This document contains a practical list of 19 Android programming tasks, including printing "hello world", implementing activity lifecycles, handling button click events, designing a simple calculator, creating splash screens with and without animation, using Toasts, dialog boxes, explicit and implicit intents, ConstraintLayout, checkboxes, radio buttons, seek bars, menus, custom fonts, playing audio, displaying data in list views using an adapter, implementing web views, card views, and recycler views.
This document contains a practical list of 19 Android programming tasks, including printing "hello world", implementing activity lifecycles, handling button click events, designing a simple calculator, creating splash screens with and without animation, using Toasts, dialog boxes, explicit and implicit intents, ConstraintLayout, checkboxes, radio buttons, seek bars, menus, custom fonts, playing audio, displaying data in list views using an adapter, implementing web views, card views, and recycler views.
This document contains a practical list of 19 Android programming tasks, including printing "hello world", implementing activity lifecycles, handling button click events, designing a simple calculator, creating splash screens with and without animation, using Toasts, dialog boxes, explicit and implicit intents, ConstraintLayout, checkboxes, radio buttons, seek bars, menus, custom fonts, playing audio, displaying data in list views using an adapter, implementing web views, card views, and recycler views.
This document contains a practical list of 19 Android programming tasks, including printing "hello world", implementing activity lifecycles, handling button click events, designing a simple calculator, creating splash screens with and without animation, using Toasts, dialog boxes, explicit and implicit intents, ConstraintLayout, checkboxes, radio buttons, seek bars, menus, custom fonts, playing audio, displaying data in list views using an adapter, implementing web views, card views, and recycler views.
No 1 To print “hello world” using string.xml file in android application. 2 Create an Android App to implement Activity life cycle. 3 To perform button click event in android application. There are 3 different methods used to handle button click event.(Mention All 3 methods) 4 Create an Android App to design simple calculator. 5 To implement Splash screen(Welcome Screen) without animation in android. 6 Create an Android App to perform Toast.(3 Types). 7 Create an Android App to display Dialog Box in android. 8 To perform Explicit Intent in android. 9 Create an Android App to perform Implicit Intent - Messages wiring components together. The source and destination for the content transfer are not known. Only the task and the action to be performed are known. 10 To Design UI of snap chat app title screen using Constraint Layout. 11 Create an Android App to implement checkbox and radio button . 12 Create an Android App to implement seekBar and menu. 13 To implement Splash screen(Welcome Screen) with animation in android. 14 Create an Android App to display custom font. 15 Create an Android App to Playing audio files . 16 Create an Android App to display student details in List View (using Adapter class). 17 To implement Web View in android application. 18 Create an Android App to implement Card View. 19 Create an Android App to implement Recycler View