collected from
0.015 Å. After the energy minimization, the MD simulation was the database of the Japanese National Institute of Technology and
performed with a time step of 1.0 fs by using an NTP ensemble Evaluation (NITE). Bioconcentration tests with 750 chemicals
in the Forcite module of Material Studio, where a Nosé-Hoover were conducted by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and
thermostat and a Berendsen barostat24–26) were used to keep the Industry (METI) from 1974 to 1986,29) and tests with 1118 chem-
temperature and pressure at 298 K and 1×105 Pa, respectively. icals were conducted by applicants under the CSCL from 1987 to
The MD simulations in water for a flexible chemical were per- 2017.30) These tests were performed under the Organisation for
formed for 10, 100, 200, 500, and 2000 ps. The snapshots were Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Principles of
collected every 1 ps. The 3-D coordinates of all of the atoms in Good Laboratory Practice31) following OECD Test Guideline 305
each conformer were used for the following Dmax calculation. (I).6) The BCF values were used as described in these test results,
The effect of the simulation time was evaluated by the repeat- except for the following cases: When more than two BCF values
ability of the calculated Dmax value and of the range of fluctua- were available for a single chemical, the highest was selected for
tion during calculation. conservative analysis. When a BCF value was given for a mixture
1.3. Calculation of Dmax values of different chemicals, the original reports and references were
The coordinates of all atoms of the conformers calculated in sec- examined, and only the value that could be assigned to a single
tions 1.1 and 1.2 were used to calculate the diameter of a sphere component was used. Otherwise, the values were excluded from
covering the van der Waals radii27) of all atoms in a conformer the analysis. Inorganic chemicals and heavy metal–containing
(i.e., Dmax) using an original Excel program with VBA. In this organic chemicals were excluded from the investigation because
program, the center of the sphere was first determined,28) and their uptake mechanism to fish differs from passive diffusion
then the distance between the sphere’s center and the edge of through the gill membrane.32,33) For ionic chemicals in water,
the van der Waals radius of the farthest atom was calculated. the dissociated structures were used for the calculation to avoid
The Dmax value was obtained by doubling the distance. The Dmax overestimating their molecular size. Perfluoroalkyl chemicals
value was calculated for each of the complete locally stable con- have been reported to bioaccumulate in organisms with the as-
formers in a vacuum, of the filtered stable conformers in vacu- sistance of specific binding proteins in the blood.34–36) For these
um, or of the conformers in water. Dmax aver, Dmax min, and Dmax max substances, Dmax values are not relevant as the uptake-constraint
values of a test chemical were determined by averaging the Dmax factor; hence, they were excluded from the investigation. Some
values arithmetically and by selecting the minimum and maxi- chemicals (BCF <100 and MW <100) were excluded from the
mum among the Dmax values, respectively. calculation because they were too small and not relevant to con-
The center of the sphere was determined as follows: a mov- cerns of high bioaccumulation. As a result, Dmax values in water
ing point was first set at the origin of the 3-D coordinate, and were determined for 1665 chemicals.
it was moved toward the farthest atom (x1) from the origin by
a distance of (hx1+vx1)/2, where hx1 was the distance between the
Results and discussion
origin and the center of the farthest atom (x1), and vx1 was the 1. Dmax values in a vacuum
van der Waals radius of the atom. Next, the point was further Dmax values in a vacuum were estimated by HyperChem and
moved from there toward the farthest atom (x2) by a distance of the original program for 69 chemicals listed in the UK report.18)
(hx2+vx2)/2, where hx2 was the distance between the arrival point The total number of rotational dihedral angles in each chemi-
and the center of x2, and vx2 was the van der Waals radius of cal ranged from 1 to 39 (Fig. 1A). Five minutes to two weeks
Vol. 47, No. 1, 8–16 (2022) Criterion of molecular size to evaluate bioaccumulation potential 11
Table 1. Classification and typical structures of 69 chemicals18) used to calculate Dmax values in a vacuum or in water
Biphenyl ethers 11
Polychlorinated alkanes 22
Polysulphides 6
Styrylphenols 5
Primary alcohols 2
Pigments 3
Other chemicals 29
were required to obtain the complete locally stable conformers A long-chain chlorinated alkane ID33 (C30H49Cl13) has
by changing the respective dihedral angles. The numbers of the the highest rotational freedom and, therefore, has the larg-
complete locally stable conformers ranged from 1 to 717 (Fig. est number of 3-D conformers among the chemicals exam-
1B), depending on the number of the dihedral angles in the ined. Dmax values ranged from Dmax min=17.8 Å (the smallest) to
molecule that gave rise to higher freedom of motion. Dmax max=38.9 Å (the largest), as shown in Fig. 2. The most stable
Fig. 1. Numbers of dihedral angles (A) and the complete locally stable conformers (B) for 69 chemicals with ID numbers described in the UK report.18)
12 C. Miyata et al. Journal of Pesticide Science
Table 2. Repeatability of Dmax aver calculation in a vacuum by HyperCHEM starting from five different 3-D strctures of each test chemical
No. of No. of complete locally Energy of most stable Dmax aver of complete locally
Chemical ID Formula
dihedral angles stable conformers conformer (kcal/mol) stable conformers (Å)
ID29 C22H37Cl9 27 648–659 32.2–32.3 21.77±0.02
ID30 C24H40Cl10 30 657–666 37.5–37.8 23.40±0.03
ID31 C26H43Cl11 33 660–674 39.9–40.1 23.63±0.02
ID32 C28H46Cl12 36 661–672 36.2–36.3 24.87±0.04
ID33 C30H49Cl13 39 698–717 50.3–50.6 26.35±0.02
Vol. 47, No. 1, 8–16 (2022) Criterion of molecular size to evaluate bioaccumulation potential 13
Fig. 3. Comparison of Dmax aver calculated by OASIS with those calculated in this study from the complete locally stable conformers (A) and from the
filtered stable conformers with the numbers of 30 (B), 100 (C), and 200 (D).
the 69 chemicals. Seven different 3-D structures (A to G) of the ranged from 25.2 (structure C) to 35.3 Å (structure G), and
chemical ID33 were created by CHEM3D, whose Dmax values the difference was 10.1 Å. These results indicated that both the
were 32.1, 28.2, 25.0, 25.8, 30.3, 23.2, and 35.3 Å, respectively. Dmax min and Dmax max values were strongly affected by the initial
Of these, structure F represented the smallest among the avail- structures of a test chemical in the case of the 10 ps simulation,
able initial structures, while G represented the largest. The MD and such a short simulation time was insufficient to cover a wide
simulations for each structure in water were performed for a range of possible structural changes of a chemical having a flex-
specified time up to 2000 ps. Figure 4 shows the averages and the ible structure like ID33. By extending the simulation time from
ranges of Dmax values after simulation times of 10, 100, 200, 500, 10 to 2000 ps, the differences of Dmax min, Dmax max, or Dmax aver
and 2000 ps for each initial structure. The conformers for the values became smaller, ultimately being less than 0.1 Å between
Dmax calculation were sampled every 1 ps in principle, although any pair of two initial structures after 500 ps or more. In fact,
the conformers for the 10 ps simulation were sampled every the standard deviations of Dmax min, Dmax max, and Dmax aver among
0.1 ps to increase the number of the conformers. The small- these seven structures in the 10 ps simulation were 3.50, 4.03,
est Dmax values (Dmax min) in the 10 ps simulation ranged from and 3.84 Å, respectively; however, those in the 500 ps simula-
23.2 (structure F) to 32.2 Å (structure G), and the difference tion decreased to 0.07, 0.09, and 0.03 Å, respectively. Eventually,
was 9.0 Å. On the other hand, the largest Dmax values (Dmax max) Dmax values ranged from 23 to 35 Å depending on the simula-
tion time; however, the maximum or minimum values of Dmax
obtained after 500 ps simulations were unchanged by extending
the simulation time as in the case of chemical ID33. When sev-
eral other test chemicals were examined in the same manner, all
simulations converged in a shorter simulation time than that of
ID33. Therefore, the simulation time was set to 500 ps in the fol-
lowing investigations, taking into account the calculation costs.
Fig. 5. Comparison of Dmax max (A), Dmax min (B), and Dmax aver values (C) in water based on MD simulations with those in a vacuum based on quantum
chemical calculations for 69 chemicals (closed circles) including ID12 to ID33 (open circles) and ID D2 and D3 (open squares). A line with slope 1 is
shown in each figure.
values in water and in a vacuum for ID12 to ID33 were 1.8 to Under the CSCL, chemicals with MW >800 are approved as
6.5 Å, where the values in water were larger than those in a vac- low bioaccumulative and are not required to be tested in fish.2,13)
uum. These chemicals can adopt highly compact conformations When applying this standard, only 116 of the examined 1665
in a vacuum, but such compact conformations would hardly be chemicals (open triangles in Fig. 6) are exempted from biocon-
formed in water due to their interaction with water molecules. centration testing using fish. In this study, the Dmax values de-
As a result, the average values of Dmax (Dmax aver) in a vacuum rived from realistic 3-D conformers in water were considered
were not in good agreement with those in water because some of more appropriate than MW as the indicator of molecular bulki-
the stable conformers in a vacuum cannot exist in the aqueous ness that may govern the penetration of biological membranes.
environment (Fig. 5C). Similarly, two pigments, ID D2 and D3 Based on the Dmax value in water calculated in this study, it was
(open squares in Fig. 5C; see their structures in Table 1), with expected that 436 chemicals with Dmax aver >17.1 Å could be ex-
higher molecular weights (i.e., around 700) also showed differ- cluded from testing.
ent Dmax aver in a vacuum and in water. In general, Dmax aver values While the Dmax aver values have conventionally been deemed
in water were larger than those in a vacuum for bulky chemicals. the criterion of low bioaccumulation, the Dmax min values more
These results indicate that the MD calculations help correctly es- likely reflect on the stereo structures of compact conformers that
timate the 3-D stereo structures of molecules in water, especially can be more closely associated with gill membrane permeation.
for some flexible or bulky molecules. Thus, from the viewpoint of screening assessment, the use of
Dmax min values as thresholds seems more conservative and eas-
4. Evaluation of bioaccumulation potential with the Dmax value ily accepted by regulatory authorities. Figure 7 shows the rela-
in water tionship between the measured BCF values and the Dmax min val-
Mekenyan et al. selected the conformers in a vacuum that can ues in water for the same set of chemicals as in Fig. 6. Here, the
exist within 20 kcal/mol of the most stable conformer without maximum Dmax min value for the chemicals with BCF ≥5000 was
any validations, and the 17.4 Å of Dmax aver based on these con- 15.6 Å. The number of chemicals regarded as having low bioac-
formers has been proposed as an indicator of low bioaccumula-
tion.16,17) In this study, we calculated the molecular sizes in water
for chemicals that had been subject to bioconcentration studies
and tried to find a size threshold to predict the low bioaccumu-
lation of chemicals.
Figure 6 shows the relationship between the measured BCF
values and the Dmax aver values in water for the 1665 chemicals,
including 116 substances with MW >800 (open triangle), to-
gether with a dotted line at BCF=5000. The maximum Dmax aver
value for the chemicals with BCF ≥5000 was 17.1 Å among the
1665 chemicals. The number of chemicals with Dmax aver >17.1 Å
was 436, and all of them had low bioaccumulation (i.e., BCF
<5000). Therefore, a criterion of the low bioaccumulation in
terms of Dmax aver in water could be set as >17.1 Å, which was
in good agreement with the Dmax aver in a vacuum of 17.4 Å ap-
proved under REACH.17) This result indirectly justifies the ap-
Fig. 6. Relationship between Dmax aver values in water and measured
proximation by Mekenyan et al. to predict the Dmax values in BCF values for 1665 chemicals (closed circles) including substances
water, where only the conformers in a vacuum within 20 kcal/ >800 MW (open triangles). The dotted line denotes the threshold of
mol of the most stable one were selected for the calculation. BCF=5000.
Vol. 47, No. 1, 8–16 (2022) Criterion of molecular size to evaluate bioaccumulation potential 15
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