Journalism (English)
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Journalism (English) 8
Journalism Learning Kit
Different Types of News
Journalism (English) 8
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
First Edition, 2020
Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay, G.L. John C. Haro, Jun Victor F. Bactan
Ricky T. Salabe, Leopoldo P. Quiñon Jr.
Journalism (English) 8
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
Different Types of News
Journalism (English) 8 1
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
A. Directions: Identify whether the following paragraphs from different news
articles will answer the HOW or WHY of the story. Write H or W
in your Journalism-English notebook.
1. Responding to the need for an assessment and evaluation that truly reflects
learner performance in the “new normal” set-up, the Department of Education
(DepEd) is implementing a new rating system in all public elementary and
secondary schools in the country.
3. Sponsored by the National Commission on the Culture and the Arts (NCAA) in
cooperation with the Department of Education (DepEd), Pueblo bested her
contenders from the different regions in the country.
5. With Iloilo High School Class of 1979 sponsoring the entire project cost, the
Bola-bola gate reconstruction was made possible after several meetings with
Officer-in-Charge (OIC) and Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Dr.
Nordy D. Siason, Jr.
2. This is a paragraph that describes the basic contents or situation of the story
(the 5 Ws).
A. body B. nut graf C. soft lede D. circle kicker
Journalism (English) 8 2
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
3. It is the first step in writing the in-depth news where the journalist has to take
into account the essential values which make any story worth publishing.
A. Sourcing
B. Story identification
C. Planning and budgeting
D. Cross-checking and verification of resources
5. They are defined as reports and interpretations by others of events they have
not witnessed first-hand.
A. documentaries C. secondary sources
B. legal documents D. primary human sources
Journalism (English) 8 3
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
Figure 1: Comic strip on the sudden rise of the CoVid-19 cases in the
On August 4, 2020, a new-single day record high of 6,352 COVID-19 new
cases was reported by the Department of Health (DOH) bringing the Philippines to a
total of 112,593 cases with 2,115 deaths and 66,049 recoveries.
Prompted by the medical community’s call for a two-week time-out, President
Rodrigo Duterte reverted Metro Manila and the nearby provinces to a stricter
modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) from August 4 to August 18,
Directions: Analyze the given comic strip in Figure 1 and fill out Table 1 that follows.
Think of five questions starting with how and why. Write your answers
in your Journalism (English) 8 notebook following the given table
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Journalism (English) 8 4
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
Awesome! You did a wonderful job in
providing possible answers in the first
activity. Now let us connect your responses
to the following questions. Begin this
worthwhile experience now.
"What are the guidelines for writing in-depth news? | eNotes." Accessed August 3, 2020. https://www.enotes.com/homework-
Journalism (English) 8 5
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
"In-depth news" is focused upon transmitting information about the subject of
the article. It is essential to cover all six important categories of factual information, in
as much detail as is available, when creating an in-depth news report.
Components of in –depth stories:
A soft lead is a few sentences that grab the reader's attention, often
emphasizing an anecdote or human interest.
A nut graph is a paragraph that describes the basic contents or situation of
the story (the 5 Ws).
The body contains detailed explanatory material based on interviews and
Finally, the circle kicker is a short paragraph that returns to the material in
the soft lead.
"Depthnews - SlideShare." Accessed August 3, 2020. https://www.slideshare.net/SugarLynUbatay/depthnews.
Journalism (English) 8 6
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
Five attribution rules that every reporter should follow
Anonymous sources: There are occasions when a news source does not want his
or her name to be used. In such cases, the reporter can attribute the story to
informed sources or well-connected sources or official sources or sources who don’t
wish to be named.
Exceptions: The reporter need not worry about attribution in those cases that he
has witnessed.
4.Balance is essential
As a reporter you must learn to get the other point of view. This is the best
way to bring balance in the copy. Fairness requires that you don’t impute motives.
One radical or controversial opinion should be balanced by an opposing one, giving
the ‘right of reply’ to anyone who’s being criticised.
2) Researching
3) Sourcing
When doing in-depth analysis, the universal rules of sourcing apply. This
A.Use of both primary and secondary sources
Primary human sources can be defined as participants in, or eyewitnesses to,
events which are tried and tested or proven to be bona fide, and with whom we have
communicated directly.
Journalism (English) 8 7
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
Primary documentary sources can be official documents, such as laws,
regulations, registers or court documents, the records of an individual’s,
organisation’s or institution’s dealings, such as correspondence, meeting minutes or
transcripts, internal reports, contracts or financial records, and original materials on
which other research or reports are based.
Secondary sources can be defined as reports and interpretations by others of
events they have not witnessed firsthand.
B.Verification and cross-checking of sources
As a general rule, avoid secondary sources wherever an alternative primary
source can be found. That means, if you see a report or an interview, you should try
to obtain the original document or contact in person the expert interviewed
C.Balance in selection of sources & relevance to the story
The best way to be sure that your analysis is accurate, fair and insightful is to
consult a multiplicity of relevant sources, of all types and with a variety of interests.
D.Fairness in presentation of source material
It is your duty to fairly represent their position and what they have told you. Be
aware of the basic golden rule: journalists deliver facts, while their sources provide
opinions, judgments, and feelings.
E.Proper attribution of sources (with limited exceptions).
All sources should be described accurately and informatively, wherever
possible. As a general rule, this should be avoided wherever possible – naming
sources gives credibility to our work.
4.Planning and Budgeting
When tackling an in-depth analysis, it is very easy to over-research. You can
find yourself overwhelmed with information, going down various lines of enquiry,
running out of time, money and perspective to start writing. You call this the ‘PhD
syndrome.’ As you accumulate material, think constantly of what your ‘angle’’ is on
this story.
To best use your time, it is crucial you are well-prepared for interviews. Your
preparation needs to be detailed and specific. Be precise. Plan your questions in
advance. Keep to the point. Don’t ramble and don’t interrupt. Be flexible. Demand a
clear answer.
The longer and more ambitious your in-depth research is, the more important
it is to carefully plan your budget.
Journalism (English) 8 8
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
5.The Writing Process
A. Documenting research
Throughout the substantial research you will undertake to produce your in-
depth news, it is crucial you keep contemporaneous notes, including: quotes from
interviews and conversations, logs of calls made and received records of your
research, and your own thoughts and comments. Representing all sides – is good
journalistic practice, but isn’t a defense against an actual libel.
B.Story structure
After doing all this research, it is essential to present it in a clear, interesting
and highly readable style. The article will be long, so you have to try to keep your
reader’s attention and convey exactly what it is you have found. 3
In-depth news is a type that explores one aspect of a news story, often
focusing on the elements of “how” and “why,” and goes beyond a bare recital of facts
to include extensive background information.
The significant characteristics of in-depth news include its being concise and
precise; having accuracy of facts and opinion; having a clear-cut attribution and the
essentiality of balance.
The steps in writing investigative news are: story identification, researching,
sourcing, planning and budgeting, and the writing process.
"Writing in depth analyses, 7 - Balkan Fellowship for ...."
http://fellowship.birn.eu.com/en/file/show/Writing-in-depth-analyses.pdf. Accessed 4 Aug. 2020.
Journalism (English) 8 9
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
First Draft:
Journalism (English) 8 10
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
How are you doing so far?
Things I still do
Journalism (English) 8 11
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
4. It is a part of an in-depth news which is a short paragraph that returns to the
material in the soft lede.
5. It is a universal rule in sourcing that says, all sources should be described
accurately and informatively, wherever possible.
Directions: Write the word Agree if the statement if a fact about in-depth news and
write Disagree if otherwise. Write your answer in your Journalism-English notebook.
1.The best way to be sure that your analysis is accurate, fair and insightful is to
consult a multiplicity of relevant sources, of all types and with a variety of interests.
2.When using secondary sources, you should conduct a search on the internet or
make enquiries to try to verify the information
3.Representing all sides is good journalistic practice, and is a defence against an
actual libel.
4. Initial research is where you investigate a topic, in order to determine the general
situation and find your point of focus.
5. The reporter need not worry about attribution in those cases that he has
In-depth news - a type of news that explores one aspect of a news story, often
focusing on the elements of “how” and “why,” and goes beyond a bare recital of facts
to include extensive background information
PhD syndrome – term referring to a journalist undergoing over-researching
Try This
1. W 2. H 3. H 4. W 5. H
B. 1.B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10.
Journalism (English) 8 12
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community
Assess What You Have Learned
A. 1.PhD syndrome B.1.Agree
2.how and why 2.Agree
3.first human sources 3.Disagree
4.circle kicker 4.Agree
5.proper attribution 5.Agree
"What are the guidelines for writing in-depth news? | eNotes." Accessed August 3,
2020. https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-depthnews-352576.
Journalism (English) 8 13
Competency: Write different types of news (composite, in-depth, and investigative)
based on any recent happenings in school or community