Building Js8call and WSJTX Under Raspberry Pi OS - Bullseye - Edited
Building Js8call and WSJTX Under Raspberry Pi OS - Bullseye - Edited
Building Js8call and WSJTX Under Raspberry Pi OS - Bullseye - Edited
11/13/21 (
Dafcho Tabakov Edited ( 11/13/21
Maybe you know that recently Raspberry Pi OS got a next stable upgrade, which is based on Debian 11 (codename Bullseye). That is nice, because a lot of new stuff is packaged in the distro and bugs are
fixed. Our hamradio use of Raspberry Pi computer relied on some really nice programs and Build-a-Pie script to install them. Alas the new version of the Raspberry Pi OS makes things a little bit difficult for a
while. For example we can't install recent version of wsjtx on Bullseye, because the binary package from the author is compiled for older Raspberry Pi OS version and the libraries needed for running wsjtx are
old and not available in Bullseye.
But there is some good news - we can install both js8call and wsjtx from source. The build process is similar for both of them and we need about 45-60 minutes for the task. Most of the time is spent on actual
compiling and we doesn't have to stay in front of the computer.
So let's begin
Remove the # sign in front of deb-src so the line becomes like this:
Last command installs everything including hamlib. If we are happy with older version of hamlib, provided by Raspberry Pi OS we doesn't need to remove it. But if we use hamlib via BAP we need to remove
mkdir ~/hamlib-prefix
cd ~/hamlib-prefix
mkdir ~/js8call-prefix
cd ~/js8call-prefix
Compile hamlib:
cd ~/hamlib-prefix/src
mkdir ../build
cd ../build
../src/configure --prefix=$HOME/hamlib-prefix \
LDFLAGS="-Wl,--gc-sections"… 2/4
4/9/23, 9:43 AM Building js8call and wsjtx under Raspberry Pi OS - Bullseye
make install-strip
I prefer to run make command with -j 4 option to utilize all 4 cores of the RPi 4
make -j 4
instead of
cd ~/js8call-prefix/src
mkdir ../build
cd ../build
make package
cd ~/js8call-prefix/build/
Congratulations we have built and installed JS8Call. We can save the .deb package for later use in Bullseyeor to share it with a friend.
The process is similar. Most of the tasks are done in js8call steps.
sudo apt install qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5serialport5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libboost-all-dev libfftw3-dev libreadline-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev portaudio19-dev
Then we prepare a directory for compiling, download the source and unzip it and start the compiling. At the end we have a .deb package again, ready for install:
mkdir ~/wsjtx-build
cd ~/wsjtx-build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build .
The last command produces our .deb file and shows it's location in the terminal window:… 3/4
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We could also save the .deb file for future use.
OK that's was all, I hope you can get js8call and wsjtx running on your Raspberry Pi computers powered by Bullseye.
73 Daff, LZ1DAF… 4/4