The document discusses various apps that can be used for watching shows, organizing plans with friends, tracking physical activity and calorie intake, chatting with friends, listening to and downloading music, taking and editing photos, video calling and messaging, and social networking. It also discusses being addicted to certain apps and what apps are useful, fun, necessary, dangerous, practical, quick, easy to use, popular, or a waste of time. The document asks what types of materials someone likes to read, such as blogs, comics, newspapers, magazines, poems, science fiction novels, romance novels, biographies, and how often they like to read.
The document discusses various apps that can be used for watching shows, organizing plans with friends, tracking physical activity and calorie intake, chatting with friends, listening to and downloading music, taking and editing photos, video calling and messaging, and social networking. It also discusses being addicted to certain apps and what apps are useful, fun, necessary, dangerous, practical, quick, easy to use, popular, or a waste of time. The document asks what types of materials someone likes to read, such as blogs, comics, newspapers, magazines, poems, science fiction novels, romance novels, biographies, and how often they like to read.
The document discusses various apps that can be used for watching shows, organizing plans with friends, tracking physical activity and calorie intake, chatting with friends, listening to and downloading music, taking and editing photos, video calling and messaging, and social networking. It also discusses being addicted to certain apps and what apps are useful, fun, necessary, dangerous, practical, quick, easy to use, popular, or a waste of time. The document asks what types of materials someone likes to read, such as blogs, comics, newspapers, magazines, poems, science fiction novels, romance novels, biographies, and how often they like to read.
The document discusses various apps that can be used for watching shows, organizing plans with friends, tracking physical activity and calorie intake, chatting with friends, listening to and downloading music, taking and editing photos, video calling and messaging, and social networking. It also discusses being addicted to certain apps and what apps are useful, fun, necessary, dangerous, practical, quick, easy to use, popular, or a waste of time. The document asks what types of materials someone likes to read, such as blogs, comics, newspapers, magazines, poems, science fiction novels, romance novels, biographies, and how often they like to read.
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¿Qué aplicaciones usas? = What apps do you use?
Uso...para... = I use...(in order) to ...
ver mis series favoritas = watch my favourite series organizar las salidas con mis amigos = organise to go out with my friends controlar mi actividad física = monitor my physical activity controlar las calorías = monitor my calorie intake chatear con mis amigos = chat with my friends La tengo desde hace ... meses. = I've had it for ... months. Es una aplicación buena para ... = It's a good app for ... buscar y descargar música = looking for and downloading music pasar el tiempo/el rato = passing the time sacar fotos = taking photos editar fotos = editing photos personalizar fotos = personalising photos compartir fotos = sharing photos subir fotos = uploading photos estar en contacto = keeping in touch conocer a nueva gente = meeting new people subir y ver vídeos = uploading and watching videos chatear y mandar mensajes = chatting and sending messages Es... = It is... No es... = It isn't... una red social = a social network amplio/a = extensive conveniente = convenient cómodo/a = comfortable divertido/a = fun necesario/a = necessary peligroso/a = dangerous práctico/a = practical rápido/a = quick fácil de usar = easy to use popular = popular útil = useful gratis = free un canal de comunicación = a channel/means of communication una pérdida de tiempo = a waste of time Soy adicto/a a... = I'm addicted to... Es adicto/a a = He/She is addicted to... Estoy enganchado/a a... = I am hooked on... Está enganchado/a a... = He/She is hooked on... Lo único malo es que... = The only bad thing is that... te engancha = it gets you hooked Estoy... = I am... actualizando mi página de Facebook = updating my Facebook page editando mis fotos = editing my photos Está situado/a en un valle = it is situated in a valley Está situado/a en ... del país = it is situated in ... of the country está roto/a = it is broken escuchando música = listening to music esperando a (David) = waiting for (David) descansando = relaxing pensando en salir = thinking about going out preparando algo para merendar = preparing something for tea repasando para un examen = revising for an exam tomando el sol = sunbathing haciendo footing = jogging haciendo el vago = lazing about leyendo = reading viendo una peli = watching a film escribiendo = writing ¿Quieres salir conmigo? = Do you want to go out with me? No puedo porque... = I can't because... está lloviendo = it's raining tengo que... = I have to... salir = go out visitar a (mi abuela) = visit (my grandmother) cuidar a (mi hermano) = look after (my brother) hacer los deberes = do homework quiero... = I want to... subir mis fotos a... = upload my photos to... quedarme en casa = stay at home ¡Qué rollo! = What a pain! ¿A qué hora quedamos?= What time shall we meet? ¿Dónde quedamos?= Where shall we meet? en la Plaza Mayor = in the main square debajo de = underneath detrás de = behind delante de = in front of enfrente de = opposite al lado de = next to ¿Qué te gusta leer? = What do you like reading? los blogs = blogs los tebeos / los cómics = comics los periódicos = newspapers las revistas = magazines las poesías = poems las novelas de ciencia ficción = science fiction novels las novelas de amor = romantic novels las historias de vampiros = vampire stories las biografías = biographies ¿Con qué frecuencia lees? = How often do you read? cada día / todos los días = every day a menudo = often generalmente = generally de vez en cuando = from time to time una vez a la semana = once a week dos veces al mes = twice a month una vez al año = once a year nunca = never