2001 Torres
2001 Torres
2001 Torres
Abstract — The thermodynamic optimization of a mechanically driven solar heat pump is presented. A new expression to describe
the optimal thermal performance under finite operating conditions considering the internal and external irreversibilities during
actual operation is derived. The optimum ratio between the condenser and collector–evaporator conductances (UA) determines the
coefficient of performance (COP) for the maximum heating load of the system. An experimental air-R22 heat pump was used to
determine the traditional performance parameters (COP and second law efficiency) which are compared with those obtained using
the expressions derived in this work. Results show that the new model very closely represents the performance of real systems.
2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS
2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved 107
E. Torres-Reyes, J. Cervantes de Gortari / Exergy Int. J. 1(2) (2001) 107–111
A heat pump is analyzed using a model that accounts where Q̇HC is the refrigerant heating load in the con-
for both, the internal and the external irreversibilities denser. The thermal energy (known as the useful heat)
that originate during the heat pump process, as shown given to the refrigerant by the collector–evaporator, Q̇LC
in figure 1. From the overall energy balance about the can be expressed as
system in figure 1, we have,
Q̇LC = Q̇L + Q̇i (4)
Ẇk = Q̇H − Q̇L (1)
Q̇LC is determined by the climatic conditions and by
where Q̇L is the energy absorbed by the collector– the physical characteristics of the solar collector where
evaporator. This term is the product between the solar evaporation takes place, [6]. It can be also represented by
irradiation and the collector surface area, GAce , and Q̇H
is the energy delivered by the refrigerant to an airflow on Q̇LC = ṁf (h)f,ce (5)
its pass through the condenser (ṁa h)co .
There are two sources of irreversibilities in this model. The thermal performance of the system can be rep-
These are: (a) the exergy losses due to internal irre- resented by the coefficient of performance COPreal in a
versibilities Q̇i , originated by the temperature difference general way as
between TH and TL , and (b) the finite temperature differ- Q̇H
ences (THC − TH ) and (TL − TLC ), associated with the COPreal = (6)
heat transfer between the working fluids, represented by
where Ẇk represents the electric power supplied to the
TH − TL cycle.
Q̇i = (2)
E. Torres-Reyes, J. Cervantes de Gortari / Exergy Int. J. 1(2) (2001) 107–111
the electric work supplied to the system per unit time Therefore, these conductances can be expressed as
E. Torres-Reyes, J. Cervantes de Gortari / Exergy Int. J. 1(2) (2001) 107–111
Figure 3. Average temperature of refrigerant (THC ) and the Figure 4. Average temperature of the refrigerant in the
air thermodynamic temperature (TH ) in the condenser as a condenser (THC ) and evaporator (TLC ) as a function of the solar
function of time. radiation.
E. Torres-Reyes, J. Cervantes de Gortari / Exergy Int. J. 1(2) (2001) 107–111