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Email Templates

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Email Templates / Communication Templates:

By using Email Templates, we can prepare a Draft, which contains the required
subject and the content to be get delivered to the required people based on the

Email Templates are used to notify the people (i.e. Partners, Customers, End Users,
Employees) based on the New Releases into the Market, Festival Seasons, New Year
Greetings, Birthday Wishes, and Upon raising the Cases by the customers.

Once the Email template has been prepared, then we can use the same template to
send to notification to one or more people based on the need.

Email Templates are also called as "Communication Templates".

We can have one or more email templates inside an organization.

All the Email templates will get resides inside the "EmailTemplate" object.

Upon preparing the Email Template, we can make the Email Content as "Static /

Upon storing the Email Templates, we have to select the Folder, in which the
template should get resides.

Salesforce Provides 3 Types of Folders.

1. Unfiled Public Classic Email Templates:

It is a Public folder, which contains a set of email templates, which
can be accessible by all the users inside the organization.

2. My Personal Email Templates:

This folder can be accessible by the currently logged-in user.

3. Custom Folders:
The Administrator / Developer can create their own Application / Module
specific Folders, to store the email templates related to the application / module.

These email templates can be accessible by the authorized people.

All the Email Folders information will get resides inside the "Folder"

We can list out all the email templates as below.

Setup --> Administer --> Communication Templates

1. Click on "Classic Email Templates".

Salesforce provides 2 Categories of Email Templates

1. Standard Email Templates:

These are the readymade templates provided by the salesforce by

2. Custom Email Templates:

The Developer / Administrator can configure their own email templates
based on the application / module need with the required subject and the content.
Types of Email Templates:
Salesforce provides 4 types of Email Templates as below.

1. Text / Plain Text:

By using this template type, we can send the email notifications with
the required subject and the content with "Plain Text" format.
(i.e. Like White Background and Black Text).

We can't include any images, pictures, colors, Hyperlinks, etc.

2. HTML (Using LetterHead):

In this approach, we can place the content inside the LetterHead upon
sending the email to the people, so that we can make the email content look like

3. Custom (Without using LetterHead):

In this approach, we can prepare the subject and the Content and can
make it look like attractive with the help of "HTML programming".

4. Visualforce Email Template

By using this approach, we can prepare a visualforce page, through
which can send the email notifications to one or more people.

We can query the email templates through programming as below.

Ex: Select id, name, description, templatetype from EmailTemplate

Configure an Email Template to Notify the Lead Person upon creating a New
Lead Record.

Congratulations..!! Your Lead Record has been created Successfully.

Dear Prospect,

Thanks for showing your interest in our organization products /


We are pleased to inform you, that your lead record has been
created successfully for the further communication.

One of our Sales person will contact you shortly.

*** This is an Auto-Generated Email. Please Do Not Reply.

Thanks & Regards,

Sales Team,
Dell Inc.,
Contact us: +1 (800) 898-7878
Email us: [email protected]
visit us: http://www.dell.com

Setup --> Administer --> Communication Templates --> Classic EmailTemplates
1. Click on "New Template" button.
2. Enter the Email Template Name, Description.
3. Select the "Folder" from the Picklist.
4. Select the checkbox "Available for Use".
5. Enter the Email Subject in the Subject Field.
6. Enter the Email Content.
7. Click on "Save" button.

Testing Email Template:

1. Open the Email Template.
2. Click on "Send Test and Verify Merge Fields" button.
3. Enter the Email ID in the Textbox.
4. Select the checkbox "Send Preview To".
5. Click on "Ok" button.

It should send the Email Notification to the specified email id with
the specified subject and the content.

Merge Fields:
Merge Field are used to include the selected record content into the email template
upon sending the email notification. So that we can make the Email Subject and
Content Dynamic.

Merge fields can be used in both Email Subject and the Content.

{! <ObjectName>.<FieldName / API Name>}

{!Account.ID} {!USer.FirstName} {!
{!Account.Name} {!USer.LastName} {!Case.id}
{!Account.Rating} {!USer.Title} {!Case.Priority}
{!Account.Industry} {!USer.Company} {!Case.Status}
{!Account.Active__C} {!USer.USerName} {!Case.ORigin}

Configure an Email Template to Notify the Customer Upon raising a New Case.

Congratulations {!Case.Contact}..!! Your Case has been registered
successfully. Case No: {!Case.CaseNumber}

Dear {!Case.Contact},

Thanks for contacting our organization, to help you out.

We are pleased to inform you, that your Case has been registered

Here are the Case Details..

Case Number: {!Case.CaseNumber}

Case Priority: {!Case.Priority}
Case Status: {!Case.Status}
Case Type: {!Case.Type}
Case Origin: {!Case.Origin}
Case Subject: {!Case.Subject}
Case Description: {!Case.Description}

One of our Service person will contact you shortly and will
resolve the issue ASAP.

*** This is an Auto-Generated Email. Please Do Not Reply.

Thanks & Regards,

{!USer.FirstName} {!USer.LastName},
Customer Support Team,
Dell Inc.,
Email us: [email protected]
Contact us: +1 (800) 676-7878

Testing the Email Template:

Goto the Newly prepared Email Template.
1. Open the Email Template
2. Click on "Send Test and Verify Merge Fields" button.
3. Select the Case Object Name in the "Picklist" field.
4. Select Case record, by using the Lookup icon.
5. Select the checkbox "Send the Preview To me ".
6. Enter the Preview Email Address.
7. Click on "Ok" button.

It should send an email notification to the specified email id, with the
required subject and the content, by including the selected Case record details
inside the email template.

1. Configure an Email Template to Send the Email Notification to the Contact
Upon upon creating a New Contact Record. (Include the Contact Details by using
Merge Fields)

2. Configure an Email Template to send the Email Notification to the Account

Person upon Creating a New Account Record (Include the Account Details by using
Merge Fields)

Preparing the LetterHead:

Salesforce allows to to prepare our own letter heads based on the need, with the
required Header and Foote Logo's.

We can use this LetterHead, in-order to send the email notification to the user,
which gives an attractive look and feel.

We can have one or more LetterHeads in an organization.

Step 1: Collect the required Images to be get used inside the Header Part and
Footer Part in the LetterHead

Step 2: Upload the Images into the Document Object.

Step 3: Create the LetterHead by inserting the Images.

Goto Setup --> Goto "Administer" Menu

1. Click on "Communication Templates" link.
2. Click on "LetterHeads" link.
3. Click on "New" button, to create a New LetterHead.
4. Enter the LetterHead Name and Description.
5. Select the checkbox "Available for Use"
6. Click on "Next" button.
7. Select the Images and place into "Header and Footer" parts by
using "Select Logo" button.
8. Change the LetterHead Background Properties by using "Edit
Background Properties" button.
9. Click on "Save" button.

LetterHead can be used only in "HTML Email Templates". We can
have one or more Letter Heads inside an organization.
HTML Type (By using LetterHead):
By using the HTML Email Templates, we can send the email notification to the people
with the required subject and the content along with the "LetterHead".

Which makes the email content look like attractive.

Configure an Email Template to Notify the Hiring Manager (Recruiter)
regarding the New Position Assignment. (Note: Use the LetterHead to Notify the HR

Alert : New Position has been Assigned to you. Position ID: {!

Dear {!Position__c.HiringManagerID__c},

We have the below New Open Positions inside the organization. And We
are pleased to inform you that the below position has been assigned to you.

Please have a look into the Position Details and close the Position

Here are the Position Details..

Reference Id: {!Position__c.Reference_ID__c}

Position Name: {!Position__c.Name}
Location Name: {!Position__c.Location__c}
Position Status: {!Position__c.Position_Status__c}
Number of Vacancies: {!Position__c.Number_Of_Positions__c}
Open Date: {!Position__c.Open_Date__c}
Target Date: {!Position__c.Milestone_Date__c}
Minimum Pay: {!Position__c.Minimum_Budget__c}
Maximum Pay: {!Position__c.Maximum_Budget__c}
Position Description: {!Position__c.Position_Description__c}
Skills Required: {!Position__c.Skills_Required__c}
Please Close the position as soon as possible on or before {!

*** This is an Auto-Generated Email. Please Do Not Reply.

Thanks & Regards,

{!User.FirstName} {!User.LastName},
Talent Acquisition Team,
AutoDesk Inc.
Visit us: http://www.careers.autodesk.com
Email us: [email protected]

Creating the HTML Type Email Template:

We have to use the below navigation to create the HTML Email Template (With

Goto Setup --> Goto "Administer" Menu --> Goto "Communication Templates"
1. Click on "Email Templates"
2. Click on "New" button to create a New Template
3. Select the Email Template Type as "HTML (With LetterHead)"
4. Select the LetterHead by using Picklist Field (Ex: AutoDesk LetterHead)
5. Select the Form Layout (Ex: Free Form Layout)
6. Enter the Email Template Name and Label
7. Enter the Letter Description
8. Select the checkbox "Available for USe"
9. Select the Folder to save Email Template as "Unified Public Email
This is a Public Folder, which contains all the Email Templates. This
folder will be accessible to all the salesforce users.
10. Click on "Next" button.
11. Enter the Email Subject in subject field.
12. Enter the Email Content in the Content part of LetterHead.
13. Click on "Save" button.

Testing the Email Template:

1. Goto the Email Template and Open it.
2. Click on "Send Test and Verify Merge Fields Button"
3. Select the Object from the picklist : "Position" and Select any Position
Record by using Lookup option.
4. Select the Checkbox "Send a Preview To" and Enter the CC Email Address
5. Click on "Send" button.

Custom Template Type (Without Using LetterHead):

By using this Template Type, we can prepare the email notifications to be send to
the people with the required subject and the content.

We can make the content look like attractive, with the help of HTML programming.
We can use a set of HTML tags to make the content looklike attractive.

i.e. We can change the Font, Size, Style, Color, Hyperlinks, Formatting options
(Bold, italic, underline), etc.

We can use the below HTML tags frequently inside the email template.

1. Bold Tag <b>:

By using this tag, we can make the content to be displayed in Bold format.
<b> Content </b>

2. Italic Tag (<i>):

This tag is used to display the specified content in Italic format / style.

<i> Content </i>

3. Underline (<u>):
This tag is used to display the specified content with the underline style.

<u> content </i>

4. Break Tag <br/>:

This tag is used to provide a line break in the content. i.e. we can move the
cursor to the next line.


5. Anchor Tag : (<a>):

This tag is used to insert a Hyperlink inside the content. When the user
click on the hyperlink, it will re-direct the user to the specified URL / Website.

<a href="Target URL" target="_blank / search / new"> Content </a>

6. Font Tag : (<font>):

This tag is used to apply the font, color and style for the required content.

<font size="2" color="red" face="verdana"> Write the Content Here

Configure an Email Template to Notify the Candidate upon submitting the
Candidature for the selected position.

Congratulations {!Candidate__C.Name} ..!! Your Candidature has been submitted

Dear <b>{!Candidate__C.Name} </b>,<br/><br/>

Thanks for showing your interest in our organization positions.


We are pleased to inform you, that your Candidature has been submitted
successfully for the position: <b> <i>{!Candidate__c.PositionID__c}</i> </b>

Here are your Candidature Details.. <br/><br/>

Candidate ID: {!Candidate__c.Candidate_ID__c} <br/>

Candidate Name: {!Candidate__c.Name} <br/>
Location Name: {!Candidate__c.Location__c} <br/>
Notice Period: {!Candidate__c.Notice_Period__c} <br/>
Position Applied for: {!Candidate__c.PositionID__c} <br/>
Current CTC: {!Candidate__c.Current_CTC__c} <br/>
Expected CTC: {!Candidate__c.Expected_CTC__c} <br/>
Contact Number: {!Candidate__c.Contact_Number__c} <br/>
Email Id: {!Candidate__c.Email_ID__c} <br/>
Technical Skills: {!Candidate__c.Technical_Skills__c} <br/><br/>

Your profile has been sent for the screening process. One of our HR
Person will contact you soon, if your profile gets shortlisted. <br/><br/>

Please use the below link to view the Record. <a href={!
Candidate__c.Link} target="_blank"> Click Here to View </a>

*** This is an Auto-Generated Email. Please Do Not Reply. <br/><br/>

Thanks & Regards,<br/>

Talent Acquisition Team, <br/>
AutoDesk Inc., <br/>
Email us: [email protected] <br/>

Testing the Email Template:

1. Goto the Email Template and Open it.
2. Click on "Send Test and Verify Merge Fields Button"
3. Select the Object from the picklist : "Candidate" and Select any Candidate
Record by using Lookup option.
4. Select the Checkbox "Send a Preview To" and Enter the CC Email Address
5. Click on "Send" button.

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