Environmental Tax: Principles and Implementation in Indonesia
Environmental Tax: Principles and Implementation in Indonesia
Environmental Tax: Principles and Implementation in Indonesia
Added Tax (PPN) was first introduced in the 1920s It adheres to the philosophy that as human
(Schenk, Thuronyi, & Cui, 2015). This kind of tax beings, we must respect all people and their
growth was initiated along with the rights. If a person leaves a residue of his
environmental movement/green movement in economic activities, he must pay other parties’
that same year (Markandya, 2012). Existing social costs.
literature mentions this type of tax, specifically OECD (2005) classified environmental tax as:
related to water pollution, was first implemented [1] energy tax3, [2] transportation tax4, [3]
in France in 1959 (McEldowney & Salter, 2016). In pollution tax5, and [4] resources tax6. In
1970, the OECD recommended the concept of imposition, it must be clear that it can be
“Polluter Pays” where those who dispose of the distinguished from the payment of rent or the
residues of their economic activities (pollutants) purchase of environmental services.
must pay to ensure that the environment is ideal. By taking into account the type of
After being first initiated in 1917 and environmental damage, environmental taxes can
recommended by the OECD in 1970, countries be categorized into several forms or categories,
worldwide began to adopt the concept of namely: [1] taxes on emissions or waste, [2] taxes
environmental taxes, such as Denmark, Sweden, on products, and [3] taxes on natural resources
Netherlands, and Norway (EEA, 1996). (Estevao, 2019).
The Netherlands is one of the countries in
the world that apply the environmental tax. 2.5. Polluter Pay Principle
Environmental taxes have been in place since On the polluter pay principle, there are
1972. The country has gradually adopted several several things to be concerned about. First, who
other types of taxes, such as the 1992 carbon tax, is the polluter? Polluters can be individuals or
the solid waste tax, the groundwater tax, the corporate on the production line and contribute
pesticide tax in 1995, the waste and fuel tax in to environmental pollution (Alder & Wilkinson,
2008, and the granting of incentives for low- 2016). The simplest example is when there is
emission vehicles from 2010 to 2015. The pollution due to a motorcycle, the owner or the
Netherlands is one of the countries that has motorcycle driver is the polluter. The problem
successfully implemented environmental taxes that arises whether the one who bears the
(Freestone & Hey, 1996). They have successfully environmental costs is always the polluter? Or is
decreased the national level of CO2 emissions by it entirely charged to the consumers in the form
1994 (EEA, 1996). of price in goods and services?
Unlike the United States, although it only What is paid by the polluter is a form of
implemented an environmental tax in the 1970s, responsibility by “paying” the cost of
in 1893, America had implemented tax incentives environmental prevention and management
for fossil fuels. It was not until 1970 that a tax on which is assessed or reflected by the output
gasoline was introduced, and in 1978 a tax on the and/or residue resulting from the production
use of gas was introduced. In this period, process. (Meyer, 2017). Then what is covered by
incentives for renewable energy were introduced the polluter? Polluter is responsible for the cost
to stimulate the industry to use non-fossil energy. of prevention of pollution and control measures
Since awareness of human dependence on the which measured by government authorities in the
environment has developed, along with the form of: [1] the cost of controlling the control
proliferation of sustainable economic movements system on environmental pollution, [2] license, or
in the 1980s (Kusumaningrum & Safitra, 2020). [3] monitoring of emissions (OECD, 1992)
The concept of “polluter pays'' applied to
international law in 1992, known as the Rio
Declaration. One of the Rio Declaration principles
is the internalization of environmental costs or This can be seen in the form of a gas levy that was
other economic instruments burdened to the applied in the UK in 1981 and it was revoked in 1998
polluter (OECD, 1992). (McEldowney & Salter, 2016) or VAT on fuel in
For example, air freight charges in the UK
2.4. The Type of Environmental Tax (McEldowney & Salter, 2016) and VAT on flights in
In its application, there are several concepts Indonesia also apply.
of the form of environmental tax, [1] compulsory 5
Can take the form of carbon excise or plastic/waste
levies (the polluter pay principle), or [2] tax excise.
credit. The polluter pay principle concept was first 6
In Indonesia, it is in the form of non-tax revenue for
introduced in 1972 (Cordato, 2006; OECD, 1997). natural resource exploration and partly in the form of
PBB P5L Sector
ENVIRONMENTAL TAX: PRINCIPLES AND IMPLEMENTATION Jurnal Pajak dan Keuangan Negara Vol. II, No.2, (2021), Hal.23-33
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The next principle is that the fees paid by 2.7. The Challenges of Implementation
polluters are allocated to protecting the of Environmental Tax
environment. Thus, it is necessary to have clear The environmental taxes have several
regulation in state finances that provide signs for challenges. First, compliance issues. Referring to
the use of the budget. There are several types of the deterrence effect theory, tax rates, sanctions,
taxes In Indonesia that can be categorized as and the possibility to be audited influence tax
environmental taxes such as the OECD compliance (Allingham & Sandmo, 1972). This
classification, but it is still a homework to apply concept states that the right tariffs, harsh
this principle. This is because the government’s sanctions, and ideal monitoring mechanisms can
budget earmarking, both central and local, has improve compliance. However, this could be the
not been implemented optimally. opposite when it comes to environmental tax.
Fullerton et al. (2008) concluded that when the
2.6. The Advantages of Environmental tax policy on waste was implemented, the
Tax amount of waste entering landfills decreased
One of the advantages of the environmental dramatically but encouraged some to dispose of
tax is the existence of a new source of revenue. waste illegally. The volume of waste disposed of
Environmental taxes are triggered on individual may not be large, but illegal disposal causes
units of pollutants such as carbon or solid waste. uncontrollable damage. This action creates new
These two things are difficult to avoid nowadays social costs when compared to waste managed in
where industry and various tools are used daily landfills. (Fullerton et al., 2008).
still depend on fossil fuels and materials such as Second, the environmental tax will be an
plastic. However, this advantage is still debatable additional cost for the industry or in other words
because many researchers and policymakers view have a competitive effect (OECD, 1997). On the
environmental taxes as an excise, a policy tool to contrary, countries seek to accelerate economic
reduce economic activity’s negative externalities growth by attracting foreign investment and
(Fullerton et al., 2008; Markandya, 2012; Nellor, building industry/business in the country. In the
1995). carbon tax, an industry will prefer countries that
The next advantage of implementing the have concessions or even do not collect tax on
environmental tax is encouraging industrial carbon (Fullerton et al., 2008).
competition to develop environmentally friendly Third, Morley (2012), in his research on
technology. This is an incentive to the industry by Europe proved that the reduction of pollution is
not being taxed if the technology used does not due to the use of technology that suppresses
produce pollutants (Fischer, Parry, & Pizer, 2003; pollutants from existing industries. The
Fullerton et al., 2008; Markandya, 2012). imposition of environmental taxes, especially on
However, close supervision must accompany this energy use, does not significantly affect energy
advantage. If there is No. control, non- consumption even though it has a statistically
compliance leads to unmanageable damage. significant negative relationship to the volume of
In addition, some of the reasons for pollutants produced.
implementing environmental taxes include: [1] Fourth, environmental taxes are less
reducing environmental damage, and [2] suitable to apply in times of economic instability.
changing behavior (Nellor, 1995). Environmental Tariffs on environmental taxes will boomerang
problems occur when human activities generate compliance if inflation is high. This event implies
social costs that are higher than the benefits. This that not all countries are qualified to apply
occurs due to market failures (eg negative environmental taxes (Nellor, 1995). In addition,
externalities from an industry) or policy failures there is a potential for conflict between
(eg, subsidies on pesticides that cause pesticide environmental purposes and tax revenue.
use to increase). To offset the social costs of However, the trade-off of these two matters can
market or policy failures, the imposition of only be seen on a case by case basis.
environmental taxes as a regulatory tool is one of Fifth, justice is difficult to obtain in the
the recommended policy instruments by Nellor application of environmental taxes. People with
(1995). It is often considered to have a double less income tend to bear more costs, or in other
advantage, namely preventing the social costs of words, this type of tax is regressive (Wier, Birr-
environmental damage and reducing other social Pedersen, Jacobsen, & Klok, 2005), or there is a
tax rates (Fullerton, Leicester, & Smith, 2008). distribution impact (OECD, 1997). We can see
around us where the plastic diet movement is
being encouraged. Some small businesses have
ENVIRONMENTAL TAX: PRINCIPLES AND IMPLEMENTATION Jurnal Pajak dan Keuangan Negara Vol. II, No.2, (2021), Hal.23-33
Dhian Adhetiya Safitra, Afif Hanifah P a g e | 27
This behavior gives a signal that the company is 3.4. Environmental Tax in Indonesia Based
starting to put in place that the environment on Generally Applicable Principles
needs to be protected. A packaged beverage
product recently issued a product labeled "100% There are several generally accepted
recycled Indonesian First Bottle Innovation for environmental tax criteria as stated McEldowney
Cleaner Indonesia". and Salter (2016), Nellor (1995), dan OECD
(1992), among others: [1] taxes collected relating
3.3. Types of Taxes Related to the to government objectives related to the
Environment in Indonesia environment, [2] can change/encourage positive
individual behavior in an effort to preserve the
There are several types of taxes in environment, and [3] take the form of taxes on
Indonesia, both managed by the central emissions or waste (pollution), taxes on products,
government and local governments, which can be taxes on natural resources, taxes on energy, or
categorized as environmental taxes. Here are taxes on transportation. From several types of
some of these taxes: taxes that have existed in Indonesia, it can be
Tabel 1: Classification of Environmental Tax/Levies identified whether the types of taxes that exist
based on OECD Criteria are in accordance with generally accepted
1 Types of Tax Implementation in Indonesia The first criterion is that tax revenues will
1 Energy Tax 1. Tax on Petrol* | be issued as expenses related to nature
Province/Regional Tax conservation activities. In general,
2 Transportatio 1. Tax on Vehicle* | environmentally related tax revenues go to
n Tax Province/Regional Tax central/regional government coffers and mix with
2. Tax on Vehicle other revenue sources. In this regard, the
Registration | Indonesian government has issued Government
Province/Regional Tax Regulation Number 77 of 2018 (PP 77/2018)
3. Sales Tax on Luxury concerning Management of Environmental Funds
Goods (PPnBM) on related to the management of environmental
Vehicle | Central
funds that are “rotated” and can be sourced from
Government Tax
environmental taxes (Setneg, 2018). However,
3 Pollution Tax* 1. Retribution for
when referring to PP 46/2017, the taxes in
question are mostly managed by local
2. Retribution for the governments. An in-depth study is needed
provision and/or suction whether these criteria have been applied.
of the latrine However, in the literature study, it was found
3. Retribution for that this criterion had been accommodated in
wastewater treatment existing regulations. Referring to PP 46/2017
4 Tax on Natural 1. Tax on Surface Water* | article 27 paragraph (2), it is mentioned that the
Resources Province/Regional Tax source of pollution countermeasures fund and/or
2. Tax on Minerals Non- the environmental damage can be taken from
Metallic and Rocks* | environmental taxes or levies.
Municipal/City Tax Furthermore, the criteria can
3. Tax on Groundwater* | change/encourage positive behavior. The types of
Municipal/City Tax taxes contained in PP 46/2017 or the rules on
4. Tax on Swallow’s Nest* | PPnBM provide additional costs for each product
Municipal/City Tax
or activity listed. Using the theory of supply and
Notes: * contained in PP 46/2017
demand, the imposition of taxes encourages
Source: OECD (1997), PP 46/2017, and PP 41/2013 last
modified with PP 73/2019 consumers to reduce their consumption of
taxable products. Undoubtedly, this criterion has
been met. Referring to PP 46/2017, it is
mentioned as incentives and disincentives in
article 3 letter c.
Finally, it takes the form of a tax on
The object of retribution for solid waste emissions/waste. This criterion is side by side
services/contribution is more likely [1] to provide with the class tax on pollution. If we look at table
garbage disposal facilities such as garbage collection, [2] 1 and the concept of REDD+, economic
removal of waste from the source, or [3] provision of a
waste disposal location (Setneg, 2009a)
instruments analogous to taxes on
ENVIRONMENTAL TAX: PRINCIPLES AND IMPLEMENTATION Jurnal Pajak dan Keuangan Negara Vol. II, No.2, (2021), Hal.23-33
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