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Answers & Solutions JEE (Main) - 2023 (Online) Phase-2: Memory Based

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Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 | Ph.: 011-47623456

Memory Based
Answers & Solutions
Time : 3 hrs. for M.M. : 300

JEE (Main)-2023 (Online) Phase-2

(Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)


(1) The test is of 3 hours duration.

(2) The Test Booklet consists of 90 questions. The maximum marks are 300.

(3) There are three parts in the question paper consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
having 30 questions in each part of equal weightage. Each part (subject) has two sections.

(i) Section-A: This section contains 20 multiple choice questions which have only one correct
answer. Each question carries 4 marks for correct answer and –1 mark for wrong answer.

(ii) Section-B: This section contains 10 questions. In Section-B, attempt any five questions out of
10. The answer to each of the questions is a numerical value. Each question carries 4 marks for
correct answer and –1 mark for wrong answer. For Section-B, the answer should be rounded off
to the nearest integer.

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

SECTION - A (1) 88 µT (2) 44 µT
(3) 10 µT (4) 120 µT
Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20 Answer (2)
multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices
µ i
(1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Sol. B = 0
Choose the correct answer: 4π × 10−7 × 14
1. Following circuit contains diodes with forward bias = T
4 × 0.1
having resistance 25 Ω and reverse bias having
I 22
infinite resistance. The ratio of 2 is equal to = × 10−7 × 140 T
I1 7
= 44 µT
4. A point object (O) is placed on the principal axis of
a system of two lenses as shown. Find the distance
between the final image and object.

(1) 1 (2) 2
(3) 2 (4) 4
Answer (2) (1) 45 cm (2) 40 cm
Sol. I2 = I4 (3) 55 cm (4) 50 cm
I3 = 0 Answer (1)
and I2 + I4 + I3 = I1 1 1 1
Sol. From lens (1) − = ⇒ v = 3 cm
v ( −6) 2
⇒ I2 = 1 1 1
2 From lens (2) − = ⇒ v′ =+ 18 cm
v ′ ( −18) 9
2. An object moves x distance with speed v1 and next
x distance with speed v2. The average velocity v is Distance between O and I = 6 + 21 + 18 = 45 cm
related to v1 and v2 as 5. Based on given graph between stopping potential
and frequency of irradiation, work function of metal
 v + v2  1 1 1
(1) v =  1  (2) = + is equal to
 2  v v1 v 2
 2v v   v − v2 
(3) v =  1 2  (4) v =  1 
 v1 + v 2   2 
Answer (3)
2x  2v v 
Sol. v = = 1 2 
x x   v1 + v 2  (1) 1 eV (2) 3 eV
 + 
 v1 v 2  (3) 2 eV (4) 4 eV
3. An infinitely-long conductor has a current 14 A Answer (3)
flowing as shown: Sol. eVs = hν – φ
On extrapolating the graph, the graph cuts the y-
axis at –2
⇒ at ν = 0, Vs = – 2 V
⇒ φ = 2 eV
Find magnetic field at centre C.
JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening
6. Assertion (A): Fan spins even after switch is in Answer (3)
C1 d
Reason (R): Fan in rotation has rotational inertia. Sol. C2 =
 2d 
(1) A is correct and R is correct explanation of A d − 
 3 
(2) A and R both are correct but R is not correct
explanation of A. C2
(3) A is correct and R is incorrect =3
(4) Both A and R are incorrect
Answer (1) 11. Consider two statements:
7. Wire A and B have their Young’s modulii in the ratio Statement 1: Magnetic susceptibility of
1 : 3, area of cross-section in the ratio of 1 : 2 and diamagnetic substance is –1 ≤ x < 0.
lengths in ratio of 3 : 4. If same force is applied on
the two wires to elongate then ratio of elongation is Statement 2: Diamagnetic substance moves from
equal to stronger to weaker magnetic field.
(1) 8 : 1 (2) 1 : 12
(1) Both statements are correct
(3) 1 : 8 (4) 9 : 2
Answer (4) (2) Both are incorrect

∆l A Fl A / AAYA  YB   AB   l A  (3) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is

= =     incorrect
∆lB FlB / ABYB  YA   AA   lB 
(4) Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is
3 2 3 9
=    =  correct
 1  1  4  2
8. If half life for a radio-active decay reaction is T. Find Answer (1)
7 Sol. For diamagnetic, µr < 1
the time after which th of initial mass decays.
⇒ –1 ≤ x < 0
(1) 3T (2) 2T
T Also, diamagnetic material moves from stronger to
(3) (4) 4T weaker fields.
Answer (1) 12. In communication of a message signal, if frequency
Sol.  t1/2 = T of message signal and carrier signal are 3 kHz and
m0 m m 6 MHz respectively. Then, amplitude modulated
also, m0  →  → 0  → 0
T 2 T 4 T 8 signal will have bandwidth of
total time taken is 3T. (1) 12 MHz (2) 6 kHz
9. When electric field is applied to the electrons in a
conductor it starts (3) 3 kHz (4) 6 MHz
(1) Moving in straight line Answer (2)
(2) Drifting from higher potential to lower potential Sol. Bandwidth of AM signal = 2 fm
(3) Drifting from lower potential to higher potential
(4) Moving with constant velocity = 2 × 3 kHz = 6 kHz
Answer (3) 13. In standard YDSE phase difference between two
Sol. Electron starts drifting from lower potential to higher π π
potential. rays reaching at points P and Q is and
3 2
2d respectively. Ratio of resultant intensity at P and Q
10. A metallic slab of thickness and area of surface
3 is equal to
same as that of plates of capacitor of capacitance
C1 is inserted parallel to plates of capacitor such 3 2
(1) (2)
that its new capacitance becomes equal to C2. If d 2 3
is space width between the two plates, then 2 is 1 1
C1 (3) (4)
4 2
equal to
(1) 1 (2) 2 Answer (1)
(3) 3 (4) 4
JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

 ∆φ  16. If time period for one revolution by satellite near the

Sol. I = I0 cos2   earth’s surface is T. Then the time period of
 2 
revolution of satellite at a height equal to radius of
 ∆φ  earth will be
cos2  P 
⇒ P =  2 
(1) 8T
IQ  ∆φ 
cos2  Q 
 2  (2) 2T

3 (3) 4T
= 4= (4) 3T
1 2
2 Answer (1)
14. Two projectiles A and B are projected from the Sol.  T 2 ∝ r 3
same point on ground with same speed of 2 3
projection as shown. Find the ratio of maximum T   R 
 T ′  =  2R 
height attained by A to that of B.    
T ′ = 8T
17. In a mixture 0.5 moles of O2 and 4 moles of Ne gas
are taken at temperature T. The internal energy of
the system is equal to
 13 
(1)   RT
 2 
(1) 3 : 1 (2) 1 : 3  11 
(2)   RT
(3) 3 :1 (4) 3 :2 4

Answer (1)  29 
(3)   RT
 4 
u 2 sin2 60°
h 2g 3  13 
Sol. A
= = (4)   RT
2 2
hB u sin 30° 1  4 
2g Answer (3)
 Sol.=
U UO + UNe
15. Force acting on a particle at origin is F = −ckˆ . The 2

torque of this force about (–2, 3, 0) is −c ( Aiˆ + Bjˆ). 5 3

= nO RT + nNe RT
A x 2 2 2
If = , find x.
B 2  5 24 
=  +  RT
2 4 4 
(1) (2) 3
3 18. Assertion (A): Acceleration due to gravity is
(3) 1.5 (4) 1 minimum at equator.
Answer (3) Reason (R): Rotation of earth influences
   acceleration.
Sol. τ = r × F
(1) A is correct, R is correct explanation of A
= (2iˆ + 3 ˆj ) + ( −ckˆ ) (2) A is correct, R is incorrect explanation of A
= 2cjˆ + 3ciˆ (3) A is correct and R is incorrect
(4) Both A and R are incorrect
= c (3iˆ + 2 ˆj )
Answer (1)
A Sol. Acceleration due to gravity depends on the rotation
⇒ = 1.5
B of earth and distance from the centre.

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening
19. An infinite line charge of charge density λ has a SECTION - B
charged particle (–q, m) revolving about it in a circle Numerical Value Type Questions: This section
of radius r. Find he orbital speed. contains 10 questions. In Section B, attempt any five
questions out of 10. The answer to each question is a
NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the
correct numerical value (in decimal notation,
truncated/rounded-off to the second decimal place;
e.g., 06.25, 07.00, –00.33, –00.30, 30.27, –27.30) using
the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in
the place designated to enter the answer.
21. Frictional force acts on the lift of mass 1400 kg is
2000 N. If lift moves with constant velocity of 3 m/s
(1) in upward direction, the power (in kW) of motor is
πε0 m (take g = 10 m/s2)

λq Answer (48)
4πε0 m Sol.

4λ a
πε0 m

2πε0 m

Answer (4) P = F.V

λ = 16000 × 3
Sol. E =
2πε0 r = 48000 watt = 48 kW
22. If the angular frequency of the given motion is kω,
λq mv 2
⇒ = find the value of k
2πε0 r r
y = sin(ωt) + cos ωt
λq Answer (1)
⇒ v=
2πε0 m
 π  π 
Sol. =
y 2 sin(ωt ). cos   + cos(ωt ) sin   
20. A gas is compressed adiabatically. Which of the  4  4 
following statements is not correct? π

= 2 sin  ωt + 
(1) Internal energy is constant  4
(2) Temperature increases Angular frequency = ω
(3) |Work done| = |Change in internal energy| 23.

(4) Heat is not supplied to the system 24.

Answer (1)
Sol. ∆Q = ∆U + W
For adiabatic, ∆Q = 0 …(1)
Also, since compression ⇒ T 29.
⇒ U increases. 30.

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening


SECTION - A  2a = 4r

Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20 2a

 r=
multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices 4
(1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 4. The increasing order of metallic character
Choose the correct answer: (1) Be > Ca > K (2) K > Ca > Be
1. Delicate balance of CO2 and O2 is not disturbed by (3) Ca > K > Be (4) K > Be > Ca
(1) Deforestation (2) Photosynthesis
Answer (2)
(3) Burning of coal (4) Burning of petroleum
Answer (2) Sol. Metallic character increases down the group and
Sol. Deforestation & burning of fossil fuels increase CO2 decreases from left to right along a period.
level and disturb the balance in the atmosphere.  K > Ca > Be (Metallic character)
2. Which of the following options correctly represent
the structure of Buna -S ? 5. During bleeding from cut FeCl3 is used to stop
bleeding as

(1) Cl cause coagulation
(2) Ferric ion cause coagulation
(3) FeCl3 dilutes blood
(4) Bleeding does not stop

(4) Answer (2)

Sol. Fe+3 ion coagulate blood which is colloid.
Answer (1)
Sol. Buna-S is formed by polymerisation of 1, 3 – 6. Correct order of magnetic moment of
butadiene & styrene [Ni(CO)4], [CoF6]–3, [FeF6]–3, [Cr(H2O6)]+3
(1) [FeF6]–3 > (CoF6)–3 > [Cr(H2O6)]+3 > [Ni(CO)4]
(2) [FeF6]–3 > [Ni(CO)4] > [Cr(H2O6)]+3 > [CoF6]–3
(3) [CoF6]–3 > [FeF6]–3 > [Ni(CO)4] > [Cr(H2O6)]+3
(4) [CoF6]–3 > [Ni(CO)4] > [Cr(H2O6)]+3 > [FeF6]–3
Answer (1)

CoF6 
 Cr (H2O6 )   Ni ( CO )4 
Sol. [FeF6 ]–3 
35 B.M. 24 B.M 15B.M 0 B.M

7. Consider, a mixture of 2 moles of oxygen, 4 moles

3. Relation between radius of a lattice (r) and edge
of Neon gas.
length (a) of an FCC unit cell is ________.
a 2a Neglect any vibrational degree of freedom.
(1) r = (2) r =
2 2 Calculate the total internal energy of system
2a 3a (Assuming E = 0 at T = 0 K)
(3) r = (4) r =
4 4
Answer (3) (1) 5RT (2) 11RT
Sol. In an F.C.C. unit cell, the lattice points along the (3) 6RT (4) 7RT
diagonal of a square face are in contact with each
other. Answer (2)
JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

 5R   3R 
Sol. E = (2)   (T) + (4)   (T)
 2   2 
= 11 RT

8. Which of the following is the correct hydride affinity

order of carbocations

(a) (2)




(1) (c) < (b) < (d) < (a) (2) (b) < (d) < (c) < (a)
(3) (a) < (d) < (b) < (c) (4) (c) < (a) < (d) < (b)
Answer (1)
Answer (1)
Sol. The correct hydride affinity order of carbocations
Sol. Correct order is
will be decided by the stability of carbocation.
Higher the stability of carbocation, lower will be
hydride affinity.
 Correct hydride affinity order of carbocations is
(c) < (b) < (d) < (a)

9. Water of crystallization in Soda ash and washing

soda is respectively. 11. What process is used to make soap from fat?
(1) Saponification
(1) 0,10 (2) 10,0
(2) Electrolysis
(3) 0,0 (4) 0,1 (3) Solvay process
Answer (1) (4) Haber process
Sol. Soda ash is Na2CO3 Answer (1)

Washing soda is Na2CO3.10H2O. Sol.

Therefore correct answer is 0,10.

10. Order of acidic strength of

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

12. Assertion: Higher energy is required for the 14. Following two columns are provided
conversion of Mg to Mg2– than that for Mg to Mg–.
Column-I Column-II
Reason: Mg2– has very small size and more
(Complex) (CFSE)
(1) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and a. [Ti(H2O)6]2+ (i) –1.2 0
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion b. [V(H2O)6]2+ (ii) –0.6 0
(2) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but
c. [Mn(H2O)6]3+ (iii) 0
Reason is not the correct explanation of
d. [Fe(H2O)6]3+ (iv) –0.8 0
(3) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect (1) a(iv); b(i); c(ii); d(iii) (2) a(i); b(ii); c(iv); d(iii)

(4) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct (3) a(iv); b(iii); c(i); d(ii) (4) a(i); b(ii); c(iii); d(iv)

Answer (3) Answer (1)

2 3
Sol. Since Mg2– has higher charge density than Mg–, Sol. CFSE = – 0(t2g electrons) + 0 (eg electrons)
5 5
then interelectronic repulsion will be higher in case 15.
of Mg2– as compared to Mg–.
Hence, higher energy is required for the conversion 18.
of Mg to Mg2– than that of Mg to Mg–.
13. An unknown organic compound is heated with SECTION - B
fuming HNO3. The reaction mixture is treated with Numerical Value Type Questions: This section
aq BaCl2 solution which gives white precipitate. contains 10 questions. In Section B, attempt any five
Identify the unknown organic compound. questions out of 10. The answer to each question is a
NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the
(1) Phenylalanine (2) Proline
correct numerical value (in decimal notation,
(3) Cysteine (4) Valine truncated/rounded-off to the second decimal place;
Answer (3) e.g., 06.25, 07.00, –00.33, –00.30, 30.27, –27.30) using
Sol. The unknown organic compound contains S-atom the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in
which gets oxidised by fuming HNO3 to SO2– the place designated to enter the answer.
4 ions.
Addition of aq BaCl2 gives white precipitate of 21. For a metal ion,  = 4.9 B.M. Find out number of
BaSO4. Among the given compounds only cysteine unpaired electrons
has S-atom. Answer (04.00)
Sol. (n)(n + 2) = 4.92
(n)(n + 2) = 24
22. Find out difference in oxidation state of Xe in
completely Hydrolysed form of XeF4 and XeF6

Answer (00.00)
Sol. XeF6 + 3H2O ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → XeO3 + 6HF
( +6 )
XeF4 + H2O ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ XeO3 + Xe + O2 + HF
( +6 )

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening
23. NH3, NO, N2, F2, CO, CO2, H2O, and XeF4 26. 0.02 M CH3COOH has specific conductance,
Fill the number of above molecules having only two K = 5 × 10–5 S cm–1. Also given limiting molar
lone pair of electrons. conductance of CH3COOH is 400 S cm2 mol–1.

Answer (3) Therefore, Ka for CH3COOH is_____× 10–7 M

Answer (8)
Sol. These are N2, CO and H2O.
Sol. CH3 COOH CH3 COO + H
24. How many electrons are gained by MnOΘ
4 in
strongly alkaline medium? K  1000 5  10 –5  103
m = =
M 2  10 –2
Answer (1)
= 2.5
Sol. MnOΘ gains one electron to form MnO −42 in  2.5
4 = m =
strongly alkaline medium. m 400

25. Consider a reaction at equilibrium C 2

 K=
1– 
A 2B + C
(g) (g) (g) 2
 2.5 
0.02   
If final pressure at equilibrium is 1 atm & k p =
, =  400 
27 2.5
then % dissociation of A will be (consider 1 –   1) 400
(nearest integer) 7.8125  10 –7
Answer (21) 0.99375

Sol. A(g)  2B(g) + C(g)  7.861 × 10–7

P --- --- Ka  8 × 10–7 M

P(1–) 2P P 27. For a first-order reaction, if the value of t1/2 is T,

 Ptotal = P(1 + 2) then the value of t 7/8 will be_____ T.
(4P  )P 4P 
2 2 2 3
Answer (3)
kp = =
P(1 −  ) 1− 
Sol. t 7/8 means 3 half lives.
4PT2 3
kP =  t 7/8 = 3T
(1 −  )(1 + 2 )2
28. Number of endothermic reactions among following
1 4P2 3
= T (a) 2HCl(g) ⎯⎯
→ H2 (g) + Cl2 (g)
27 1
(b) H2 O(l) ⎯⎯
→ H2 O(g)
P =2 3
108 (c) C(s) + O2 (g) ⎯⎯
→ CO2 (g)

1 (d) Dissolution of NH4Cl

3 =
108 (e) I2 (g) ⎯⎯→ 2I(g)

 1 
1/3 Answer (04)
=   100
 108  Sol. Burning of carbon is exothermic, all other are
4.762 29.
 21 30.

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

−3 x − 3
SECTION - A  0
5x + 3
Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20
x +1  −3 
multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices  0  x   −1, 
(1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 5x + 3  5 
Choose the correct answer: +1 0
5x + 3
1. Let a circle x2 + y2 = 16 and line passing through
7x + 3  −3 −3 
(1, 2) cuts the curve at A and B then the locus of  0  x  , 
the mid-point of AB is 5x + 3  5 7

(1) x2 + y2 + x + y = 0 (2) x2 + y2 – x + 2y = 0  −3   −3 −3 
 x   −1,  ,
 5   5 7 
(3) x2 + y2 – x – 2y = 0 (4) x2 + y2 + x + 2y = 0
−3 −3 −3
Answer (3)  = −1,  = , = , =
5 5 7
|3 + 10 +5 + 21|
= |–3 – 6 – 3 – 9| = 21
3. 8 persons has to travel from A to B in 3 allotted cars.
If a car can carry maximum 3 persons. Then find
the number of ways they can travel.
(1) 1880 (2) 1800
(3) 1680 (4) 1600
Let P(x1y1) be the mid-point of AB
Answer (3)
Then T = S1
Sol. C1 C2 C3
3 3 2 →
x12 + y12 − 16 = xx1 + yy1 − 16
Total groups
 xx1 + yy1 = x12 + y12 …(i) 3! 3! 2! 2!

 (i) passes through (1, 2) So, they can travel in

 31 ways
 x1 + 2y1 = x12 + y12 3! 3! 2! 2!

 required locus = 1680

x2 + y2 – x – 2y = 0 z+i
4. If is purely real z = x + iy (x, y  R) then
4z + zi
 2x 
2. Consider f ( x ) = sec −1   , domain of f(x) is
one of the possibility is
 5x + 3  (1) x  0, y  –1 (2) x  0, y = –1
[, )  [, ], then the value of (3) x = –1, y = 1 (4) x = 1, y  –1
|3 + 10 + 5 + 21| is Answer (2)
(1) 22 (2) 23  x + i ( y + 1) 2 x − i ( y + 1) 
Sol. Im  . 
(3) 21 (4) 19  2x + i ( y + 1) 2x − i ( y + 1) 
Answer (3) 2x( y + 1) − x( y + 1)
4 x 2 + ( y + 1)2
2x 2x
Sol.  1 OR  −1
5x + 3 5x + 3 x( y + 1)
= =0
4 x 2 + ( y + 1)2
 −1 0
5x + 3  x = 0 or y = – 1

- 10 -
JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

  x 2 x  e 2 x 
2x 15  16
x e =
5. If    e  +  x   ln x dx =   e  +  
+c 2  216
 
where c is constant of integration, then 15  4 K
= =
(1)  +  = 0 (2)  +  = 1 2 215
 K = 60
1 1
(3)  = (4)  =
2 4 t2
 ( f ( x ) + x ) dx = 3 t , then f(x) is
2 4 3
Answer (1) 7. If
Sol. Let   =t (1) x 2 − 2 x (2) x 2 + 2 x
2 x (ln x − 1) = ln t (3) x2 (4) – x 2 + 2 x
Answer (4)
  1  1
2 ( ln x − 1) + 2 x  x   dx = t dt
   Sol. ( f (t 2 ) + t 4 ) 2t = 4t 2
ln x = dt f (t 2 ) + t 4 = 2t

 1 1 1  1 f ( x 2 ) = − x 4 + 2x
I =   t +   dt =   1 + 2  dt
 t  2t 2  t 
Let x 2 = u
1 1
= t − + c f(u) = –u 2 + 2 u
2  t
f (x ) = −x2 + 2 x
1 x  e 
2x 2x
=   −    + c
2   e   x   8. The equation of conic is 19x2 + 15y2 = 285. A
concentric circle with radius 4 units is given then
1 –1
  = , = angle of common tangent made by minor axis of
2 2
ellipse is
6. If a dice is thrown n-times and probability of getting
 
7 times odd is equal to 9 times even. Then (1) (2)
3 2
P(2 even) is then K is
215  
(3) (4)
6 4
(1) 58 (2) 60
(3) 48 (4) 65 Answer (1)
Answer (2) Sol.
Sol. P(getting odd 7 times) = P(getting even 9 times)
7 n −7 9 n −9
n  1  1  1  1
C7     = n C9    
2 2 2 2
C7 = n C9
n = 9 + 7 = 16
14 2
 1  1
P(2 times even) = 16 C2    
2 2
C2 16! 1
= = 
216 2!  14! 216

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JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

19x2 + 15y2 = 285 10.

x2 y 2 11.
 + =1
15 19 12.
Let equation of tangent of ellipse be 13.
y = mx  15m 2 + 19 …(i)
If it is tangent to x2 + y2 = 16 then
15m + 19 17.
m2 + 1 18.
15m2 + 19 = 16m2 + 16 19.
m2 = 3 20.

m= 3 SECTION - B
Numerical Value Type Questions: This section
 angle made by the tangent by minor axis
contains 10 questions. In Section B, attempt any five

(x- axis) will be = questions out of 10. The answer to each question is a
NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the
9. y = f(x) is a quadratic function passing through correct numerical value (in decimal notation,
(–1, 0) and tangent to it at (1, 1) is y = x. Find x truncated/rounded-off to the second decimal place;
intercept by normal at point (,  + 1), ( > 0) e.g., 06.25, 07.00, –00.33, –00.30, 30.27, –27.30) using
(1) 7 (2) –7 the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in
(3) 5 (4) –5 the place designated to enter the answer.

Answer (1) 21. The sum of all 4 digit number using the digits 1, 2,
Sol. Let f(x) = ax2 + bx + (b – a) 2, 3 is

f'(1) = 2a + b = 1 and f(1) = 1 = 2b Answer (26,664)

1 1 Sol. Sum of all unit place numbers

b= ,a =
2 4 3! 3!
= 3!  2 +  3 + 1
−dx −1 −2 2! 2!
= =
dy 2ax + b x + 1 = 12 + 9 + 3 = 24

1 2 1 1  Sum of all 4 digit no.

and  + 1 =  + +
4 2 4 = 1 × 24 + 10 × 24 + 100 × 24 + 1000 × 24
4( + 1) = ( + 1)2 = 24000 + 2400 + 240 + 24
  + 1 = 4 OR  = 3 = 26,6764
−2 −1 S29 − S9
Slope of normal = = 22. 4, 11, 21, 34 ……. then find the value of
4 2 60
Equation of normal Answer (223)
−1 Sol. S = 4 + 11 + 21 + 34 + .. + Tn
y −4 = ( x − 3)
2 S= 4 + 11 + 21 + ..... + Tn −1 + Tn
2y – 4 = –x + 3 Tn = 4 + 7 + 10 + 13 + .... + (Tn + Tn −1 )
2y + x = 7 n −1 term

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JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

( n − 1) 14 + Sol. Let 9 tan

Tn = 4 +  ( n − 2 ) 3 
( n − 1) + t = 10
= 4+
 8 + 3n  t

t 2 − 10t + 9 = 0
Tn = 4 + 3n 2 + 5n − 8
)  t = 9 or 1
3 5
Tn = Sn = 2  n2 + 2  n
9 tan x

3 n ( n + 1)( 2n + 1) 5 n ( n + 1)  tan2 x = 1
= +
2 6 2 2
= tan x =  1
S29 − S9
= 223 
60 x=
23. In ABC, P is circumcentre, Q is orthocentre, then
PA + PB + PC is
tan x = 0
(1) 2PQ (2) PQ
 x=0
(3) 3PQ (4) PQ 0  
2 = + − =0
3 12 12
Answer (2)
1 142
 ( − 14)2 = = 28
Sol. 7 7
25. The coefficient of x and x2 in (1 + x)p (1 – x)q are
4 and – 5, then 2p + 3q is
Answer (63)
p( p − 1) 2
Sol. (1 + x ) (1 − x )q
= (1 + px + x + ...)
Let P be origin then
(q − 1) 2
(1 − qx + q x + ...)
PA + PB + PC = a + b + c 2

b+c  Coefficient of x = p – q = 4 …(i)

PD =
2 q(q − 1) p( p − 1)
Coefficient of x 2 = − pq +
PQ = 2PD 2 2
= –5
= b+c
 (p – q)2 – (p + q) = –10
PQ = a + b + c )  p + q = 26 …(ii)
= a+b+c By (i) and (ii) p = 15, q = 11
     So, 2p + 3q = 30 + 33 = 63
24. Let S =  x   − ,  : 91− tan x + 9tan x = 10  and
2 2

  2 2  26. Let  be the remainder (22)2022 + (2022)22 is divided

x 1 by 3 and  be the remainder when the same is
=   3  . Then
( − 14)2 is
x S divided by 7 then 2 + 2 is

Answer (28) Answer (05)

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JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Evening

Sol. (22)2022 + (2022)22  Required area

For 
2 2
( 21 + 1)2022 + ( 2022 )22 =  ( )
x − {− x 2 − 2 }dx +  {x − ( x
− 2 }dx
divisible by 3 1 2

= ( 3k1 + 1) 2 2
 ( x + x − 2) dx +  ( − x + x + 2) dx
2 2
For 
1 2
( 21 + 1)2022 + ( 2023 − 1)22
2 2
= (7 + 1) + (7 + 1)  x3 x2   −x3 x2 
= + − 2x  +  + + 2x 
 3 2   
= 7k 2 + 2  1  3 2  2
So,  = 1,  = 2
2 2  1 1 
 2 + 2 = 5 = + 1− 2 2  −  + − 2 
 3  3 2 
 
27. If area bounded by region {x, y)| |x2 – 2|  y  x} is
A, then 6 A + 16 2 is  −8   −2 2 
+ + 2 + 4 −  + 1+ 2 2 
Answer (27)  3 
  3 

Sol.  6 A + 16 2 = 27 − 16 2 + 16 2
= 27

❑ ❑ ❑

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