Accounting Theory 5
Accounting Theory 5
Accounting Theory 5
Time 3: Hrs
Note: There will be three sections of the question paper. In section A there will be 10 short answer
questions of 2
out of which candidates are required to attempt any seven questions. Section C will be having 5
questions of
15 marks each out of which candidates are required to attempt any three questions. The examiner will
set the
Course Inputs
Unit-1 Fundamentals: Meaning, Need Nature, Classification, Evaluation, Role and Users of Accounting
Unit-2 Income Measurement: Concepts of Income Revenues, Expenses, Gains, losses, Assets, Liabilities
Equity. Depreciation Method, Depreciation and Indian Companies Act, Inventory: Inventory Coating
Unit-3 Corporate Reporting: Financial Reporting: Concept and development of Financial Reporting
True blood Report, The Corporate Report, FASB Concept No. 1, Stamp Report). Specific Issues in
Corporate Reporting: Segment, Social and Interim Reporting. Harmonization of Financial Reporting
Unit-4 Contemporary Issues in Accounting: Accounting for Changing Prices, Human Resource
Unit-5 Accounting Standards: Formation, Meaning, Benefits and Management of Accounting Standards,
of Standards setting in India, U. K. and U.S.A. Elementary knowledge of Indian Accounting Standards.
Chapter 1
Accounting-An Intoduction
Accounting is generally termed as the language of business throughout the world. The
conventionalised signs, gestures, marks and articulated vocal sound. In the same way,
enterprise to various individuals, groups and institutions that are having interest in the
recognised with the business, trade and profession, the business enterprise is not the
only kind of organisation that makes use of accounting. Legal entities ranging from
financial condition and performance of the entity in question. Just as the business
enterprises (like firms, companies, societies and institutions keep their accounts, so can
the nations and even the individual owners of the business and profession entities.
making or appraisal.
Definition of Accounting
The role of accounting then is that of communicating the results of the operations of a
business. How does accounting accomplish this ? This is best understood by commonly
which are, in part at least, of financial character and interpreting the results thereof.
The art of recording involves putting into writing or in print the transactions of financial
character, reasonably soon after occurrence, in the records maintained by the company
e.g. cash book, day books, journals, memoranda books, etc. This part of accounting is
essentially concerned with not only ensuring that all business transactions of financial
character are in fact recorded but also that they are recorded in an orderly manner. For
example, when a business executive has to travel in connection with his work, he will
ask the cashier in the company’s accounts department to advance funds for meeting
his travel expenses. On receipt of the memo from the executive, the cashier will prepare
a voucher, hand over the cash to the executive against his signature acknowledging
receipt of the cash advance. This transaction will then be appropriately recorded in the
cash book and the “travel advances” account of the ledger. When the executive returns
from the business trip, he will prepare a statement of his travel expenses (usually called
Travel Allowance Bill or T.A. Bill), get it approved by his superior (if required by the
Accounting Theory6
regulations in this regard), and send it on to the accounts department. If he has spent
less than the amount originally advanced, he will return the balance amount in cash
along with the travel statement. The accounts department, after verification of the
will make appropriate entries in the cash book and other accounting records and suitably
adjust the “travel advances” account. If the amount spent is greater than the original
advance, the balance amount will be paid to the executive and the required entries will
The art of classifying is concerned with the systematic analysis of the recorded data
so that items of like nature are classified under appropriate heads. This accounting
classification is usually done by maintaining ledgers with individual account heads under
which all financial transactions of a similar nature are collected. For instance, continuing
with the earlier illustration, the original advance will be classified by entries in the cash
book (or cash account) leading to a reduction of cash held by the company and in the
“travel advances” account in the ledger, thereby increasing the amount of such advances
outstanding. On receipt of the travel expenses statement, the balance amount of cash,
received from or paid to the executive (as the case may be), will be entered in the cash
book the “travel advances” in the ledger will be reduced by adjustment of the accounts
rendered and the “travelling expenses” account in the ledger will be posted with the
amount by way of accounting of such expenses incurred in connection with the operations
of the enterprise. In the process, the events of the original cash advance and
the subsequent incurrence of travel expenses are classified under three relevant heads
– namely, cash account, travel advances account and travelling expenses account.
data in a manner which is useful to the internal and external end-users of accounting
statements. At the end of stipulated periods (usually a month for internal purposes and
a year, for external reporting purposes as required by corporation law), the accounts in
the ledger will be balanced as at the end of that period. The accountant will check (or
“try”) the accuracy of the accounts by preparing a trial balance of all ledger accounts
as at the end of that period. This process leads to the preparation of financial statements
like the Balance Sheet, Income Statement (or Profit and Loss Account as it is often
called), Source and Application of funds statement, cost statements, internal reports to
management, etc.
The final function of accounting is the interpretation of the summarized data in such a
manner that the and-user can make meaningful judgements about the financial condition
or the profitability of the business operations or can use the data in preparing future
plans and laying down policies to execute such plans. After the monthly accounting
statements for internal purposes have been prepared, the chief accountant or controller
will prepare analytical notes appraising the performance of the enterprise and its various
management can take appropriate remedial action for overcoming such shortfalls.
Similarly, in respect of the annual statutory accounts, the accountant will prepare a note
analyzing the results of operations for the year for the consideration of the Board of
Directors. Thereafter, the directors will include their comments analysing the results
reported in their report annexed to the final-accounts of the year.
7Accounting-An Intoduction
subject indicating not only what it is, but also what it is not. A definition answers questions
like, “What are its features ? What is its history or what does it do and how is it related
to other phenomenon ?” Very often definition depends on our purpose or intention with
the given matter. Accordingly, definition of accounting is bound to “come closer to our
own interpretation of the scope of accounting, and the manner in which we would like
to treat its subject matter”. In a rapidly changing socio-economic conditions the subject
matter of accounting is also changing. Accounting which initially began as the art or
emphasises its social goal. This is clearly evident from some of the definitions presented
below :
events which are, in part at least, of a financial character, and interpreting the
results thereof.”
the information”.
this interpretation, the outputs of the accounting system are the inputs to decision
reflects the evolutionary pattern of social developments and in this respect, illustrates
how much accounting is a product of its environment and at the same time a force
for changing it. There is, therefore, an evolutionary pattern which reflects changing
Accounting Theory8
of the real world economic events. The distinctive nature that makes accounting a
report on the resources and obligation of the entity to the owners. Through the
medium of financial statements it communicates to the interested parties of the
concepts, conventions and rules. These rules and conventions are not discovered