Class-VII Subject - English Chapter - Three Questions
Class-VII Subject - English Chapter - Three Questions
Class-VII Subject - English Chapter - Three Questions
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
In the short story “Three Speaking To enable students to Being Human Who was the wisest person
Questions” Leo Tolstoy For classroom in Akbar’s court?
explores the theme of (discussion) converse with friends, discussion:
wisdom, acceptance, Individual teacher and class. Students will be given a
kindness, and forgiveness. picture and asked to find Why did the king want to
The story is about a king Reading and To ask questions based out the answers of the know answers to three
who wants to know the Pair reading. on the text. questions given questions?
answer of the three below:
questions so as to get Speaking (one To read with main idea 1. What, do you think, the
enlightenment. In order to to one in pair) and sequence of ideas child is doing? Why did the king send two
run the kingdom in a proper 2. Why, do you think, messengers throughout his
way, he wanted to know the Speaking (to the and events. he/she is kingdom?
solutions from his class) To compare and doing it?
countrymen. He disguised 3. What, do you think, they
himself and then went on to contrast in the text. must have felt: Why did the king refuse to
find solutions to his To relate ideas with a) the child give reward to anyone?
answers. The hermit tells personal experiences. b) the old lady
the king that all the Do you think we should help
answers are within himself. people in need? Why so?
By helping the wounded Home Task:
man and by spending time The students will be asked The king helped the hermit
with the hermit he gets to to use their observations in digging the beds. He
know the answer to his to prepare for a classroom even slept on the floor of
questions which he got discussion on the theme the hut and lived like a
through self-realization. He 'Being Human'. simple man in the hermit’s
learned to do good to hut. What lesson we learn
others without thinking from this?
about own-self.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- The Squirrel
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
In the poem 'The Squirrel' Reading. Comparing and Activity–1 : Story of a
the poet Mildred Bowers Recitation. contrasting ideas in the Squirrel Who is favourite animal?
Armstrong describes a Writing text. Compose a story on
squirrel that he observes in Comprehension Relating ideas with the squirrel and present it
his garden. The poet real life. along with
describes how the squirrel, Appreciating the poem colourful pictures of What is being compared to
covered in gray fur, sits in and appropriate use of squirrel. a gray overcoat?
an upright position on a words.
tree branch eating a nut. Composing a poem.
His tail looks like a question Showing concern for What did the squirrel do if
mark because of its bent nature and animals. Activity–2 : Role of someone came too close to
shape. The happy and animals in producing his tree?
lively squirrel loves to play new plants
with the poet and her Squirrels play a crucial
friends. Whenever they ran role in producing new
around his tree, he would plants.
run to the other side of the Find out how. Collect
tree. The poet tells us information about other
about the nature of the animal/s (if any) that play
squirrel that it is innocently a role in a similar way, in Having observed the
naughty and likes to tease producing new plants. squirrels around us, can we
anyone who comes near say that a squirrel is a fast
him. paced animal?
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- A Gift of Chappals
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story is about the Listening To listen and engage in Obedience with
mischievous and simplicity Reading activities as directed. exactness What were the names of
of children's behavior. They Writing To relate ideas with Students will be asked to five Pandavas?
wish to explore every Speaking personal experiences. write a diary about an
aspect but act according to Comprehension To engage in reading to incident when they were
their own logic. They gave seek information. disrespectful and What is the secret that
chappals to the beggar and To identify and use disobedient to someone. Meena shares with Mridu in
then to the music teacher grammar in context. the backyard?
without hesitation. Respond to the Classroom Discussion
questions based on an Classroom discussion will Why were the red chilli kept
extract. be held wherein the in the backyard?
Use grammatically correct teacher will ask the
sentences to describe / students to reflect on the Who used to give away
narrate. following points: everything he had, which
Why did it happen? Was it even included his gold
the right thing to do? earning?
What were the
consequences? How did it The children displayed
make the other person innocence, generosity and
feel? Will they repeat their kindness. Discuss the
behaviour? Why or why statement with reference to
not? What did they learn the chapter.
from the experience?
Was Rukku Manni right
when she took the side of
the children?
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- The Rebel
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The poet simplifies the Reading To listen and identify Activity: Tongue twister
personality of a rebel. He various sounds and The students will be asked
could be noticed and Listening situations. to create a tongue twister
judged by his actions. with the word 'Rebel'.
Although it is a negative Speaking To appreciate and Why is it good to have
trait as the person breaks comprehend the poem / rebel?
the rule and shows totally Writing text given. Individual Activity-
opposite traits of what is Make a list of the things Why is it not good to be a
expected. He/she does not Concern for that you like to do in rebel oneself?
follow the general norms, immediate To recite the poem with school and the things that
he challenges the society. environment proper rhyme, rhythm, you don’t like to do. What does the rebel do
stress and intonation. when everybody talks
Originality during the lessons?
To compose own poem
Creativity and make a list of various
Application of
poetic devices
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The lesson is a comic Reading To read the 1. Laughter is the best
visualization of a story of a comic/conversations and medicine Who was the wisest person
king who challenged his Writing locate details, identify The teacher will give slips in Akbar’s court?
witty courtier Gopal to bring main idea, sequence of of crazy situations to the
Hilsa fish to the court. He Concern for ideas and events. students in the class.
successfully completed the immediate They will be asked to
challenge in the funniest Environment To identify the use of prepare a comic strip at
way possible. grammar in the context. home based on the Who was Gopal?
situation mentioned in
To write sentences / their What did Gopal’s wife think
dialogues coherently. slip. about him?
To organize sentences
into paragraphs. I'm not crazy; I'm special
The students will be asked
To describe feelings / to write an informal
views effectively. letter to their friend and We should not give up in
narrate an incident when any situation. If we try hard
To establish good they did something crazy we can definitely find a
communicative abilities in and were laughed at by solution. Why do you think
society. others, the consequences so?
that they faced and if they
would like to repeat the
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- The Shed
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The poem is about the Reading To describe a Useful Sheds How is the village life is
shed which is a small room place/building/locality. In villages, there are different from the urban of
away from the main house. Listening houses having sheds used city life?
It is located at the bottom To use grammatically for
of the poet's garden. ... His Speaking correct sentences. various purposes. Identify
brother threatens him by such sheds and describe Why were the hinge of the
saying that a ghost stays in Concern for To compare and contrast them. Use pictures, if door rusty?
the shed who hides himself immediate ideas and relate ideas with required.
under the rotten floor Environment the personal experiences.
boards who may jump and What does the speaker
attack on the poet. In fact Observation To refer to dictionary/ Make/download/collect a usually do while lying in the
there is no ghost inside the thesaurus. colourful sketch of a bed?
shed. Identification building/
To express sensitivity to monument/institution/etc. The child knew that the
Creativity social issues. Then write ten sentences ghost does exist still he was
to describe the picture. reluctant to enter the shed.
Expression Show your picture to the Should ghost stories be told
class and read your to the children? Give
sentences aloud in the reason.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story “The Ashes that Reading To infer the meaning of Rendezvous Which are the animals loyal
made Trees Bloom”, written unfamiliar words by The students will be asked to the human?
by William Elliot Griffis, is a Writing reading them in context / to interview a person
based in Japan. It is about by utilizing dictionary. who, according to them, is
a honest and a hardworking Listening very kind. They have to
couple who live with their To read news clippings/ frame a questionnaire and
pet dog, Muko. Writing advertisements/ classifieds get the answers. Why did the neighbours kill
etc. . and write/prepare the dog?
Concern for one. Don't be jealous
immediate God has made all of us
The greedy and cruel Environment To listen and engage in differently. We are How did the daimios reward
nature of their neighbours conversation and different the kind farmer?
results in the death of the pronunciation activities. in our physical
dog. However, the master appearance, talents, How was the wicked farmer
receives support and To use words/lines from abilities, attitude punished for his greed?
solace in many different the text given in own etc. Some people have
unexpected ways from the speaking activities. lack of self-confidence and Why do you think we should
dog’s spirit. become jealous of others. be kind towards animals?
Do you think it is right to
be jealous? Why or why One should not be greedy.
not? Why do you think so?
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- Chivvy
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The poem 'Chivvy' has Reading To appreciate different Activity: Let's Transform
been composed by the poet forms of texts and to The students will be asked What instructions does your
'Michael Rosen'. The Speaking express them through to pick out any five teacher give you in class
present poem deals with speech. commands from the poem generally?
the feelings of the poet like Writing and transform them into
other small kids who feel To write different types of other kinds of sentences,
irritated by their elders who Concern for texts. namely, assertive, Why do the grown-ups tell
always instruct them to do immediate interrogative and the children not to talk with
or not to do. ... The poet Environment. To identify main idea and exclamatory. their mouth full?
leaves a question to elders locate details.
why can't they keep their
suggestions to themselves. To collect, read and write Why is the child asked to
news stories, comics, etc. stand straight?
and pronounce tongue
twisters correctly. What all instructions are
given by the adults
To show concern for regarding noise?
nature and respond
through verbal and non- Don't talk with your mouth
verbal expression. full,
Don't stare
Don't point
Don't pick your nose.
Imagine you are a parent.
Besides these instructions
what other instructions
would you be giving to your
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- Quality
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
Quality, is one of the known Writing To read, write and speak Ad Mania How you compare a thing
story of Mr.Gessler, a about people using Students will prepare a that you want to buy from a
German shoemaker who Reading describing words and print advertisement for any shop?.
used to live in London. Mr. compare and contrast one product of their
Gessler, was the person Speaking ideas. choice, stressing on its
who was known as the best quality. What is the meaning of
shoe maker in the town and Awareness To make list of various [Hint: The teacher can ask ‘Quality’ for you?
he also used best leather. things to be done and the students to choose
The Gessler Brothers shop, Decision making read them using correct from various stationery
was run by two brothers, pronunciation and accent. items, chocolates or things
who made beautiful boots. Presentation of everyday use]
His brothers were people of To create basic texts in a Clues: Where did Mr Gessler live?
skilled craftsmanship, variety of forms. 1. Title
hence their shoes were 2. Features of the product
never worn out. The (Models) What material Mr Gessler
Gessler brothers believed 3. Highlights used to make the boots?
that the quality of their 4. Price range
work, their boots would 5. Availability Why did the author went to
speak for themselves. Follow me the shoe shop for the last
Big companies have been time?
successful to rope in
celebrities to endorse their
brands. Choose a
product, research on its Quality is an important
advertising campaign. aspect of business.
Prepare a write up of Elaborate
about 50-60 words, with a
caption and a picture for
your class display board.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- Trees
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
Trees give shelter to all Reading To relate ideas with Activity: Making Mind Map How do trees play vital role
living creatures specially personal experiences and The students will be asked in humans life?
birds. ... Trees also make connect with real life. to read the given samples
kites caught in their Speaking and create a mind map,
branches. Trees provide To use grammatically taking the key words from
tasty fruits like apples and correct sentences to them. Who have tea parties under
pears. They give us timber Writing describe / narrate. the trees?
and inspire mothers to paint
lovely pictures but make To compose slogans, Make some poster to
fathers complain that in Concern for posters etc. that can be promote tree plantation. What Happens when the
autumn, they have lots of immediate used as resources, winds blow?
leaves to rake. Environment. projects and contribution
for school magazine.
To express feelings,
Observation emotions about A life without trees is
environment. unimaginable. Elaborate the
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- Expert Detectives
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The lesson is a story of two Reading To engage with different Let's create something How do you treat with
young detectives who were kinds of texts, and The students will be asked stranger?
inquisitive about a man who appreciate their different to collect pictures and
was polite, a recluse with Writing forms, express them information about famous
health problems. Nishad’s through speech/writing. personalities, known for
mother, a doctor by their service to mankind or What did Nishad gave Mr
profession knew the man their nations. They will be Nath? Why?
as a patient. Speaking To identify the use of asked to write a
grammar in context. biographical paragraph What is ‘strange’ about Mr
They persistently searched Information of the which should include: Nath’s Sundays?
for evidence against him. great personalities 1. Introduction
However, these were more who worked for To use appropriate 2. Childhood
imaginary than their nation. grammar in the context. 3. Achievements
incriminating. There 4. His/her contribution to What was Maya doing on
dedication, curiosity is Creativity society. her unexpected holiday?
obvious in their acts. The
narrator recounts the early Presentation Sharing an Incident
childhood days of her. The students will be asked Nishad decides to trust Mr
to imagine a situation Nath. Do you think we
wherein they are should trust others, why so?
prejudiced against
somebody or become a We should be friends
victim of prejudice. They towards our neighbours.
will be asked to write a Why so?
diary entry expressing
their feelings and 'Appearances are
emotions experienced deceptive.'Explain with
during the situation. reference to the story
'Expert Detectives'.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- Mystery of the Talking Fan
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The poem beautifully Speaking To recite and compose Activity: Sound Bites What are the other things
captures the movement of rhyme/poems/songs in The students will be asked that make our life more
the much familiar and Reading groups and individually. to find words associated comfortable?
mundane objects around with
us, which in today’s time Writing To write and speak the sound made by the
are a very essential part of rhyming words in poem. following: Utensils, leaves, What do you think the
our existence. The poem Concern for birds, talking fan was demanding?
discusses the movement of Immediate To express feelings/views train, water, bells.
a ceiling fan. The poet Environment and show empathy. [Hint: The teacher can
discusses the sound made give a few examples such
by the ceiling fan To show and express as
comparing it to human sensitivity to environment babies - babble, bangles -
chatter, though unknown degradation and tinkle].
and incomprehensible. restoration
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story is a culmination Listening To listen to various Know your elders Tell some names of Indian
of imagination and humour onomatopoeic/natural 1. The students will be scientists?
to entertain and excite the Speaking sounds and use them in asked to make a family
reader. It’s a general sentences. tree Do you know any science
tendency amongst Reading To show interest in in their note book, pasting experiment?
children to grow into an listening to different pictures of each
adult. This is to take them Writing experiences of others. member, with the picture
into an unimaginary and To participate in various of the oldest member According to Charlie, what
dreamy world. This is a Concern for writing and speaking being on the top. lives the longest?
Science-fiction to fantasize Immediate activities like
the reader. Environment debate/speech/elocution/q What was special about
uiz etc. Understanding changes the Arabian horse?
To appreciate the feelings Classroom discussion:
expressed towards nature/ The students will be
environment. asked the following
1. Have you ever wanted
to grow old, quickly?
Why/Why not?
Home Task: 'Science is a boon if used
1. The students will be constructively'.
asked to make a sketch of Elaborate the statement in
themselves imagining the light of the chapter
how they would look "Invention of Vita wonk".
when they turn 50.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- Dad and the Cat and the Tree
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The poem is a humorous Listening To listen with full attention Activity: Rhyming Words
illustration of the actions of and comprehend the text. The students will be asked What is the benefit of
elders. Father boastfully to pick out any six pairs of having pet?
climbed on the tree to save Speaking To take dictation and write rhyming words from the
a cat. However, he became with correct punctuation. poem and add at least one
a subject of mockery for the Writing more word to each pair.
bystanders. The poet To frame questions based How many times does the
successfully told a story in on the text. narrator’s father try to climb
a humorous and lyrical Concern for the tree?
way. Immediate To use appropriate new
Environment words/concepts related to
environment. From where did the
Vocabulary narrator’ father get the
How did father make an
Awareness of attempt to save the cat for
nature the second time?
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The lesson is an Speaking To connect with real life Fire Act What are the three parts of
informative one. It is difficult and express correctly. Description: History?
to imagine our lives without Reading The students will be asked
fire. Fire is one of the most To engage in reading to to design a poster on What are the other
important discoveries in Writing seek information. 'Fire Safety and inventions done in ancient
human history. However, it Alertness'. time?
needs to be checked Concern for To observe and organize
because it can create Immediate sentences into paragraph.
havoc if it goes out of Environment Designing a safety Why the early man was
control. To write description of a pamphlet afraid of fire?
thing/place/event etc. The students will be asked
If the fire breaks out it can to watch the following
be controlled by water, To Express feelings, videos (ON YOUTUBE): Why gaps are left between
sand, etc various fire emotions about 1. Fire Safety Measures buildings during
fighting instruments also environment through 2. The Alarming Truth construction?
help in putting out fires. If speech/writing, sign
the fire goes out of control, language etc. Understanding fire How fire is a good servant?
it engulfs hectares of The students will be asked
forests, lives, and property. to prepare a flowchart
describing the expansion Fire is both useful and
in the uses of fire since its dangerous. If you are
discovery till the present caught in the fire, what
day. measures will you take?
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- Meadow Surprises
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The poem portrays the Listening To show interest in Activity: Objects On what occasions do you
blessings of nature. listening experiences of Perspective get surprises?
Meadows that are full of Speaking others. Choose any one object
novelties, the richness of from nature and write a 3
beauty, bounties of flora Writing To respond to English paragraph essay from the What kind of surprise could
and fauna. A keen observer words and sentences/used perspective of that object. be found while walking on
and soulful listener can Concern for in class/school. Your essay should the grass?
enjoy the lustrous, greenery Immediate include:
around. Whenever he is Environment To describe the place / 1. Interesting introduction. What is the butterfly busy
close to the nature. environment and show 2. Daily routine of the doing?
concern and object.
belongingness towards it. 3. How does it feel about
its life? Watch a tree or a plant, or
Writes a personal diary / You may write on trees, walk across a field or park
description / letter and mountains, grass etc. at the same time everyday
make a list for various for a week. Keep a
purposes. diary of what you see and
hear. At the end of the
week, write a short
paragraph or a poem about
your experiences.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- A Bicycle in Good Repair
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The bicycle ride is Writing To converse in English Facing challenges How do you come to
enjoyable only if it is in with others and describe The students will be asked school?
good condition, before Reading vehicles in their immediate to imagine a situation
going on a long pleasure environment. where their bicycle broke What are the modes of
ride. One should get it Speaking down and a stranger came transport?
thoroughly overhauled by To use words in their own to help them. They have to
an expert mechanic. But conversation using design a 'Thank You'
the boy in the story Concern for meaningfully correct card with an appropriate Where did the author
experienced a mechanic Immediate sentences. message for him/her. planned to do along with his
who knew nothing and Environment friends?
screwed up all. To observe and analyze
the pictures and draw Go green... Let's be
The child hesitated initially conclusions based on environment friendly Who the author called the
and regretted it later. The them. Use of bicycles is one of right person to shake the
humor is scattered all the environment friendly bicycle?
around in their activities modes of transport.
and conversation. One Collect information about
would burst with laughter environment friendly We should not mess up with
while reading the lesson. processes. Which of these things that belong to others.
can Elaborate.
be used by the people in
your locality? What are the
other modes of transport Friendship is a great
or ways that may be relation. We all must
adopted to reduce air treasure our friends. Explain
pollution? Design a poster
on any one environmental
friendly process.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- Garden Snake
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The poem, ‘Garden Snake’ Speaking To listen to various sounds Activity: Helping Hands Which animal is called
is a simplistic description of of animals and objects. The students will be asked ‘Farmer’s Friend’?
a harmless snake. The to identify any five animals
young child narrator Reading To use words and /
encounters a snake in the expressions in sentences insects that they come Why did the narrator run
garden and runs away from and ask questions about across regularly and away seeing the garden
it out of fear. However, his Writing things around them. mention the snake?
mother informs him that ways in which they are
certain kinds of snakes are To compare and contrast useful to human beings
not dangerous at all. They Concern for words/ideas and relate What does a garden snake
feed merely on insects. The Immediate them to personal eat?
young child narrator loses Environment experiences.
his fear, thereafter and
begins to watch the snake To show concern for What does the child’s
pass through the garden. nature. mother say about snakes?
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The tiny teacher itself Speaking To listen to words and Describing a person Which is your favourite
depicts the dedication of sentences and write them The students will be asked game?
the smallest creature Listening appropriately in the to make a collage on the
towards their duties context. well-known cricket players Who is your favourite
assigned them to perform Reading of the world and write a player?
in a very sincere way. ... To respond to the paragraph on their
They learn their duties from Writing visual/verbal prompts in favourite cricketer.
old ant and ready to survive the given context and Name one cricket ground
in the world of work like Concern for apply the same in real life that is oval in shape.
cleaners, nurses, workers, Immediate situation. Slogan writing
soldiers and trainers. Environment The students have to
To use phrases/idioms create a slogan on the The game of cricket traces
and participate in word importance of sports in its origin from where?
games. their life.
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
Sports and especially Speaking To compare and contrast Discuss and Debate
cricket is the most favorite ideas in the text. What can we learn from the
-Ants are friends of
hobby of children in Writing bees?
general. The lesson gives a To read, identify and relate
-Ants are more hard
brief description of a Listening ideas with personal
working than humans.
historical perspective. The experiences.
-Poisonous insects and
emergence of the present- Concern for
animals are useless and
day games is slow and immediate To listen to and engage in What jobs are new ants
should be killed.
steady progress that kept in environment. conversation with people. trained for?
-Ants are more civilised
pace with the time.
than humans.
Responds to variety of
questions on a passage Who is the mother of the
for listening Agree or Disagree entire population of the ant
comprehension. -Ants are more active in colony?
the dark.
To describe feelings/ -Ants live on plants and In what ways is an ant’s life
views from written and trees. peaceful?
visual inputs. -Queen ants lay eggs only
once in their lifetime.
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story Bringing Up Kari Reading To describe a thing / Ideas for Action Which are the animals
revolves around Kari, a animal using suitable banned from the circus?
five-month old elephant and Listening words. Create your own poem of
the narrator as a nine-year 10 lines on "Elephants".
old boy. The two developed Speaking To Show interest in Did Kari enjoy his morning
a strong bond after the speaking to others and Collect 10 pictures of bath in the river?
elephant once saved the Concern for engage in reading to seek elephants doing different
boy. immediate information. activities. Why did Kari push his friend
environment into the stream?
To respond to different Agree or Disagree
kinds of instructions.
Elephants can stay without
TO describe feelings / water, just as camels can. How much food did Kari
views through slogans / consume daily?
posters / role plays etc. Elephants do not like mud
The chapter discusses two
African elephants are very important virtues in
smaller than Asian Kari. What are they?
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- The Desert
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The Desert is a story that Reading To read, listen and enjoy Desert Fables Who is called the ‘ship of
revolves deserts. Many story and identify the use desert’?
people perceive deserts as Listening of grammar in context. There are many fables
the land of sand that has about the desert, including
the problem of scarcity of Speaking To collect and read books Aesop’s fable of “Truth What is the most popular
animals and water. from different sources. and the Traveller.” Share a definition of a desert?
However, deserts are Concern for few fables with the class
important habitats for many immediate To show interest in and have students make What is an oasis?
species. A desert is environment listening to different up their own fables.
generally without experiences and incidents. Give an example each of a
vegetation and water. Information- hot and a cold desert.
To respond to textual
questions. Write some information
about desert animals. Find
some features about their Why do you think deserts
lifestyle. are an important part of
nature’s great plan?
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- The Cop and the Anthem
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story is a humorous Reading To read, listen and enjoy Ideas for Action What are the different types
one. Soapy, the vagabond story and identify the use of Armed Forces in India?
was looking for a shelter in Listening of grammar in context. Make a chart with pictures
winters. He was young but from magazines related to
did not work. He wanted to Speaking To collect and read books police officers and their What was the special sign
be arrested for three from different sources. work. which reminded Soapy of
months of the winter Concern for the approaching winters?
season. So he tried every immediate To show interest in Design a certificate and
effort to be jailed but when environment listening to different medal for a cop who does For how long did Soapy
he decided to live a experiences and incidents. outstanding work. wish to be put into the jail
dignified life, he was on Blackwell’s Island?
arrested. Not for the harm To respond to textual Find 3 words to describe
he does, but for arguing questions. good police officers.
with a cop.
Discuss and Debate “He would make a man of
himself again” Comment.
Living in a prison is better
than living in other
people's homes.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter-Golu Grows a Nose
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story is a fiction that Reading To identify main idea and Ideas for Action Have you heard a story
revolves around the growth locate details. about ‘How camel got his
of the trunk of an elephant Writing Cut out an elephant from a humph’?
from a snout. A fictitious To take interest in setting piece cardboard and
elephant Golu is introduced Speaking up class libraries reading colour it. Stick a magnet Why did Golu go to the
in the story, whose corners and write stories behind it and your own river?
adventures are shared. Concern for from own imagination. Elephant Fridge Magnet is
immediate ready! Which uncle of Golu had
environment. To create basic texts in a red eyes?
variety of forms. Make a bookmark with
images of elephants and
To narrate personal faces of elephants. Why was Golu called a
experiences / anecdotes / naughty baby?
stories. Agree or Disagree
Use words & phrases in Life for animals is better in What lesson does the
an appropriate way. the zoos than it is in the chapter impart?
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story of a nature lover Reading To identify main idea and Ideas for Action Have your ever visited the
who shocked the locate details. Collect, paste, and label zoo?
shopkeeper. The Writing feathers of different birds
shopkeeper was an elderly To take interest in setting on a chart paper.
person. It was unusual for Speaking up class libraries reading What kind of animals can
him to have a buyer who corners and write stories Discuss and Debate we see in the zoo?
negotiated for a pair of Concern for from own imagination. It is the duty of a
dove and then set the birds immediate shopkeeper to be polite to
free. The shopkeeper was environment. To create basic texts in a the customer even if he What did the owner of the
bewildered at such variety of forms. does not like the pet shop consider himself to
unexpected behavior. customer. be?
To narrate personal
experiences / anecdotes /
stories. What was the first thing Mr
Purcell offered to his
Use words & phrases in customer?
an appropriate way.
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story depicts the Reading To describe a thing / Make a list of at least 10
longing for freedom. The animal using suitable animals /birds and the When did we get freedom
lead character hosts his Writing words. names of their homes. from British rule?
goats because they
become the food of other Speaking To Show interest in
animals while liberating speaking to others and Discuss and Debate
themselves. The story, in Concern for engage in reading to seek Why did Abbu Khan’s goats
particular, is of a darting immediate information. Freedom is life. want to run away?
goat who overcame its environment.
fears and fought back the To respond to different "Death in the open field is Why did he buy a young
mighty wolf. kinds of instructions. better than life in a small goat?
hut" is this the right
TO describe feelings / decision.
views through slogans / “Freedom is life.” discuss
posters / role plays etc. this with reference to
‘Chandni’ and ‘I Want
Something in a Cage.’
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- The Bear Story
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story depicts the Reading To identify main idea and Ideas for Action
lovable side of a fierce locate details. What kind of stories do you
bear. He obeyed his lady Writing Make your like to hear?
as any other pets do. He To take interest in setting own bear house.
gave up his beastly acts. Speaking up class libraries reading
The writer pictured the corners and write stories What are some basic tips
likings and habits of the Concern for from own imagination. for caring for a dog or cat? Where did the lady find the
bear. immediate bear cub?
environment. To create basic texts in a Discuss and Debate
variety of forms.
Can you think of some
To narrate personal unusual pets that people Why could the bear not
experiences / anecdotes / can keep. resist the temptation to
stories. climb the trees?
Most people keep dogs
Use words & phrases in and cats as pets.
an appropriate way. The second bear did not
attack the lady because he
was afraid of her. Do you
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- A Tiger in the House
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story that love and faith Listening To listen to and engage in You went to your friend’s What is our national
can move mountains. The conversation with others. house and were surprised animal?
narrator speaks about his Speaking to see the animals sitting
childhood anecdote. His To narrate in his/her room. Write your What is our national
grandfather brings home Reading incidents/mysteries experiences and feelings symbol?
various animals and takes /dreams /experiences/ etc. you had in your friend’s
care of them. Writing and use grammatically room. Read aloud your
correct sentences. answer in the class.
Timothy, a tiger, was sent Concern for Where was the tiger cub
to the zoo because it immediate To read on his/her own Speech Writing hiding when Grandfather
became a friend. When he environment. and enjoy reading. You notice that people found him?
visited the zoo he patted a waste water at various
dangerous tiger, To write places like at home, in the
unknowingly. However, his details/incidents/stories school, at the railway What did Timothy do on
loving actions changed a etc. in an effective way. station and in the market seeing the puppy?
fierce tiger into an or restaurant etc. You feel
unbelievable pet, which has To show and express concerned and decide to
surprised the bystanders. sensitivity to environment. give a speech in the Why were the Lucknow zoo
morning assembly of your authorities glad to receive
school on ‘Importance of Timothy?
Saving Water’.
Write the speech. Read Discuss the instances which
aloud your speech in the prove that Timothy had
class. become a dangerous tiger.
Class- VII
Subject- English Chapter- An Alien Hand
Gist of the lesson Focused skills Targeted Learning Suggested Strategies Assessment Strategies
The story is sci-fiction Listening To listen to and engage in Ideas for Action
where life on mars conversation with others. Who was the first woman
presented. Viking Mission Speaking Make a crossword puzzle astronaut of India?
ventured out for the To narrate of 8 words related to Mars,
existence of life on Mars in Reading incidents/mysteries and ask your friends to
1976 – 77. The story is /dreams /experiences/ etc. solve it. How does Tilloo manage to
woven around this fact. The Writing and use grammatically find his way to the
helplessness because of correct sentences. Now that you know ‘forbidden passage’?
the extinction of natural Concern for enough about Mars, make
resources led the people of immediate To read on his/her own a painting of the Red
Mars to remain environment. and enjoy reading. Planet. What do you think the
underground with technical mechanical hand was trying
advancement. To write Make a 3-D model of the to do?
details/incidents/stories Solar System using little
etc. in an effective way. balls of paper and chart On which planet do Tilloo
paper. and parents live?
To show and express
sensitivity to environment. What do you think whose
advice did the President of
the Central Committee
finally accept?