Review of Literature: Chapter Two

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2.1 Introduction:
Desk Research forms an important starting point for any academic research project.
It gives sufficient insight into the subject matter, and necessary direction to the
proposed study. The task of literature review also helps researcher understand the
gaps between certain ongoing phenomenon and the existing knowhow.

S According to Zairi (2000) the feeling of pleasure and expectation fulfillment

is known as Satisfaction. If the product can not satisfy customer feelings they will be
dissatisfied, and if product satisfies them after the use customer will be satisfied and
become loyal to that product or brand. In other words customer satisfaction is about
those goods or services which fulfill the customer expectation in terms of quality and
service for which he has paid. If Customer satisfaction develops they will become
loyal to that product or brand and their loyalty will be good for the company in sense
as a Profit. Customer satisfaction is the part of marketing and play important role in
the market. In any organization satisfaction of customer is more important, because if
your customer is satisfied with your services or products, your position will be good
in the market.
S Oliver (1981) describes in his study that customer satisfaction is the part of
marketing and play important role in the market. In any organization satisfaction of
customer is more important, because if your customer is satisfied with your services
or products, your position will be good in the market. In old times customer
satisfaction was not too much important and people were not focused on quality. But
now a day’s competition is taught and customer is aware of all the products and
companies due to education and learning environment and this is the reason that
every business is concern to fulfill properly customers need and wants.
Concerning all types of business organization customer satisfaction is the most
important issue, and considered as most reliable feedback, for the excellence of any
business organization (T. W., 2001).
^ Veloutsou (2005) describes in his study regarding customer satisfaction
tangible products and services, there is a distinction. This distinction between

tangible and intangible goods becomes coz different factors of customer satisfaction,
and that is why they should be treated separate and distinct
S Churcill (1982) customer satisfaction has overall reaction of expectation of
consumption with a product or service on the base of perception, evaluation and
psychological reaction. According to Kottler (2000) Satisfaction is the sum of
attributes of product or service.
Kurniawan (2010) customer satisfaction can change over the period of time;
it is a dynamic process. The individual perception about the products or services
performance Leeds to customer satisfaction.
In the present day’s retail business, ensuring customer satisfaction in delivering the
right product and service to the end-users is the major concern for the future growth
of the organization. In the present study an attempt is made to find out the customer
satisfaction during purchase in retail outlets based on customer survey.
S Das Prasun, 2009 Literature on customer satisfaction is voluminous and
spans several areas such as marketing, management and accounting. For example,
numerous papers use the ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) to study
customer satisfaction at the company, industry and macroeconomic levels. This
paper focuses only on customer satisfaction studies that are related to retailing and
does not survey the literature that studies the design of satisfaction survey
instruments, as there is no control over survey design. The basic tenet of this research
stream is that higher service quality improves customer satisfaction, resulting in
better financial performance, although the mechanisms by which this improvement
happens vary.
v' Iaeobueci et al. (1994, 1995) provide precise definitions of service quality
versus customer satisfaction. They contend that service quality should not be
confused with customer satisfaction, but that satisfaction is a positive outcome of
providing good service.
■f Ittner and Larcker (1998) provide empirical evidence at the customer,
business-unit and firm- level that various measures of financial performance
(including revenue, revenue change, margins, return on sales, market value of equity
and current earnings) are positively associated with customer satisfaction. However,
in the retail industry they find a negative relationship between satisfaction and
profitability which may be because benefits from increased satisfaction can be
exceeded by the incremental cost in retail.
A Sulek et al. (1995) find that customer satisfaction positively affects sales per
labor hour at a chain of 46 retail stores. Anderson et al. (2004) find a positive
association between customer satisfaction at the company level and Tobin’s q (a
long-run measure of financial performance) for department stores and supermarkets.
Babakus et al. (2004) link customer satisfaction to product and service quality within
retail stores and find that product quality has a six significant impact on store-level
profits. Research on customer satisfaction usually views employees as facilitators of
the sales process who are critical to improving the conversion ratio, by providing
information to the customers on prices, brands, and product features and by helping
customers to navigate store aisles, finding the product and even cross-selling other
products. The unique feature of the retail store execution problem is that it combines
the factory and the sales components, but this stream of literature focuses only on the
J Measuring customer satisfaction in the fast food industry:A cross national
approach Gilbert, G.R., Veloutsou, C., Goode, andMoutinho, L. (2004)
Journal ofServices Marketing, 18 (5). pp. 371-383.
The study reveals the unique relationship between the nationality and the
determinants of customer satisfaction. The study further establishes the linkage of
customer satisfaction to cultural factors, thus paving way to the cross cultural
comparison of service satisfaction at four different countries essentially speaking
English but differing in cultures.
The study elicits the fact that customer satisfaction in the context of fast food
retailing is of two fold; satisfaction with service setting and satisfaction with personal
service. The researcher’s efforts would certainly benefit the retailers in assessing
their own services and brands across nations and thus devise an effective retail mix.

S Service quality perceptions in fast-food restaurants in china

Author: Hong Qin, University ofNorth Texas
Growing population, urbanization, and middle class affluence are characteristic
trends in many emerging Asian economies. This is leading to increase in popularity
as well as competition of fast-food restaurants. Therefore, they are increasingly
recognizing the importance to continuously improve their service quality to retain
and attract customers. This study explores the potential dimensions of service quality
in fast-food restaurants (FFRs) in China. Which is perhaps a right representative of
Asia Pacific Region to highlight various trends related spendings and consumption
pattern. The study demonstrates “FFR success model” and empirically examines
using the original five dimensions in the SERVPERF scale with the additional
dimension of “recoverability” to measure service quality. The findings indicate that
recoverability, tangibles, reliability and responsiveness are four most significant
dimensions of service quality in the fast-food industry in China.
Apart from being a close neighbour to China, India has several geographical,
demographical, and socio-economic similarities. Therefore, this study gives a
necessary precursor to my study on fast food retailing.

A Consumers’ Purchase Intentions in Fast Food Restaurants: An Empirical

Study on Undergraduate Students
Authors: Huam Hon Tat, SengSook-Min, Thoo Ai-Chin, AmranRasli, Abu BakarAbd
Hamid-Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Human Resource
Development, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia.
The fast food industry in Malaysia is facing increasingly competitive challenges as
with other industries around the world. The present study identifies the key
determinants of customer satisfaction in fast food outlets and the current perceived
service quality level amongst young, university students in Malaysia. The study also
attempts to identify significant relationships between customer satisfaction and
customers purchase intentions. The study successfully tests five dimensions viz.,
assurance -which is found to be the strongest determinant of customer satisfaction
towards fast food restaurants (FFRs)~ followed by responsiveness, reliability,
tangibility and empathy. The results also supported the contention that customer
satisfaction can lead to customer purchase intentions. Recommendations to FFRs and
discussions for future studies have particularly gave me strong directions to my

A Perception about the Attributes of Selected Fast Food Retailers and their
Impact on Consumer Satisfaction and Sales
Author: Rajul Bhardwaj Vol. -1 No. - 2, Jan-2011
The present study successfully measures the links between attribute perceptions and
consumer satisfaction, and between consumer satisfaction and sales performance, in
the food retail sector of India. The study based on an extensive data set of consumer
satisfaction and sales information from approximately 180 consumers. The study
addresses the inherent nonlinearities and asymmetries in these links. Further, an
example of how firms can use the estimated linkages to develop satisfaction policies
that are predicted to increase store revenues has been presented. First nonlinearities
and asymmetries in the satisfaction-sales performance have been examined. Second,
the study advances the measurement of behavioural links between consumer
satisfaction and performance in the food retail sector with firm-specific data. Third,
the study shows how firms can employ such results to develop appropriate consumer
satisfaction policies..

Exploring factors influencing customers’ satisfaction in Indian fast food

Chauhan Vinay& Chib Sandeep Singh(2012)
Fast food industry is growing at a phenomenal rate especially in developing Asian
countries. The author of the paper attributes this to innovation, quality control and
competitive pricing. As the researcher endorses, Fast food restaurants represent one
of the largest segments of the food industry. It is true that food cultures do not
remain static but are continually evolving and changing in response to different
internal and external stimuli (Mennell, 1985; Molz, 2004). Hall and Mitchell (2000,
2002b) have emphasized that despite rapid globalization of the food market in many
destinations, homogenization of production or consumption
On is not a certainty. In this industry, customer satisfaction is one of the most
important strategic tools used for building a company's brand image. Further, the
phenomenon of customer satisfactions in this industry is of critical importance for
organizational success especially due to the heterogeneity of the product and the
service involved as well as also due to the fast changing customers’ requirements. In
many researches customer satisfaction has been probed as most important factor on
overall firm's performance as it directly affect the flow and enormity of customer
traffic of the fast food restaurants. This backdrop provides the rationale for
conducting study to explore the factors influencing customer satisfaction in Indian
Fast Food Industry, with the scope limited to the fast food companies namely Me
Donald, Pizza hut, KFC and Dominos located in National Capital Region (NCR) in
India. The researchers This paper objectively provide some concrete strategies to

enhance customer satisfaction in the fast food Industry. Thus, it provides me the
required direction to my own study in this area.

^ Determinants of customer satisfaction in fast food in&mtry-Shahzad Khan,

The present paper enumerates key success factors for fast food industry in region of
Peshawar Pakistan. Perhaps, the popularity of Fast food joints has increased very
rapidly in last few years in the region. The failure or success of a fast food industry
depends on several factors like Promotion, Service quality, Customer expectations,
Brand, Physical Environment, Price, and Taste of the product. The study makes an
effort to put these factors in the order of their influence on consumer satisfaction,
On the basis of the study it becomes evident that service quality and brand are the
key factors for satisfaction in fast food industry in the select study area. Owing to the
geographical proximity, and socio-cultural similarities between India and Pakistan, I
believe, the present study gives me useful hints in my study.
International Journal ofManagement and Strategy ISSN: 2231-0703

2.2 Conclusion:
The Literature Review undertaken as above underscored that
Customer Satisfaction is of paramount importance to any business in general and
food retailing in particular. Many studies have established positive linkage between
customer satisfaction and qualitative success (such as popularity) while some other
studies have established empirically that Customer Satisfaction may not always be
translated into increased profits in the short term.

However, all the studies either implicitly or explicitly agree that Customer
Satisfaction is instrumental in the long run success of the brands.


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