CELANEX® 1600a-En
CELANEX® 1600a-En
CELANEX® 1600a-En
Extrusion grade
Celanex 1600A is a high molecular weight grade of unreinforced polybutylene terephthalate for use in both extrusion and injection molding
23 °C
60 °C
1E4 120 °C
Shear modulus MPa
Y - Yield
Stress MPa
-100 0 100 200 300
Temperature °C
0 10 20 30
Strain %
Secant modulus-strain
23 °C
60 °C
120 °C
Secant modulus MPa
2000 Y - Yield
0 Y
0 10 20 30
Strain %
Speed Value
Injection speed medium-fast
To avoid hydrolytic degradation during processing, CELANEX resins have to be dried to a moisture level equal to or less than 0.02% prior to
processing. Drying should be done in a dehumidifying hopper dryer capable of dewpoints <-40°F (-40°C). Typical drying conditions are 250°F
(121°C) for 4 hours. For subsequent storage of material in the dryer until processed, drying temperature should be lowered to 100 deg C and
material should not kept in dryer for more than 60 hrs.
Injection molding
Injection speed, injection pressure and holding pressure have to be optimized to the individual article geometry. To avoid material degradation
during processing low back pressure and minimum screw speed have to be used. Overheating of the material has to be avoided. Up to 25% clean
and dry regrind may be used.
Americas Asia Europe
8040 Dixie Highway 4560 Jinke Road Am Unisys-Park 1
Florence, KY 41042 USA Zhang Jiang Hi Tech Park 65843 Sulzbach, Germany
Product Information Service Shanghai 201203 PRC Product Information Service
t: +1-800-833-4882 Customer Service t: +49-800-86427-531
General Disclaimer
NOTICE TO USERS: Values shown are based on testing of laboratory test specimens and represent data that fall within the standard range of
properties for natural material. These values alone do not represent a sufficient basis for any part design and are not intended for use in
establishing maximum, minimum, or ranges of values for specification purposes. Colorants or other additives may cause significant variations in
data values. Properties of molded parts can be influenced by a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, material selection, additives,
part design, processing conditions and environmental exposure. Any determination of the suitability of a particular material and part design for any
use contemplated by the users and the manner of such use is the sole responsibility of the users, who must assure themselves that the material as
subsequently processed meets the needs of their particular product or use.To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in this
publication is accurate; however, we do not assume any liability whatsoever for the accuracy and completeness of such information. The
information contained in this publication should not be construed as a promise or guarantee of specific properties of our products. It is the sole
responsibility of the users to investigate whether any existing patents are infringed by the use of the materials mentioned in this
publication.Moreover, there is a need to reduce human exposure to many materials to the lowest practical limits in view of possible adverse
effects. To the extent that any hazards may have been mentioned in this publication, we neither suggest nor guarantee that such hazards are the
only ones that exist. We recommend that persons intending to rely on any recommendation or to use any equipment, processing technique or
material mentioned in this publication should satisfy themselves that they can meet all applicable safety and health standards.We strongly
recommend that users seek and adhere to the manufacturer’s current instructions for handling each material they use, and entrust the handling of
such material to adequately trained personnel only. Please call the telephone numbers listed for additional technical information. Call Customer
Services for the appropriate Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) before attempting to process our products. The products mentioned herein are
not intended for use in medical or dental implants.
© 2014 Celanese or its affiliates. All rights reserved. (Published 27.July.2016). Celanese®, registered C-ball design and all other trademarks
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