Proceding ISGC Atlantis
Proceding ISGC Atlantis
Proceding ISGC Atlantis
Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Guidance and Counseling 2019 (ISGC 2019)
Abstract—The aim of this study is to describe the Bandura [2] stated that self-efficacy is a person's
contribution of self-efficacy to the academic anxiety among belief in his or her ability to do a form of control over his or
the students of UNY (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta). This her own functions and any events in an environment.
correlational study used the descriptive-quantitative Bandura also described self-efficacy as the determination of
approach and the technique in collecting the data was
how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave [3].
through the questionnaires of self-efficacy and academic
anxiety. All UNY students consisting of 7 faculties and 1 It was also stated that self-efficacy can be generated and
graduate program were involved as the population of this learned through 4 things: mastery experience, social
study. The sampling technique used krejcie tables with modeling, social persuasion, and physical and emotional
efficacy level of 90%. The results of the Pearson Correlation conditions. The relation of physical and emotional condition
model analysis test showed a correlation value of -0.674 with here is then triggering the anxiety. If such anxiety occurs in
the opposite direction of the two variables in which the higher the academic world, it goes to academic anxiety then.
the academic self-efficacy, the lower the academic anxiety. The This is also supported by the results of previous
results of the correlation test based upon the exact and non- studies showing both the different levels of academic
exact science showed results of 21.4% and 29.6%, respectively.
anxiety experienced by the students in UNY in each class
Meanwhile, the results of the correlation test by sex showed
that male had a correlation of 11.4% and female had 28.6%.
and faculty and other aspects including the uncertain
Furthermore, the correlation test results by the class of 2016, feeling of students about their ability to complete
2017 and 2018 showed the value of 27.1%, 21.7% and 18.4% assignments from lecturers. Meanwhile, the result of
respectively. Furthermore, the results of the simple linear academic anxiety coming out is being anxious if they will
regression analysis of R-square test obtained 0.281 indicating submit the assignments from lecturers, the fear of not being
that self-efficacy brought an effect on the decrease of able to complete studies on time, and the demands of
academic anxiety by 28.1%, while 71.9% was determined by parents viewed as a burden for the students. It has also been
other factors or other independent variables not used in this found that there have been a number of differences in the
study. level of academic anxiety experienced by sex, distance
traveled to campus, abilities to be mastered in each faculty.
Keywords—self-efficacy, academic anxiety, college
Ottens [4] defined anxiety as the disruption of
thought patterns and physical responses as well as the
behavior of individual anxiety particularly on academic
assignments given. Purwanti, et al. [5] meanwhile stated
It has been found in a previous study on academic
that academic anxiety is the encouragement of thoughts and
anxiety profile of UNY students in 2018 that the academic
feelings among students in the form of fear of incoming
anxiety experienced by students was related to a number of
danger without any specific reason making the patterns of
factors, some of which that have been revealed in previous
thought and physical response and behavior disrupted. Both
studies were the effects of academic anxiety based on the
opinions indicate that academic anxiety is a disturbed
academic self-efficacy of students. This then comes to be a
pattern of thought and physical response and behavior in
very interesting topic for further research to figure out of its
the academic field.
This study in turn attempted to further and deeply
The study of Arnaiz Castro and Perez Luzardo's [1]
examine the contribution of academic self-efficacy to the
supported this finding that the higher level of student
academic anxiety of students in UNY. The results were
academic anxiety could lead to the lower level of academic
analyzed based on both sex and exact and non-exact
self-efficacy. While the study mentioned above was carried
out for the secondary education level, this recent study
attempted to be carried out on the college students and it
was also supported from the results of previous studies on
This correlational study used a descriptive-
the academic anxiety among UNY students with an
quantitative approach in which the subject of this study was
expectation that it can provide a better understand towards
conducted by using random sampling. The population of
the contribution of academic self-efficacy to academic
this study was all students of UNY from 7 (seven) faculties
and 1 postgraduate program based on the class started from 3. The Results of the Correlation Test and the Analysis of
the class of 2016 to 2018. Simple Regression Analysis By Exact and Non-Exact Study
The sampling technique used krejcie tables with
efficacy level of 90%. Of the total population of 25,904 Table 3. the Correlation Test and the Analysis of Simple
students using krejcie tables with the efficacy level of 90%, Regression Analysis By Exact and Non-Exact Study
it obtained a sample of 377 students from seven faculties Exacta Descriptio Non-Exacta Descripti
and one graduate program at UNY. The technique of data n on
collection was conducted by distributing the questionnaires Normality 0,395 > 0,05 Normal 0,465 > 0,05 Normal
about academic self-efficacy and academic anxiety to UNY Test
Linear Test 0,148 > 0,05 Linear 0,503 > 0,05 Linear
Sig. of 0,00 < 0,05 Significant 0,00 < 0,05 Significan
Level t
Result n
1. The Results of Correlation Test Direction 0,463 Sufficient 0,544 Strong
Table 1. The Results of Correlation Test Correlatio
Negative (-) X was Negative (-) X was
high, Y was high. Y
low. was low.
X was low. X was
Y was high low. Y
was high
Contributi 21,4% 79,6% was 29,6% 70,4%
on of determine was
The results of the test output of Pearson Correlation X to Y d by other determin
model correlation showed a value of 0,000 <0.05 indicating factors ed by
that the variable of academic self-efficacy had a significant
correlation with the variable of academic anxiety. The
results of the Pearson Correlation model test also showed a
correlation value of 0.647; thus, the level of correlation The results of the Pearson Correlation model test in
strength between the variable of academic self-efficacy and the exact study showed a correlation value of 0.463
the variable of academic anxiety was strong. The indicting that the level of correlation strength between the
correlation coefficient showed that the value of -0.664 was variable of academic self-efficacy and variable of academic
negative so that the direction of the two variables was anxiety was sufficient. The non-exact study meanwhile
opposite, i.e. the higher the academic self-belief, the lower showed a correlation value of 0.544 showing that the level
the academic anxiety. of the correlation strength between the variable of academic
self-efficacy and variable of academic anxiety was strong.
2. The Results of the Simple Linear Regression Analysis Furthermore, the results of a simple regression
The results of the test of simple linear regression analysis is analysis among the students in the exact science showed an
presented as follows: R-square of 0.214 or 21.4% indicating the ability of the
regression model to explain or illustrate the effect of
Table 2. The results of the Simple Linear Regression academic self-efficacy on the decrease in academic anxiety
Analysis Test by 21.4%; while 79.6% was determined by other factors
(independent variables) not used in this study.
The results of a simple regression analysis among
the students in non-exact science showed an R-square of
0.296 or 29.6% explaining that the regression model can
explain or illustrate the effect of academic self-efficacy on
the decrease in academic anxiety by 29.6%; while 70.4%
was determined by other factors (independent variables) not
used in this study.
The results of simple regression analysis showed the R- 4. The results of Correlation Test and Simple Linear
square of 0.281 or 28.1% indicating that the regression Regression Analysis by Sex
model can explain or illustrate the effect of academic self-
efficacy on the decrease in academic anxiety by 28.1%. Table 4. The Correlation Test By Sex
Male Description Female Description
While 71.9% was determined by other factors or other
Normality 0,694 > Normal 0,737 > Normal
independent variables not used in this study.
Test 0,05 0,05
Linear Test 0,280 > Linear 0,261 > Linear
0,05 0,05
Sig. Level 0,001 < Significant 0,002 < Significant
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 462
Correlation 0,05 0,05 Cont 27,1 72,9% 21,7 78,3% 18,4 81,6%
Direction 0,246 Weak 0,512 Strong ribut % determin % determined % determined
Correlation ion ed by by other by other
Negative X was high. Negative X was high, of other factors factors
(-) Y was low, (-) Y was low, X to factors
X was low, X was low, Y
Y was high Y was high
Contribution 11,4% 88,6% was 28,6% 71,4% was The results of the Pearson Correlation model test for
of X to Y determined determined
by other by other
the students of 2016-class and 2017 class showed a
factors factors correlation value of 0.477 and 0.455 respectively. Thus, it
can be stated that the level of correlation strength between
the variable of academic self-efficacy and variable of
The results of the Pearson Correlation model test on
academic anxiety was sufficient in both classes. Whereas
male students showed a correlation value of 0.246. This
the 2018 students got a correlation value of 0.318 showing
then showed that the level of correlation strength between
the weak level of correlation strength between the variable
the variable of academic self-efficacy and variable of
of academic self-efficacy and variable of academic anxiety.
academic anxiety was weak. The female students in
Simple regression analysis results showed 27.1%, in
contrast showed a correlation value of 0.512 representing
the strong level of correlation strength between the variable the class of 2016, 21.7 in the class of 2017 and the
class of 2018. The remains were determined were
of academic self-efficacy and variable of academic anxiety.
determined by other factors (independent variables) that
Furthermore, the results of simple linear regression
were not used in this study.
test in male students showed an R-square of 0.114 or 11.4%
showing that the ability of regression model to explain or Discussion
illustrate the effect of academic self-efficacy on the The results of this study indicated that self-efficacy
decrease in academic anxiety by 11.4%. Meanwhile, 88.6% (Academic self-efficacy) for UNY students had a
was determined by other independent variables not used in significant negative correlation to academic anxiety in
this study. which the higher the Academic self-efficacy, the lower the
The results of a simple linear regression test on academic anxiety. This is in line with the concept of social
female students showed an R-square of 0.286 or 28.6% and cognitive theory, suggesting that low self-efficacy will lead
this showed that the regression model could explain or to the increasing anxiety and avoidance behavior.
illustrate the effect of academic self-efficacy on the Individuals will avoid any activities that can aggravate the
decrease in academic anxiety by 28.6% ; while, 71.4% was situation and this is not caused by threats but the feeling
influenced by other factors or independent variables not that they do not have an ability to manage any risky aspects
used in this study. [6].
Another study by Jex et al. [7] conducted on people
5. The Results of the Correlation Test and the Simple facing an excessive workload showed a negative correlation
Regression Analysis by Class between self-efficacy and stress levels. Individuals with
The results of the correlation test and the simple high Academic self-efficacy have a low stress level. When
regression analysis by class of 2016, 2017, and 2018 are people with excessive workloads have high academic self-
presented as follows. efficacy, they have a tendency to avoid stress. Excessive
academic anxiety can have an impact on the effectiveness
Table 5. Correlation Test by Year of Class of a student's daily activities.
2016 description 2017 description 2018 description This study also found that academic self-efficacy
Nor 0,93 Normal 0,17 Normal 0,86 Normal had an impact on reducing academic anxiety by 28.1%
malit 9> 6> 7>
while 71.9% was influenced by factors or other independent
y 0,05 0,05 0,05
variables not used in this study. This opinion is also
Line 0,86 Linear 0,08 Linear 0,11 Linear supported by McDougall and Kang's [8] research revealing
ar 6> 2> 7> a negative correlation between self-efficacy and anxiety.
test 0,05 0,05 0,05
Signi 0,00 Significan 0,00 Significant 0,00 Significant IV. CONCLUSION
fican 1< t 3< 3< The results of the Pearson Correlation model analysis
ce 0,05 0,05 0,05 test showed a correlation value of -0.674 with the opposing
Sig. 0,47 Sufficient 0,45 Sufficient 0,31 Sufficient
direction of the two variables, i.e. the higher the academic
Corr 7 5 8
self-efficacy the lower the academic anxiety of students in
on UNY. The results of simple regression analysis showed an
Corr Neg X was Neg X was high, Neg X was high, R-square of 0.281 or 28.1% and this showed an ability of the
elati ative high, Y ative Y was low, ative Y was low, regression model to explain or illustrate the effect of
on (-) was low. (-) X was low, (-) X was low, academic self-efficacy on the decrease in academic anxiety
Dire X was Y was high Y was high by 28.1%. While, 71.9% has been determined by other
ction low, Y factors (independent variables) that were not used in this
was high
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 462
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